This boy sent a parcel to a poor girl, and 15 years later it changed their LIVES...

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hey friends do you believe that everything we do affects our future one way or another every day we complete hundreds of different tasks without even realizing that each of them may have great value to someone and what may seem like something meaningless for us can completely change a person's entire life you don't believe me then this story will be the best proof that everything in our world happens for a reason let me take you back to an ordinary april evening of 2015 when a certain girl named joanna markin sent a facebook friend request to a guy from idaho named tyrell wolff i should mention that tyrell rarely accepted friend requests especially from people he didn't know which is why he deleted joanna's request without giving it a second thought you may wonder what the big deal is he ignored the request and forgot all about it but as it turned out later the mysterious stranger was persistent enough to repeat her request expectedly this struck tyrell as a bit weird i remember scrolling through the girl's profile she was 100 unfamiliar to me looking at her photo i noted that the girl was quite pretty however i was very curious about the reason she was so eager to be friends with me so i went ahead and asked her about it the guy later recalled back then he couldn't have even imagined what this friendship would turn into and how it would change his entire life the first thing that tyrell asked was if they knew each other to which the girl replied that he didn't know her but she actually knew quite a lot about him she also added that he had once changed her life this answer puzzled tyrell even more different kinds of thoughts circled through his head but then he remembered something that happened 15 years earlier in the year 2000 being a seven-year-old boy tyrell took part in the operation christmas child project the boy filled an empty school box with some toys school supplies and small souvenirs as well as a handwritten letter and his own photo and cowboy clothes and sealed the box securely the next morning the boy's parents delivered it to the local church from where it was sent to less fortunate children from other parts of the world along with hundreds of other boxes from even more caring people coincidentally the box with the boy's gifts soon ended up in a poor family in the philippines that very box packed by the boy from idaho back in 2000 would mark the beginning of a beautiful story which could make for a great movie someday years past from a little good-natured boy wolfe grew up into a mature young man with his own life views of course he had long forgotten about that package that he had sent so long ago and he didn't even suspect that there was someone on the other side of the ocean who still remembered his gift you have probably already guessed that the mysterious stranger named joanna was the girl from the filipino family who had received the little tyrell's box he could barely even remember that story since he was so young at the time but after telling his mother about it he was shocked surprisingly his mother immediately remembered that gift box she told me affectionately how i packed that box and how much love there was in my eyes my mom said that i meant it for a boy like myself i even included my favorite markers with a note in which i wrote that i wanted to meet him someday what else could a seven-year-old boy have written tyrell later recalled with a smile that moment marked the beginning of a long and interesting interaction between these two people joanna and tyrell's lives have changed drastically since they first came in contact the young man who used to spend his free time with friends now spent all his time thinking about the girl who was so far away they could text each other for days on end and it seemed like they had known each other forever they talked like that for a whole year it went very smoothly as the two of them turned out to have a lot in common after a year of this virtual relationship they decided that they wanted more i couldn't help myself i desperately wanted to see joanna in person i took a job at a construction site and a couple of months later i managed to save up enough money to go to manila where joanna lived it's also worth noting that the trip was tough for tyrell first of all he had never gone so far from home before and second of all he had no idea if he would be welcomed there however the anticipation of meeting joanna gave him confidence and strength when the plane took off i breathed a sigh of relief as i was walking through the halls of the airport my eyes were looking for joanna i had imagined our first meeting plenty of times but when i saw her my heart burst into flames full of new feelings at that moment i realized that it would be more than just a friendship tyrell added and he turned out to be completely right their meeting was very warm and emotional the young people left the airport and headed to joanna's house upon arrival the young man from america was shocked by the living conditions of the girl's family like many years ago they still lived in a very small house which was far from comfortable and although it may surprise people from developed countries it's a rather common thing in the philippines as for the heroine of our story joanna turned out to be very modest and well-mannered but it was her wide smile and her kind soul that won the young man's heart for the next 10 days the young people were inseparable they visited many beautiful places in the philippines and the only thing that was upsetting the girl was that tyrell could only stay for 10 days however even given their limited time together they still got to know each other very well and most importantly they realized that they never wanted to part again joanna told tyrell that she had kept his gift through the years as something of great value because she never had such things before and later pulling out that very box she showed him the letter from his seven-year-old self where he wrote that he hoped to meet the recipient of the box one day when he was about to leave tyrell promised that he would come back but the couple still couldn't find the strength to say goodbye for several hours will the young man keep his word and how would the couple's relationship further develop the sweethearts exchanged messages daily and often talked on video chat despite the huge distance between them the young people couldn't go a minute without talking to each other and some few months later something happened something that joanna could have never expected having thought everything through i bought a plane ticket to the philippines and headed to my beloved she didn't know i was coming i wanted it to be a surprise and let me just say that it truly was the man said with a smile tyrell approached joanna's house and when she saw him she froze in place for a second and then rushed to hug him the couple's happiness knew no bounds when he told me he came for a special reason i even tensed up a little bit because i didn't realize what he meant but then he took my hand and walked towards my father i was so surprised when tyrell officially asked my father for my hand i couldn't believe that it was actually happening to me joanna said although joanna's father was an intelligent and strict man there was no need for an explanation he saw everything he needed to know in the couple's shining eyes of course like every parent he wanted his child to be happy he only asked joanna if she was sure that she wanted to live her whole life with tyrell to which the girl answered what they confident yes the wedding ceremony was held at the wolf's ranch there was a lot of music and fun tyrell was dressed in a traditional filipino formal shirt barong tagalog while the beautiful joanna was wearing a simple white dress and a wreath of flowers unfortunately visa problems prevented the bride's parents from attending the wedding however the couple decided to have another wedding in the near future this time in the philippines when tyrell and i set our vows at the altar i felt that he was my person for life i have never loved anyone so much it's been five years since their wedding and today the couple is still happily married tyrell and joanna love each other more than ever now that they have been married for a while their bond has strengthened and their relationship is now filled with deeper meaning they now have a son whom they've surrounded with love and care after their wedding joanna and tyrell decided to partake in the annual sending of the shoebox gifts the man admits that he cannot imagine how everything would have turned out if he hadn't taken part in the project if he hadn't sent this gift if he had deleted joanna's second friend request and finally if he hadn't met her at all everything would have been different he wouldn't have met the love of his life today tyrell is convinced that any small act of kindness comes back to you making your life better kindness always returns and that's just the truth so friends did you like the unusual story of this beautiful couple be sure to express your opinion in the comments well that's all for today hit the like button and we'll see you soon bye see you soon
Channel: Life Stories
Views: 2,919,535
Rating: 4.9496026 out of 5
Keywords: Story, life story, real-life story, Christmas, incredible stories, amazing stories, life stories, stories, interesting stories, incredible, unbelievable, love, fate, life, boomerang of good, a twist of fate, boy sent a parcel, girl received a parcel, met 15 years later, family, long-distance love, incredible story, couple, newlyweds, wedding, good, acts of kindness, helped a poor girl, kindness, got married, acquaintance, boy and girl, love of his life, miracle, good story, story
Id: mQMGboR5e6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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