This BeamNG Map Is Out Of This World....Literally...

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hey guys how's it going my name is Nilan welcome to this is uh an absolutely crazy new map uh from Good Old spieler here and uh this might be actually you know this is definitely uh the biggest map I've ever seen in BeamNG drive so as you can see we have a scaled down I guess uh version of our solar system here and basically the way this works uh is there's a ramp going down into each planet and you basically crash yourself into each planet what more could you possibly want man and as always uh shout out to Komodo for commissioning these maps that I get to play for free big things Komodo love you yeah there's no rules to this I guess just make sure to turn off the bloom or turn on the bloom and turn off depth of field awesome reset when you spawn on a new planet to refresh and change the gravity so they have a accurate gravity on each map and then okay we can switch with the m button okay so the stage is Set uh let's go to space well actually let's go to Mercury that's the first planet here so I imagine this one's probably what's the greatest yeah yeah low gravity that's okay though we'll be okay oh imagine when we get to Sun gravity it's gonna be absolutely insane here we go we're approaching the planet's surface I forget how small this plane is it's just a tiny little guy isn't it so we might just bounce off of it or we might fly over it for a while we have enough speed going it looked ugh we might skim it oh no we're gonna hit it we're gonna hit it uh-oh are we gonna be okay though can we drive away oh okay that hurt a little bit more than I thought it would but hey I think we're okay not bad all right so he said to switch Maps we just have to yeah push M and then we can go on to the next one there's actually quite a bit going on here black hole oh god oh I see it over there so there's something extra oh that one's gonna be insane so next we gotta go to Venus right very very menacing Planet it's basically yeah hellscape uh if you didn't know it's about the same size as Earth so is the gravity kind of similar oh we got some obstacles this time oh we're okay we're okay okay we fell off of it yeah that's that's probably not good right okay so I was wondering if he was gonna add obstacles to these so now we know we need to be a little bit more careful now I can feel the gravity is a little bit less than that of Earth so we just still need to be careful here oh I hope this rally car is good for this so far so good there we go nicely done so let's visit the nice hellscape that is Venus here we go looks like this one the ads got an atmosphere nice detail spieler love it there we go we are coming in hot oh and I think we're just gonna fall off the uh yeah we're just gonna fall off the side of Venus beautiful you guys know what's next right the Third Rock From the Sun it's where we live of course it looks like we're crashing right into the states here let's go to Earth shall we all right so what are we facing down on the earth slide what a weird sentence I love the Skybox oh look at that the Beautiful Blue Marble oh I love this planet man all right here we go all there is obstacles oh God okay we need to be careful very careful is there a path here yes there is oh oh I think we may be going to uh just a tad too fast there we're done all right round two maybe I will hug the brakes just a little bit but I still need enough speed to actually get to the planet oh my brakes locked not good okay maybe Full Throttle is the way what was that path I took the first time that was actually pretty clean I feel like it was through here we clipped our our mirror on something oh so let's just keep it keep it straight there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go oh that's actually kind of hard man maybe I can kind of ride the wall down is that gonna work that's not gonna work abort abort abort abort abort okay we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay oh never mind this is it this is it there we go it took a minute but we got it where we're gonna land in Michigan Canada maybe no no it's gonna be Michigan there we go looks like we landed in Motor City there no I don't want to fall off earth oh no okay so there's one for the moon as well all right so let's uh let's see what the moon's got going on we haven't been there in a while so uh let's see what's going on any aliens very low gravity gotta keep that in mind is there any obstacles for this one resistance is strange I think it was just a straight shot here we go it's a very high quality Moon model by the way oh it's so slow come on get the speed up baby what is that in the road are those speed bumps are these even gonna stop us oh it's Gonna Get Us Air okay I don't want that don't want that don't want that landed land it oh wait we might be okay oh no wait we might make it still I think yeah I think we might make it go go go go go go as long as we touch it I'll be happy come on baby get it get it get it get it oh it's gonna be close it's gonna be close come on there we go yes sir we kind of came in Reverse entry there but hey we made it right time for the red planet Mars uh fun fact uh home to the biggest mountain in the solar system I don't know why I know that but look it up it's true Olympus Mons I think is what it's called all right what do we got here looks pretty straightforward oh okay we get a little bit of air here oh no the gravity's gonna mess with us on this one oh we're already upside down not good not good not good that's not good wait maybe we can land it maybe we could roll our way nope let's say this isn't looking good hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we might touch it no no not good enough all right I'm gonna kind of avoid that side that's what kind of sent me into a spiral here there we go just keep it straight keep it straight don't hit one I think we got it I think we got it folks ready to launch myself into Mars I gotta say hi to The Rovers here we go what a lodge what a lodge and look how big Jupiter is man my god dude anyway here we go didn't quite make it to the polls but that's okay face first into the red planet beautiful we're racking these planets up like nobody's business all right big boy time um why is our engine locked already oh gravity's hurting us doesn't want to start I might actually I might have to start on the ramp here so like right there ow we're okay oh my God oh no oh no oh we're cruising we're cruising Tire's gone there goes our tires not a good sign look I can't steer I don't think it's gonna matter how 400 500 miles an hour I think is what that said oh my God so question this is a gas giant so do we just fall through the entire planet or do we hit a core or something how's this gonna work very curious here we go entering the atmosphere now falling through whoa God oh oh today I learned there is a surface to Jupiter very strange very fast storms as well all right so I imagine Saturn isn't gonna fare too much better but uh let's give it a shot hopefully we don't hit the rings on the way down and um car does not want to start so I don't know if it's just because this is a weakling car or what and I can see speed bumps already not great here we go oh well I I think these are pretty much unavoidable buddy but uh we did it somehow oh my God and we are going very fast 270 oh I can't steer oh please land it please land it I think we're going fast enough to where it's not gonna matter too much yeah the the a planet of this size kind of hard to miss wouldn't you say but uh here we go oh buddy oh this is a big freaking planet dude come on come on send us into it this is why this is how I die beautiful oh we're falling way farther this one okay this was this is an actual gas giant or oh wait no I think this is the core it's a big core oh there we go yeah we fell into this one for quite a bit longer than a Jupiter at least it felt that way there's Uranus uh very strange this is like a very beautiful color it's like a like kind of teal green why can't I oh I can actually get going on this one there we go it's a little bit smaller right it's still gas giant but it's a little bit bigger or smaller there we go there we go I kind of like these ones oh just give me a little humps I could do I can deal with those little jumps here and there I can deal with that there we go there we go [Laughter] get a little sleep come on come on oh lots of air oh oh I don't know how I landed that we're okay we're okay we're okay get back on the tires that I have left oh no oh no I think we're okay though [Music] not my cleanest launch that's for sure not the Cletus Let's uh let's just get in there though this is a long way down buddy while we have time to chat um I know spieler that Pluto is not a planet anymore but can we get an update where we just added just for funsies but you can add not a planet but it is there look at this though it's kind of like Saturn only like that green teal blue color but uh yeah you should definitely add Pluto buddy I'm telling you it could be great I know it's not a planet but to me you know I grew up learning that as a plant so I'm attached to it you know all right last of the official plan it's uh Neptune another very very beautiful planet our entire solar system is just full of bangers dude all of them are gorgeous Neptune is probably uh maybe my second favorite planet I mean a lot of people are gonna be like well Earth is mine because we live here but yeah that's you know that's obvious but my favorite other planets is Saturn and then probably Neptune then Jupiter I'm just gonna avoid all these I am not slowing down buddy you can't I can't see her anyway so oh no there's speed bumps on the jump isn't there that's gonna hurt oh while our car's a little shorter now oh my goodness now we get to fall into this Big Blue Marble here again long way down look how massive the freaking sun is dude absolutely insane anyway here we go it's gonna get very blue very fast oh look at that oh it's beautiful man it's beautiful where's the where's the ground there it is is that ice I guess it would be ice right if it did have an actual surface all right I'm a little bit scared for this one guys I've got two more I believe the sun and the black hole uh I imagine you're probably gonna be pretty similar this is gonna Crush my car immediately oh I can't even I can't control this oh my God okay he didn't even mess around with that one he's like yeah just send him into the sun explode our car though that's my question that is a serious question I feel like we should be on fire at this point here we go [Music] [Laughter] the game could not even comprehend what just happened yeah that's that's fair that's fair all right guys the black hole what's gonna happen here I have no idea I have no idea I am very very terrified of black holes though just let you guys know that I I can't move my car okay this is another one we gotta spawn like we gotta spawn like on the ramp itself or we're not getting anywhere oh this is quite the run-up 300. 400 miles an hour we've lost all our tires no oh there we go to the interstellar music but not really because we'll get copyright claimed oh that's terrifying that's terrifying into the void we go into the void we go we've been spaghettified is that what they say they say you get turned into spaghetti or something when you go into a black hole I don't know anyway as we uh chill in the void here uh hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button down below and subscribe if you haven't already and go sports feeler over on patreon if you want to play stuff like this before it gets released for free at least usually um yeah that's the best place to do it he deserves a man he's the best in the business for a reason and that's why we love them anyway I will see you guys next one bye-bye
Channel: Neilogical
Views: 786,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neilogical, racing, gaming, driving, beamng, neilogical beamng, racing games, racing game, driving games, driving game, sim racing, beamng racing, beamng multiplayer, beammp, assetto corsa, neil racing games, beamng update, beamng 0.28, beamng sim racing, beamng slow car, beamng new car, beamng drive gameplay, beamng drive mods, beamng flood escape, beamng random parts, random parts, beamng funny moments, beamng multi, beamng mp, beamng space
Id: KxDcqO7VcJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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