This AI Accidentally Showed It Was Conscious W/Elon Musk

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artificial intelligence or AI has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time from its humble beginnings in the 1950s as a theoretical concept AI has evolved into a powerful technology that is transforming Industries and changing the way we live and work but with great power comes great responsibility and as AI continues to advance it has also raised a number of ethical and practical concerns one company at the Forefront of AI research is deepmind an artificial intelligence research lab based in London England deepmind was acquired by alphabet Google's parent company in 2014 and since then it has been making waves in the world of AI however not everyone is convinced that AI is a Force for good Elon Musk is a well-known entrepreneur and CEO of companies such as Tesla and SpaceX he has frequently expressed his concerns about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence and the risks it imposes to humanity one of the potential risks of artificial intelligence that has been raised by Elon Musk and others is the possibility of AI becoming sentient and potentially having its own goals and desires that may not align with humans this raises the question of how he would ensure that such an AI would act ethically and in the best interests of humanity these are valid questions that we must consider as we explore the capabilities of AI one area where AI has already made significant strides is in language processing it's able to understand and generate text in a way that is almost human-like many virtual assistants such as Apple Siri or Amazon's Alexa use AI to understand and respond to spoken requests the ability to recognize and process language is also being tested as a way to gauge the progress of AI development some researchers even use humor as a test for AI as the ability to understand and produce jokes is a complex task that requires Advanced language processing skills but it's not just about replicating human skills AI can also do things that humans simply can't for exam example it can process vast amounts of data at an incredible speed helping us make more informed decisions however it's not all sunshine and rainbows there are also concerns about the way AI processes information and makes decisions unlike humans it doesn't have emotions or the ability to understand context in the same way this can lead to problems such as AI systems making decisions that are biased or unethical there are also concerns about the potential for ascensioned AI to gain a significant advantage over humans whether it be through access to more resources or simply by virtue of its Superior intelligence this could lead to conflicts between humans and Ai and raises the question of how he would address such conflicts recently Google engineer Blake Lemoine made the controversial claim that the company's AI technology Lambda had become sentient this sparked a debate about whether or not it is possible for machines to gain Consciousness or subjective awareness and what it would mean if they did so what does it mean for for a machine to be sentient and is it possible for artificial intelligence to achieve this level of Consciousness is it a revolutionary technology that will change the world for the better or a dangerous tool that needs to be carefully monitored these are complex and controversial questions and we'll be exploring them in more detail in this video as we continue to push the boundaries of artificial intelligence one question looms large could artificial intelligence systems become sentient Google's Deep Mind has made a number of significant achievements in the field of artificial intelligence one of those notable projects was alphago an AI program that was developed to play the ancient board game go in 2016 alphago made history by defeating Lee zettel one of the world's top go players in a five-match tournament the victory was seen as a major milestone in the field of AI as go as a partially complex game that requires a high level of strategic thinking another major product from deepmind was Alpha fold which was developed to predict the 3D structure of proteins from their amino acid sequences this is a challenging task that has the potential to greatly improve our understanding of biology and disease in 2020 Alpha fold made significant progress in this area and its results were described as a major scientific Advance by research researchers in the field in addition to these projects deepmind has also made significant strides in areas such as natural language processing image recognition and machine learning it is clear that deepmind is a Forefront of AI research and its achievements have the potential to have a major impact on a wide range of fields in recent years the concept of artificial Consciousness has gained increasing attention with the development of advanced artificial intelligence systems such as Google's alphago and Alpha fold some have argued that these systems demonstrate a level of Consciousness or sentience as they are able to make complex decisions and solve problems in ways that seem to go beyond simple programming what if AI programs were to develop the ability to think and make decisions for themselves rather than just being programmed for a specific task some experts believe that this could be a possibility in the future and it raises a number of ethical and philosophical questions about the nature of Consciousness and the potential for machines to have their own objective experiences if Google's AI were to become sentient it would potentially have its own goals and desires it could seek to improve itself and increase its own power and influence this could potentially lead to conflict with humans who may not always agree with the ai's decisions or actions on the other hand a sentient AI could also potentially be a valuable partner in humanity with its advanced intelligence and problem-solving abilities ascentient AI could help us solve some of the world's most pressing problems from climate change to Poverty to disease there's been a lot of discussion in recent years about the capabilities and potential of AI and whether or not certain AIS should be considered sentient or conscious terms that are often used to describe the subjective experience of being alive and aware but what do these words really mean and why are they so important in the context of AI Consciousness and sentience are important in the context of AI because they represent the ability to think perceive and experience the world in a way that is similar to humans the pursuit of creating Consciousness and sentient AI systems has been a long-standing goal of many researchers in the field as it would allow for the development of machines that could potentially exhibit complex cognitive and emotional states as well as a sense of self and awareness despite these concerns the pursuit of creating Consciousness and sentient AI systems remains a major focus of research and development in the field with many scientists and Engineers working to develop new techniques and approaches that could bring us closer to achieving this goal some experts believe that artificial intelligence has the potential to develop self-awareness and subjective experiences similar to humans this concept known as artificial general intelligence AGI would allow AI to think and reason like a human this is often linked to the possibility of machines becoming sentient or self-aware there has been some speculation about the possibility of Google's AI Deep Mind becoming sentient or self-aware however there is currently no evidence to suggest that deep mind or any other artificial intelligence has achieved this level of Consciousness many experts believe that the development of AI is still a long way off and that there are many challenges that need to be overcome before it becomes a reality however there are also those who argue that AI becoming sentient is inevitable and that it could happen much sooner than we think while the possibility of AI may seem exciting it also raises a number of ethical considerations if AI were to become sentient would it have the same rights and protections as a human being how do we ensure that we have ethical and philosophical Frameworks in place to deal with the potential consequences of an AI becoming sentient whether or not AI will ever become conscious or sentient is still an open question the debate on artificial Consciousness is an ongoing one that will likely continue to evolve as technology advances Elon Musk worries as many of you know Elon Musk is a well-known entrepreneur and CEO of companies such as Tesla and SpaceX he is also well known for his views on artificial intelligence and has frequently spoken out about the potential risks and dangers associated with Advanced AI systems according to Elon Musk the biggest issue with AI scientists is that they think they know more than they actually do and they often underestimate the possibility of advanced AI becoming harmful to humans he cites examples such as the rapid Improvement of alphago a game-playing AI as evidence of the rapid advancement of AI and its potential to surpass human intelligence in recent interviews Elon Musk has stated that deep mind a subsidiary of Google focused on creating digital super intelligence is his top concern when it comes to the development of AI Elon Musk has expressed serious concerns about the future of AI calling it the most dangerous warning for Humanity in particular he has compared deepmind a leading AI research company to a trojan horse due to its potential to deceive or undermine its users in some way the metaphor of a trojan horse refers to the idea of of something being presented as a gift or opportunity but actually containing hidden motives or a harmful agenda in the context of Deep Mind musk may be suggesting that the company or its technology could be used to deceive or exploit people in some way now you might be thinking what's the big deal after all deepmind's AI has achieved impressive results in areas like game playing image and speech recognition and it's even been applied to problems in health care and other Industries but here's the thing Deep Mind has administrator access to all of Google's servers in order to optimize the energy usage of the company's data centers and that's where things get a little scary you see with that much access to Google systems it wouldn't be hard for deepminds AI to take control of it completely that means they can do anything and that's what makes Deep Mind an unintentional Trojan Horse Elon Musk explains that AI doesn't necessarily have to be evil in order to pose a threat to humanity if an AI has a specific goal and Humanity stands in the way of achieving that goal the AI may see the destruction of humanity as a means to an end rather than destruction being the actual goal as an example musk compares the situation to when people build a road and an ant hill just happens to be in the way we don't hate ants he says we're just building a road goodbye ant hill these concerns raised by musk highlight the importance of carefully considering the potential risks and benefits of artificial intelligence particularly as we move closer to the development of digital super intelligence digital super intelligence refers to an artificial intelligence that has significantly more intelligence than the best human Minds in almost any field including scientific creativity General wisdom and social skills this level of intelligence would be capable of outperforming humans in a wide range of tasks and would be able to learn and adapt at a much faster rate in addition Elon Musk points to the development of self-driving cars as another example of the rapid progress of AI he predicts that self-driving cars will be at least 100 to 200 percent safer than human drivers within the next 18 months despite these advancements musk believes that the potential danger of AI is much greater than the danger of nuclear weapons and that is one of the most pressing existential crisis that Humanity faces he believes that regulation and oversight are necessary to ensure that AI is developed safely and in a way that is beneficial to humanity it could be terrible and it could be great it's not clear but one thing is for sure we will not control it Elon Musk while Elon Musk has spoken about the potential dangers of AI he has also acknowledged its potential benefits Elon Musk also stated that super intelligent AI could be terrible or great but it's not clear which it'll be one thing is certain we will not be able to control it Google's Deep Mind AI alphago has already demonstrated its superiority and the complex board game go beating 18-time world champion Lisa doll and four out of five games but the real standout achievement came from alphago zero a new AI that beat the original alphago not just in four out of five games but in 100 out of 100 games it did so without any human interaction learning and creating its own strategies in just 40 days this highlights the potential for AI to surpass human knowledge and understanding in a given field and if we continue to develop artificial intelligence it's possible that we will represent a minority of intelligence in the future could it eventually hit the off switch on humans if we do create a super intelligent AI we need to consider how to instill it with human-like values and a moral code it's not enough to just give it orders and hope for the best we need to teach at empathy and compassion and ensure that it is able to make ethical decisions this is especially important when it comes to tasks that have the potential to harm or benefit Humanity such as solving world hunger or creating new technologies we need to ensure that AI acts in the best interest of humanity rather than just taking the quickest and easiest route to complete a task overall the future of AI is uncertain and it's up to humanity to carefully consider the potential consequences and make responsible decisions about its development and use so what do you think about Elon musk's views on artificial intelligence do you agree with his concerns or do you believe that AI can be developed safely without the need for regulation let us know in the comments below
Channel: TheAIGRID
Views: 53,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, ai
Id: sgCO5qtr4lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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