THINKING OUT LOUD | Full show | Standup Comedy by Manoj Prabakar | English

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you thank you so good evening my name is Manoj and I am a son of a bus conductor that's what my father is he's a retired bus conductor when I told my father that I'm going to quit my luxurious it job and pursue standup comedy as my profession you know what my father said Mano no matter how famous you become you will never sell as many tickets as I did and guess what he is right look at this on a bad day my father sold th000 tickets whenever he sold th000 he came home disappointed man today only th daddy today was B nothing was working 144 that's why only th000 when will you learn but now my father is happy with whatever I do he said do whatever you want don't ask me money valid request and I respect that and I don't want my father said to build my career I can do it on my own actually most people in the world they don't need their father to build their career they all do it on their own unless you are within St then you need the help of your father grandfather Harris JJ San Nara and 350 others to help you build your career I know some of you are laughing some of you are offended some of you are like did you just say that is this allowed some of you are like who is Udi I understand the confusion that's exactly how I want my audience to be divided in all my shows welcome to the show that's why the show is called thinking out loud you know these kind of political thoughts you guys also have right you guys also think like this but just that you won't tell it out loud in public but we comedians do comedians are not scientists no no comedian has ever cured a cancer whatever happens in the society we just come and reflect the thoughts right that's why after every show you guys go home and we go to jail small price we pay for increasing the volume of our brain you know but any comedy was not my first job uh like a true citizen of the country I used to work in this thing called it national job of India I used to work in it right you know people make fun of IT jobs they deserve that but there are some amazing things also about working in it in India one good thing is it is very easy to explain what you do to others whenever someone came and ask me hey what you do for a living I'll tell them sir I work in it end of conversation no more questions they will feel so happy for me their skin start shining their eyes will start glowing they are this close this close towards asking me to marry their daughter that's how happy they are for me my mother was happy for me for working in it for a different reason my mother was so happy that a buzz bus comes and picks me up for work wow my son went in college bus now private bus what an upgrade in transportation m is having in his life one of my friends he got placed in Microsoft such a great company to work for he came home with a lot of Pride on his face to tell this news to my mother Auntie I'm going to work for Microsoft my mother's immediate reaction was Microsoft looks like some small company P I have never seen Microsoft bus anywhere look at my infosis bus everywhere in the city that's how my mother was grading all these it companies then with that logic according to my mother my father is the most successful person ever because he worked for Tamil Nadu government they owned the maximum number of buses right but now I quit it for good and I do stand up comedy you know life is so different know like it people easily understand that as a job but comedy is a growing industry people still don't get this concept as a profession I was going home after a show in Chennai a traffic cop he stopped me because that's what traffic cops do they stop people to raise their left hand they get trained for six months he stopped me and started questioning me hey what's your name what do you do I told him sir my name is mano and I do stand up you do what stand up comedy sir ah you are drunk sir bring that meter our dinner is ready people don't understand this job but life is so different when I was working in it I had a job I had a manager I had a office I had a place to go daily basically I had a purpose in life now after starting to do stand up no manager no office nowhere to go also every day basically every morning I wake up and I'm done for the day yesterday I woke up it made my great eye opening experience it all I just sit inside my room switch on Wi-Fi and use internet all day sometimes I come out of my house rarely to experience mobile data oh this is portable very good I can watch videos and walk also and I consume internet like nobody else does nobody can compete with me you know what I do I open Facebook on my mobile phone I open Facebook on my laptop and check if they both are in syn sometimes I have valid conversation also hello hi what are you doing I'm talking to myself is it good you tell me today but but it's a very challenging job but a chill job that's what I'm trying to say it's a chill job I have so much time I have so much free time nowadays that I don't skip YouTube ads man yeah you guys skip YouTube ads that is the worst thing any human being can do I'll tell you why people have some free time to waste that's why they open YouTube in that they skip that what kind of a selective behavior is this dud people are like I want to waste time but with consent it's my time I will only waste it you don't tell how to waste my time okay the only produc thing that I have ever done with my time is wasting it right like I watch all that right because every time you skip that and you watch the content one YouTuber will come in the content and he's selling me another product dude I thought I skipped that dude what scam is this anyways I'm dying here so I'll take the bullet like a hero and then know sometimes the YouTube algorithm also it tries to comfort me it will show messages like the video will play after that sir I am not going anywhere we are in this together I know you are taking a break I will wait for you trust me once the algorithm it ran out of ads it did not know what to show me and it started showing me sanitary n I not the target audience but I have time I watch all the ads there is a prb in English time is money if that is true I can buy all the products you know that's the amount of time I have I was wondering what if time is actually money it'll be great no to buy things with time instead of money you go to a store you buy whatever you want you go to the counter the guy at the counter asks you sir payment card or cash uh calendar keep the change two days keep it with you in India there is this another currency man which exists only in India no other country uses this currency this amazing currency called uh a political party flag in front of the car yeah you guys have seen that currency man amazing currency man apparently with that currency you get free entry at tollgates wow if normal people like us we go we have to pay money so basically like if you're a taxpayer and rupes if you're a tax dealer thanks for coming sir you know long time no see I support money man you know I also want free like once I was standing at the togate one car with a party flag it went I was like wow this flag has Google pay right I also have car I want free entry right I put every day different party Flags I'm not supporting any party but I support money right I put different party flags that guy is like come guys you know once I went with Japan flag inverted that guy still was like thank you sir but once he found out want asked me hey bro what is this every day different party yeah bro every day different party yesterday ruling party today oppos party yeah bro yesterday ruling party today oppos party what is this bro this is called democracy by the people man I want to be like that flag man have you seen that flag on party flag in front of the car they don't w they have attitude like you know who my father is I want to be that flag you know get respect everywhere I go but if you want respect you have to work hard know like I I'll get respect if I sell more tickets my aim in life is to sell one ticket more than my father when that happens I will retire that's my end career goal so to promote myself I do some amazing promotional strategies which nobody else in the world follows right you guys know in India at the back of the bike they write things like my father's Road my mother's gift at the back of my bike to promote myself I have my Instagram ID so that people who followed me they will follow me fixing my future using my past people follow me but the problem having a public profile in India people will send you DMS random guys will send messages one guy sent me this message bro I will come to the show if the show is good then I will pay do I look like a PO dancer so that if you like my body of work you can swipe money on me that guy thought I'll go on stage and do it's time for that bro right but career is going good man I've been doing stand up for 9 years uh with all the money that I made through standup comedy I I bought an anti that's the highest you can achieve you are not in India like I I I bought an ACO bike it's an amazing bike most people would be driving an ACO bike most Indian families have an ACO bike it's like the second Indian Child they never wanted it but they have it because of society's pressure everybody is having it let me also have one backup you know always there like I went to buy the bike few years ago the showroom guy when I went to buy the bike he asked me to pay extra money for side stand why why is side stand not a mandatory feature that is the best thing in any bike like that guy thought with this physic I'll be able to do this and not this right that one place in the world where they can actually apply Pythagoras Theorem they missed the chance you know why do you want my bike to be National an the mode all the time like sir can I relax yes but you have to pay 500 rupees my bike can also be pushpa fan I can also say St like pushpa pushparaj Center stand I also want attention on the road man have you seen this whenever you drive your bike without lifting the side stand there will be this one guy on the road his entire aim in his life is to save the life of other people that one good Samaran who has a five star rating for his own life you will be driving he will randomly shot bro s bro thanks for in bro I paid 500 rupees can you please follow me on Instagram but now I drive a car man I drive a car not because I could afford a car or not because I want a bad comfortable journey in this bad Indian roads I drive a car because I want attention from Beggars at traffic signals the because my experience is whenever you go in your bike and stand at the signal Begg signore I feel rejected they think that I'm not going to give them money which is true but they should not think like that at every signal I beg to the Begger sir please beg for me sir I know I drive Activa but I can you one rup to please my ego is hurt man whenever a male ego is hurt he will do anything to get it back so I went and up for car right I went to the bank there was a bank manager he asked me questions hey what's your name what do you do I told him sir my name is mon I do stand up you do what sir I'm not drunk sir please sir I want this my ego sir please and he gave me an application form in the application form there are a lot of questions name age etc etc there was this one column what is the purpose of you buying this car three options personal use professional use others I TI the other check boox in the bracket I wrote Revenge I took the money from the bank I went to the showroom the guy at the showroom asked me sir which model C you want uh which model will attract Beggars do you want to do any test drive or do you know any Beggars I'm ready I got the car I put the number plate above the number plate I put my Instagram I took the car and daily I go morning I wait at the signal for it to turn R because now I have a reason to come out of my house earlier I was just using Wi-Fi you know like every day I go there stand at the signal while I'm waiting beggers will come towards me on the way towards me they would have rejected two other bikers they'll come they knock down my glass door I'll roll down the window I will look into their eyes and say no change I am rejecting you for the SCS committed by your colleagues in the previous Seas take one for the team begar cannot be choosers but I choose my [Applause] beggar I also travel a lot this job makes me travel it did not take me on site uh but stand up comedy D yeah finally my passport made the love of its life the printer like I realized after leaving India I real I'm the first person in my family to go to abroad right my parents they don't even have a passport I was mocking at my parents look you guys teased me for doing stand up and all now it has taken me abroad I was doing all these things you know so basically I the first person in my entire family to go to college I'm the first person in my entire family to experience jetl right I few years ago went to this country for the first International show of mine it's country called Singapore yeah it's an amazing country Singapore 3 hours till jet lag okay I went there and I realized Singapore is not a different country man it's just extension of Tamil Nadu with SE in between everybody are talking in Tamil I booked a cab a Chinese cab driver came and he asked me in wrong you do and he told me on the [Applause] movies that guy from Bangalore has changed the fate of Tam people all over the world but when you go to a different country for the first time what you do you ask your friends for recommendations know what are the cool things you can do I asked one of my friends who has already been there and he told me Manoj when you are in Singapore you have to visit this place called Little India you will feel like you are in India hey that is not why I spending 50,000 rup on my ticket and visa to come from India to Singapore to feel like India again like you're on a relationship you break up you move on find another partner and that's your ex like [Applause] why why will Elon Musk send people to Mars if it's going to look like earth that is a scam no right but that's when I realized no Little India is there everywhere and is one of the top few places to visit in Singapore I went there I put up a Facebook checken hi from Little India my father came and commented on that post hello from Big India this Sur is there here also come back home and that's when man not only Singapore as Little India I went to Malaysia there's Little India USA has Little India UK has Little India man we Indian are the new British people reverse colonization is happening We Are confering the World one Little India at a time you go to London white people are eating Masala do a this is so spicy give me a b of water spici that's why you came to our country take everything when you go to a different country and come back to India you realize Indian tourist spots are so different from other countes tourist spots the most visited tourist spot in India you know Hill stations as a tropical country we like to visit Hill stations frequently you guys have been to an Hill station right amazing places those places where it looks like evening from the morning H stations have only two moods early morning evening you know there's no in between at all you know nobody in a hill station talks like I will see you in the afternoon after what the concept of noon doesn't exist only there now ill stations are actually nice places cool places both in terms of altitude and attitude Hill stations have a cool attitude have you seen Hill stations looking down upon a city people from that height mocking us brother I know you will come to me one day somewh is coming where else you can go right and we all have been to an station at least once the problem is every Hill station has a suicide point and guess what every suicide point is a tourist SP what behavior is this I can't believe people from City they take break from their work apply leave to their manager one month in advance gather their entire family 6y old to 60y old book an Inova car specifically for this trip from ganes travels or something Fighting Gravity in that harpin b they reach the top of the hill station and do what Vis it a suicide point oh seven people died from here only very good very good very good gather everybody let's take a selfie that is my cover photo I went to visit one suicide point you know one guy was charging me entry fees people are dying from there that guy saw it as an employment opportunity what startup ideas you are having these days man I guess that guy was so unemployed and he was so annoyed by all those old people coming and asking him questions hey when are you getting a job he took those annoying old people to that point push them down from there that's how this cult started man otherwise why will anyone need a point to die you can die anywhere in the world it's a free world go to I can die anywhere no TR in one Hill station there were two suicide points why what made you think the first one will not work which guy with the high amount of Suicidal Thoughts went to point number one and decided gravity will not work from here anyways I'm augu hero gravity never works [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whenever I do this joke in Hyderabad I say Tam we have mutual respect for each other but Indian tourist spots are like this no all the ancient places we have modernized it no ancient place in India is ancient anymore down south in tamad I went to this one Mahal okay like it's they advertised it as a 300 year old b i belied that bought entry ticket went inside and saw tiles work was happening how is this ancient bro Lo an is return on the wall where is my 25 you give it back you know it's and every tourist part in India has this another scam called tourist guide yeah guys have come across tourist guides those guys who can say the same lies in 10 different languages they will confidently lie in front of your face sir this building was built 300 years ago how do you know I was there shut up and listen all ancient structures are not ancient anymore no we have completely changed everything right because life is not the same 100 years ago it was not the same like from 100 years ago today there's a lot of difference 100 years ago we were building a lot of machines to make all the manual things mechanical to make life easy cut to 100 years later can you see the trend is changing the cycle is reversing all the mechanical things are becoming manual again can you see this we have car bike flights Rockets to travel people started Cycling Man we have so many instruments to calculate laptop computer calculator but there is a talent called human calculator bro what's your talent I can multiply two 8 digit numbers in my brain but why why can't you press the button like a six-year-old imagine the plight of the guy who invented calculator so that humans will never calculate forever that guy is coming out and canceling out each other man and there is this new Talent these days it's called human beat boxing probably somebody invented a musical instrument went and told the guy bro this is a drum use this make some music and that guy was like no bro I have Lings bro do some D dish no bro I'll do in 2023 going on stage and doing is a talent with the talent they don't participate in India's cont they go there and do what and India does not have talent alone India also has a passport they'll go on participa America's Got Talent in America's Got Talent man in Washington DC or New York one privilege token white male announcer in front of thousand white people he will announce the next Indian Act the next Indian Act is all the way from the streets of Mumbai because for Western people all Indian talents are from the streets of Mumbai raakesh from bandra he will go to America's God talent and he will stand there and the judges will ask him raakesh what's your talent why do you want to participate in America's SC Talent he P you only invited me no raakesh will go there and he will display his talent and his talent is what annoying man right it's like it's okay different people different talents if you have a market for that please go ahead not complaining uh but I think there are only two types of people yeah only two types of people people who dance people who watch other people who dance that's all you know like we like to watch others dancing hours and hours of dance reals we watch we never get bored of it like for some reason as human beings watching flexible people is an entertainment wow he made a parabola with this final card I am feeling so entertained now I wait for ex make what is this we never get bored of dancing because I think dancing is amazing it's amazing any dancers here you're a dancer man like after two rounds of tequila that's that's not dancing that's called unstable equilibrium are you a dancer professional like what what form of dance ball and hipop ballet and Hip Hop nice like it's okay I think dancing is amazing okay if you divide art art forms into two dancing will come in this bracket all the other art forms will come in this bracket because dancing is such a unique amazing art form and it is the only art form in this entire world where in the middle of your performance touching your private parts is not at all offensive think about it what no think about it just imagine you can be a legend in any other art form sir you can't do this while you're performing that's what I'm trying to say you can be a legend sir you're not all anybody anybody can't do this imagine spb what a legend amazing guy no Talent can become spb level Talent amazing 50 years of career has sung know so many songs he is performing in a huge concert in front of one lakh people people are wiing to his voice spb is killing it in high pitch spb is singing in high pitch people are enjoy Beach Meb does this very offens you might be a Die Hard fan still youb is this what you have been practicing for 50 years there are minor kids in the audience brother you might be SPV but I am woke I will cancel you on Twitter all my 72 followers are coming for you we will cancel you won't work but in dancing this is not a problem have you seen dancers like they'll be making all these cool moves out of nowhere they'll do this that is not offensive that's called Michael Jackson Dangerous or whatever people pay thousands of dollars to watch people do this people put Instagram stories of people doing this man in synchronization D like I don't understand and touching private parts and dancing is so normalized that you can even touch your partners private part in other art forms it's called molestation ma'am I'm looking at you in other art forms it's called molestation but in dancing it's a Grammy award-winning performance basically dancing is the difference between you going to jail and becoming an Instagram celebrity you get blue te there that's what I'm trying to say nobody gets mad at dancers we always get entertained by them and dancers will use this for their advantage they don't have any common sense no environmental awareness also they will dance anywhere every whever they want Park beach in front of the zebra crossing right nobody gets mad at them we will pause our life for a moment and enjoy the dance H nice very good very good bro you're driving ambulance it's okay bro but irrespective of gender I will give you a life hack okay irrespec of gender if you get caught doing this in public don't get ashamed convert this into a this people like hey is he flashing no no he's dancing let's combine both and call it flash mob dancing we'll get entertained during our work hour so I don't understand but dancers are smart people man how do I know because some years ago I used to date this girl she was a salsa dancer okay smart girl one day she called me and said he parents are not there please come home actually she didn't say that I said please can I come home right I went there two people in their early 20s parents are not there you know what they will do obviously now we were doing salt analysis Brown ring test was happening in the in the hall on the couch when the test was happening suddenly our parents came and we got caught we didn't expect this this is a situation we have to hand if it's normal people They can't handle but if you're a dancer that girl she's a smart girl loudly in front of her father she told Daddy it's not what you think just to dance practice oh that's why you were bending like this ah I understand lakmi just a dance practice laki our daughter is a salsa dancer no don't get angry put the kerosene can down why are you angry you know that's why I don't trust dancers man I have trust issues with them I can't dress dances like there is this famous Bollywood song about dancing you guys know this song I Am A Disco Dancer my question is bro if you're a dancer why are you singing please decide your priorities don't confuse me I'm not trusting you anymore I'm getting old I getting trust issues with everybody I have trust issues with myself every day I wake up and ask why what are you doing what is this life you know over a period of time I found out why also I'll tell you why why we do everything we all do everything because we want to become rich earn money you know that's I think that's the purpose of life to Aspire and do rich people things and die we will never become rich I'm including you guys also because rich people they don't come and see me like they hire me to their private parties there I go to PO Dan that's how I'm making a living like I think being rich is amazing it gives you a lot of freedom right if you have so much money and if you don't know how to spend right now go on the road right now and slap a random person for no reason at all slap them and they'll get mad at you hey why did you slap me and you give them 50,000 they thank you bro can you slap me again I'm a G busy fan you slap me here I have em also always you know that's not being rich so amazing yeah like which people have so many options in their life they buy things based on color yeah they buy things I don't buy things based on color this is how I buy clothes red blue green yellow 199 my favorite color is cheap you know that's what I'm trying to say yeah once I went to buy a shirt man the guy asked me sir what's your favorite color I told blue gave me blue I saw the price time was like gave me green then I asked he gave me yellow white and then finally I told sir no sir I don't wear shirt I'm Gand from that's why being rich is amazing we all aspire to do rich people thinks I think being rich should be Universal answer for what is your ambition if you ever see a child saying I want to become an as sh up you want to become rich that's all you know like just agree no right like we all want to become rich no that only poor people will aspire to do rich people things rich people will never do poor people things yeah have you ever seen a guy driving a Ferrari driving Auto no if at all by mistake if you see a rich guy doing poor people things it's called a movie yeah have you seen all these movie interviews of Heroes you my next to movie I'm going to play the role of a coing I'm going to represent the working class people and their strates I am their savior but guess what my salary is 25 CR your annual income is my monthly tax deal with that you poor you know and that kie is the most misrepresented kie in the history man they would have spent so much money on that guy to make him look like a coie but in reality a coie looks like that because he doesn't have money only rich people can act like poor people to become even more rich like I cannot understand this irony the kind of society we are living in man I don't know I not rich like like at least you know that's what my father told me you know I come from a very lower middle class background right know I still stay with my parents I'm at the age where I shouldn't be living with my parents even for Indian standards I should have moved out 2 years ago but still I live with them but it's not a problem parents are nice people right but the problem is both my parents are retired and I do stand up comedy full time so at any time of the day if you enter my house you can see three nonproductive adults every day we just wake up and form an equilateral triangle look into each other's eyes and ask what are the new ways we are going to waste time today what is the schedule you know like that triangle we form is called the Bermuda Triangle of my family because the center of the triangle is where all the hopes and dreams of my family will get lost every day you know but my parents are nice people man you know amazing guys the only problem I have with my Indian parents is they wake up at 5:00 a.m. I I have like two 60y old people in chenai they have nothing to do at for a the only thing they can do is sleep clearly they are not doing it they live in India but function in Australian times someone has to tell them that this is chenai not Sydney that I wake up at 9:00 chill job but my parents wake up at 5 2 months later I found out why my parents wake up at 5 my parents 2 60y old people in chenai they wake up at 5:00 only to let me know at 9:00 that they woke up at 5:00 I wake up at 9: my father enters my room I woke up at 5: I had nothing to do but to see this insult on your face it's worth the sacrificing 4 hours of sleep I will do that daily just because you woke up in Australian time zone why are you sledging me you Ricky pting my parents are nice people my father is a nice guy I like him but he's a weird guy know I remember once I was 8 years old one day my father came to me and told me Mano we are middle class and he left I didn't even ask him I was 8 years old watching cartoon drinking milk enjoying the time of my life he casually put that information in my brain and he left I didn't know where to use that but we middle class now what is changing am I not getting milk anymore hello sir that got stuck inside my brain I didn't know where to use said I went to school the teacher asked me why didn't you finish homework sorry teacher middle [Applause] class but my parents are true middle class people you know they do some classy middle class things like saving money for their daughter's marriage right from when she's 3 years old basically the economy of her house runs around the gold price if the gold price increases that day in the news that night I am sleeping hungry extra extra only Tam joke in the show I try translating it doesn't convey the emotion you know emotion is not coming out I tried saying you know what is the gold price no it is not same as but irrespective of what the gold price was my my parents I have to appreciate them they gave me a good education man you know I have two other siblings younger siblings you know they all put all three of us in a private school my father spent 70% of his income on our education you know his entire aim in his life was for me to get first rank in school right just like every other Indian father not because it will help me in my career it will give me a great future no he wanted to show off in front of his friends that he has a Topper child just like every other Indian f I used to struggle hard score marks well 90% 95% I used to score but I couldn't top the class because the entire class was filled with kids who had fathers like that everybody were competing so I couldn't top the class third fourth I used to finish first rank was always a trouble one day my father came and told me he look in the next exam if you get first rank I will get you a bicycle there is no better motivation Factor than monetary benefits as a country we are known for voting for monetary benefits right he came and told that now I'm feeling so motivated every time I'm preparing for my exam I'm already thinking about my cycle leaving both the hands and driving in front of my school Crush but in front of me a plus b old Square was there I was struggling out I could never top the class again again my father came and told me look bro see I'm spending so much money on your education I can't handle this I will put you in a government school where the fees is 10 times lesser so that will help me and I can run the family as well and he told all this and I'm the eldest in my family my nickname is sacrifice so I agreed I went to that government School in that government school I was the first rank holder all the day no competition at all if Hussein Bol is asked to run against Ina mulak why will he not win the race every time that's how I felt no no competition in that school the teachers never bother to teach us anything the max teacher she was the first person to leave the school whenever the the bill rang once the pume was absent the teacher she went and rang the bill that's how desperate man I saw some unbelievable things in that government School the math teacher she gave away the period to the PT teacher what kind of a humano reverse in human form never seen this before in my life what crazy school is this that's when I realized in that government school it's just not the feast that is 10 times lesser even the teachers IQ never bother to teach us anything no I'll tell you the kind of guys I was competing with you know there used to be this guy called Madan in my school he used to sit in front of me during exams you know Madan Manoj alphabetical order mad is a legend he likes exams so much he came to school only during exams on other days he is John Cena nobody can see him never came to school amazing guy has never touched a book in his life for playing book Cricket he hired a substitute dude like that's how legendary that M guy was once he scored two two marks out of 100 in science exam two out of 100 I was like how can one score two out of 100 in that school they give three marks for handwriting that's when I realized in order to get handwriting marks you have to write something mother never wrote anything Legend I was curious I took his answer sheet and saw one science exam the question was what is cuk cuk is a scientist you know s e b c k is the spelling of the guy he invented something so it is named after him obviously just like every other scientist right he even if you don't know the answer you have to write something relatable something technical something basic sence you have to write you know what mad wrote question what is C effect mad's answer when you are walking on the road and when someone calls you hey and you see back this is called this is the kind of people I was competing with why will he not get first St all the time I was acing it after a point I gave up I used to score 90 that was too much for I used to score 60 that's all because the second rank guy was 60% with no two subjects fail never bother every time I entered the classroom I felt like the WWE Champion the background music will play welcome the class Champion Mano weighing 45b after every every exam I took the report card to my father for Signature my father used to see the report card hey first TR is SW what is this 60 he took the belt and thrashed me left and right no that day my father showed me who the real Champion was it was my father because he had the belt you know but that's an amazing School telling you amazing school because AR Raman studied in that school one of the Tamil NAD Chief ministers studied there and I also studied there like one school can produce three different types of PE personalities know it's amazing to think one one school with same syllabus same teachers can produce a taxpayer and also a tax dealer like who is who you decide you know like but the fascinating fact is that I studied in the same school as Aran so cool you guys are fans of aan this is the cheapest way to get an Applause you know he did all the hard work but I like amazing what a talent beautiful person but I also have a problem with it not with this music I am nobody to judge this music because I don't know anything about music if you do integration of Music zero to Infinity I am zero rman is infinity I know my limits and I'm not Crossing it right I have a problem with this attitude he is so talented but he never agrees have you seen his interviews man you I don't know anything what if you ever meeting go sir what a talent I don't know anything bro please what you don't know you are Oscar level I don't know why why can't you agree you are the best amazing agrees he thinks God is giving him music right every time he wins on a what he says that is a lie decompose the music I saw there is a video on YouTube which shows the making of the award winning song in that making video Yeah ra is giving instructions to other musicians for those musicians a Rahman itself is God now what if original God gets to know that a rman has become a God that will be a bigger conflict to resolve how will original God what become a God now why is he competing with me what is this new startup in the market you know I send him as human he evolves as God he thinks God is giving you music man I don't I just as an hard and die hard AR ran fan I want him to go on stage grab the a not receive grab the a look at other nominees and say hey why are you nominated I deserve this you go but instead he politely receives and says thank you God for giving me mussic right many talented people like you always do the they will work hard achieve everything and they will give credit to God if that is true why is God selfish 9 years of my career no God has given even one joke to me one joke that's what I'm asking like please recommend your God to give me some jokes is it too much to ask like see these are free jokes from God I will stand in line and get those jok all Comics will be they also want free jokes I stand in line and get this joke look I come from Tamil Nadu I have been ruled by both DMK and admk I know how to stand in line to get free stuff the TV and the mixi had my my home is the proof and since these are free jokes from God I don't want some amazing mind-blowing jokes some basic that God give me basic knock knock jokes world's first knock knock joke given by God you guys want to listen knock knock who's there Allah Allah Allah abbar something like that after every show I will also give credit no this Allah joke was given to me by Lord Shiva the next sha joke was given to me by Lord Jesus on a Sunday morning like I I covered all three three safe now that's how secularism Works in India in India people are not getting offended because you speak about someone they always offended because why didn't you speak about the other why only mahes bab why not [Applause] P I learned my lesson man I'm going off everybody take your chance but the point is aan is an amazing guy he's a legend some people are happy for him some people are even proud of him bro as an Indian as a Taman I'm so proud of just want to ask as Taman I'm proud of what did you do use a Slum Dog Millionaire online for free that is your contribution to his success why are you taking credits we always do this someone from our place with their hard work achieve success just because accidentally we happen to be born from there and sharing pin code with them we like our guy My Success like why I don't understand this man like we always do this bro Indians invented zero bro great invention in it's an important invention in the field of mathematics as an Indian I'm proud of that invention but do you realize that's how much you contributed to that invention maybe they invented zero so that they can show your contribution brother why are you feeling proud what is this Behavior man I don't understand this is the kind of behavior that leads to this concept called patriotism if you are from the place you have to love the place if you are from Chennai you cannot support Mumbai Indians like I don't understand it's a free world you can do whatever you want that's what I'm trying to say patriotism is good but unnecessary patriotism is dangerous yeah like that's why I think patriotism is nothing but nepotism on a larger scale yeah think about it I know it's deep but think about it what is netism taking credit for your father grandfather you didn't do anything accidentally happened yeah you guys know Amani son M Malia son those two guys their highest achievement in their life is their last if you remove that they are nothing you know if they come and tell you hey look at you poor people going in hola look at me I have my own BMW and if you ask him bro did you buy by this h no bro when I was born it was already there exactly know when you were born the country the culture history everything was there none of us contributed anything then why are you feeling then you can ask me so what is your feeling to this place yeah it's a great country I agree I am happy very happy to live here sometimes not always nobody living in India is happy all the time the only Indians who are happy about being Indians all the time are those people who live outside India yeah that's why in India people live in abroad they are settled there is a difference you know yeah right the best way to find happiness in India is to take an international flight nobody is disappointed when their visa gets approved this explains why our honorable prime minister Mr Modi G he keeps going out the country all the time Modi man the most patriotic Indian ever even he's like MRA I like India but not for 3 months [Applause] continuously 90 days of Indian oxygen is not good for my health I will take a break you guys suffer but I'll come back keep voting for me that Lotus button press that if the Lotus button doesn't work press any button all are our buttons [Applause] I'm right thing joke also now both parties are confused which one of us should arrest this guy I not inclin to any party man in bike I am Sid stand politically c not supporting any party that's why people ask me man are you left wing or right wing I always say leg piece bro that's where all the protein is nobody's dying also we all are happy leg piece support leg piece okay vote for leg piece it's amazing man like I think we all are selfish man like you know we put ourselves first ahead of the country it's not bad that's how it should be even Modi is selfish we are everybody I I will prove it to you our love for the country is at its peak whenever a cricket match happens before the match begins they play the national anthem no in the ground everybody will stand in attention to support the national anthem it's great National Anem but the problem is there is a huge screen in front of you you know National Anem will you can see your friend on the screen who is few meters away the camera will come go the camera will come little more go the country I'm on TV now like Mommy can you see me I'll do something crazy and go viral you know like we don't have 52 seconds of patience why are we cheating our I don't understand that and people always say to respect this country you have to support you know respect your freedom fighters no it's good Freedom Fighters are nice you know who's the most viral freedom fighter in India Mahatma Gandhi g lot of people fought for India's freedom but Gandhi's reals went viral because all his videos are [Applause] topless Gandhi is an amazingy but no other country than India has disrespected Gandhi than Indian St I'll tell you why every city you go to in India has a place called Gandhi nagar mg Road they'll name the place as ghi nagar and open a wine shop over Gandhi nagar wine shop highest sales on October 2 some people take their respect to Gandhi to the next level they will name their kids say Gandhi I have a friend whose name is Gandhi I asked his parents Uncle why did you name him Gandhi he told me man he was born on October 2 my question is what effort did that gave me he was born on October 2 just because 9 months back on January 1 New Year night his parents had an amazing New Year he was not even planned he was a surprise his parents didn't know what happened this guy happened his parents were happily enjoying hey happy new 9 months later this guy comes out surprise happy Gandhi this country is so amazing and disappointing at the same time you know pathetically aesthetic that's the one word review for India everything is there in India man but not for everybody yeah that's the Discrimination it is always there I don't understand you know everything is there but to access it you have to get stuck in traffic you can't move you know wherever you go you have to spend two hours I don't know like traffic nobody's a fan of traffic yeah nobody's like hey traffic is my jam I'm going to dance to the tunes of King King King Nobody Does that we all collectively as human beings hate traffic and Indian government also they do a lot of things to avoid traffic they construct flyovers but the problem is in India there is traffic on the flyover people are still angry but now Angry from the first floor their solution to our problem is increasing the height of the problem by 15 M you know that's what they do and in India you get stuck in traffic for random reasons man once I was stuck in traffic because a minister was coming to open the fly over they only Indian politicians can invent a cure that causes the pain how is your medicine the disease bro like I don't understand what kind of politics are you doing and Indian traffic is so weird man no matter what time of the day it is you take your car or bike and start driving on the road no matter what time of the day it is you take your vehicle start driving you will always see this one guy one gentleman coming in opposite direction in wrong route gu's always there he will never come alone he will come in trible no helmet talking on phone like this what is Insurance where is my license how many crimes you will come in bro always talking on phone like this I don't know what kind of a 24/7 customer care what world issue are you solving at this moment in your life you have side stand park and talk no but no always like this right that guy I think he really wanted to go to America but his Visa kept on getting rejected but with full confidence he's still practicing right side drive on Indian Road that guy is always there sometimes I am the guy you know and the engineer who constructed the road he was like sir only two lanes are possible but this guy comes out of syllabus sir I will show my creativity three lanes I don't understand when that guy is coming you are going suddenly deadlock will happen and you start playing cab with him he will take left and you will take right you will take right and he will take left it's been 8 hours you are dancing like a mirror and you're stuck there your parents have given missing complaint you know like you start performing in sync with them your thought process your time coordinates your space coordinates even your periods are in syn with that guy and you start bleeding together bro napkin no bro tampon you know like that's how you find a partner in India man don't go to Tinder Bumble and all go to traffic you are stuck together forever nobody's moving on indan traffic is so weird whenever you stuck in traffic you really want to know what is stopping you right you really want to know the answer for that question entire Earth is rotating why am I not in motion these kind of questions will EIT you hard and if it's a valid reason if an ambulance is going you know if a road rage happened or an accident I can sympathize I'm okay to get stuck but there was this one reason man once I was stuck in traffic which I could never digest at all 20 minutes inch by inch I reached the signal after 20 minutes I asked the traffic cop sir what is stopping me that's when the traffic cop told me sir this entire traffic is costed because honorable Governor is passing governor bro I didn't even vote for you bro if it is prime minister chief minister I understand I might have voted for them I am part of the problem then I willing to suffer but Governor where are you going forget where why are you going nobody in India knows what a governor actually does including the governor but TCS employee in bench has done more work in India and all the governors combined man but for once in my lifetime I want to stop a Governor's conf I want to stop it make eye contact with him and say Sir why are you in a hurry the college convocation Cy will wait for you no I student has ever said Governor is late I won't graduate no never happened why are you in a hurry right and you guys know where a governor stays yeah Raj educated crowd it's not a house it's a b built with our money if I am living inside the B I am living inside the B I am never coming out not even to experience mobile data no I am there for the rest of my life what else you want more than a b in your life brother coming out because normal people like us we come out of the house we go to office so that we can know make more money construct a nice house and settle there but Governor you already have a b you are living in my future stay there stay there and feed the peacocks why are you coming out but they will come out whenever they come out they'll operate at a speed of 100 km per hour nobody can stop them sir I am speed breaker but I am Governor you off always in a hurry man and there are some rules to appoint a governor you guys know rule number one you have to be minimum 35 years of age that's all you wasted your life for 35 years go waste people's time you know rule number two you cannot be from the same state as you are being appointed to this rule makes sense because when a governor from other state comes you know and makes local people get stuck in traffic and when we are swearing at them in the local language they will never understand and still off we'll end the show with this GK question you guys know who appoints a governor in India president can you guys see the irony here man one jobless [Applause] guy appointing another jobless guy that's like HR head of [Applause] H once I was stuck in traffic you know 20 minutes which been stuck know convy of cars were going two Beggars came I rejected them said no change Conway of cars with political party flag in front of them it was going in high speed I was wondering who is that know then the traffic cop was there I asked him you asked me what do you do sir I'm not drunk and I just asked him sir entire Earth is rotating why am I not in motion and he told me sir this entire traffic is cost because honorable thank you so much guys it is thank L thank you thank you thank you that's the end of [Applause] the so I just perform a show in front of this amazing Chennai audience they have an important message for you all internet people thank you so much [Applause] [Music] guys [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] brother [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: manoj prabakar
Views: 137,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinking out loud, thinking out loud comedy, thinking out loud stand up comedy, thinking out loud solo comedy, thinking out loud manoj comedy, thinking out loud comedy show, thinking out loud show, stand up comedy, standup comedy, tamil stand up comedy, manoj prabakar, manoj prabakar youtube channel, thinking out loud promo, manoj prabakar comedy video, manoj prabhakar, manoj prabakar solo comedy, manoj prabakar stand up comedies, manoj prabakar video, manoj prabakar tamil
Id: 7StN8AtDsSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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