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but today we're gonna try and pop them but before we start I have a challenge for you guys if we hit 100,000 likes on this video I will give away one soccer ball to a lucky wolf man but if we can go smash 200,000 likes on this video I will give away both soccer balls so go down good luck to break these soccer balls - you know usually these things like impossible challenges but nothing's really impossible to loafie so so I went to the store and I picked up five of the most average soccer balls all size five that I could find you mean forever I meant for these are typical soccer balls you can spin them on your finger if you keep them up juggling all you want but and these over here are the one girl played project soccer ball I also donated one to the kids in Ethiopia these are the ones that kids in Africa use that are pretty much indestructible because out there you know you can kick them on a rock you could jump on them you can do whatever you want and apparently they don't break let's just say I have a car elbow narrow aisle machete let's just say we tried some of the world unbreakable things okay guys so usually we just go straight into destroying but I don't want to destroy it quite yet I want to test to the difference between the two soccer balls so we're just gonna test the bounciness of each soccer ball this one's not fully blown out there's some air that I could have but we don't have a pump this one is like that's foam or what we don't know what it is but that's test three two one that's about the same but what about if we give it a little more pressure pretty much a smoothly of replica to the soccer ball so now regular soccer ball guys I used to play a little bit of soccer I'm not amazing so let's just see how this dribbles now let me try this because this one feels mad slippery so let's try it I don't know what they did they pretty much replicated the soccer ball so now that's kicking a bit okay guys so Dustin is way far away in that field he's gonna kick it off the ground and see how far it travels we want to see how the ball travels in the air hang time everything so let's get an indestructible ball nice little bounce Oh trick shots coming right to me J's I regular ball oh the blue one's heavier okay guys so the blue one is fully heavier but it's good to know so now I'm gonna absolutely boot it and see the height difference just feel like you're kicking like a harder plastic ball all right let's get booty [Music] yeah I don't think anyone can see that I'll do one more each time just to give you guys a better view but I think they went around the same height regular soccer ball kick number two we should just be counting the time that it's in the air yeah that's probably true okay so we got the timer now as soon as I kick it I'm gonna hit a start on the timer okay you didn't I need a hitting tell me when it lands 5:35 that's an NFL hang time alright so that's a regular ball let's study indestructible completely another why am i tonight I'm done purpose just to see him run alright yeah we're back 4:35 that one hurts a lot to kick so regular soccer ball has better hang time it's later it kicks better so after booting it so far why not test the basics okay guys you know around the world keep you up BP up some people call it that so we're just gonna see how hard it is to keep up because some balls are easier than others some balls are harder some are easy to do as cleats summer easy to do with vans egular balls I lost it where it oh there it is hi guys so the regular ball is a regular ball let's see that crazy world's first indestructible ball keep you up so you think honestly it might be the same there is more grip even though I set the ball slippery for some reason on your feet there's more grip on the indestructible ball so it's pretty good 8 out of 10 Dustin showing off his one-trick wonder go ahead here you gotta keep it up faster than anyways now we're gonna see if we can dunk and then we're gonna destroy you cuz everybody plays all sports for soccer balls if you can play every sport I mean I'm literally to show you guys that I can dunk there's absolutely no reason this is for you regular white man jumps OH what look at this dude gravely scared one more dustin i think you got enough for that friggin child work we want to destroy these balls so round number one of destruction i got my regular soccer ball i got some wack balls that you cannot play so the goal is i'm gonna at the wall as hard as possible see if it pops and then I'm doing the indestructible ball I don't think it's gonna pop and I am that might go all the way to right we look at both balls or Clank curling we're playing curling right now check it out said check it out as if it's not like a mile away Jesus Christ you look at those balls over there come on get ready right let me just zoom out let me zoom out I was like in your chest as a slow zoom out feature on the roadway over there the green ball didn't go as far so let's just say a blue ball has better bounce but neither of them pumps so we're gonna have to up it to the baseball bat so I got the pitching we're going underhand cuz you don't want to make it too crazy soccer baseball let's get it please pop it oh my god bad we have to step it up I don't think this is gonna work but we'll try it anyways two home runs but it's no pop I honestly think we're gonna need to step it up a notch this is not enough to break the ball so I think I have a couple plans in my oh do not try this at home guys literally well like this I feel like these blunt objects aren't good enough I think I have an idea involves some sharp object now we're going to talk about sure you guys already know what up fork machete British soccer ball if this soccer ball lives I would give it everybody watching the video of million dollars be very careful I mean don't ever do this I'm gonna be very careful I'm very conscious I'm three are pretty hard with them to show us though three two one going to stab approach so this one I'm gonna make sure I'm holding on to the knife I don't want my hand to slide down the nail very careful approach guys obviously I mean if you press hard enough you could probably be able to get through the soccer ball I'm talking about soccer ball for breakfast get that out of my face the indestructible ball one of these and don't break every glass of the hardy pop this is not safe there's dents but it's not breaking boy tell me how it's inflating when the knife goes in how is the soccer ball inflating I just don't get it so for acts of choice we have two axes absolute savage acts and then the tomahawk we're doing the regular ball first okay it will not so on that note we're gonna put this to the side you're good for now wallet has lasted over Shetty this thing is pretty much indestructible you know something tells me this is not gonna cut it so Dustin's up on tomahawk we set up our thing our soccer ball in between the rocks right there we're gonna see if we can pop this one this is gonna take a long time oh you got it no no no no no no no let's go tomahawk worked and you got the big end to let me hit one let me get one nice this ball is officially toast though alright so that was four shots directly to it tomahawks not gonna pop so this is our second last soccer ball to work with guys so Dustin's got the bow and arrow my prediction is this is just gonna smoke it and pop it instantly so boom that is the closest shot I've ever seen in my life right below it alright so now that we know this is the sharpest bow and arrow we've ever seen in our life okay this one I'm shook up guys because I honestly think this one is going to bounce like a mod Mont so if the arrow bounces best we could do is run for our lives I he threw sand there and sniper listen we're not dude perfect over here but do perfect we should definitely come yeah all right watch this accuracy you want the ball right there trickshot dude perfect size you don't know where it's going guys it literally flew over there they call me Dan get one more from far and I mean far cuz I'm not trying to just stop here and we're in my neighbor's backyard they are very like not crazy like us so there's now a bone arrow in their backyard and they have kids that's a mission impossible Mr Bond behind the fence retrieves the arrow you have ten minutes okay not a smart idea what do you see there's a dog no no are you good oh my god this is don't do not jump congratulations just a boy okay so we pretty much screwed up every other regular soccer ball at this point and I thought there's only one way to finish off the last one you guys know I love cars this is a couple thousand pounds so what we're gonna do is put the soccer ball oh my god you have the regular one here we got the crazy one back that are less kidding soccer ball versus car this might be really loud but wait for the wolf I mean we popped a few but we got the leather and he still dribbling whoa indestructible but it's like bending the mudflap thing [Applause] oh my god it's like a piece of gum if this ball is not done look at this bounce on that thing I'm reversing oh you made yourself Bowl oh my god guys we might have popped it I think it's coming back to life it's rising the soccer ball is coming back from the dead this is incredible oh wait like ten minutes and I'll be perfectly round soccer ball is not harmed we just ran over with a couple thousand pound car the car doesn't work we have two guys it pretty much comes down to five I feel like fires gonna be the only thing that can actually destroy it everything else we've tried and nothing has been successful so far so I have my blowtorch right here if this can't burn then I'm gonna mark this as the first thing that is actually indestructible Oh torch alert can see the flame cuz it's daytime please burn one world oh it's bubbling it's bubbling yo-yo-yo-yo not read this do not read this in guys ladies going on tell me how it's lighting on fire yeah have you noticed it's not getting smaller squeaking on a deck oh my god so why not no guys it's literally the soccer ball I think it gains size that's the problem it made it look a little uglier but it's still alive like you can drop it in a fire and by the time it comes out it's still usable easily be usable that's the thing guys is unbreakable it's unbearable it's unpoppable you can't break the soccer ball so shout out to one world by the way guys if you want to donate I will leave a link to them in the description because gotta donate to the kids that need to play soccer everybody everyone is gonna have a little fun this is officially the world soccer ball if you enjoyed the video go down and smash 200,000 likes on this video I will give both of these soccer balls away to the lady in five seconds hit the like button and turn post notifications burnin 5 seconds let's go 5 4 3 2 1 anyways again we enjoyed this better video and I will see you guys soon with another banger video and as
Channel: Wolfie
Views: 12,560,845
Rating: 4.9152794 out of 5
Keywords: unrippable, wolfieraps, wolfie, unpoppable, mighty wallet, football challenge, football, unspillable cup, unspillable, can't be ripped, unpoppable ball, unrippable shirt, impossible challenge, durability, durability test, unrippable paper, can't be spilled, challenge, top inventions, impossible, unrippable wallet, gadgets, cool, inventions, best inventions, amazing, 1000 degree, unbreakable, insane, epic, justdustin, experiment, shirt, t shirt, unrippable t shirt, life hack, life, hack, tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2017
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