ThinkorSwim (TOS) Tutorial Basics for Beginners: Stock Charts, Technical Indicators & Platform Setup

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[Music] [Music] this is Keisha here at trade with resolved calm and I hope you're having a great trading day if you're new to the channel and interested in platform tutorials viewing live day trades or learning some of the basic terminology that comes along when getting involved in the stock market please consider subscribing to the channel today I am going to walk you through how to customize your stock charts so to begin you can come down to the bottom and select the plus sign and then you can select click chart so next let's type in a ticker symbol let's say we would like to be s py and now we have our stock chart so now let's go ahead and detach the gadget so you will just select the menu button and then select detach gadget so at this point we can resize this window and now we have our stock chart all right so let's go over some of the basics here so in order to zoom in and out there are three ways that you can do so you can select the chart so left click and then drag your mouse over and let go and you can continue to do that until the sizing is the way that you wish another way that you can zoom in and out is utilizing the magnifying glasses down here at the bottom right hand corner so we can zoom out and then zoom in with the plus sign the last way that you can zoom in and out is by dragging the horizontal and vertical axes all right so those are the three ways that you can zoom and now so now let's go into the chart settings so if you come up to the top where this gear icon is that is where your chart settings are located so first let's begin by taking a look at the overlapping volume so this is something that I don't personally like I don't like for my volume to overlap so I am going to deselect that option and then click apply so now you can see the volume is separate from the chart now it is not overlaying the actual chart next you can also display your high low bubbles so I'm going to go ahead and display that and click apply so this is an example of the high bubble and there it is displayed nicely on the chart let's go back into the settings and you can also change the time zones so depending on where you are located you can come down here and change the time zone next we are going to go over to favorite time frames so we do automatically have a few different options here we have the three minute the five minute the 15 minutes so forth and so on so let's say you would like to add the two minute time frame you simply click add time frame and I'm going to go to intraday and let's go to five days for the time interval and then let's select two minutes and then you can select add so now our two minute time frame has been at it you'll want to select apply and okay so now when you come up to the top here you're going to see that the two minute time frame has been added all right so let's go back into these settings so next we are going to take a look at the appearance tab so this is where you can customize the different colors for your star chart so you can change the colors of the candlesticks so you can also determine if you would like for the candlesticks to be filled or unfilled so for example let's say we want it to fill the candlestick now the green candlesticks our field we can deselect it to unfill it you can do the same for the red candlesticks now if you don't want to stick with the red and green candlesticks you can change the colors to your personal liking next you can change the background of your stock chart so let's say you don't like this gray so what you can do is select background and then select the color of your choice I'm gonna go with black instead of gray and then you can also change the gridlines here and I think that looks ok for now and we can also change the color of the volume bar let's say I would like the volume bars to be let's go with blue now we can select apply and ok and now we have made some changes to the chart so you can see here that this shaded area of the chart is displaying the extended hours and that is not something that I personally like to display on my stock charts so let's go back into settings we can head over to equities and then you can deselect show extended hours trading session so we're going to deselect that and then click apply and ok so now you can see that the extended hours are no longer displayed alright so that is how you can customize the colors of your stock chart so now let's discuss how do you go about adding technical indicators so you simply want to select studies add study and then you can find the indicator that you are looking for let's say I would like to add simple moving average I'm going to go down to s and select simple moving average you can see here the default simple moving average is the nine period simple moving average but I would like to add the fifty period simple moving average instead so you will simply right-click the indicator and then select edit study from here you can change the length so I'm going to change the length to 50 and then you can select the color that you would like I'm going to go with red select apply and okay so we now have our 50 period simple moving average let's say we would like to add another indicator again select studies add study all studies and then you can choose the study that you are looking for so let's say I want to add Bollinger Bands I'm going to go over to Bollinger Bands and now the Bollinger Bands are displayed again if you would like to change the colors of a particular indicator just right click go to edit and I'm going to change the color of the Bollinger Bands so they are all one color and then you can select apply and okay so now I have my Bollinger Bands and the 50 period simple moving average now let's say you would like to add another indicator like the RSI you can go back to studies select add studies and now we can select RSI and you can see the RSI has been displayed here at the bottom if you would like to change the color or these settings again right click on the indicator select edit you can change the colors here if you would like you can also change the length as well so that is how you can go about changing and customizing the color scheme and adding technical indicators to your chart so now that you have customized the chart to your liking it is important to save the chart so that whenever you log into the platform you will not have to continuously Creek ustym eyes the chart so we're going to simply right click go down to style and save styles so now let's name this particular style and I'll just say chart style number one and then you'll want to make sure that you select include patterns and studies set now you can save it alright so let's go back to the main screen here and let's detach another chart so this is the default chart but let's make sure that we saved our customized chart properly so what you can do is right click on the chart select style load style and we named it chart style 1 and here we are here is our customized chart alright and then you also want to make sure that before you exit the platform you can go up to setup save workspace as name the workspace and select save so that you can save your work also let's say you want to be able to view multiple charts you can go over to charts and we are now looking at the flexible grid so let's say you would like to view a total of 6 charts you will select the add button to the right and now we have a total of 6 charts so let's bring up a few different charts here so let's bring up Apple Facebook Netflix Tesla Alibaba and then spy so now that we have our six charts here let's say you would like to remove the sidebar you will just deselect sidebar so that you can have a little bit more space here if you would prefer to display the level two beneath the chart you can select level two and it will allow you to view the level two along with the stock chart if you would like to remove the level two you deselect level two and it goes back so now let's go ahead and deselect sidebar for each chart so we have more space all right so after we are done you simply come up to the top here the top right hand corner and select customize grid you want to deselect it we no longer heed this customization box here so you can deselect customize grid and then the Box disappears so now let's load the chart that we just customized again right-click go down to load style and select the chart so we have now loaded our saved chart style to each chart so once you've done that again you'll want to make sure that you save your workspace so that you do not lose your progress all right so that is how you can utilize flexible grid now let's say you don't really like having all of this information contained within this main screen what you can do is we can go back to the chart that we were working on earlier so if you have another monitor you can drag it to your other monitor if you wish and then let's say we would also like to view the chart along with the level two so what you can do is go back down here to the bottom left hand corner and click add gadget and let's add a level two window let's enter a ticker symbol so we'll just enter spy we'll go back to the menu and select detach gadget all right so we have detached the level two along with the stop chart now let's say you would also like to view the times and sales window you can go back to the main screen go down to the plus side and then we can select time and sales let's enter spy and then we will detach the window once more and you can resize each window to your liking so now we have our level two our time and sales window and our customized chart let's say you would like to link these windows together you simply select the link icon and let's select read for each one all right so now let's enter a different ticker symbol let's say we would like to view Facebook and now whenever you enter in any ticker symbol each of the windows will change to that specific ticker symbol so now we can view the level to Tom in sales and the stock chart of Facebook now that we have linked the windows so again once you have customized your chart remember you will want to make sure that you save your progress so again you can save it by right-clicking the chart and then going down to style and then you can select save style you can also go to the top of the chart here and select style save style so there's two ways that you can really get to the same destination so I hope you enjoyed this short tutorial on how you can go about customizing your thinkorswim charts to your personal liking thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this tutorial please consider subscribing to the channel and I look forward to seeing you in the next video [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Trade With Resolve
Views: 101,974
Rating: 4.9232507 out of 5
Keywords: thinkorswim charts, thinkorswim technical indicators, thinkorswim platform setup, thinkorswim tutorial, tos tutorial, thinkorswim, tutorial, setup, how to, tos, think or swim, thinkorswim indicators, thinkorswim chart settings, stock charts, technical charts, tos technical charts, thinkorswim basics, thinkorswim for beginners, learn thinkorswim, tdameritrade, thinkorswim platform, beginner, how to use td ameritrade, stocks, how to setup a stock chart, thinkorswim chart setup
Id: DzqtUjr7GW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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