This 3D Printed House Only Cost $13,000 In Materials (in warehouse demo unit)

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i'm here at the mudbots facility in utah and we have an extra treat that i didn't even know was here they 3d printed this test unit with some of their customers that they were training to use their equipment and we're going to take a tour through it with their ceo james lymon come to my doc's brand this was printed by one of our customers and training group uh they print them and we tear them down and we start all over again a month later with the next training group so we have two different training groups working on this one and you'll see this our print is the final product okay top to bottom we don't cover it up we don't plaster it we don't fur it out uh we can do some cool design elements like this uh but that is our print can you talk about the window frame and how it joins uh like the sandwich between the concrete yeah okay if you can imagine this here there's one of these right there a header we print all the way through the window because we want perfect straight up and down lines i don't want goobery walls and stuff uh for our windows our most of our customers they look at stuff and they're like i couldn't sell that uh when they come here and see what we're doing uh they get excited again it's what they hoped concrete printing would be so uh number one i don't want voids in my wall because i don't want a vulnerable wall on a wall that can blow over or get bumped or whatever else so we print straight through the window then we cut our windows out with a header up in here that supports the weight above it you cut it uh wet or dry uh wet yep if you wait till it's dry it's gonna you've got dust everywhere you're cutting a quarter inch a second versus uh the way we do it's a complete different process than anything that's seen or shown and with a little apprehension about showing it here uh because it's the process you you gotta have a process it doesn't take a month to build a house you gotta be able to print a house in a day otherwise it's not fast or cheaper better and the roof structure how does it connect to the top layer yeah there's a top plate up there uh we have uh pie lasters within the wall with vertical rebar that ties clear down into our footing it sticks up above the top plate there's nuts and bolts that go on the top plate and then we fill those columns solid with concrete and uh but there's multiple methods depending on how big and what they're trying to do so it has to be engineered uh you know we have several engineers now that are helping new customers helping new customers engineers uh get off the ground fast so when different we put these all up for uh senators and we had a couple senators and some mayors and 20 people from the legislature that came here and you have a comparison to some competition uh just not really just uh picking on virginia just a little bit there but showing that the different processes this is a uh a 400 square feet uh little mini home but we could have flipped the plan and done a duplex just as easily or flipped it because that's a common wall now so instead of a seven hour print you got a 10 hour print i can print faster if i'm putting more mud down uh like you said it's it's harder to print smaller things than bigger things but we print our interior walls and everything at the same time we don't touch or finish our exterior walls we have a whole bunch of designs if i got to put plaster crews on this set up scaffolding uh chip crap on the wall away and stuff like that that's just it's not it's not fast it and it's certainly not cheap so if i got cold joints in this thing every cold joints four hundred dollars just in two-part epoxy so we don't like cold joints here so the uh the outside of this and just a little bit over there uh we finished the wall while we were printing this isn't additive material uh it's uh just just to give it a couple different designs and then we showed just a different design element okay uh just something to break up the wall so it's not solid now we're not hiding walls okay our walls consistent straight up and down but if you want to put lap siding on that uh as part of our training our customers do that every training group has to print one of these here and then when they go home they have 60 days to print one privately and then they do a private showing to government officials charities customers you print one of these in your state and you invite just five customers privately to come see what you have done when it's all done with time lapse video we have a saying around here if you can't show time lapse video it didn't happen setup print clean up take down that's the only thing that is just it's necessary come on in so again this is just a little mini home for the state they got to build about 700 of these we had 20 people from the state legislature that they came down for this uh one of our utah customers that purchased our printer they printed this and you know all the expense of you're looking at a two week build a day of printing and then to finish out everything again our walls were finished while we were printing clear to the top came back the next day sprayed it with uh top coat put an orange peel on this customers have the cnc drawings for this kind of cabinetry i mean round corners are nice until you start buying cabinets in countertop so we give them the cnc drawings so that they can throw a piece of corian down and just cut it out and it just fits right into place and it matches the drawing for this uh a lot of value engineering in this building with the doors and the the kitchen set up yeah i mean my mom's like jimmy where's the trash compactor where's the you know garbage is falling mom they were living in a tent this is this is for the homeless okay yeah affordable housing is the idea so people start putting all these frills on and no longer is something that's affordable you know we we tried to keep the cost down on here consequently there's there's no doors in here we just use curtains but this is a thirteen thousand dollar deal that's cost that's all the materials that's the paint the mirrors the lighting the windows not including labor but you have a day of labor hundred dollars an hour for your print crew you got 800 of labor and then you got a week to do the rest throw up some trusting put your lid on taping and so forth so a little bathroom could have made that a little bit bigger but uh that was the cool thing of doing this that they said yeah let's extend this a foot bigger so we have a shower area and then here in the bedroom two more feet that way big deal 50 more material but two more feet that way would have allowed you to have a you know queen in here so it's uh yeah it was a lot of fun a lot of fun uh the people came down from the state and just lost their shiz uh when they saw this and realized we can print this in a day we can finish it in two weeks and you have a product that somebody could put three thousand dollars down and 350 dollars a month and own it in seven years so there there is no product on the market right now traditional framing or traditional practices we got quotes for this thirty seven thousand dollars and they refuse to do anything like this they're just like no we're not interested we're not going to frame that we're not going to dry all that what's cool is we didn't have to drywall it this will cure you if you're a guy that likes to punch walls so anyway yeah it's uh it is affordable it is cheaper thirty percent uh we've been saying it from day one uh thirty percent fast or excuse me seventy percent faster um a third the cost and we've proven it here so uh the state one every single cost set up uh every one of the trades how much did the paint cost how much were the windows how much were the light it was the lighting break it all down so that they can see everything and then they say hey we want to get rid of curtains we don't want curtains we want doors no problem out of door you want to make it four feet wider at four feet uh the print cost is marginal it's like nothing we could have gone five more feet that way but you're talking to like a hundred dollars more material nothing so this was a fun thing uh but this is similar to what every buyer of mud bots has to do and they're not allowed to make any public announcements no media nobody even knows they're doing it until it's completely done and then they privately invite whoever they want to come down and take a look at it uh part of the process that we teach that's what our our people do so they print this here they go home until they have completed this to our standards uh they are not author they cannot print commercially they have we certify the team so that we know that they are going to print a quality product and when they show it to people mayors governors whoever it's not going to disparage the company or or anybody else in it so people like that about us we really really protect what we print
Channel: Jarett Gross
Views: 63,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ug9vpw3srGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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