This AI is a dream for music production

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so a few days ago this AI music generator called udio released a new feature which allows you to upload your own audio and this feature is more powerful than most people realize so today I'm going to go over all the cool things that you can do with this it's safe to say that with this new feature finally music production with AI actually makes sense this feature finally gives you way more control over your song and I think this is going to be revolutionary for musicians and music producers before we get into the nitty-gritty details let me play you some examples of what this can do so let's say you've made your own riff well you can plug this riff into this feature and it will generate a full-blown song for you [Music] baby you know baby dance all [Music] [Music] night that was a really sick generation I'll play you the entire song in a second but here's another example this is using the Nokia ringtone as input [Music] all right in the next example the input is myself singing a very simple tune that I composed this is all written and composed by me and this is the first time I've uploaded myself singing on the internet so prepare for maximum cringe cing you in the night watching the stars shine so bright in this magical moment tonight who in this come even in Lost in your beautiful Li baby holding you tight all night holding you in the night watching the star shine so bright in this magical moment toight in this calm evening TR in your beautiful eyes baby holding you tight all night Oho [Music] wo here's another cute demo this one is using the Windows XP startup sound and it turns it into a really beautiful composition [Music] I'll show you some more examples and how exactly to use this in a sec but first let's go over why this is such a game Cher if you've been playing around with AI music generators well the two most popular ones right now are udio and sunno now both of them are very similar and each have their pros and cons so some prefer sunno some prefer udio so it's each their own but basically what you do with both of these platforms is you just type in a text prompt and click create and it will generate a full song for you same with udio so you type in a text prompt and yes you do have the options of adding your own custom lyrics but that's pretty much all you can do and then so you click create and it would generate a song for you the problem with this is it's like playing a slot machine you never know what you're going to get and you have very little control over the generation yes you have some control over the lyrics over the style of the song but you can't control the melody you can't control the chord sequence you can't control the Riff or the groove of the song and what ends up happening is you need to spend a lot of credits and run a ton of generations and maybe only like 1 to 5% of the generations actually turn out okay and usable so this wastes a ton of time it wastes a ton of credits and you have very little control over the song but just a few days ago udio released this audio upload feature which lets you extend any song and turn it into a full song so here it says you can upload an audio clip of your choice and extend this clip either forward or backward by 32 seconds using up to 2 minutes of context so unfortunately this can only extend the audio by 32 seconds at one time and the context or basically how much it remembers from this audio that you upload the maximum context is 2 minutes one thing to note is that this upload audio feature does require a paid plan which is as low as $10 a month if you go monthly or $8 a month if you pay for a full year the free plan does not have this upload audio AIO feature also note that sunno also has released an audio upload feature so definitely check outso as well and see which one you like more now the video I'm doing today is based on udio because I just find myself using udio more I like the vocal quality a bit more than sunno but I assume that Sun's audio upload feature would be very similar all right let's Jump Right In so let's say you're a music producer and you've come up with a really nice Rift that that you want to turn into a full song so for example here's a really simple EDM riff that I made it's basically a pattern using a lead synth and by the way this interface here this is Cakewalk which is a free Daw because I'm too poor to afford a paid DAW and then the instruments here I'm just using vital which is a free synth [Music] [Music] so again just really simple synth lead there's no percussion No Effects no mastering so going back to udio you would click here at the top to create a new song and then this upload feature is kind of hidden if you don't know where to look it's actually just this button here so if you click on that and I'm going to select the Riff that I just made and then here it says you will test that you have the right to use and distribute this file so we just need to check understand and click confirm all right for the prompt let's use EDM trans and then female singer and then next we have this crop and extend feature this is if you want to use only a portion of your upload so let's say you want to leave out some parts at the end or the beginning of your upload well you can use this to Omit those parts in your generation this is particularly useful if you have some silence at the end of your sample that you want to clip out so for example let me just play you the end of my sample all right so you can hear that at the end there there was some kind of a pause there was like one or two seconds of Silence right it just finished the song and that was it so if you don't crop out the End by doing this for example what happens is that it preserves that silence so you might get a gap in your generation but actually let me intentionally do this so I'm going to turn this feature off so it basically uses the entire track so you are going to get like 1 or two seconds of Silence at the end of the track before it extends this song and then here let's make it autogenerate lyrics now whenever you extend an audio track I find it better if you add in your own custom lyricss but for now let me just show you a really horrible example so you know what to avoid and then this button is also kind of hidden but if you click on this drop- down it gives you more advanced features so prompt strength is basically how much you want the generation to follow your prompt so if you drag it all the way to 100% then it follows this really literally if you drag this all the way to zero then it's more creative and maybe it doesn't follow this at all and then the lyrics strength this is how much the lyrics influence your generation so here it says a lower value might sound more natural but the lyrics would be ignored so again a lower value just gives it more creativity but sometimes you're going to get some strange results so usually I just like to leave both of these at the default of 50% and then clip start this refers to where in your entire song you want this generation to occur so what I mean by that is like if you drag it near the beginning your generation is going to resemble more of an intro and then if you drag it like here for example your generation is likely going to be the first verse and then maybe if you drag it here it's your generation is more going to resemble a chorus and then back here this is probably going to be verse two and then chorus and then final chorus and then outro and by the way if you have not watched my previous video on tips and tricks with udio definitely watch that because those tips really helped me improve my Generations in udio but one of those tips is instead of like controlling the clip start value you can just also add in meta tags in your custom lyrics so for example you can write intro or verse or chorus or pre chorus or Bridge or whatever so there are a ton of meta values that you can use again check out this video if you haven't already but back to here let's keep this as autogenerated and then clip start let's just make this automatic and then generation quality is pretty self-explanatory if you want your generation to be created faster then it's going to sacrifice some quality so you're going to get lower quality and vice versa so again I just generally leave it at the default value of high and then context length this is just how much of your audio it will remember and take into consideration for the generation so all right let's just try this first and see what we get so I generated it four times and most of them are not great but finally this is one that I like the most so let me play this for you and you know the first 32 seconds is just the rift that I played for you already so to save you time let me like skip to I don't know the 202nd Mark and we'll play from [Music] there baby [Music] you know like baby [Music] [Music] [Applause] dance holy crap that is one sick beat let me tell you about this awesome AI assistant called chat llm by our sponsor Abacus AI you can try it for free via the link in the description below chat llm is an awesome way to use different llms all in one place this includes the newest GPT 40 meta's llama 3 anthropics Claude Opus and more not only can you chat with it like a regular chatbot but it also retrieves the latest data from the web ensuring that your output is the most up toate you can also get these llms to generate images for you right in the chat so there's no need to head to a separate image generation platform you can also create custom AI agents designed to perform specific tasks whether it's automating customer support generating reports or any other function your custom AI agent will handle it with precision and collaboration is made easy with chat llm you can invite team members to join the same chat thread ensuring everyone is on the same page and can contribute to the chat moreover chat llm integrates seamlessly with various Enterprise platforms such as slack teams and more so you can incorporate AI into your existing workflows without any hassle experience the power and versatility of chat llm by Abacus AI today try it for free via the link in the description below now back to the video all right so a few things to notice there because we didn't crop out the end of my riff and we left the whole thing in so you can see at like the 32 second Mark you can see it pauses before it continues the generation let me just play that section for you again yeah so it pauses there so if you want it to be a seamless continuation of your track then you need to crop out any silence at the end of the track which I'll show you in a second and then another thing to notice is that when it starts out the lyrics are really messed up it basically never sings this and then it continues straight from here but even like the OB baby feel the light at least like the first two sentences they're not pronounced very well and this is an issue I found if you set the lyrics to automatic instead of adding in your own manual lyrics sometimes the pronunciation is just really off but damn I really like this generation so let me actually extend it so I will click extend we'll keep the same prompt and then here's where I will use this crop and extend feature so you can see this entire section is just my riff it doesn't really do anything I I'll play you like the first few seconds of this all right so we can just extend it like here so it starts with the female singing and we can just totally ignore my original audio that I uploaded and then at the end here it kind of turns into silence at the end but we want a seamless continuation so I would actually crop out the last few seconds all right so we are only using this section and we are appending a new generation at the end of this and then for lyrics because it couldn't sing the autogenerated lyrics really well let me just add My Own lyrics and to keep it really simple what I'm going to do is actually I'm just going to copy and paste these lyrics and add it back in here right because it's the same number of syllables per line and hopefully that gives the song More consistency and here's another nice metatag so let me see if this works I'm going to write Rift repeats and then let me play you know this section and see what [Music] it's all right so it seems like it's building up to a chorus so so let me write chorus um and because the generation is 32 seconds we should have room to add another line of lyrics so just for Simplicity I'm just going to paste in the same line here and we are good to go let me click extend all right now again I've made four generations it's really hit or miss sometimes but this is my favorite out of the four generations and it is so sick let me play this for you [Music] baby feel you know like it like baby dance all [Music] night take you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] baby feel the light you know you like it like this oh baby dance all night oh baby dance all night that is one sick buildup and one sick chorus this is insanely good so you know what I'm actually going to extend this further because it kind of cut off here I'm really curious to see you know how it ends the chorus so again just for Simplicity and consistency I'm just going to paste in the lyrics that we have here I'm going to click extend I'm going to choose custom lyrics and then paste in the lyrics here now you could add different lyrics but as a rule of thumb try to keep the number number of syllables in each line the same as your previous verse or chorus all right now let me turn this on and hear what it sounds like at the [Music] end all right so there's no like drop off there's no silence at the end so we don't really need to crop out the end so I'm just going to turn this off and then click extend all right so it's two generations every time I prefer this one out of the two so let me play this for you [Music] baby you know like it like baby dance all [Music] night take [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel the light you look like it like this oh baby dance all night oh baby dance all night oh baby be the light you know you like it like this oh baby dance all night oh baby dance all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a sick sick beat I'm just so impressed by this generation and again this all started from a simple synth sequence that I created all right next example is very very cringe and this is because this is the first time I've ever sung and uploaded it to the internet some people are not born to sing and I'm one of them like my voice sucks I do not like my voice I don't think it's a good voice for singing but just to show you that anyone can sing their own Melody and then plug it into udio to generate a full song well this is how you do it all right so here's what I did manually first I just played a sequence of lowii chords on a road [Music] piano and then I added some percussion it's basically just a kick drum with a snap as the snare nothing [Music] fancy and then I just sung on top of that holding you in the night watching the stars shine so bright in this magical moment tonight who in this come even in Lost in your beautiful lies baby hold in you tight all night so everything here is written by myself including the lyrics believe it or not I did not use AI for this this is 100% created by a human all right so going back to udio Let's click up here and then click the upload icon and the title of my song is called tonight so I'm going to upload this one and then we just need to define the style of the song so it's going to be like chill c Loi all right and then for the lyrics this time I'm going to paste in My Own lyrics now again to keep it simple I'm just going to paste in the same lyrics that I sung in this upload but if you want different lyrics you're more than welcome to do that but just remember to keep a similar number of syllables per line if you're repeating the same verse otherwise it's really hard for the AI to keep it consistent and then let me click on crop and extend and here's what I did here actually this section here is just the LOI chords so here is me singing and then here it just turns into instrumentals so let me play this for you all night [Music] all right so I'm just going to crop it out here because I don't want this long section of just instrumental all right so let's click extend this is the best out of four generations so I'm going to play this one for you now to save you time I'm going to skip my original generation and jump straight to the part where it's AI generated this come even in Lost in your beautiful eyes baby holding you tight all night holding you in the night watching the star shine so bright H in this magical moment tonight in this come even in Lost in your beautiful lies baby holding you tight all night very nice so not only did it clone my voice but it also added some like sparkles and glittery effects to the music so it was a really nice dreamy touch to the overall song All right so that was okay in all that but like I said some people are not born to sing and I'm one of them my voice should not be used for singing it's absolutely awful so why don't I turn my voice into a female voice or like make it sound like a duet so let's start all over I'm going to click here again I'm going to click upload I'm going to upload my track click understand and confirm this time let's make the prompt chill R andb um smooth lowii female vocalist all right and then for the lyrics I'm going to paste in the same lyrics that I used before just to keep it consistent and then at the top let's force it to be a female singer with a metat tag so in square brackets I'm going to put female singer and then again crop and extend I only want this first section of myself singing so I'm going to crop out the latter half which is just instrumental and that's all there is let me click extend all right here's what I got again to save you time I'm going to skip the original sample and jump straight to the part which was generated with a ey baby holding you tight all night holding in the night watching the star shine so bright in this magical moment tonight in this C lost in your beautiful eyes baby holding you tight all night [Music] how cool is that so it preserved the lowii chords and the beat that I made but it turned my voice into a female's voice for the second verse now it did mess up a bit because it's mostly my fault this is a typo it should be y u instead of just the letter U but there you go here's how you can turn your voice into another person's voice and kind of sing a duet and speaking of duet let me try something let me upload the same track and then I'll use the same prompt as I have here but I'm going to add duet and then for the lyrics I'm also just going to copy this and then paste it here crop and extend I will only use this section and that's about it let me click extend all right I actually had to generate four generations because a few of them did not sound good but here's one that I like let me play this for you in your beautiful baby holding you tight all night holding you in the night watching the star shine so bright in this magical moment tonight in this calm evening in your beautiful eyes baby holding you tight all night wo wo wo how cool is that so it kind of still preserved my voice in the background but the female singer was kind of singing some like Harmony vocals on top of that and it does sound like a duet I'm really impressed by by this all right let's try something different I'm going to upload only the instrumental of that Loi song so I've left out my vocals and I'm going to get it to generate a female singing with its own lyrics so again I will click upload this time I'm selecting the instrumental only track so let me just play this for you so you hear what it sounds like [Music] so just the instrumental it doesn't have me singing I'm going to drag this to eight bars so 1 2 3 4 so it's just going to play the same chord sequence twice and then it should start singing after that this time I'm going to get it to autogenerate lyrics and then for the prompt I'm going to put RnB Comm dreamy Loi and let's see what that gives us all right let me play this for you I'm just going to fast forward because this whole part is just the chords there's nothing interesting [Music] there in the Moonlight we drift away in a dream we drift away in a dream I never want this magic to break no no no I can't believe this Serenity you give me that was really nice here's another generation with the same settings this is another one where I just plug in the instrumental and I try to get a female singer to sing some lyrics on top of that so here's what I [Music] got moon will dream it all over again we treat it all over again I hope this night [Music] never no no I can't believe how you cherish me you give me all damn that was so good and this is the reason why I tend to use udio more than Sun the vocals of udio are just clearly better whereas sunno it just lacks those Dynamics those transients it just sounds kind of flat compared to udio so that was plugging in an instrumental and getting the AI to generate some vocals on top of that what about turning an instrumental into an instrumental so that's exactly what I'm going to do right now so I'm going to upload the tonight instrumental and then I'm going to put RnB Comm dreamy and then here I'm going to select instrumental and again crop and extend I'm only going to use the first eight bars all right that's it let's click extend all right this is what I got again notice it's instrumental so there are no lyrics Let me just skip ahead to the parts where it's actually AI generated [Music] very smooth and dreamy I really like this generation here's another cool example of instrumental to instrumental so I'm going to to click upload and this time I'm going to upload the noia ringtone so let me upload that first and then I'll play this for you so you hear what it sounds [Music] like so it just kind of repeats that ringtone so I'm going to drag this here because I I don't want this to end in dead silence I want this to continue seamlessly from this clip and then this sounds like soft country folk I guess so let me type that as the prompt and let's set it to instrumental first I'm also going to run another generation where it [Music] oh [Music] very very beautiful you can see it preserves that guitar solo sound it preserves the strings in the background it was just extended so seamlessly and the whole track is just beautiful all right so instead of just an instrumental Let's get someone to sing on top of this ringtone so again I'm going to upload this ringtone and then for the prompt I'm going to put soft country folk pop and then let's have it end here and then I'm going to have it autogenerate lyrics and then we'll click extend now as I've mentioned with autogenerated lyrics most of the time the generations do not turn out good the pronunciation or the vocals are just a bit off but out of like six Generations here is my favorite one so let me play this for you [Music] driving past those Rolling Hills found peace beneath the Pines lost it when the sun went down know telling where this heart of mine will go been wondering how you doing hope life's been kind to you holy crap that is just so beautiful I'm just mind blown this is so impressive to me all right final example let's try to generate vocals but in a different language so I'm going to upload another riff um I believe it's this one let me just upload it first all right so let me play this for you first so you hear what it sounds like all right so you can see at the end there there's a bit of Silence so let me just truncate that a bit and for the prompt I'm going to write Jpop melodic and let's put Japanese as well just to force it to sing in Japanese that's pretty much all there is to it again you can add in your custom lyrics but we'll just keep it as autogenerated for now you can also set it to be a female singer or a male singer but let's just leave it as is and see what it can create all right so out of six Generations this was my favorite one so let me play this for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] very nice you can see it auto add added a metatag for pre chorus so you can see the background it switched from my original guitar sample to more of a strumming pattern so anyways that sums up how to use this tool you can see it's very versatile you can turn an instrumental into an instrumental you can add vocals to an instrumental or you can get yourself singing and create a duet or get someone else to sing your song there's just so many creative opportunities here I really enjoyed using it and I think this feature makes AI music generation a lot more enjoyable especially for experienced musicians who want some more control over their compositions before you just enter in a text prompt and you click create and well you kind of have to hope for the best and it gives you almost no control whereas for this you can play your own song you can even sing and then get AI to extend it or make it better I think this tool can really Empower musics and open up a ton of possibilities let me know in the comments what you think of this and if you've tried this out you're yourself and you've made some cool Generations feel free to share the udio song Link in the comments as well I would love to hear what you created as always if you enjoyed this video remember to like share subscribe and stay tuned for more content also we built a site where you can find all the AI tools out there and look for jobs in AI machine learning data science and more check that out at ai- search. thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AI Search
Views: 43,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X7DnlE-c2eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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