Think of Yourself Less, Jason Meyer, Pride, Biblical Teaching, Christian Revival

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well I jumped with some people that this talk on pride is an example of typecasting thing hmm who has a problem with pride who could we get to speak on this Jason Meyer yes okay I don't think it was planned that way but it should have been I own it up front I'm qualified to speak on pride because I'm so pitifully proud I hate my pride and what I take even more seriously is how much more God hates my pride pride is our greatest enemy because it makes God our enemy we have an almighty opponent when we're proud the Bible says God opposes the proud and what God finds so singularly repulsive about pride is that it's contending for supremacy with God whereas all other sins may lead us further from God pride is the one sin that lifts us above God and contends with him opposes him and therefore he becomes our enemy but it's more than that pride is not just a sin it's a sinful mother it gives birth to other sins it's a sinful orientation for example pride can lead to lying if you are so proud that you don't want to admit that you're wrong or that you did something wrong you may lie now the problem is even bigger than that not just that it puts you above God so it's in a class by itself as a sin it's not just that it leads to other sins pride doesn't just lead to lying it is a lie it is fundamentally a lie because it is self-obsession self fixation preoccupation with ourselves it's telling a lie about reality that I really should spend all my time thinking about myself saying something about the world that it really should revolve around me it is a lie it's not the truth of God it wrongly assumes everything should revolve around us so it deserves died but it's hard to spot and even harder to kill Jonathan Edwards said pride is the most hidden secret and deceitful of all sins let me give you an example let's enter into my mind for a moment which is a scary place to be let's say that I was at a meeting at church and things went really well and I'm processing it and thinking wow that meeting went really well and I think maybe the turning point was when I asked that question I was surprised that nobody had asked that before and then you wait a minute that's a prideful thought I'm almost acting as though I'm taking credit for the meeting hate my pride and then three seconds later I'm so glad that I'm aware of my pride like that I mean I wonder I wonder if other people are as aware of my pride of pride as I am and you know what you just want to cut your head off at that point and say I'm taking pride in my awareness of pride who will save me from this sinful body this body of death it should be obvious that the victory has to come through our Lord Jesus Christ because the way that we defeat pride is not by becoming more preoccupied with ourselves that's taking a page right out of prides playbook it's not obsessing more focusing on ourselves more that's not going to help you see in Pride we can become preoccupied either with our successes or with our failures and both are examples of pride whether you're obsessed with your successes and it leads to self exaltation where you take credit for the good things of your life or self-promotion where you try to put those good things in front of others so they give you credit for those things or obsessing about your failure self degradation self demotion beating yourself up obsessing over how you have failed both of them are obsessions with ourselves maybe this will make more sense when you see that humility humility is the victory CS Lewis said it well humility is not thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less which means the problem is not in humility whether we think high thoughts of ourselves are low thoughts of ourselves it's that we think lots of thoughts about ourselves that's the problem and if you think less of yourself think about yourself less you can then in victory think about Christ more and his victory his sin satisfying sacrifice you see what happens in humility is that it's fundamentally self-forgetfulness against the self fixation of pride and what happens if pride puts you above god in opposition humility then puts you under God to receive grace God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble humility is that attitude it puts us under God dependent on him for grace see the collision between the glory of God and the pride of man it has a crash site there's going to be a crash site either in hell or on the cross so there's that those are the only two options in hell it's spiritual suicide to be on the path of opposing God because God hates it passionately and has set a date for the collision and even tells us about it ahead of time hell is a horror story a horror movie with no closing credits here's what God says here's his day for the Lord of Hosts has a day against all that is proud and lofty against all that is lifted up and shall be brought low Isaiah 2:12 everything has to be brought low so that he alone is left standing and exalted on that day he has opponents people who are proud but on that day it'll be shown he has no rivals he alone will be exalted but God and His mercy also made another way he made a way for proud boastful self-sufficient sinners who think the world revolves around them he vindicates his name at the cross and in conversion gives us new eyes to see that that is what our sins deserve he's not dying for his own sins on the cross that's how wicked we are he's designed salvation in such a way that the cross must crush us before it heals us because the only way that we receive grace is through the undeserved disgrace of Christ and that's where we see I deserve that it took his death to save me how wicked am I and he vindicates his name and the sacrifice of Christ fully absorbs and satisfies the wrath of God you see our pride is decisively defeated in conversion progressively defeated in sanctification and will be totally defeated in glorification the fight against sin is a fight for sight to see God rightly to see the victory of Christ completely the Bible's answer to our fallen self obsession is a superior satisfaction in God where he becomes our sole obsession and we become his treasured possession for all eternity and it will be on that day when he alone is exalted for many it will be the most miserable horrible day for us it will be happiest day where we say I've been waiting for you to finally be exalted above everything father I pray that you would kill our pride and that you would give us a vision satisfying vision to see rightly you alone be preeminent you alone have first place in Jesus name you
Channel: Worship Hymns
Views: 3,477
Rating: 4.9578948 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jason Meyer, Jason Meyter Sermons, Pride, Christian biblical values, Christian devotion, daily devotion, prayers, Bible, Bible verses, desiring God, gospel, missionary, Jesus, salvation, prayer, sermons, God, communion, father, Holy Spirit, heaven, petitions, Bible truth, online sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Sunday Sermons
Id: d3UjZ_cOb60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2017
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