This Amateur Smashed The Pros For A Huge 6-figure Score ♠️ PokerStars

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cannon named cannon gonzalez cannon that should be right that is my name the cannon's gonna straddle attention wow yeah my man mama the cannon come out body let's go and get it in fellas i mean [Music] fifa raises to 2 400. you gotta look he says i qualified i put the 800 out the cannon defending his straddle hey let's just punk me all day five ace eight ain't no punk in the junk i googled that bit turns out not a saying that's four thousand cannon the cannon has made a pair let's see if he can take the heat from pete oh he does qualify he qualifies and he calls free flop the call was questionable but once you make a pair you gotta keep going hey so diamonds on the turn except for gritting his teeth the thought of having to bet this again and the cannon's going to bed at 9 000. and he folds and the cannon is going to pick up his first pot of the night i like the other game that's better you nice and thank you thank you thank you cannon is out of position with king queen of spades he's gonna call 10-4-6 rainbow negrono's pair still best in the cannon checks probably not too scary aboard for daniel he bets 2500 it's a three-quarters pot bet which is a pretty big bet for daniel actually and the cannon's gonna call this is a pretty loosey-goosey float from cannon the cannon eight of clubs on the turn cannon thinking now reaching for chips looks like he's gonna come out firing this is going to look pretty weird to daniel cannon bet 7 000. this move can sometimes be easily read as a bluff but even if it is the cannon could be bluffing with a better hand than daniels daniel folds in the cannon gets away with a bluff just pounding this pounding ain't no fun when the rabbit got the gun how much 15. action on the cannon king jack off one yellow and one white my guess is the biggest one yellow one white one yellow one i can do that much better cannon calls flop is ace king deuce cannon called out of position but he's got siever dominated both have got middle pair he's checked it and siever tracks behind sievers checking for paw control ace of clubs on the turn pairs the board cannon still ahead two yellows two whites makes it three thousand scott was the last aggressor but gonzo now betting for value a good point seems fair let's see for calls yeah those two lights it is six of hearts on the river changes nothing well my guess is one silver three yellows that would be 8k and a pretty decent value bet and gonzo's counting out some yellows instead eight thousand it was one silver in three hours just just spited me and did it differently cannon's meta gaming scott seaver i'll let you add a siever wing to the house gonzo's got the better king everyone's making you show your hand first just a little yeast just a little yeast min raise from the cannon with suited connectors ace nine for bobby all right sounds good he calls well a cannon's finally raising but he gave bobby four and a half to one which means he should have called with any two cards well just about any play works when you flop a straight and the cannon bets 800. if bobby's got any card four through ten then he's interested in this board bobby calls with his better straight draw seven on the turn and the cannon straight still best checks it the check is not good you're missing value and you limit the size of your bet on the river and sura checks jack of diamonds on the river cannon bets 4 000. now cannons trying to over bet the river which should get about a zero percent consideration out of bobby sura currently a player in the nit ba and he folds your hand sir thank you thank you and the cannon drags the pot worth 7 800 and the cannon will start with big slick raises to 1500 suited one gapper for daniel very playable for him calls the 1500 he wants to play a pot in position against the amateur ace nine offsuit for scott seaver and scott's going to re-raise to 6 500 65 more than me huh 5 000. five more oh it's five thousand oh that makes it easier just five dollars just fine no silvers no i didn't use this candy calls as they say you brought me exactly daniel can't help himself getting three to one here you just do what he does right yeah i was just gonna do it yeah exactly and daniel calls will have three-way action to the flop feels good someone will be qualified oh and the cannon has qualified with trips king king jack on the flop huge flop for the cannon huge draw for daniel cannon checks his monster and he checks and he bets a little less than half the pot 8 200. 82. gonzo with a cannonball raises to sixteen thousand seven hundred i have to give him credit for the size of the raise if you're gonna raise make it look bluffy daniel's a believer he folds now back to the guy who three bet pre-flop not bloody likely and siever waves the white flag he folds he's got a bluff you get a bonus ah no blood no he had aces liar sievers raised and different folds cannon calls and they'll be heads up to the flop eight seven five rainbow cannon checks both the flop gut shots sievers ahead and he's got the lead two yellows two blacks scott makes it twenty two hundred two yellows two blacks it is excellent you can't do it any other way it has to be that way or it's invalid canon calls this isn't the first out of position float we've seen from the cannon jack of clubs on the turn cannon makes a pair siever double gutted cannon checks zero chips also known as checking deuce of diamonds on the river good spot for a value bat three yellows three blacks great now sievers got the cannon talking all weird like him cannon bets thirty three hundred sievers not going to be a hero he lays it down and the cannon wins another pot this one worth over eleven thousand dollars your money one without showdown percentage has to be pretty good what does that mean because you yeah nobody ever calls and you just bet and they always just fold ace jack for the cannon net in bed they keep folding i'm gonna keep doing it raises to 12. are you attacking me no sir i'm attacking the blind definitely feeling like i'm being attacked you like being called sir tony g i don't mind but i don't really like it comes along with eight four suited it's a pretty loose defend but he is playing against the cannon king queen four could be a nasty term tony's qualified he checks prince tony doesn't need a nasty turn he's hit a nasty flop dumb bit too much 15. cannon bets 1500 i don't know i just don't even want to raise that now we might end up playing a really big part check raise from tony to 4000 and the cannon beats him into the pot i don't love the insta call even off suit pair outs are dirty to a straight ace of hearts on the turn cannon hits another turn 12 000. and tony's betting 12 000 and again cannon beats him into the pot that's not that's not positive did you qualify with that ice wow he did qualify but tony's got flushouts five of spades on the river and that's the i missed everything psy now he does have a pair of fours has missed his flush and he checks it and the cannon shows him the goods he has an ace which gets the money yeah i had a lot of outs a lot of outs another decent sized pot for gonzo oh yeah you did turn right i was like what oh never mind yeah decent pop of the pros have finally seen behind the curtain a bit so your your percentage showdown is also pretty good couple of eights for the cannon calls tony g may be seeking revenge for cannon floating him on that last hand these two are a coin flip if we see all five cards heads up to the flop 6 10 7. cannon has a gut shot in his pair and he checks it tony checks deuce of clubs on the turn not a very scary board for two eighths especially with straight outs cannon bets 2000 and tony calls now it's tony floating the cannon with ace jack deuce on the river he can't make hands like the cannon betting 4 000 to give the cannon credit for being confident enough to attempt finish value on the river and again gonzo's got the pro in a spot where he really can't do much but tony is right too all right i believe you somehow wins again i hope you've left it choose anyone and tony folds bottom one final one more free information yeah but which eight did he show starting to question who the professionals are here he didn't see this you can make it look easy action's folded around to the cannon ace king of hearts i like it so far raises to 1400 scott seaver takes a look will he get a walk here easiest couch can in hand ever and he calls we've seen scott defend with a pretty wide range so i'm not too worried ace jack four on the flop the cannons made top pair top kicker siever checks i really like the cannon's hand at this point he can see bet and get some value 2100 that's a healthy flop bet seavers reaching for chips well it was a value bet so cannon probably does want a call saver calls he's hopefully calling with a smaller ace or a draw three of clubs on the turn okay hopefully not a draw now i clearly don't like the fact that clubs or a wheel came in but i think gonzo's gotta bet this to get value out of a smaller ace and a charge if he's only got one club and it goes check check queen of hearts on the river it's not a great river card since broadway just came in and any other ace paint is winning now too and now it looks like seaver might bet he fires out 3 500. now that scott's leading out it's possible that gonzo's beat but i don't think he should fold especially since scott is capable of doing this with a smaller ace and gonzo makes the call i got an ace hm i got an ace cannon show's slick no you don't he has an ace scott had ace deuce or scott would say ace deuce the cannon picks up the pot action back on gonzalez cannon king jack off suit the general rule is to three better fold when you're out of position he's gonna call well the can has been doing just fine so far what do i know sarah folds heads up to the flop meet tony g seven deuce six on the flop cannon misses but has the best hand with king high tony with a gut shot cannon checks tony's got a gut shot to a six card straight and we know his pairs are alive it's worth 3 000 to him and to the cannon cannon floats out of position more than trying to jump onto a wake board in the ocean nine of clubs on the turn the cannon somehow still best and bets 3 000. now the cannon dunks the turn and he just so happens to do it on a hand where tony has four high and the nut low tony the cannons play is unorthodox but it's gutsy and it's working i can't believe tony lacked the heart there to put the man to the test 9-3 queen a couple of clubs daniel misses and checks tony checks middle pair and vifor checks bottom pair cannon's good with a check as well no one wants this pot getting any bigger with these pieces of cheese turns the jack of clubs daniel checks tony already had the best hand picked up a ton of votes to improve he checks it for checks and it checks around 92 equity for tony in a throughway pot not bad king of clubs on the river and tony's made a straight and a flush that's now 100 equity and he checks it vipfor checks to the cannon 3000 he's not afraid to bet it makes it 3 000. the cannon is trying to steal this but i don't think he's going to get tony g to fold the third nuts you know there's a flush out there right i believe i do i fold whoa like daniel said what happened to tony g the pros are giving mad credit to the cannon all week and this feels like the time that he's i have so much sympathy even vipre's gotta be with a pair of threes it feels like the time though that it could be good it is good i have a lot of something i feel like i'm not i mean but he folds it i just folded the third nuts so wow ten of clubs you did not fill the ten o'clock yeah why why does no one want to see him look him up i will i know i don't know what's the point to put three thousand in because he's so nitty he never bluffs probably yeah cannon kicks it up to 2200. asking ye shall receive bible quotes from siever i don't remember siever asking to be dominated which he is and he calls flop his jack 10-5 two spades action on siever boy he did not catch any of that flop he checks and for once the cannon's the one in position that's his ace it's worth 4 000 to them good spirit good heart there's a lot of good positive things they're not they're not enough to go not enough to overcome and siever mucks the cannon's gonna drag a pot worth almost ten thousand three to the flop 10 deuce jack two clubs scott sievers picked up a pair seaver outflops everyone with his only live card worth a bet four thousand he dunks it piffer's out cannon quickly calls this guy floats more than a macy's thanksgiving balloon i got a million of them four diamonds on the turn oh viffer would have turned a set see for checks 8 000. there are a ton of draws out there sieber makes the right call i wonder if gonzo will put the brakes on if he misses river the three of diamonds changes nothing severe checks again cannon's been using his position well this hand and it looks like he's loading up another barrel if you're gonna go for it you gotta go all the way 12. all right he is no longer the cannon he is now officially gonzo he has bet 12 000 here on a bluff again scott has to decide if gonzo would make this exact same move again but scott can't do it he folds to the bluff and the cannon rights the ship dragging a pot worth 41 thousand bucks you have met your match mr steven uh scott's not gonna like seeing that one on tv cannon calls with king jack sir is out and over to daniel seven eight off suit sometimes a playable hand but he folds it daniel not his usual active self this week nine queen six canon swapped a gut shot but tony g bets is ducks 2 000 and the cannon quickly calls sometimes a quick call can be indicative of a draw nine of spades on the turn and the cannon picks up a flush draw as well tony's still best tony betts four thousand cannon quickly calls he's just going for it gonzo's also got hidden counterfeit outs to the river three of clubs brick tony g checks now gonzo didn't get there but the club draw did come in the only way he can win this is to bluff at it and he's more than happy to that's 9 000 into tony g well scott this cannon has not let up on the aggression you can tell tony doesn't want to believe the amateur has the best hand again i will say one thing for our loose cannon he's just like the fonz and what's fonzie like cool he's cool now let's see if tony can figure this cannon out ace queen for the cannon cannon's got position on viffer so just calling's cool and he does ace nine for bobby sura sora is actually in position but this is usually a folder re-raised spot but he just calls always better to be the aggressor sarah viffer in the cannon a seven three two diamonds cannon and sarah both hit their aces and whiffer whiffs checks cannon bets 5 000. bobby sarah flops an ace and is out kicked again yet another dream situation for the cannon sarah makes the call heffer with king high leaves it to the amateurs sir are drawing very thin with vip for folding a nine five of spades on the turn before i put this bet out here pretty much announcing he's gonna bet and he does nine thousand bobby sur is dead to a nine and he's got no chop outs and this pot has gotten pretty big about to get bigger sora makes the call bobby called pre-flop with an ace looks like he's just gonna go with it to the river four of hearts that card puts two four card straights out there canon checks one pair bobby checks the cannon shows the better ace the v pair i had that one too and bobby sura becomes another victim of the hand gonzo takes another pot and he's now up almost seventy thousand dollars viffer's straddled for eight hundred and the cannon has two queens raises the three thousand sir is out aced suited for daniel he's on the button daniel's cooking something up he does seem to be reaching for bigger denomination chips this is very convoluted clock [Laughter] okay scott seaver will be here all week folks that's so funny to me three bet daniel has successfully isolated the cannon straddle makes big pots sure does action's back on gonzo i'll see you just calls let's see one you know what i like about this hand you go first yeah yeah that's kind of good you go first i get to see what's up position for dummies dan and the cannon to the flop 5-7 queen and the cannons flop top set gonzalez cannon runs good sure any checks good check let daniel fire again gonzo literally licking his lips daniel will see bet here for 10 500. daniel's put in slightly less than half the pot this board is fairly dry so just calling would be okay a raise would be okay too the only wrong move would be to fold and i don't think that's gonna happen and now gonzo the one reaching for some big chips made it 30 there he's check raised to 30 000. scott's not gonna sit there daniel's hollywooding i do find it hard to believe daniel's thinking about this though i'm sure it's killing him that the pros have seen so few of the cannon's hands these three guys happy to not be in a pot with a cannon for once daniel folds easy money like christmas every day not that easy cannon how much three high and calls six five seven two spades cannons picked up a flush draw he's also got the dummy end of a gutter ball straight draw checks it this is a pretty big flop you can see they're almost a coin flip super bets 3 500 cannon almost beats him in the pot hell mary to the turn abracadabra six of spades gives gonzo the flush checks it gonzo hits his hail mary he may have wanted to protect that flush but if you bet you can blow your opponent off the hand and if you check you let him get a free card that's why playing out of position reeks but i'd rather be gonzo right now siever stepping into the trap bets 9 000. luckily for the cannon scott did not check behind cannon wastes no time calling queen of clubs on the river changes nothing cannon's got it locked up now and he checks that's a risky check scott could very easily check behind i'm all in all in oh and gonzo calls audi oh my god sierra looks genuinely shocked i had eight nine that happened hasn't quite sunk in for gonzo yet either it's been a good day so far so far i can't complain cannon's now up well over six figures he's setting the bar like up here for every loose cannon the cannon's got two pair and daniel's gonna draw to a straight four of spades on the turn and the cannons filled up gonzalez cannon continues to run like godzilla's cannon now it looks like daniel's loading up for a bet he might think he can blow gonzo off his hand with a donk bat makes it 4 500. and it might actually work most of the time but huffing and bluffing can rarely blow a full house down i never bluff just calls i really like the smooth call by the cannon he can let daniel think he's just got top pair or a draw river eight of diamonds daniel missed his straight but since everything else missed he might think he could take gonzo off his hand and this bluff is a 16 500 donation to the cannon family relief fund wow big blind big blind big blind big blind big blind since you've been so friendly about showing a card i'm also gonna show you one card okay let's see if this is the one all right daniel shows a five you get one card and one card only i've made a huge mistake daniel's just blown any chance he had of not getting raised here this guy makes a huge hand gets bet into and then a pro shows him the losing hand this is unreal lucky oh i should have literally can't raise that's mean biffer's right to laugh this is ridiculous cannons stacking chips there's the rays to 61.5 that just made it all worth it right there oh hang on vipper you agree right and gonzo looks like he's about to explode the problem is i literally i cannot call so i have to fold another big pot for the cannon we obviously didn't he had six high beat almost for sure gonzo is now up over 150k gonzo when this game started did you ever think you'd be able to take that table for over 155 thousand dollars i'm speechless i mean i want to i feel like dancing i'm happy i'm excited you know i'm humbled but at the same time i mean i'm just thrilled at this opportunity i'm glad i was able to uh you know come out and play my game because i knew i had what it takes to be here so i'm glad it's training you definitely did [Music]
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 4,908,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amateur smashed pros, amateur vs pros, loose cannon, gonzales cannon, daniel negreanu, tony g, scott seiver, the big show pokerstars, poker bluff, poker all in, poker players getting bluffed, best poker bluffs, top poker moments, best poker moments, poker, top poker players, poker mistakes, poker play, live poker, top poker hands, poker hands, poker highlights, PokerStars, poker stars, poker star, poker 2022, pokerstars, online poker, Poker, retro poker
Id: tLi5DP8EAJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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