This Actually Made Me Mad..

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Metro UK deleted their Twitter account after backlash to their Doctor Who article Metro put out this article with the racist headline sorry straight white men Doctor Who was never made for you halt before people tried to cancel asman again for talking about something he has no idea about the reason journalists like this are making these articles is because Doctor Who has been an absolute clown show for the past seven plus years Doctor Who created in 1963 holds the record as the longest running Series in television history it follows the adventures of the doctor a time traveling alien what sets the show apart is the doctor's ability to regenerate into a new form when near death resulting in 15 actors portraying the role since its Inception even though the show always had some goofy special effects what made do who great was that the show had Soul it wasn't just about looks it was about good stories big ideas and interesting sci-fi adventures and then the first female doctor was announced after 12 male doctors and the show saw its biggest decline ever now you would hope you would think you would dream that the show at its lowest point ever would go back to what made it great nope they sold the show rights to Disney yes the Meep I promise I can help him get home and then you'll never see me again you're assuming he as a pronoun yes we know we know everything thanks and you know nothing so sham you're not a woman anymore on have understood something a male presenting Time Lord will never understand and this ladies and gentlemen is how you destroy one of the most successful Sci-Fi series in history so now you understand why straight white male viewers might show a little bit of distaste sorry straight white men Doctor Who was never made for you shockingly this didn't go over well with the fans and the backlash was so severe it appears Metro has ended up deleting their entire Twitter account what what a [ __ ] up oh my God they knew that this is a crazy level people don't [ __ ] up like this all the time this is rare no I think this is good I think they deserve every bit of hate that they got and I hope they keep getting it I totally support people getting mad about this it's just a racist article no fine print about it so yeah they 100% should get [ __ ] on and I'm glad that they're getting [ __ ] on [ __ ] around and found out
Channel: Asmongold Clips
Views: 1,076,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold clips, doctor who
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 31sec (151 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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