Think Shortwave Radio Is Dead? Try this!

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coming in loud and clear might hear me on the radio breaker breaker anybody got their ears on hey guys it's Eric here at farpoint farms actually we're not here at farpoint farms I'm on vacation and of course if I go on vacation I am bringing a radio with me today I've got the xh data D 808 is the model so I did a review of like the 819 or something like that it's very very very very very similar to this except it doesn't have sideband cap cap abilities to be honest with you for the average user sideband is pretty much not something they would need but if you were into radios like I am it is nice to have that so you can listen to ham radio now I've done a separate review on this radio or I will but I'm just blown away by the performance of this thing and on the last one I did there were some people who said I heard it was a bad radio I heard it didn't have this or it didn't have that and I kind of argued with them back and forth which I rarely do with YouTubers but turns out those people didn't even own one of these radios so they had no idea what they were talking about I've got this thing uh charged and I've got just the standard wire that comes with it long wire antenna that comes with it it's about well how do you think that is about 8 ft long maybe at most I'm going to turn it on here I'm not even sure where it's at I think we were listening to am for din Comm to helping our cents acheve their goals and I'm going to start with am I'm not even going to do FM um but I'll roll back down here to the bottom of the am band just to this this is crazy we're hundreds of miles away how many 100 miles are we at from 200 miles 200 miles and we've been listening to appr by will Super Dr L's first day of a threee $360,000 finally the am reception is just incredible and of course this is right after dark so we are getting some um you know Clear Channel skip coming in those those clear channels are starting to pop through but let me roll back up [Music] to and I can't leave it on any music for very long 850 also coming in very clear 2 Hockey Hall of Fame induct and what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch over to short wave because I know that's what you want to listen to here and I'm going to start yeah I was listening to my favorite my favorite radio show host there earlier today but let me go through and I'll start at the very bottom this time of night most everybody's broadcasting at a higher frequency but I'll go ahead and press up this thing has a nice scan function it goes through and find strong signals and I've been just so floored we're we've been on this trip now almost a week and it's just a incredible how many stations this thing's picking up and from how far away so uh you know you would expect wrmi which is probably the closest shortwave to this to come in and it does but the stations that are in you know in the middle of the us up in wbcq up there in Maine which has got to be 4 or 5,000 miles from here at this point we're getting you know incredible signals for them as well so cannus you already have 484 I again like I don't have a I actually don't even have a phone with me on this trip my wife brought hers she's using it to record this so I don't know what any of these stations are but we'll just roll up through this is going to be a band scan for you I know you guys enjoy these I enjoy it and this trip I've just gotten so many languages Russian French Chinese just so much stuff 510 5025 5050 better change the channel it's actually a copyrighted song and I love how the band scan skips over handbands goes 5800 I mean and this this is going to this is going to take a [Music] [Applause] few that's 5850 now I don't know that's not wtww anymore or it might be that's the call sign but it's not run by um Ted anymore so but it's there that's middle of Tennessee we're got to be500 maybe point it over there so don't blame me if it happens 5935 over for maybe you know something oh yeah that's uh Eugene Scott's wife the person who commits the crime I listen to Eugene Scott on short w a long time I've beening is in the New York 5950 I know this guy I won't say his name out loud because uh he's one of the I'd say he's the second most banned he's also the only radio show host that I know of to actually serve time in jail for his opinions it's a GMC Sierra 35004 6,000 there should be Cuba radio report entitled legal racism alleges the government extion at some dist Amnesty International calls to the Attorney General's office to invest this is Radio free China this is the Chinese news in English on Cuban radio and I'll be honest with you you know you get a you get a lot of news in America but you don't get this kind of news you don't get it from this angle while I have no you know good or bad feelings about the Chinese it is very interesting and it's one of the things I've talked about as far as censorship and freedom of speech in this country to be able to hear other opinions freely which is something that gets harder and harder to do online here in the United States every [Laughter] day3 not sure what station these are but it's an English station but it's it's not The Fringe are you able to see the reading a lot of uh South American stations coming in here and then it'll roll up through it changes anytime you hear so there's a sideband conversation so not in English but there's a sideband conversation on on the handbands switch back to am here trying to keep the focus of this particular video on just regular short way but I figured you guys might want to hear the side man capabilities of this it's there and I think it actually works okay I think the fine tuning is a little bit wonky it takes time to get a station dialed in [Music] but so can't really play music but that's [Music] 7305 lot of stations a lot of South American stations at this location at least I assume they are I don't speak Spanish so if you do speak Spanish and you want to chime in on anything you heard there I'd love to hear it in the comments below the Empire Building all right so that's wbcq 7490 that's monello main that has to be 3,000 M no it's got to be more than that 3500 miles maybe maybe 3500 miles with a 10ft long wire antenna this radio uh you know and I I knew it was a great radio which is why I got rid of the other one I had and this has become my travel radio this thing is like a Hidden Gem I had really incred I like that guy by the way he's on two stations at the same time like people who say there's nothing on shortwave now granted like you know if you're bilingual or trilingual or quad lingual or whatever you got to have a better time I got a a buddy who can speak seven languages remember Assad mhm dude was incredible and he learned another one he learned how to speak Russian but uh you know for somebody like that he could listen to all this stuff [Music] 9395 I believe that's uh Ted randle's new new home wrmi but I'm not positive on that [Music] one 9490 it's just incredible and of course [Music] we're so far south that we're picking up a lot of South American stations [Music] but 9550 that was a sound of like modern music convicted from engaging in certain professions or jobs please them advantage of committing such sex crimes barely positive 9580 that mean that's Chinese or might be more radio China could be North Korean shortwave although I don't know that I haven't picked up North Korean shortwave in [Music] ages they are criminal liability but that is in English scope of C compensation is very much limited to physical time according to the interpretation now the young sex Crime Victims are allowed to apply are allowed to claim not only for physical di but also for their interesting from 50 9590 I'm not sure what station a lot of these I just don't know without without being able to go on shortwave and figure out where what it is I'm picking up we're not even in the higher end of the band yet it's incredible how many stations they're picking up here it's a fairly remote area so there's not a lot of like interference but we do have lights on they are LED lights and there's a refrigerator running and an air conditioner running so there is some background you know static or noise or whatever you want to [Music] say some kind of a news program yeah so I mean anybody that's this thinks that shortwood is dead if you're going to base it solely off of us stations yeah they're getting to be a little bit rare if you're going to base it off of English Transmissions I mean how many have we counted so far that we're in English had to be 10 at if you're bilingual I mean you pretty much got nearly all Spectrum covered although I did pick up a lot of Russian and Chinese or Asian conversations last night that was a little later on in the evening right now it's um 9:00 9:15 I'm picking up some satellite stuff there a hard time picking that one up 13645 actually it' be nice if somebody here can go back through and knowing that it's 9:15 Eastern Standard Time figure out what some of these stations were and post it in the comments section now we're getting up there where there's going to be less and less stations this high up this late at night but there'll still be a few I think I picked up one or [Music] two 15 710 or 770 17715 yeah honestly I'm super impressed with the shortwave reception of this radio but I'm also really impressed during daytime use on the am reception we've been able to clearly hear the news every day from 200 miles away I I don't I'll have to do some research on 850 and 610 down in Florida to see if those are clear channels or what kind of waters they're putting out but both of them other than days that we've had pretty bad storms here have been pretty impressive that reception um all night so yeah this is probably going to be the end of it here we're at 258 we'll R let it run around till it hits start again but I wrap this video up the xh data D 808 is the type of radio this is but this radio or this video is not about this radio this video is about shortwave in general and AM radio in general and how if you think it's dead I think it's probably just equipment or antennas that are just just not not doing the trip for you yep we've gone all the way back around so that'll do it my friends yall have a great night and take care
Channel: Farpoint Farms
Views: 8,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CB radio, how-to, sideband, realistic, radio shack, CB, HAM, ham radio, reviews, Shortwave radio, AM radio, FM radio, Is radio dead, IS CB radio dead, is Ham radio dead, Radio scan, Live radio feed, SW, SSB, Cobra, uniden, president, midland, icom
Id: zVqZ1egsw6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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