Caterpillar D8H Bulldozer Sitting for 15+ Years! (Will it ever run again?)

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[Music] you know [Music] thank you what's up everybody welcome back to diesel Creek my name's Matt and I have got a cool video for you guys today look at the beauty I've got here today I don't know the year yet but this is a 46a serial number d8h with a 28 number 28 cable control unit on the back here I've always wanted a d8 I've always wanted a cable machine so I found this one cheap enough if we can get it going here we're going to take it home with us I've got it on good information reliable information that this thing was parked here about 15 years ago and it was running when parked a friend of mine's dad actually parked it there supposedly so hopefully everything's been covered up good we're going to check all our fluids hopefully the pony will fire up and if the pony will fire up hopefully the big engine will fire up I got no way to tell if it's locked up yet until we get that far so here's the hoping so to have any shot at all at getting this Pony engine to run long enough to spin over the big engine we're gonna have to get that crusty carburetor off of there and get that thing cleaned up post haste luckily enough these bolts are just coming right free all right I think the only thing holding that carburetor on there now is that goop that they used to seal it up what a rusty gem I have to take this thing home take it apart and soak it see if we can't save it so if you're not familiar with these big old cats the way this works here you don't just have a direct starter on these old engines you actually have a smaller engine this thing right here that's a two cylinder gas job you get that thing running and then start turning over the big engine and then eventually you can get it started that way it's the same way my Lorraine shovel is and plenty of other old stuff but that's where we're gonna start I said making noise does that we got a jump pack hooked up here on the starter motor for the pony see if we can't get anything out of it sparking so we got something we got nothing Rusty oh I had something there ready definitely doesn't sound real good though either yeah I think we're going to pull that starter coordinates for scrap Industries and this is you he was so happy she saw you getting the Black trailer there today I guess for a home brew uh rocks though I actually like it like it's pretty stout yeah a lot of times I know that's why I like it though it's like mean looking you definitely get to plow through some trees I'm sure yeah I can't lose it if I didn't have enough material I said that's probably the length of tube they had foreign there we go I hear compression yeah probably could I love it I love that your jump box sounds irritated as soon as you turn it on says badly for my hand I can feel it do we want to tear the starter apart it's not going back at all oh yeah a little rusty crusty in there I've seen worse might have some Scotch Brite in there take this off and I'll take this flange offer and I'll pull that one down and uh he put it in this roll off he'd come to pick that thing up he put too much in it but this set of wrench is all you need I think that might be oh it's kind of designed to over not overrun or whatever that is called ratcheting I've never seen that though that's weird all the brushes were stuck in the on the motor here so getting those freed up and working again so they make proper contact and grab the right side that one they're not spreading very well pick up the pull back a little bit more this is way easier than four people yeah it is I hate trying to do this by myself I did it one-handed alrighty after a thorough tail tailgate rebuild here I'm uh feeling confident in our starter's abilities here contact we don't have any contact oh well the starter's still not sounding real hot they're still over there playing with that thing trying to re-engineer it we're gonna let AC doko know where they screwed up on that thing by the time we're all said and done here but the next concern here while I'm waiting on them is we're gonna get this cover off the side of the injection pump here and make sure the fuel rack isn't stuck half inch damn [Music] it okay pretty dry in there dry looking yeah get some lube on that should the whole rack will turn right yeah this whole rack should move from back go go ahead and work it see what happens [Music] yeah if we put them right on the rack oh there we go I gotta start moving a real throttle all right it went forward you might have to work the throttle or the decelerator anyhow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay so it's turning these guys which oh okay as that turns there's a basically a notch on the side that's a ramp so as it turns that it stops where the stroke is still pushing fuel into the engine that's how it meters how much fuel is going in there so the governor up here is what controls where the rack is to actually control the engine speed you're just telling the governor what RPM you want foreign but after they sit for a long time this gets stuck and that's how you can have a runaway well we do have a moving rack now all right take 32 contact a different sound at the end that's all buggered up I think the teeth that were there are gone well we finally decided that that starter is uh it's not going to be savable so buddy from Scrappy Industries there he's got a caterpillar collection at home himself he's going to go home and bum a starter off on one of his rides and hopefully we're gonna get this thing going well I don't know how long the air cleaner has been uncovered here but uh it is completely rusted out from getting full of water so we're gonna take that off of there so that we're not sucking up any junk in the event that this thing does start but soaking and heating these thumb screws here I wouldn't call them thumb screws just yet there are turning there you go there we're all safe dog look at that huh oh that's nice that's a literal bird's nest yeah I think that the bottom pants junk ain't holding no oil on that [Music] [Music] it's just different you're setting a tree stand it's quiet oh there we go bottom unless that screw is still in there all right so I did a poor job explaining of what I'm doing here but I took off the Magneto cover which houses the points and condenser for the pony motor and underneath there I was able to get a point file in there and clean up those points because after sitting this long uh guarantee those points are corroded up and not going to be making contact so we won't have any spark for the pony motor so got them all cleaned up should be good to go buddy Sam Scrappy Industries here we got the we got a borrowed starter with a borrowed carburetor I wish we could just borrow the whole tractor but uh we're gonna see if we got some cranky now Mark's good did you try the starter before you brought it last time I used it all right no that's not sounding good the same thing let's try that bar like it well I'm not saying it's right but it's right enough for what we're doing here we're able to the starter on an angle one bar later yeah and the pony turns over nice waterlogged oil in there and everything is it really because the dipstick looks cool there's water coming out of the carburetor now that's good nice let's all that over a little bit oh yeah and coming out there that's when you know it's good we have compression because it's blowing I can't believe it it chugged that water up out of there nicely how is it sealed that well I don't know that's impressive all right well we got this thing rigged up now apparently the engine was full of water and somehow it's still good after it was just negative six for I don't know what three days four days contact I'm impressed it sounds consistent I don't understand any of that it's not well but the fact that it turns is what's impressive to me all right well we filled the uh wanted to fill we put some oil in the cylinders there since it was full of water probably try to get a little bit of lubrication back into this thing we cleaned the points and plug wires are hooked up we're going to try and see if we've got any Spark corn deck I see nothing hold on hold on we got our cranking that starter still sounds a lot better than mine ready no contact yeah let's go [Music] I saw it all right moment of truth here I think there's a slight small chance that potentially maybe sort of this thing might pop off let's make it happening we got some spark we got some wires we got gasoline I don't know which way is throttle upper idle yes I'm gonna adjust the bar give her the beans ready contact easy bud this is a very smooth switch somebody should have restored that switch better give that a try that actually sounds good now I think it like real slow it was doing that before I don't know if it's your jump pack or the starter contact [Music] I almost sounded like something for a second you want to spray some stuff no ether [Music] I don't like that it's still dribbling water out of the carburetor coming back out of there is it feel like it's sucking though oh it was definitely sucking well that means the valves are working yeah temp number two here contact s well I think open choke would have been best without a gift give it a second it likes The Ether until it doesn't throttle and you're gonna run I'll run the throttle I think okay so we don't need the choke then we need ether in one hand throttle in the other oh he's getting interested ready yep come on Jay foreign [Music] thank you are you ready project oh yeah the thing actually sounds pretty good put it in low so close to running right now fuel coming the pressure because what oh yeah foreign got fuel [Music] [Music] foreign hot diggity thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign you guys hear that thing that makes me a happy guy it's running good I didn't try any of the higher gears I don't want to destroy Buddy's yard just yet seems like the steering is going to work the right clutch seems to work better than the left clutch but I'm sure they'll both come back a little bit more once we start running it around but he's been taking care of his yard and I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate me turning circles in it so we're gonna wait till we get to my place to really play around trying to steer it a whole bunch foreign yeah the old blade here she's seen better days if you look right down here you can see how the blade here is kind of kind of curved up that way that's probably fine what a beast the turbo hitting the housing I don't know about all that oh is that what that noise was not good still spinning down so that's not that bad so questionable turbo issues but other than that it sounds like it runs good not too bad for sitting for at least 15 years foreign good news bad news guys the good news is the Dozer runs and it moves and it seems like it's a pretty good machine the bad news is I got to cut the video off here but some more good news is that I have the rest of this video filmed and it's going to be up on the YouTube very very quickly following this video I was originally going to make it one video but as you can see it's getting pretty long here so we're just going to split it up into two and uh you guys get a double feature out of it so as always if you guys enjoyed this video please do me a big favor hit that thumbs up button down below the video doesn't cost you guys a dime and it really helps out the channel if you would like to help support the channel head on over to pick yourself up some sweet merchandise some swag over there we got hats t-shirts stickers beer koozies the whole nine all over at the store link down in the description as always thank you guys for watching and following along and I will see you in part two we gotta haul this thing home
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 2,402,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat, caterpillar, dozer, komatsu, deere, euclid, terex, case, heavy, equipment, diesel, cummins, detroit, dresser, international, allis chalmers, fiat
Id: hn5fCWxIhJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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