Thirstdate - Alabang Mid-week Service - September 16, 2021

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the bible says my king is the king of the jews he's the king of israel he's the king of righteousness he's a king of the ages he's the king of heaven he's a king of glory he's the king of kings and he's the lord of lords that's my king i wonder do you know it my king is a sovereign king no means of measure can define his limitless love he's enduringly strong he's entirely sincere he's eternally steadfast he's immortally graceful he's impurely powerful he's impartially merciful do you know him he's the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world he's god's son he's a sinner's savior he's the centerpiece of civilization he's unparalleled he's unprecedented he is the largest idea in literature he's the highest personality in philosophy he's the fundamental doctrine of true theology he's the only one qualified to be an all-sufficient savior i wonder if you know him today he supplies strength for the weak he's available for the tempted and the tried he sympathizes and is saved he strengthens and sustains he guards and he guides he heals the sick he cleans the lepers he forgives sinners he discharges letters he delivers the captives he defends the feeble he blesses the young he serves the unfortunate he regards the age he rewards the diligent and he beautifies the meek i wonder if you know him he's the key to knowledge he's the wealth spraying of wisdom he's the no way of deliverance he's a pathway of peace he's the roadway of righteousness he's the highway of holiness he's the gateway of glory do you know him well his life is matchless his goodness is limitless his mercy is everlasting his love never changes his word is enough his grace is sufficient his reign is righteous and a yoke is easy and his burden is lighter i wish i could describe him to you yes he's indescribable he's incomprehensible he's invincible he's irresistible you can't get him out of your mind you can't you can't get him off of your hand you cannot live him and you can't live without him well the pharisees couldn't stand him but they found out they couldn't stop him pilate couldn't find any fault in him tara couldn't kill him that couldn't handle him and the grave couldn't hold him yeah that's monkey that's my key [Music] amen welcome to thursday with ccf alabama hello please join us worship our god sing praises to everyone [Applause] [Music] you wrestle with the sinner's heart you lead us to mercy and nothing can keep us apart [Music] remember your children remember your promise so god will sing your [Music] grace is enough your grace is in love your grace [Music] [Music] strong [Music] you lead us in the song of your salvation and all your people sing along so remember so remember your people remember your children remember your promise so is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is enough for me so remember your people remember your children remember your promise so god won't sing your grace your grace is enough for us together your grace is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] praise you we worship you [Music] [Music] truly amen you will never fail lord just come to you and worship you the almighty god [Music] he will never fail he is almighty god greater than all we see greater than all we ask he has done great things [Music] lifted up defeated the grave race to life our god [Music] is you are with us and you are on our side [Music] just sing this out [Music] god is [Music] lifted up defeated [Music] is [Music] yes lord we worship you you will never leave us you will never fill us [Music] with [Music] us he will never leave us god is for us [Music] he will never he will fail fail us lift it up [Music] is [Music] our [Music] a clap offering you're truly able we praise your name yes lord amen to our lord jesus christ who was and is and is to come all praise and glory welcome everyone to first date good evening i'm really glad that you all could make it tonight and what a joy it is for me to be here with you my ccf alabang family if it's your first time to join us please let us know in the comment section so just type the word first that's f-i-r-s-t first and one of our volunteers will get in touch with you and welcome you to our family and for all of us here if you see people commenting first press hard or like and extend the ccf family warm welcome to them last sunday we continued with our series on life detox and the message topic was about victory over depression it was such a relevant topic pastor peter further emphasized how we have to recalibrate our mindset and recognize that god is sovereign and bigger than all of our problems and he gave us the acronym cast c-a-s-t what do the letters in cast stand for come on let me hear you write it down on the comment section below yo that's right that's very correct cast of all of our burdens on him because of who god is he cares for us he is almighty sovereign and trustworthy tonight pastor joby will give us even more insights about this topic after that we will flash discussion questions and this is optional if you want to join a discussion group process the message and learn god's word even more we will have breakout rooms via zoom we will flash the zoom details later after pastor jovi's devotion also if you need prayers our prayer leaders will be available to pray for and with you in our separate zoom prayer rooms we will flash the zoom detail seder as the message of pastor joby ends that's it for me but before we listen to pastor jovi let's lift up this time in prayer to our lord almighty heavenly father thank you for this time which you have ordained may your word be a light unto our feet a lamp to our path and we just give you all the glory the god of peace who brought up from the dead the great shepherd the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant equip us in every good thing to do your will working in us that which is pleasing in your sight to you be all the glory forever and ever and the people of god say amen and amen and now it is my privilege to introduce to you pastor jovi soriano good evening good evening ccf family welcome to thursday brother ryan thank you for that prayer and i wanted to say a big shout out to the big the elevate team the the exhault team i mean thank you for doing a great job and leading us in worship thank you so much kyle and your team wonderful worship time i want a big send out a big shout out to the people who are here for the first time i saw gina chus here and gina is here if this is your first time with ccf on thursday welcome to you and for so many of you others who are here today many of you are regular i want to read out some shout out names to those who are here early very early daisy mary mel eden geraldine xilin cleopatra victoria annabelle allen mercy beth higa sinopa gisele jean angie wow so many of you and i want to greet a very happy birthday today to joy lenten happy birthday joy i know you're watching i see your comments here to grace to uh wow so many of you to yell to neth to roy to edwin to sunny to uh let's see type in where you're where are you watching from okay so we know where you're coming from lily beth to bong to tuning to betty to mir now wow so many of you and you're here on facebook live you're also on youtube so welcome to all of you there i don't see the youtube comments so only facebook live welcome tonight we're going to continue our series on detox life detox and our topic is depression the title of our message tonight is overcoming depression overcoming depression if i were to ask you what is the definition of depression can you help me define depression well there are many definitions for depression but here's one i came up with it's an emotional state of being overwhelmed with anxiety discouragement despair negative self-worth hopelessness that leads to isolation inactivity changes in sleeping and eating habits and sometimes well leading or having suicidal tendencies that's a definition of depression i don't know if you've been through it maybe many of you i've gone through depression myself man many years ago it's not something you should be ashamed of it's something that happens in our in our lives sometimes now there are two types of depression that we experience the first one is situational depression situational depression and this is triggered by the way we respond to circumstances okay the second form of depression is clinical depression and that is triggered by our hormonal imbalance brain dysfunction or other medical conditions now i really recommend if you're going through something in yourself in your emotions to have yourself medically checked to determine what form of depression you're going through okay this lesson that we'll have tonight will focus on situational depression the form that is experienced by most people at some time or another let me ask you what are some words used for depression in the bible they don't use the bible doesn't use the word depression itself but some words that come close to depression do you remember what words you've heard what words you've read that are very close to depression when it was talking about people going through difficult times do you remember some of those words maybe you think of the word downcast or anguished bendette says sadness there's despair there's grief cindy says desolate yes grieved discouraged kr says anxious um suddenly says anxieties caroline says anxious deep sadness bell says lord that says fear anxiety hopelessness selena says marx's feeling of hopelessness yes all of these are are words that were used to describe being depressed now is depression a sin is depression and sin before i tell you i want to hear your comments is depression a sin yes or no some other words that people use are here vic says worry rest says rest high rest says says uh distraught yeah is depression a sin marianne says no roselle says no kr says yes uh catherine says happy blessed birthday to joy lenten yes joey happy birthday to you we're back to our topic uh some says yes no jesus worries okay well the answer is no it's not a sin to be depressed now listen carefully it may be a result of sin because of maybe extreme anxiety which is a sin unbelief in god guilt remorse now if you do not deal with depression properly it may also lead to sin what do i mean it may lead to bitterness to anger anger against god who are some bible characters who suffered from depression who were some bible characters who suffered from depression and there were a few can you name some can you name some people who were depressed in the bible that you remember roselle says but if we dwell on it and lose focus on god it might lead to sin yes you're right so depression in and of itself is not sin but it can be a cause of sin or it can result into sin roy says elijah yes we took up elijah last time uh bell says jeremiah jabez yvonne says david uh lord this is elijah mm says david jobe kr says all right you know you guys are right mm says king saul elijah job you know david was in depression he was troubled and battled with deep depression you have jonah who was angry and wanted to run away from god you have job who suffered great loss great devastation physical illness okay that was job then you also have moses moses was grieved over the sin of his people so grieved and then you also have jeremiah who wrestled with great loneliness feelings of defeat and security jeremiah was a weeping prophet you have paul who despaired of his life you know and you even have jesus himself who is in deep anguish over what lay before him now jesus remember was in the garden of gethsemane and he was in great anguish friends what does this all mean there are many people who went before us who were in depression it doesn't mean that it was sin but one thing is we can be assured that whatever we face jesus understands our weakness he understands our suffering he understands our greatest times of temptation despair because he too traveled that road yet without sin what are some circumstances that cause depression what are some circumstances in your life that can cause depression and there are many there are many let me hear let me hear from you things that cause depression maybe you've gone through a lot of physical overworked fatigue you are trying to live life all alone in your own strength maybe you're living with guilt so much sin in your life that the guilt is weighing you down earl says heartbreak yvonne says death of a loved one yes living with guilt not communing with god you know god is there but you don't commune with him and so it can cause depression how about suffering with a martyr complex think about that or you're out of focus from god kr says chronic stress actually says loss of loved ones yes definitely how about not having a friend mental anguish over a death of a loved one there it is financial debts anguish jesus money you're right renata velazquez says loss of a loved one rests as failures yes isolation kendrick says bad people serena says serena says loss of someone you know relationships destroyed separation betrayal slander gossip all of that friends we become depressed when we lose hope when we see no end in sight to our problems depression is caused not by circumstances themselves but by wrongly responding to circumstances remember that if you are in a situation today of being depressed i pray that this lesson will help you overcome depression today and in the future if you're not in this situation then i pray that you will use the lessons you learn to help others who may be going through this situation today in first kings chapter 19 verse 1 it says there now ahab told jezebel all that elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword you see ahab told jezebel because jezebel his wife she wasn't present she did not see the amazing miracle of god done through elijah first kings 19 verse 2 and 3 says then jezebel sent the messenger to elijah saying so may the gods do to me and even more if i do not make your life talking to elijah as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time and it says he elijah was afraid and arose and ran for his life and came to bereshiba which belongs to judah and left his servant there friends jezebel sent the death threat to elijah can you imagine the wife of the king said the death threat how did he respond he was afraid and he ran for his life can you imagine that just a while ago he was not afraid of 450 prophets of baal and 400 followers of ashura but now he was fearful of just one woman one woman elijah isolated himself by leaving his servant behind you notice that he left the servant behind he wanted to be alone verse 4 says but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a juniper tree and he requested for himself that he might die and said it is not it is enough now o lord take my life for i am not better than my father's notice all by himself he sat under a tree and pray that god would take his life this is what happens when a person experiences depression extreme depression elijah's thoughts regarding his circumstances were irrational it was illogical because if god was able to do such an amazing miracle why didn't elijah have the faith that god would protect him from jezebel you see elijah looked at his circumstances and became so fearful anxious discouraged and depressed he isolated himself wallowed in self-pity hopelessness and wanted to die notice that elijah went to god with the wrong prayer instead of praying lord deliver me he was now lord kill me he did not go to prayer before he ran away before he was afraid he went to god at the end friends remember this remember friends it's not your circumstances that create depression it's the way you see your circumstances that can lead to depression it's the way you see it depression is a battle over your mind and heart and satan he wants to destroy you he wants to crush you he wants to control your mind he puts in your thoughts all these things that are not true he lies to you about who god is and what god can do he conditions your mind with lies that god doesn't love you or care about you that god's not going to help you or he's not going to rescue you now thoughts like your life is meaningless and hopeless and that's enough to make you fall into despair friends it is the isolation that can be most destructive for a depressed person in his own he is his own worst counselor think about that elijah's source of confidence in god changed rather than placing his confidence in god to protect him he relied in his own ability or should i say inability to defend himself against the power of jezebel he took things into his own hands he thought he could run and hide from her no but friends god intervened in the elijah situation and likewise god will intervene in your life when you were depressed the question is how will you respond to god the way you despite respond to god will determine how you will overcome depression are you listening to me if you're in depression god will intervene especially if you are his child i want you to notice notice how god intervenes with divine therapy okay verse 5-8 it says there he lay down and slept under a juniper tree and behold there was an angel touching him and he said arise eat and he looked and behold there was in his head a bread cake baked on hot stones and a jar of water so he ate and drank and lay down the angel of the lord came again a second time and touched him and said arise eat because the journey is too great for you so he rose ate and drank friends what did god do to help elijah what did god do he allowed elijah to sleep twice god was concerned can you all say that god was concerned concerned for what yes for his physical needs god cared for elijah by giving him rest elijah has been physically exhausted and often times when you come from a great mountain top experience physically you're exhausted you are so exhausted oftentimes you fall into discouragement god also fed elijah with a cake gave him nourishment are you taking care of your basic needs rest food water physical nourishment see friends to rest is not a sin it doesn't mean always rest being sleep no no for some for some of you what is rest what is your rest it may mean finding something to get you de-stressed right what is it that gets you distressed is it maybe watching netflix or does that get you more excited is it exercising for people yes when you exercise you that's a way to de-stress how about reading a book for many of you it's also eating don't eat too much though for some of you you say oh i de-stress when i shop hopefully not okay hopefully not especially this time whatever it is find rest find a way to de-stress and if it means sleeping if it means eating then do that we continue verse 8-10 it says there and went in the strength of that food for 40 days and nights to horeb can you imagine elijah fasted because he didn't have a way to eat he fast he went all the way to the mountain of god elijah porib then he came there to a cave and lodged there and behold the word of the lord came to him and said to him what are you doing here elijah and he said i've been very zealous for the lord the god of hosts for the sons of israel that have have forsaken your covenant torn down your altars and killed your prophets with the sword and i alone and left and they seek my life to take it away notice that god did not get mad did not chastise or get upset with elijah what was god doing to help elijah what was god doing to help elijah god was communicating can you all say that god was communicating first he was concerned now he's communicating notice the verse the lord came to him and he said unto him what are you doing here elijah you know friends god may send people into your life to communicate with you to find out how you are god wanted elijah to answer this question for him to come to the realization of his wrong perspective and focus god knew why elijah was there but god wanted elijah himself to see what his answer is what his reply is because that will show him why he is doing what he's doing and if you look at his answer his answer was still self-focused it was using all the pronouns of i me mine i'm here you know elijah was still self-focused verse 11 13 says and he said go forth and stand on the mountain before the lord and behold the lord was passing by and a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking into pieces the rocks before the lord but the lord was not in the wind and after the wind an earthquake but the lord was not in an earthquake after the earthquake of fire but the lord was not in the fire and after the fire a sound of the gentle blowing when elijah heard it he wrapped his face with his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave and behold a voice came to him and said what are you doing here elijah now friends what was god doing now at this time what was he doing look carefully god was comforting elijah can you all say that god was comforting elijah why do we say that he was making sure elijah knew that he was right there with him that god's presence was there you see god was comforting him with his presence and that's what we need in those times of depression god was not in the strong wind god was not the powerful earthquake god was not in the raging fire he was in the still small voice let me ask you if you can hear a still small voice a silent whisper what does that mean what does that mean it means the person whispering is close to you is near you friends where god is where is god when you're going through difficult times in your life where is god when you are going through difficult times in your life you know the answer right the answer is near you god is right beside you and god asked the same question what are you doing here elijah notice god called elijah by his first name he called it by this indicates how personal our god is with us he's not a far away creator but an up close father really up close and by the way where was elijah supposed to be where was elijah supposed to be elijah was supposed to be in israel serving as a prophet remember his calling was a prophet of israel he should have been there let me stop here and let me make a suggestion to all of you i recommend that when you're going through difficult thoughts confusing thoughts and you're you cannot think straight and you're going through doubts confusion and all that when it seems that you cannot think rationally can you try writing down your thoughts yes have a journal to write your thoughts why do i say this answer the questions what am i thinking why do i feel this way friends answer these questions for yourself and write it down i say this because david remember david he wrote down his thoughts the book of psalms is like his personal journal we see how he struggled how we how he fought with with the enemies we see his situations in life his ups and downs and we see that he wrote down all these things and he saw himself through his his journal so write your journal first kings 19 verse 14 says then he said i have been very zealous for the lord the god of hosts for the sons of israel have forsaken your covenant torn down your altars and killed your prophets with the sword and i alone them left and they seek my life to take it away notice elijah said it was the same statement as before elijah's statement here was focused on false information he was not alone elijah was not seeing his situation based on the truth and when you and i have doubts and trouble seeing the right perspective oh i encourage you to likewise focus on the truths of the bible see god's many promises made for you he has many many promises made for you look at those promises that's what you focus your eyes on god's promises not on your thoughts your presumptions your ideas your opinions no go to god's word and re recalibrate your thoughts verse 15 and 16 says the lord said to him go return on your way to the wilderness of damascus and when you arrive when you have arrived you shall anoint hazel king over aram and jehu the son of nimshi you shall anoint king over israel and allah elisha the son of shapath of abel you shall anoint as prophet in your place what was god doing here with elijah what was god doing remember first and foremost he was he was in the very very beginning what was god doing with elijah he was comforting him he was concerned he went out of his way to to make sure that elijah was doing well communicated with him and then he brought his presence to elijah comforted him now god was commissioning elijah can you all say commissioning god was commissioning he was concerned he communicated he comforted and now he's commissioning him god was telling elijah you are still significant to me i still want to use you i have a role for you in my plan you are important elijah i'm not through with you yet you see and god has the same commission for you as well today you're never out of service god commissioned elijah by putting him into service elijah was to anoint kings and the future successor oftentimes friends the best way for you and i to overcome depression is for us to be used by god to serve others yes to serve others are you today aware that god is concerned for you that he's communicating with you that he's comforting you and he's commissioning you he wants to use you to be his instrument of grace to others don't count yourself out don't consider yourself hopeless let me ask you this question what did you personally learn about overcoming depression and what will you do to avoid being depressed come on put your put your ideas in the comments i want to hear your your thoughts i want to hear your thoughts what are you going through today what is it that you learned today concern commissioning comforting and communicating comforting and commissioning yes what did you learn today about overcoming depression how did this lesson speak to your heart what will you do to avoid being depressed in the future ricardo says trust god and pray fervently cast all your burdens to him very good raquel says pray more yes definitely joy says focus not on self rather focus on god and serve others instead very very good joy i hope you're enjoying your birthday huh yvonne says god changes our perspective through our circumstances if we are sensitive enough to listen to his voice yes joanne says seek god lulu says focus more on god sonny says focus on god's promise wonderful yes leah says remain steadfast yes be immovable remain steadfast in your faith tin says god is my comforter when things are bad jesus pray and trust him beth says focus on god beautiful yes roy says know the truth be not misinformed edwin says he was he was be realized i would be with you whatever happened i will never leave you or forsake you yes selena says listen to him more mella says god is god is near and i'm not alone beautiful misty says soak yourself in the word of god myself says have a de-group and be anchored on god's word yes ana says pray and serve nicod says calibrate your thoughts rasa says focus on god and not on myself be sir of service to others chris says today i witness god's greatness towards my life he in he's indeed full of surprises i just pray and let god handle it thank you lord all glory to god definitely all glory to god friends let me just say don't ever take your eyes away from god don't focus on your situation don't focus on your enemies don't focus on yourself keep focusing on god and his word all right keep focusing on god in this word believe it or not god is always the answer i love all your comments wonderful wonderful comments when we look to god and the power of the holy spirit we can change the way we see our circumstances and move our focus from the circumstances that would defeat us unto god our source of help and power remember that remember that let me read some more comments jena says don't hear from satan's lie because he wants to destroy our lives but instead make our relationship intimate with god god is more powerful than anything else yes actually says trust the lord and lean not on your own understanding in all our ways acknowledge him and he will direct our path yes focus andrea says focus on god not in problem because god is in control absolutely wonderful comments friends i love this interaction i really enjoy this time that we're commenting with each other share this with your friends because this is going to go on demand through the facebook page of ccf right after this uh this event and so people can watch this even if they did not come here live and so for those of you watching on demand i pray that god has spoken to your heart as well it's been a joy and delight to be with you tonight i want to pray for all of you before we close can i pray for you father in heaven i first and foremost want to pray for those who are going through a time of depression confusion hopelessness and despair father god you are the answer would you allow their thoughts to be put upon your promises in your word allow them to focus on you the great almighty god who's who can do all things and nothing's impossible for you thank you lord god that you are with us you are near us you are with us and in us lord god may we never forget that together with you we are the majority and nothing can harm us i pray lord god that you would help each and every individual as they help others to focus on you lord god to give them words of comfort and encouragement allow everyone here to be an inspiration to others to show them that lord god you are the answer we thank you for this evening we thank you for our lives and for all that you've done for us lord we know that this pandemic is still upon us but you lord god are in perfect control we will never give up because our hope is in you lord god please protect everyone everyone and their families from all the coveted infections keep us safe and for those who are infected today in in in the homes and out in the hospitals lord help them recover touch their bodies with your healing hand and lord bring comfort and peace to all those who have lost loved ones at this time lord please lord embrace them with your unconditional love thank you father and for those lord who are here watching and listening to this today who do not have a relationship with god i encourage you lord to touch their hearts and and right now whoever you are pray lord god pray pray this prayer to god lord i need you and i give and surrender my life to you i'm all yours from this day forward take my life and change it in jesus name i pray and to all of us lord thank you in jesus name we pray amen and amen guys we'll see here next thursday but before that if you're a dear d group leader hope to see you on saturday for the group leaders meeting register and meet you there at uh i think it's 7 30 this saturday september 18th god bless you all i love you guys see you soon thank you for joining us today for thursday you're meeting with your d group or want to participate in a discussion group tonight here are suggested breakout questions we will pause while you take a screenshot [Music] for those availing a zoom breakout room for their d group or want to join a discussion group kindly take note of the zoom details or take a photo of the qr code on the screen zoom rooms will be open till 9 30 pm if you haven't signed up for a breakout room please let us know right there in the comments and we'll be glad to assist [Music] if you're with us for the first time would like to be prayed over or in need of counseling please take note of the link or take a photo of the qr code on screen our volunteers will be glad to serve [Music] once again thank you for joining first date we hope to see you again next week right here at 7 pm have a blessed evening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CCF Alabang
Views: 333
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 33sec (3633 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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