This 3D Printer Raised $1,438,765 and Failed. Crowdfunding Warning.
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Maker's Muse
Views: 502,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, printing, kickstarter, crowdfunding fails, pirate3D buccaneer, peachy printer, tiko, maker's muse, makersmuse, angus deveson, australia
Id: rOvbrF8qaBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I mean they did name it "the Pirate3D" so kind of self prophetic.
I expect to see the Migo 3D printer on this subreddit at some point.
Fuckers are 13 months behind and havenβt posted an update since February.
A handful have claimed to receiving theirs but said that some parts were rusted, the software sucks, and the print quality is mediocre at best.
I think im one of the lucky few who got one from the kickstarter. I used it a lot and the printing quality was not bad. It was sadly a closed system and you also had to use the desktop or phone app that was soo barebone, not like what other printers has now when it comes to software settings. Sadly it broke down on me, the heating part in the printerhead died after years of use, and after talking to them about getting a replacement head I decided not to give them more money (people still havent gotten their printers, there was a version 2.0 on their website and the support person I was talking to changed way to often (i guess people didnt stay long at the company). The head is now in pecies for me to pick it up and fix someday...
Or I been thinking about useing the shell and build a custom one. I can take pictures of it, but it wont have the printer head as those parts are here and there at the moment.
On a related note, I really wish the Peachy Printer had worked out.
Hey β he mentions a guy that built a house β what happened there?? Thatβs insane?
Reminds me of the "Tiko 3D" Kickstarter I "contributed to". I don't think it was a fraud but a badly managed project.
Doesn't seem shitty to me, they just underestimated the costs involved.
Good video. He does a solid job of explaining the obvious in a clear, concise manner to the many who don't understand how KS works. Anyone who is thinking of backing a KS project should be required to watch this before they do so.
Ah yes, I know this one all too well. Fuck everything about this kickstarter and the people behind it.