Master Think or Swim (ToS) Custom Charts | Trading Tutorials

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what's going on traders matt here from the trade brigade and in today's video we're going to cover the ins and outs of the thinkorswim charting features they're pretty comprehensive and can be a little bit intimidating but we're going to walk through it step by step starting from scratch by resetting the platform that way we cover everything you need to know to come up with a fully customized setup like some of the examples you're seeing on the screen now oh and make sure to stick around until the very end because i'm going to share with you two must use shortcuts that can make navigating the platform much easier all right so before we reset the platform to the default state i want to just take a moment to remind us what makes a good chart layout in the first place and to me it really boils down to one word and that word is going to be clarity at the end of the day we really want to be able to focus on price action and volume and not have our judgment clouded by flashy colors and crazy looking things so a clean and efficient chart a chart that provides clarity is the end goal always keep that in the back of your mind as you're tweaking these settings and remember what works for me may not work for you so that's why we're going to reset the platform and walk through all of these steps one by one so you can come up with a fully custom layout that ultimately provides you with the clarity you need [Music] there are two ways that we can reset our charts and think or swim and the first one we'll focus on is by going to the gear icon with the word setup next to it in the top right hand corner to reset the entire workspace i know this is cut off here but save the workspace you currently have call it you know whatever you'd like click save that way you can always return then right back into the same menu the third option now that says reset workspace to default if we click that click ok basically think or swim will build a default state of the application with none of our settings applied none of the indicators anything that we had prior applied to this current build so we want to navigate back over to the charts tab and we'll pop in the ticker spy for the s p 500 as a benchmark and you can see we have now a default version of our chart i'm going to clean up the drawing set here by popping the clean version on if you want to learn more about drawing sets definitely check out this video up above in the top right but for now you'll notice that we have a gray chart in the background we have this grid that's going on it's kind of distracting for me at least we have these red dotted lines this gray dotted line our green candles are not filled in we have blue volume i'm sure you've seen charts like this before overall it's just not really providing the clarity i need or i would like at least to make efficient trading decisions so let's go ahead and start to mess with some of the look and feel items in the platform the first thing that will impact our charting experience is of course the color mode that the application is in so we can access that and change it by going back to the gear icon with the word setup first option this time application settings and navigating to look and feel in here you can now see we have the ability to change the color scheme and by default it is set to dark mode if you prefer light mode there you go now you have white charts a light background light grays and whites you also have the ability to use old school thinker swim which incorporates some darker blues some oranges and then we have chinese dark and chinese light and the only difference between these and the regular dark and light mode is if we just flip these on you'll notice the up trending candles have inverted the green and red color scheme so now up is red positive is red and down is green and negative is green so that's the key difference there can be slightly confusing if you accidentally set it to chinese dark but you would solve that by just going back to regular dark mode if you're intent on coming up with a completely custom experience you can do something like this of course this is probably what you were seeing in the intro but i would just remind you that clarity should be at the forefront of any decisions you make here if you're intent on making something of your own go to new based on from here choose a starting point like light and now you can assign any color you'd like to almost any portion of the application itself for the sake of clarity i find that dark mode is you know works best for me but you can use whatever you'd like we'll apply that keep everything just the way it is and now let's start to tweak the appearance of the actual chart what we need to do now is create our own default chart style that we can reference as a starting point let's clean up the actual cosmetics of this chart by navigating to the gear icon here in the blue bar at the top of the chart we'll click and in this dialog let's navigate to the middle tab that says appearance of course now in here we can actually change the chart type if you want to look at a line chart an area chart you name it you can pretty much you know pull it up here in think or swim but this tutorial is focused on candles we're going to turn the fill up color on and this ticks here simply represents up versus down candles a doji of course is a candle that opens and closes at the same exact price so it will be gray or a neutral color of course you can set that to whatever you'd like but now we have some presents with the green candles let's for example say we want to turn them blue we can do that by clicking on the color box of course come into here navigate to a blue now we have blue candles of course we want to change the border as well to match so we'll use the same color blue and there we go we have red and blue candles blue of course representing upward action you can also get pretty fancy let's say you just want to change the border and you get the sort of glowing effect on your candles thinkorswim is almost endless in terms of its options for customization so just remember that and you can again keep clarity at the forefront but do almost anything you'd like i'm a pretty simple trader simple guy i prefer my green and reds it's worked for decades and i don't really see a reason to change it we want to keep show wicks always checked on that's obviously a key piece of market data and underneath we can of course change the cursor the color so keep in mind this is the actual color of the cursor cross hairs if i change it to something crazy like pink you can now see we have a pink crosshair i again prefer things pretty vanilla so gray works for me if you want to change this to just the horizontal line the vertical line the no line you can do that there as well i would never recommend snap crosshairs on let's just say it is turned on notice how jumpy the crosshairs are there in the preview window very very difficult to pick out certain price points i would never recommend again that anyone turns it on but that's where you would do it underneath that we have volume bars right so i prefer my volume to match the candlestick above so we can do that by checking this box and just like that we have volume now matching the candles above if you're someone who likes it to be a custom color again knock your socks off you can do something like have pink volume by just using this little color option here we'll keep it as color as symbol ticks for now and then the background this is really the critical part for me at least i prefer to use a pitch black color and just be aware that this option here although it looks pitch black it's actually not if we click into more this is the black that we want we'll click ok and now you can see it's pretty much you know on par with pure black i prefer to turn the grid off this is the dotted lines in the background very very faint you can probably see it on your monitor maybe not this one depending on your screen resolution but again you can knock your socks off here change it to a neon blue pink whatever you'd like but i prefer to just keep it off it keeps the chart less distracting for me and i can focus on the price action at hand and from here let's go ahead and apply these settings and see what we're left with i'll click ok and we're off to a pretty good start but there are a few more things that i want to clean up before we save this as a default so more than just cosmetics there are a few things that will actually make visualizing our price data much more user friendly the first thing i'm sure you've noticed is that there's actually no room to sort of look into the future here in the top right hand corner of the chart and to do that we need to go back to our gear icon in the top blue bar go ahead and click there and in the pop-up window this time go to the time axis and in here we want to focus on the options on sort of the right hand side here over here we want to change the expansion area to something like 50 or 100 so i'm gonna click apply we'll see what happens you can see here we now have some room to sort of visualize into the future i like 50 it's not too much it's not too little that works for me so i'll leave it at that the other thing underneath here that i want to sort of clean up is of course these red dotted lines and that is going to be your show expiration friday so if i uncheck that and click apply boom we now have a pretty good starting point with no sort of distractions the year marking line i don't really need that either so i'll uncheck that and rollover lines have to do with intraday splits and you can only see them on an intraday chart i'll just uncheck it for now but do know that nothing will actually change on our daily chart here because again we're looking at a daily chart as noted on the left here in a one year time interval so for now we'll click ok and this is looking pretty good to save as a default so let's go ahead and do that now so there's going to be two ways that we can now save this style as default and both of them are going to come out of the style menu up here in the top blue bar if i drop the menu down the first one we'll focus on is all the way at the bottom save style i'm going to go ahead and name this something like default black and i want to make sure that we uncheck or make sure this is not checked here include patterns and study set and from here just go ahead and click save now that we have it saved we can essentially load this into any chart window but to prove this point let's go back to the style option and reset to the factory default which is just above save style that we just used and this is what i meant in the very beginning where i said there's two ways to reset the chart so by clicking reset to factory default reset we now have exactly where we started right and that's without resetting the entire workspace so that's a convenient little workaround that is worth noting but if we want to load that style we just created backup back into the style menu and this time load style and we'll click on default black ignore the other ones in my sort of style list but default black will bring us right back to where we just were the other useful way to re or to use this as a default style is to go back to the style option drop it down and then click set chart default if i click this nothing will happen at first i'm going to click yes and nothing happens but what we've just done essentially is reset this as our chart default so if i go into the gear icon and make an appearance change let's do say i do something like change the background to let's go with a blue just so it's really obvious here we'll click ok we now have a pretty unbearable chart if i want to reset this back to what we just set as a new default i'm going to go back to the style window use the drop down and go reset to chart default not factory default but chart default and if i click that and click reset we are now left with the option that we essentially set which was our default black style so those are two pretty convenient and easy ways to essentially use what you've created as a default it's very useful to save it as a style first that way we can choose from you know anything that we've essentially created in the past and then set it as a chart default that we want to use over and over again and you'll always know you're on the default by up here above time frame setup i don't know if this will work yes it will there we go it says default right there and an asterisk will come up next to it if you've made a change from whatever style you've eventually loaded so always keep that in mind you could double check up at the top you can use set chart default that will set whatever you have on the screen right now as the default reset to chart default if you've made a change you do not want factory default we've covered and also save and load styles as well so let's dive back into the gear icon and talk about some of the other tabs we glanced over we'll cover some of the more useful ones as many of them are pretty self-explanatory like here show orders of course it'll just show your order on the actual chart studies highlight studies all things i think add value and i keep checked on display though show high low bubbles are going to be this here and this down below here in the bottom left and what's important about this is that they're not the all-time high in the all-time low it's simply the high and low of the data we have loaded on the screen if you turn it off it will adjust the chart a little bit and give you a little more room i like to keep it on i find it valuable show last price bubble is going to be this one here and again i'd never recommend turning this off because it's usually within eyeshot of the candlestick if you have it turned off you're pretty much having to look here to see whatever price has traded as the last price extend order alerts to the left i don't really find that useful symbol logo of course again many of these are self-explanatory that's going to be up here in the top left if they have it in the database show trades you can use for some hindsight sort of um you know exploration of what you did in the past one thing i would recommend that people turn on is synchronized crosshairs position by default i believe it is turned off but you can turn it on and that will become extremely helpful when we have multiple charts in the same window another thing i want to differentiate here is under layout show price sub graph doesn't literally mean underneath the graph the sub graph is the actual chart of price if i turn that off and press apply you'll notice price completely disappears so again it's not sub as in underneath the graph it's literally the chart of the price so we'll turn that back on we'll have to adjust our level there for the split in a moment and then overlap volume again this is another interesting one if you have your candles and volume set to the same color and i check this on turn it on for a moment you'll notice it's very hard to read the price action in this section of the chart now i'm sure if we go into appearance and set the volume as we now know how to do as some sort of subdued color maybe like a deep blue something like that we'll click apply you'll notice it's not so noisy here it's easier to read the price action when the colors aren't conflicting but overall i like to keep my volume existing in its own little space so i'll turn this back on we'll just undo what essentially we just did i will check this off and press apply and now we're left with almost what we just had the next tab to look into of course is the price access tab directly next to general and what i want to focus on here is the fact that the left-hand column is going to scale our price axis here in regard to additional elements loaded into our chart whereas the options on the right over here are going to be sort of defaults if you will so focusing on this one first we have fit studies and fit study markers turned on by default and let me illustrate why that might not be the best idea if we just load in something like a 500 period simple moving average and again the point of this video is more about the charts not so much loading studies but this is how you would do it very quickly so 500 periods simple moving average we'll click ok and it doesn't look like a problem at first glance right our 500 sma is way down here at 322 even though prices weigh up around 417 but if we were to change this chart to something like a three month chart instead of a full year's worth of price action notice that price is shifted way up here instead of occupying the bulk of the screen real estate that's because we've opted to show and fit these studies as you know in relationship to scaling this price access over here if we jump back into the gear icon price access and now uncheck these options we'll click apply and okay and you'll notice now that we can focus on the price action at hand we're not fitting our study it didn't go away but we're not fitting it into the screen if we scrunch the chart way up you can see that the study still exists again it's just not relevant to the current price action so we're not going to include that and again that's why i usually recommend that you turn that setting off i'm going to go ahead and change this back to auto again that's all covered in the drawings video but for now we're going to navigate back to the gear icon back into the price axis and i want to talk about expansion area just like we had left and right for setting our our default preference we can do that with up and down so i find that changing this to something like five percent up and five percent down gives us just enough breathing room up here at the top and at the bottom to be comfortable if i press apply you'll notice it's scrunched in just a little bit we have a little more breathing room again up here at the top as well as at the bottom so five percent is generally a safe amount if you want to use a custom interval on your price axis you can set that in here i would never really recommend that it can become extremely blown out of proportion and then we have things like log scale and price as percentage let's go ahead and kill two birds with one stone i'm going to go ahead and choose use log scale as well as show price as a percentage and we'll just press ok and i want to navigate back to a year-long chart but more importantly to a ticker that's experienced a parabolic move so we're going to go to tlry tilray and notice how this chart looks and just you know let's actually remove this 500 simple moving average no longer really relevant we'll clean the drawing setup as well all of these things are talked about in the drawings video as mentioned earlier but for now you'll notice it's easy to look at this price action right very very easy it's not like we really have to you know pick out what levels are going on over here because this massive move higher is skewing our information if we go back to the gear icon back to price access and uncheck use log scale and press ok notice what just happened to the chart because we're using a fixed increment on the price axis all of this price data has been compressed just to accommodate this massive spike higher so it's the same chart just presented in a different manner the other thing we sort of said we would knock out here at the same time is the percentage piece on the price access so right now and whenever you enable that show price as a percentage so over here again these aren't dollar values these are just percentage values it's starting from the left most candle on your chart so right now we're looking at daily increments on a one year time frame so over the course of a year eventually tlry was up to the tune of 900 and you can quickly visualize that by enabling this y-axis sort of preference the other thing we can do with the show price as a percentage is actually show the bubble as price so if again if 164 to the upside doesn't mean much to you if you uncheck this and press apply now we're actually showing that as a price which just so happens to be 17 and twenty cents another thing we can cover while we're here is the left access again this has more to do with adding studies when you get more and more studies if you wanna clean it up make sure left access is enabled and it will actually set a new price access on the left hand side of the chart but for now it's not really too too important let's go ahead and continue on with our tabs we already covered the time access tab so let's move right on over to favorite time frames now this is where we're going to be able to edit whatever shows up in this drop down menu in the blue bar so for example let's go ahead and add a time frame and say we want to do something like an intraday let's go with two three days of look back period that's the equivalency of time interval and use an aggregation period of let's say two minutes so instead of a one minute chart we'll be looking at a two minute chart we'll click add and you can now see down here at the bottom we have a three day two minute chart just for example sake we'll press ok and now you'll notice if we click into the d for daily and basically the time frame setup window the two minute three day chart has been added all the way down here at the bottom let's navigate to this because it will help us in understanding the next piece of our tutorial let's go ahead and just jump right in and continue on back to the gear icon because what we want to focus on is the equities tab now so we covered time frame and appearance again everything in here is pretty self-explanatory add that's how you would do it that's how you access them but equities tab since we already covered appearance is up next now in this tab there's some pretty critical things that we need to understand the first one is of course again showing volume if you ever find that volume is disabled and you can't sort of figure out why it's turned off always check this one first because if this is unchecked even if let's go ahead and click apply notice that it goes away even if we go to appearance and you know overlap or excuse me general and overlap our volume there we go overlap volume press apply you'll notice nothing happens and that's because once again if we go back to equities remember that sub graph doesn't actually mean beneath the graph it just means the actual plot of the volume data so if i turn this on and remember that in a in a general our volume is overlapping what do you think will happen of course it will be overlapping so let's go ahead and fix that by turning this back off we'll press apply just you know back to where we started essentially but again remember that volume here should always be checked on the other thing i want to point out is show corporate actions up here in the top that is going to only apply on a daily time frame for something that offers you know earnings dividends and basically any corporate action it'll show as a little bubble so let's illustrate that for a moment we'll go back to something like a daily time frame see these bubbles at the bottom here and here in the future and in the past that is a corporate action if we go ahead and back into the settings menu into equities and uncheck that and press apply notice that those bubbles now disappear i always find it's a pretty good thing it's handy to know when earnings or when a dividend is coming out so i like to keep it turned on everything else you can usually ignore cnbc video pretty useless in my opinion options don't really apply here and then lastly again probably a more important piece of this actual settings window is access so time show extended hours trading session is going to show the pre and post market data if i click ok and navigate back to let's go again with that two minute three day chart we now have you know pre-market and post-market data highlighted in this light gray section of the chart now remember back to the very beginning in the time axis window we talked about rollover lines being the line that separates days if i turn this on and press ok you'll now notice that we have a gray dotted line that separates the day as soon as the day essentially rolls over so that's how you would turn that on and enable it some other important things to note about the equities tab if we go back in and do something like uncheck highlight extended hours trading session now we have exactly that our extended hours trading is not highlighted you can pretty clearly see it by what's going on with volume down here below but overall again if you're just not a fan of the highlight you can get rid of it there if you want to not show extended hours trading at all just uncheck that option and don't worry about this start aggregation at market open by default it should be on but it doesn't make a difference one way or another we will click ok and just like that we now have the you know no pre-market data showing it's all hidden there and the only thing separating days is our rollover lines if you find that distracting if you don't like knowing where the day starts you just want to look at it as a continuous chart again you can change that once again back in the time axis uncheck rollover lines press ok and just like that we're back to a pretty clean looking chart everything else in the settings tab after equities is almost going to mirror everything that we had in equities of course applying to whatever chart type you know it's referring to so options will refer to an options chain chart futures to a futures chart and 4x to a 4x pair so all of these things are going to be essentially the exact same just in application to those other different instruments all right so a quick reminder that at this point if you've made any changes in your settings here for me it's basically just been in the price axis unchecking fit studies and study markers and turning on a five percent expansion both up and down that you probably want to re-save this as your chart default so i'll click ok nothing's changed and i'll just go back in and do something like set chart default here yes and go back in and save the style as if we just drop this down default black that way it overwrites what we had in the past we'll click yes and now it's remembered all of my settings now that we have the chart styled exactly as we'd like it's important that we take advantage of the layout opportunities here so in the top right hand corner notice this blank empty square if i drop that menu down we have the ability to choose from a four by eight so 30 cells in total there or 32 excuse me in total there grid so i'm gonna use something like a two by three and you'll notice we have five more cells to essentially populate here only spy was carried forward from what we had in that one window setup the quickest way to load tickers would be to go back up to the drop down here the one hamburger icon menu next to it and click on load symbols to cells or hover rather and from here you can load symbols from a watch list i'll use something like our options candidate watch list and you'll notice we get spy the queues iwm apple netflix and tesla which of course are the first six in our watch list so down below this is the default sidebar by the way here you can see that the first six are spy queues iwm apple netflix and tesla that's where those tickers are coming from you can of course create whatever type of watch list you'd like and load symbols from there the other important thing to note is of course now we can save this as a default so back to the grid in the top right and let's go save grid as we'll call this something like a six pack okay now that's saved as the six pack let's say i want to go to one of my presets like a daily eight pack and very carefully take this take this layout into a consideration for just a moment soak it up and now if i move over to something like the day five minute chart or layout rather there's two very very subtle differences and i want to talk about them because they might throw you off the first one is that here our charts are linked so right here it says number one in a red square linked with number one in a red square on this side this means that if i type in let's say qqq for example here on the left it's going to change both charts that was not enabled on the daily 8-pack we'll go back and look at it in just a moment the other critical difference is the sidebar so this gray bar here is considered the sidebar and it shows up on the right hand side of any chart that you create unless you specify you want it turned off so i keep it turned on here in case i quickly want to bring up a level two i can just click there if i want to bring up the big buttons there they are so on and so forth however i tend to keep it off on the daily eight pack and i'll show you why if we go back and we just look okay first of all remember that none of these charts are linked because i want them to be all different tickers the other thing of course is that sort of sidebar shown in cells so if i check that on notice how the chart gets ever so slightly smaller and it's also just slightly more distracting we have more letters more colors if i turn it off i think it's a little bit cleaner and again we're getting some more price action ever so slightly on our charts so i like to keep it off for that reason of course we covered saving the grids they show up right above here so you can load whatever you'd like and then lastly i want to cover the synchronized crosshairs remember we talked about that it i currently turned it off just to illustrate if i hover here you'll notice the crosshair only shows up in tesla if i go back into styles settings and then go in to synchronize crosshairs i'll press ok now notice how they're synchronized across every single chart that's a good thing so i'll be able to tell where prices or you know time is in relationship to other reference points so i find it's an extremely valuable and useful thing to have turned on if you're looking at multiple charts especially if we go back to something like the day five minute that way whatever's happening on the right is correlated to the same ticker on the left right so very very useful to have that enabled let's go ahead and move on to flexible grids now so flexible grids can be reached by clicking on this option right up here in the top left and by default it should look like this if you've never visited it before now the same exact things hold true for this as did the regular charts tab however we can of course be more flexible with our actual layout options if your chart is not showing the ad above or to the side or delete option all you have to do is click here in the nine grid so this little icon right here click that and what you want to do is check customize grid so if i have that unchecked you'll notice it goes away if i check it we can now customize the grid we can do things like add two up top three on the bottom i can add you know three over three four over three i can add multiple here so now we have this cell split you can pretty much do whatever you'd like make as many charts as you'd like and remember they don't have to be charts just like we had in the other option we can go here load symbols to cells i'll do something like change to our options candidates so we've loaded all those things but let's just say for example that we want to have news in one of these so we'll turn the chart off and we'll turn news on in this window in here maybe we want the level 2 and no chart so you can start playing around with this and creating as many custom layouts as you'd like just like the regular chart section as well you can link things so if i link this to something like for green and this to something like for green they're both going to be on apple now let's say we also want a chart on apple down below so we'll link this excuse me here 2 4 green and now it's an apple chart i can adjust this so it occupies the same amount of space and basically again you can create whatever custom layouts you'd like and remember the optimal thing here is to create and provide clarity i would argue that the layout i have up right now is not providing me with clarity so something i like to do is just use pretty standard things so for me i have something like the new york stock exchange internals and it's a four quad right it's a quad four four things here with something top left right bottom you know so on and so forth and it's four different things that i can easily focus on it's not overwhelming it's you know something that i'm familiar with and i'm sure you've seen this across the channel if you're a long time viewer so in here you can save different grids just like you would in the regular charts tab this one just says save flexible grid as and of course you can load it from right up here you can share you can delete you can do all the same things that you could with the regular charts function so now let's talk about those bonus features i've just navigated back to the charts tab and popped up my day five minute sort of layout the first thing is that of course we can click on the hamburger and maximize the cell and what this is going to do is again keep all of those other chart windows open but just maximize this one so it takes up the full screen we can navigate back and forth between the two in this case because it's only two or reset back to the full thing and just know again that's through here maximize cell the other thing i want to point out is that we can actually save things as shortcuts and the most notable one in my opinion is the extended hours session so if i just go to a five minute chart for example and go back into the gear icon here and back into equities see this little triangle icon at the very end if i just check that on and this is for very very many of the settings and and play around and put whatever you want as a shortcut but this is just one of the popular ones i like if i check this on and press ok nothing will change but now if i head into the style menu you can see here we've populated a shortcut essentially to show the extended hour session if i just turn it on there we go now i have extended hours if i turn it off it goes away so that's the first shortcut the second shortcut is going to be styles in the pinned bar so to access this what we want to do is navigate to the gear icon in the general tab turn my tools to on each chart okay on each chart we'll press ok and now you'll notice we get this black bar up at the top i'm going to pin it by clicking on this option here and what i want to do next is go to the gear icon in the top right and this time we're going to edit this by adding a button so add button style and you can choose from any style that we've already created i'm going to go with something that's just different that way you know you can clearly see it works if i click on this we now have it populated and i'll just load our default black as well so we can toggle back and forth as a demonstration so i'll click on the one hour lrc for linear regression channel and you'll notice there it is it's a style i have preloaded boom it's right up there in the bar if i want to go back i can just click here and again we have the study that carries over however everything else about the chart has not carried over so again this would probably make more sense if i did something like this actually we'll just edit this to b let's go back to style and do something like plain white okay this will be very very obvious we'll go to plain white we now have a white chart right very plain if i go to default black back to the default black back to plain white so on and so forth so go ahead and knock your socks off with this one you can unpin it and if i just move the mouse it will hide itself automatically if i hover back above i have the ability to you know bring it back down so on and so forth so that's going to wrap up the video if you've you pretty much have all the tools at your disposal now to create whatever type of chart or think or swim charting experience you'd like remember at the end of the day we want to focus on clarity and not making it overly flashy usually simple is better right when it comes to trading setups so i'd encourage you to keep that in the back of your mind if you think i missed anything or there's another setting that you use that i didn't cover feel free to let me know down below in the comments section i'd really love to hear about any other tips and tricks inside of the platform that being said if you learned anything new or enjoyed the video let me know by leaving a comment down below or by simply leaving the video a thumbs up if you're new to the channel definitely check out the weekly watch list it comes out every sunday and with that being said i hope to see you in the next you
Channel: Trade Brigade
Views: 79,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: master think or swim custom charts, think or swim chart tutorial, think or swim charts, how to make think or swim charts, how to use think or swim, technical analysis tools, think or swim technical analysis, beginner charts tos, think or swim, think or swim tutorial, change candlestick color think or swim, thinkorswim how to, thinkorswim chart setup, thinkorswim technical analysis, how to show premarket data think or swim, thinkorswim basics, trading tutorials, edit tos charts
Id: hlxtb1FsQrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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