The challenge of rural life. Babak brought the goats to the buyer and bought a washing machine

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Dear friends and companions, welcome. The buyer will take the goats away from here today. Well, we have spent a lot of time planting trees and vegetables. Narges is sad about selling the goats, so Babak says he can cancel the deal . I will call the buyer and raise the amount a little. I will take it. I am sad about selling the goats, but considering our living conditions, this was our decision, and we will definitely have many goats in the future. Babak called and offered a higher price to the buyer. Make breakfast so we can eat. Well, you said to sell the goats. Why are you crying now? I want to take care of goats and go to hot and cold regions, but the living conditions have changed. As a result, families like Babak are encouraged not to go to nomadic areas and their children live in comfort and prosperity, but there are a number of families who continue this show to show the nomadic culture . The buyer is coming to take the sheep, the goats are hungry, so I will bring fodder for them to eat. You go and have tea. Greetings. This is musk water, which means the water stored in the skin of the goat. When we woke up in the morning, we were all upset and cried, my mother and my brother all. They have gone to the nomadic area in Sardsir and we are the only ones left here. He is talking about the goats he bought in the past few days. Well, now you have to pay me four hundred thousand tomans, right? OK, of course, if you are a little patient. Hello, how are you all? Have these gentlemen come to buy goats? Yes, grandma is getting ready to move to the cold region. Dad, your father can't come with us to the nomadic areas. Well, he can come and stay here. I want to buy a washing machine for my wife. I'll get some money in the city so that I can build a house in the future. It doesn't matter how much it is. Is it okay to buy land for my children in the city, is there animal manure in this village? No, there is no animal manure. Well, pour some sand on the back of the car so that the goats are not disturbed. Let's take the goats to the car. In Iran, selling livestock is considered a very good income, so Babak and Narges will be in a better situation by selling these goats . Various products such as yogurt, curd and animal oil earn money, and this is despite the fact that the number of goats is small and Nargis, despite her baby and housework, cannot reach the goats. Many viewers criticized Nargis, and of course, this decision by Both have been taken. Look , we have made a deal and in these cases there is a good deal of responsibility. I hope this deal will be beneficial for both. Well, Niash is worried, it is better to use this money to buy land for the children's future. I sold the goats because of my daughter. These days, the life situation of Babak's family has improved, especially from the economic point of view, and Babak has his favorite job, which is gardening. He is good at gardening and planting vegetables and this will make the family happy. Fortunately , the goats have been traded at a very good price and Babak can invest in the city with this money . I 'd better cover the floor of this car. Thank you for everything. Dad, Arman came. How are you, my son, how are you, Narges? Okay, thank you. A number of mountaineers who were around called me and said that they might come here in the future. Babak got this washing machine from his friend who lives in the city. yes, but it is completely healthy and new, my daughter is sleeping, nothing is wrong , my dear, wash your hands and then take this meat so that I can eat it in the freezer for packing. How much did you sell the goats for? One hundred and fifty three million, keep this money for me, I may get lambs in the future and keep them in this farm without the need for pasture . Some tourists have come to the village and have given money to the children, while Babak has invited them to come home and rest. Armin, my dear, sit over the child's head, sit on this side, Narges , bring tea Please , Nargis, we sold the goats, but in the future, I will get very good ewes, and I will also build a big stable They say that chicken manure is useful for agricultural land. We will install this washing machine that I bought so that you can wash the clothes. Arman. Everyone has praised you to the extent that they write that you are smart and polite and tall like your father. They say that you are handsome like me and also educated. You have seen that I get some sheep and we take care of them
Channel: Par
Views: 95,254
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Id: dh0jIjl4XQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 7sec (3727 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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