Thirty Years' War - Danish Intervention 1626-1629 DOCUMENTARY

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[Music] it was late 1620 the Bohemians and their allies had been ruthlessly crushed by a Catholic army Spanish troops were marching on the palette Annette and the Protestant Union was in disarray the rebel defeat at the Battle of White Mountain was catastrophic for their cause but Ferdinand still had problems to deal with though Frederick v had been defeated and his military forces smashed he had not renounced his claim to the bohemian throne leaving Ferdinand with the task of eradicating his support without provoking a general European war welcome to our second video on the 30 Years War and the Danish intervention the sponsor of this video raid shadow legends will take you to the world of dark fantasy and realism for those who don't know raid shadow legends is a brand new free-to-play collection RPG game that is taking the mobile gaming landscape by storm almost 10 million players worldwide have already downloaded the game in just three months what we love about this game is that 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they were defeated piecemeal by teal in the battles of whim fell and hawks too in May and June of 1622 ernst von Mansfield's retreated to the netherlands abandoning the palette inert which was then gifted - maximilian of bavaria along with its accompanying position as elector in 1623 christian who wished to invade bohemia and unify with beth beggar boy who was once again at war with the emperor advanced from the netherlands with 21 thousand men he was forced into battle by teal and crushed at the Battle of stature on by 30,000 Catholic soldiers after this battle the war seemed to be concluded however the balance of power had been so disrupted that an external escalation of the conflict was now inevitable to the north the Kingdom of Denmark Norway was still one of the most powerful states in Europe in 1625 the realm was not populous or traditionally wealthy in material but had total control of the sea lanes connecting the baltic and north diseased Danish Kings could levy taxes on this shipping which provided a lucrative and reliable income in the early 17th century rulers of Denmark Norway had several key goals one was the pursuit of expansionist dynastic aspirations in northern Germany and the other was the protection of the country and its Baltic hegemony from the rising power of Sweden to their eastern border to this end the two scandinavian states had fought between 1563 and 1570 in the northern Seven Years War and from 1611 to 1613 in the Calmar war the ruling dynasty of denmark-norway members of the house of oldenburg had north german roots and it's heads considered themselves to be both kings of Denmark and German princes as they held the Duchy of Holstein within the Empire in 1588 Christie and the fourth ascended to the Danish throne he used his boundless energy to make Denmark wealthy and powerful many of his ventures failed but he could afford to experiment due to his massive personal fortune being probably the wealthiest monarch in early 17th century Europe this ambitious monarch was initially hesitant to become involved in the unfolding German conflict but the spread of war attracted his concern to Christian the actions of ferdinand ii signals that's the austrian habsburgs were willing to trample german liberties and increase imperial authority at the same time the dutch whose truce with spain had just ended attempted to in mesh him into the Protestant cause Christian the fourth also wished to take Bremen Verdun and osnabrück to establish control over the great trading rivers of Elbe and fessor in 1624 the Dutch English and palate inert invited Sweden's King Gustavus Adolphus to help retake the palette innit this alarmed Christian who feared that a large Swedish army supported by the Dutch fleet would turn the Baltic into a Swedish lake so in January 1625 he offered to intervene in the Danish system the king at this time was supposed to be an equal partner with the aristocratic Privy Council while Riggs grad and was expected to rule with their consent rather than going above them the council did not support Christians invasion so he had to raise an army for himself [Music] in vienna ferdinand ii wanted to lessen his reliance on maximilian of bavaria who led the catholic league army enter Albrecht von valentine this scion of lower nobility entered Habsburg service during the long war with the Ottoman Empire and converted to Catholicism in order to advance his career though he was part of the Moravian armies in 1615 he defected to the Emperor in 1619 and fought as the white mountain in the aftermath Valentine assisted in the confiscation of rebel property and land transfers emerging as a major beneficiary with this new wealth he loaned Ferdinand a large sum and was made a june valentine was subsequently commissioned by the emperor to raise an army which would be under imperial dominion rather than that of the Catholic League he did this and eventually raised a force of around 25,000 he informed the count of tiel that he would cooperate with him but would not accept being the Catholic commanders subordinate this suited Ferdinand perfectly as the Emperor wanted to regain a personal leading role in the war the campaign began in early 1626 during which Christian concentrated his main army of 20,000 at wolfenbüttel so that he could keep the two armies of Valentine and tiel divided the former had occupied the cities of Magdeburg and Halberstadt due to the necessity of feeding and paying the army it is key to note that in this period armies employed the savage principle of bellum see if some allottee meaning that the armies fed and funded themselves at the expense of the local population in conquered territory moving from his bass Valentine initially began operations around gauslaa but turned when he received reports that man's felt was advancing south along the Elbe announcing he was coming to liberate Magdeburg he advanced towards Dessau where one of Valentine's subordinates guarded the only permanent bridge in the region a key Imperial supply route which had to be protected on the 24th of April 16:26 the Imperial Army arrived in the region after waiting until Mansfield's attempt to cross the bridge had faltered Valentine counter attacked and routed his enemy at the Battle of Dessau bridge [Music] through all this Christine the fourth had remained at wolfenbüttel attempting to gain additional German support meanwhile the newly recovered Mansfeld rushed east and fence south from Silesia aiming to get to Upper Hungary and rendezvous with Gabor not wanting to infringe on Brandenburg's neutrality Valentin initially held off from pursuing the Protestant commander but after a while he set off with 20,000 men aiming to catch up with Mansfeld it is possible that Valentine had waited deliberately until Mansfeld had gone too far to turn back at the same time teal had systematically captured and raised these strongholds at Munden noir time and göttingen with Massacre and plunder occurring throughout the entire campaign Christine the fourth raced south in order to attempt a relief but it was too late realizing he was now being chased by the Catholic League army he retreated to the north attempting to get back to wolf in battle but was harried by the enemy forces all the way [Music] he chose not to dump the baggage train to increase his army speed and because of this was forced to deploy on August 27th when teal caught up near Luton Baron Berger both armies numbered around 20,000 and formed up with the Homolka stream between them with the Danish using it as a defensive obstacle the Danes had a few more cannons than ta who'd made bad use of them only two of the 22 guns fired at one time whereas the Catholic League guns were used much more effectively shooting bloody holes into the enemy ranks after softening the Danish force up the league co-commander and Holt opened the battle by crossing the stream and advancing with his turf fields under artillery cover eventually managing to gain a foothold on the other side at the same time contingents of Imperial key Rossio haka Busia and true goon cavalry were dispatched around each way and crashed into the dais in a double envelopment teal centre now crossed the stream and managed to seize all the Danish artillery as well as much of the baggage train to the southeast Valentine confronted Mansfeld and Gabor on the frontier but this imperial show of force was enough to make the Ottoman supported Hungarian to seek peace seeing there was no hope Mansfeld tried to escape but died of disease in the Balkans back in Saxony Till's forces now besieged wolfenbüttel and mean burg on the VESA having made his way back north after his triumph Valentine joined till just north of Lauenburg in September and together the two over an Holstein and forced the Danes to retreat as a reward for his service Valentine was mage Duke of Mecklenburg an act which was controversial even to fellow Catholics the new Juke wanted another base for his burgeoning fleet and was convinced to cast his gaze onto the Hanseatic city of stralsund a town famous for defying jukkalan thority in early May 1628 one of Ballantine's subordinates and secure for nanum was commanded to quit Stralsund under siege initially he did not wish to damage Imperial prestige by using such force so he only loosely blockaded the city inside the walls wealthy aristocrats generally favored compromise whereas poorer citizens led by just keenest vongole s'en would rather resist as they would likely suffer the most under any occupation by valentines mercenary army as the first Imperial assaults began Stralsund had 20,000 inhabitants and was defended by a citizen force of 2,500 a levy of 1500 and a further thousand mercenaries recruited the previous winter Arnhem now demanded the surrender of the city in order to add more weight to Imperial demands he seized the island of dan home just off the eastern edge of the harbour and this managed to put cannons in range of the city however Arnhem had no fleet and could not resupply his force the relatively small Straus and navy managed to blockade the trapped Imperials on the island until it surrendered on the 15th of April depriving their forces of a few cannons over the next month 6000 reinforcements arrived at the Imperial siege lines which prompted Arnhem to command a night assault but this was repelled relatively easily and the attackers retreated seeing the initial success of the defenders Christie and the fourth who had retreated into Denmark sent 1,000 Scots and Germans to assist the town under the command of Heinrich hull after a few more small-scale repulsed attacks on the 26th and 27th of May Arnhem resorted to repeated massive artillery bombardments as he waited for Valentine to arrive 600 more reinforcements arrived On June 20th under the Swedish flag three days later the town concluded a 20 year long alliance with the King of Sweden Gustavus Adolphus who then chose to garrison the town this was the beginning of Sweden's intervention in the 30 Years War the siege intensified on June 27th when Albrecht von Valentine arrived in person he took command of the Imperial forces from Arnhem and renewed the assaults with a great intensity in these attacks the Scottish forces were defending the key eastern district of Franken under the command of Robert Monroe while they distinguished themselves and managed to repulse the attackers 500 of the 900 Scots were killed and a further 300 were wounded including Monroe himself during the following night Valentine succeeded in taking the outer fortifications of the city but could not progress any further instead he again resorted to mass bombardments with his heavy guns on the following morning the Duke of Pomerania bogus wofe the 14th sent envoys to urge Strauss and to surrender but they refused on June 30th more swedish vessels arrived and reinforced the defenders with a further 600 soldiers whilst under heavy fire from the Imperial cannons which were now wary of any ships approaching the situation began to change on the 17th of July when Alexander Leslie arrived with 1,100 more Scots he almost immediately sallied out of the defenses and launched an audacious attack on the siege lines inflicting many losses the next week was decisive inclement weather in the form of heavy rainfall between the 21st and 24th of July turned the battlefield into a sea of mud making the attackers situation untenable finally on the 4th of August Valentine lifted the siege for the first time in the 30 Years War Albrecht von Valentine had been defeated Christie and the fourth wished to capitalize on the Protestant success that Straus and and again began to raise an army on the island at lucidum on the 11th of August 1628 Christie and March 2 focused and captured it meeting no resistance from the imperial garrison the Danish King was then met with overwhelming support from the local population to turn vole gas into a fortress like stralsund he then awaited balance time for the final battle the Imperial commander had withdrawn from Strauss and after his defeat and headed east to face the new Danish force in the field with 7,000 troops consisting of 33 infantry companies 20 courier companies and 11 cannon the Danish army had 6,000 soldiers including 1,500 cavalry and 400 Scots from the Donald McKay regiment Valentine attacked on the 22nd of August quickly wiping out the Danish right flank and killing 1,000 Danish troops and capturing another 600 nightfall allowed Christian and some of his troops to retreat on their ships bo gassed was badly burned and looted and the Danish garrison had to surrender [Music] this was the final stage of the Danish intervention on behalf of the Protestant cause and it seemed as though the Catholic cause was once again ascendant however Stralsund showed that the tide was gradually turning to events in the next year 16:29 would affect how the war would progress first the piece of Lubeck ended the conflict between Valentine and Christian the fourth both of whom now needed peace the agreement was remarkably lenient to the ostensibly humble Danish king who was allowed to retain his pre-war position on the condition that he would promise not to militarily intervene on the side of the Protestants again second was the Edict of restitution a decree which attempted to retro actively enforced the clause of Alex Berg that Catholic lands were no longer to be held by Protestants this was a bold enough act to cause many moderate Lutheran's who had kept silent up until now led by the elector of Saxony to become increasingly threatened however they were now on their own again until a new force would appear to once again intensify the 30 Years War the kingdom of Sweden led by cast a bursa Delphis we'll talk about it in the next video on the 30 Years War so make sure you are subscribed to our Channel and have pressed the bell button we would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters and channel members who make the creation of our videos possible now you can also support us by buying our merchandise 5e link in description this is the kings and Generals channel and we will catch you on the next one
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 413,015
Rating: 4.9499669 out of 5
Keywords: Thirty Years' War, 30 years war, White mountain, european wars of religion, hussite, eighty years war, ottoman wars, bohemia, austria, holy roman empire, thirty years war, gustavus adolphus, 17th century, full documentary, gustav ii adolf, battle of white mountain, ottoman empire, holy roman empire explained, full length documentaries, documentary film, kings and generals, military history, decisive battles, world history, Denmark, Danish Intervention, Christian IV, Stralsund
Id: GDd_2tbt_A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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