Thirsty for love and freedom: the story of anger and not recommending in married life"

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What you will see in today's video. Hello to Gul Roi Mahtan. Welcome to today's video. Marsana is sleeping. Yes, Ali was supposed to be released today. He did not call. No, I do not know. said yesterday that his mother left a document that they will release him, so where is he.....the police told me that he is free today, I don't know why he came late, if he is released, he will be found on his own, he can't do anything alone, Abolfazl also sent the sheep The teacher's slave does not get stuck. I will go and make some sand. I can't sit idle waiting for Ali Mohammad. Why are you worried? My son, don't worry. He will come. What do you want to do? My daughter, I can't wait for Ali. Will he come or not? I'll start working myself. Maybe Ali won't be released at all. I'll work on my own. My dear, fetch water, pour it in the sand. You have to be smart to build a house, take my daughter, empty it there so we can work. See, you didn't let me release Ali. I know well now. I don't want to work, the wall of the house will be destroyed......he wanted to hell, don't take a second wife, you have to work yourself, get a teacher...where can I get a teacher, there is no one.....Dad, suppose I don't have a husband at all, what do you want to do? Don't depend on Ali, it's good that you didn't leave a document for him... My daughter, I don't know how to lay bricks... Well, you don't know how to do it, don't let it go. See, never trust a person who has made a mistake once, he will correct his own mistakes. He gives us, it has nothing to do with you. You are also not smart. You wanted to write a document for him... Mother is right. I am really sorry for not listening to you. Mother, he is not worth it. My daughter, just remember how cruel he is to you and your children. He left you alone in the mountains and in the tent and betrayed you. Think about it, Muhammad, your father made a mistake. I'm not saying that you should pay for his mistake with fatherlessness, but sometimes you have to pay for mistakes, so don't worry, stop, I'm in pain...... Don't say that you wanted to get a document, father, find a builder, you don't know... My daughter, where can I get a builder, I can't find one. give Look, do it right, otherwise you know what I'm going to do to you, why don't you know anything, why didn't you become a professor, now he found a document, why don't you do something for him ? Hello, my dear, I miss you so much, I missed you.....yes, hello Akram, good....what a greeting, I am really sorry for you.....I will explain to you what happened.....just don't say anything Please, I was not at fault if I left without knowing why you left here, if I wasn't your life partner, I shouldn't have known about the events, why didn't you inform me and left.......I asked you not to worry, I thought I was leaving And I'll be back soon... Look, just don't say anything, you made me worthless to my family. I was so simple that I thought you were making up for your mistake... Look, my dear, I could have given that loan to that woman's dowry, but my mother You are suffering from an illness, I couldn't let it happen... why didn't you tell me the same thing and then leave... I'm really sorry, I didn't want to cause problems for you..... really, you didn't create problems now, Akram I didn't think that woman was with the agent at my mother's house, they didn't let me, they quickly arrested me.....I just don't want to hear anything, stop it, this is none of your business....Go to my side, dear, how are you, my dear ? And my mother, I was embarrassed when I didn't know. You don't understand anything. Kids, go play. See, from today you will go to work and pay that woman's dowry. If you want to live with me, you must pay that woman's dowry as soon as possible, otherwise you will have to get out of my life. From the very beginning, you have made me suffer, from loneliness to grief, so go to work and pay that woman's dowry.......okay, my dear, don't worry, it will be alright, you made your own mother miserable too, she is the owner of the house. Kurd, because of you, where did that poor man find a document for mother's place is safe. Don't worry, everything will be fine, God will do it, just don't worry, I will do my best for that woman's dowry, so don't worry, I have to pay for my mistake, I could help you solve your problem to some extent, but you You never considered me a person, take this ring, sell it and go to work, pay that woman's dowry.......I never ask you for anything, this problem is only for me and I have to solve it myself, so let me solve it. ....this problem has also affected me, why don't you understand, if my mother wasn't sick, this problem would have been solved, please understand me a little......I'm not saying that you shouldn't think about your mother, I'm saying why this matter You didn't tell me that I love your mother more than my own mother, but that wasn't what we were supposed to do . ..control yourself, stop.....why are you doing this to us, what have we done to you, ha ha, you are a liar......enough......I am really sorry I was just thinking about my mother's condition..... Yes, mother is important, but why didn't you share this matter with us and went without knowing, maybe I could help you by selling sheep to solve this problem..... I didn't want to I will put you in more trouble......this was our family problem, we could have solved it by talking......I'm really sorry, but I created this problem myself and I have to fix it myself. You have to fix your problem yourself, I won't do anything for his problem..... stop it, calm down...... why should I be calm, don't talk to anyone...... look, he only spent money for his mother, there is no problem Respecting the mother is obligatory, so stop it, let us think about this problem.....I don't want you to do anything for my problem, I will solve it. I'm not to blame if I didn't inform you, my mother said come quickly, I thought something had happened to her, but the police arrested me and took my phone, they didn't let me inform you... Why didn't I inform you, you know how upset my daughter was. He thought that you had an accident somewhere... They did not give me a chance, they imprisoned me quickly... You were keeping secrets, at least you gave a news so that the wife and children were not worried... I said that they did not let you stop, it was an accident. What happened now, we will talk more about this issue later, and it's okay to end it here..... I'm really sorry, please forgive me... Go to work and pay that woman's dowry, you understand... OK Calm down... how are you talking, woman, calm down, it'll be alright, see, I don't want to cause any problems for you, really, if you're going to disrespect each other with me being here, I'll leave... He is about to get angry......Yes , I give him the right, but please understand me a little. I only and only he spent the money on my mother because my mother is not in a good condition. He said, "If it wasn't for your mother's expenses, you wouldn't be here now, because I know that your mother has to respect her. I won't tell you anything. You will go to work tomorrow and pay that woman's dowry." Go ahead, he needs a doctor and medicine.....Okay, finish it, grandpa, why don't you use rope for the wall.....I don't know, I didn't work that wall well either, I couldn't find a teacher, I had to do it myself. ....I will help you fix this house with the yard wall, it is different from the basic one....Yes, I know, I don't know, come and do it... Provide the daughter, don't make the problem worse, I will talk to you about this and we will solve it, so let us do our work, finish it... Akram is right, the people's document is busy, I don't have much time I don't have it, I have to go to work, I'll work on this wall for you now, but I have to go to work somewhere...... ok, now it's okay, work for now
Channel: Kamar
Views: 29,507
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Keywords: #vogue #, #Yar#, #MeBeast#, chaver#, #chaver#, #chavil#, #chendar#, #deoora#, #doora#, #nomad#, #taraz#, #kalot#, #nomads#, #nomadic#, #drama#, #nomadiclife#, Irannightlife#, #migration#, #familyconflict#, #Intensedrama#, #snake#, #familydrama#, #poisonious#, #venomussnakerescue#, DENA#, sholiz, peren, nomadicwedding, familydisruption, rurualvsurban, nomadicdrama, watercrisis, familyvlogs, poverty, immigration, #tir#, #dria#, perensholiz, nan, kamar, Daral, Dar-79, Tir, dria, piyar, chavil
Id: gLSsQKZk9d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 28sec (4408 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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