The Rock Allegedly Pees In Bottles On Set

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let's get into I want to talk about the rock because this guy's I feel Vindicated you guys know I've been I've been shouting from the rooftops The Rock he's no good the tides have definitely shifted in your favor in recent years the Hawaii charity thing really that was a big one but I I still don't know if actually what people said is true because they said that rock and Oprah said that they raised 10 million for the charity but what actually happened was that other people donated and they didn't give any money I don't believe that that ended up being true I think they both did donate a lot of money fact check that now I'm defending the rock Oprah I'm seeing an article saying he he said I get it as to why people are mad mad at him but he said I did what or I get it like I get why you're mad but I'm I'm reading it right now uh this is a story from when it was updated April 22nd so just last week or so winrey and Dwayne Johnson pledge 10 million for Maui uh wild fire survivors they gave much more yeah I think they actually but is that because of the backlash no I think they gave the money before even people cuz they were I think I don't know I I feel like it was just a huge misunderstanding that blew back on them could be wrong though I mean I listen I don't [ __ ] the I remember it seemed absurdly dickish what they did so it's like tunish dumb right Oprah and the Rock lying about raising money I mean they're both so rich why wouldn't they do it also they both live in Hawaii I think is why they were both like right so maybe it was a misunderstanding shut up [ __ ] I'm read I'm reading this article right now he's worth 80 he's worth 800 million apparently that guy does like every [ __ ] movie it's all him in a jungle wearing camo yeah pretty much dude George Clooney's worth half a billion oh because he did the tequila thing nice so anyway the rock let's see um this article came out on the rap this article came out it's called red one down how Dwayne Johnson's tardiness led to 250 million runaway production cost wait how did it it cost them two I heard it cost them an extra 50 million or something and Amazon MGM film was delayed till November of 2024 for more than two decades Dwayne The Rock Johnson has nurtured a reputation as a hardworking musclebound action comedy movie star with cons I don't need the editorial we all know yeah it supposed to be a franchise as well so the movie was set to come out Christmas of last year but it's now been delayed till November of this year supposedly due to labor strikes but is that the truth according to more than a dozen insiders directly involved in the project ranging from Johnson's chronic lateness and lack of professionalism on set to producers inexperience has cost the movie caused costs on the movie Co starring CR God why do they write it so like this it cost the movie upwards to can we please the author of this is [ __ ] with my brain um caused cost on the movie co-starring Chris Evans and JK Simons Simmons to spiral towards a final budget of 250 million well some movies cost that much um since the uh articles released a spokes for Amazon MGM Studio denies the allegations of chronic tardiness against The Rock well that's a dozen people at that point you did that [ __ ] Rock allegedly insiders told the rap that Johnson showed up as much as eight hours late to a movie set listen I'm not the most uh punctual guy I said that I'm not the most punctual guy but eight [ __ ] hours yeah for a movie set cuz there's like like tons of people a movie set is so expensive to run so much money yeah that's yeah production that size that's like a million dollars an hour being spent the okay thank you Olivia the budget ballooned from 50 million to 250 million whoa why didn't they cancel that [ __ ] ain't no way they're making that money back espe is direct to streaming service movie too it's just going to Amazon I think well it's Amazon I guess it could be the atrical actually um yeah so he was eight hours late to movie sets this forced the crew to shoot around him on some days the example of Johnson's hardiness are numerous and well documented from showing up late to Fan events to leaving entire sets idle while he was off doing three-hour workouts that is psychotic I knew he was a narcissistic [ __ ] anti-personal this are anti-p personality I mean antisocial this dude is is a borderline [ __ ] sociopath I can tell he's too manicured I know yeah he's so everything is so manicur every pube it on his [ __ ] ass no I agree is perfectly I agree like and I think it's telling that like uh the movie Black Adam it supposed to be about a villain he tried to make it an anti-hero and it went to [ __ ] that was [ __ ] weird and everyone said it was because of him he didn't want to play the bad guy which he never really does in any film same thing with the Scorpion King Scorpion King was bad in the mummy but he I mean they made a backstory where he's a good guy so there's been examples of well apparently in his contracts he's not allowed to lose on fight on on screen fights right I heard that too narcissist and he had a huge conflict with uh Vin Diesel who's right they made like you will about Vinnie D but the man knows how to make a good fast and furious movie by now but yeah there's been like how many cast members in those movies there was like six or seven movies at that point and now all of a sudden uh they they're going to do a spin-off with just the rock because him and um what's his name going to fight uh diesel yeah you know this has been brewing for a second here um is Lena there yeah oh can you grab those for me yeah I'll be right there there's two yeah what's the big deal why you have to always comment on it makes it like four or five now a lot of people were comparing him to our hero of our time which was Arnold Arnold shener like he didn't want to play a bad guy either but then he played the Terminator Arnold is Iconic yeah no he's the rock can touch the pecs on that man and has a legendary reputation for being really good to his Crews oh really Arnold oh yeah I love that not to his wife for the record yeah I I didn't see it coming from Dan I thought Dan was going to give us uh about [ __ ] on him yeah that's no no that that's that's very well known about Arnold is that uh he he always gave gifts to the crew and everything and hooked them up like uh yeah you guys got good you got gloves good thank you dude him going off and doing a threeh hour workout while the set was like live that's psycho insane the reasons behind Johnson's uh Perpetual lateness seems to stem from his refusal to work a full shooting day despite factoring in three hour daily workout routines it says absolute refusal to work more than four or five hours a day a studio Insider added another Insider suggested it's a control thing why that's the thing you can't they treat these movie stars like they're [ __ ] you know some kind of God I mean you got to bring the guy down don't hire him there's a million people that could do that all all kinds of talented undiscovered actors out there if the movie's good they'll watch it or you're making a shitty movie that's why you need him to sell tickets got it um on previous films Johnson has made a habit of peeing in a water bottle to save time upsetting crew members that's disgusting he's just trying to wait he does what you it is disgusting Johnson has made a habit of peeing in a water bottle to save time upsetting crew members I mean of all the things he's done that's probably not the worst I think that's gross don't downplay how gross that is I think that's really nasty he's saving time at he's being at least he's being you know conscientious of the crew time un likee when he's like making him wait no no I know I listen I there are things that I'm not really allowed to say but all I'm saying is I sympathize with those crew members that's all I'm saying mhm what about I mean I mean I'm tardy but I'm at 8 hours late don't be like don't be so dramatic I think that's part of it I mean he he's late and then he says that his excuse for paying in bottles to save time just come on time I think it makes sense to me obviously you guys aren't [ __ ] you don't understand you guys aren't busy to the level that me and The Rock are I know what you're trying to say you guys don't understand what it's like you know EXA why busy I'll never know what it's like to be the rock like you do don't make me do this Ethan yeah will you grab this for me yourself are you insane I'm doing the show I got it I got you told not to talk I I have to say something I know you said not to talk about it but you're pissing under your [ __ ] desk and having Lena take it out yeah people get mad when I go to the bathroom I got to do the show man I'm being being considerate Dan you're the one always first to be like let's wrap it up three and a half hours I want to go this is not what I meant there's other ways to stay time I'm just saying I do it for you lots of thanks lots of things No Good Deed man um oh when Rock pees in a bottle everybody lets it slide when e what's happening at all we're in a water bottle cuz he's conscientious of your time and I care about my employees thank you Lena yeah it's on top I think it's the worst thing he does that's the worst thing he does out of all the things you've mentioned that's probably the worst one I actually disagree I think the worst thing he does is make movies but besides that yeah ooh [ __ ] C his ass I heard you I haven't even asked you to repeat yourself that was beautiful yeah maybe the monitors yeah a did a monitor thing for me yeah I can see your beautiful face thank you all right I don't see what's the big deal about the peeing in the water thing on set um on set away from his trailer if he needs to pee he doesn't go to the public bathroom I understand that who would want to pee next to him one Insider knows the movie star well said he pees in a V water bottle and his team or a PA has to dispose of it which is again I think this is more common than you guys think you just got done calling him a psychopath yeah not because of the peeing because of the because he's late for eight hours you're late all the time too eight hours Dan you can't don't do a false equivocation hold on well maybe not 8 hours but have you collectively been late 8 hours what kind of arum is that over what even just the last month have I collect not 10 years eight you have probably been late 8 hours that is so I'm going look at the start time for the last month worth the episode you know this is [ __ ] up Jet's calling my wife peina that's crazy what you know what it is decline oh decline peanut cuz she peanut cuz she's she's throwing away your P You're what about the nut part though I don't get the nut there's no nut there's no Nut N peut oh peanut that's like my name but pee in front of it yeah peut sorry about that Lena but it is you knew like when I hired you it was part of the job yeah we didn't know it was going to be this much I was up front about it it's like a lot it's a lot have you ever considered a catheter don't be ridiculous Olivia a cath no no you're not wait let her cook why the [ __ ] would I get a catheter dude I'm not sick the whole love that that was stupid of me people are mad they go peanut isn't funny it's gross free Pina oh no is this going to be a thing oh no sorry about that one Lena I'm not the PE guy anymore let's go yeah somebody said I have a baby Dan you don't know what it's like to be busy and have to pee in a [ __ ] bottle it's not that big of and by the way Dan you are so wrong I've been on time most of the days if I'm on if I'm late it's by like a few minutes let take well I was late one time when I woke up at the wrong time that was once this month and I was an hour late that happened once and I don't that never happens when's the last time I was an hour late that happened once in the last 10 years stop it it's disrespectful and anyway look I'm never going to stop peeing in a bottle if you have a problem with that you can just walk out right now dude at least me or the P at least the rock goes behind set I can literally see see you doing it right there I'm behind your desk just whipping it out I I I can see you right there dude not if I'm like this well you haven't been doing that dude that's why we put that camera why youing at my dick bro you're pervert we can put like a curtain or something would need a [ __ ] curtain talk you need a little curtain yeah like then you won't be able to see it love yeah thank my side yeah I'm not the one complaining I know I know you're great I appreciate you thanks you're great too thank you so much um let's see what else are we talking about here also while I don't pee in Voss water bottles that's kind of that's a little arrogant that is very arrogant it's like ooh V water balls I'll pee in anything I don't give a [ __ ] I'm man of the people and a statement Dan I'll pee in Dan I don't give a [ __ ] exactly yeah probably tastes better the second time y slammed on to son dude less salty [ __ ] yeah in a statement to the rap a spokesperson for Amazon MGM denied there were any onset issues with red one or delays caused by Johnson's Johnson by Johnson's less which caused the film budget to increase the article released by the rap claimed that The Rock was late for a WWE event WrestleMania a rep from WrestleMania Chris lenil WWE's Executive Vice President for talent relations ahe of communications that's a big title spoke out about the article Dwayne was not only on time for Wrestlemania he was hours early to help with rehearsal and a pleasure to work with dude they're so scared of him and a pleasure to work with throughout his entire run was also reported that Ryan Reynolds in the Rock had a huge fight on set of red one due to Johnson's tardiness woo page six claims that an Insider told them that the actor who are on good terms now talked it out and there were no further issues there it [Applause] is actually I hate to say it because uh you guys are going to think there I have a condition but but I have to pee okay go I need to pee I'm sorry I've been drinking a lot and I'm out of bottles [Applause] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 21,593
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Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila
Id: UWNyA16bhDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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