Things You Should NEVER Do In An AIRCRAFT?!

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this weekend a tick tock video showing a man lighting a fire inside of an aircraft toilet to make himself a nice hot meal went absolutely viral and when it did safety organizations and airlines out there went absolutely ballistic and the tick tocker who did this video had to withdraw it now why did the airlines and the safety organizations react this way today we're going to be talking about the absolutely terrifying prospect of an in-flight fire and why that is the ultimate nightmare for anyone who's involved in this business you're very welcome to the mentor pilot channel i hope you're doing absolutely fantastic and stay [Music] [Music] tuned okay guys so this whole thing started with a tick tocker whose name we're not going to mention our show we've gotten permission to show part of his video from him because we're doing this in the name of safety so this person um is basically complaining about the fact that there are no hot deals available on board aircraft anymore so it proceeds to go into the toilet and take out what looks like a little alcohol candle put it inside of the toilet bowl and take out a aluminium tray light the candle on fire putting the tray on top proceeding to cook his steak with a little bit of wine and some salad with it all right and then we'll see him going back out into the cabin to eat his meal right now initially if you if you don't know anything about in-flight fires you might think that this is innocent enough obviously it's hilarious isn't it the fact is though that first of all this video is completely fake um the tick-tocker wasn't that stupid he was using a a very cleverly hidden led light on the underside of the little tray he never lit anything on fire inside of the toilet and he used a piece of pre-cooked meat in order to do this prank video right the problem here though is that people might think that this is true and some out of all of the hundreds of thousands of people who saw this might actually think that well that was a great idea i have to try that and this is why everyone went ballistic because the prospect of someone trying to light anything on fire inside of an aircraft toilet or anywhere inside of an aircraft cabin is terrifying absolutely terrifying now i am telling you this because of my background as an airport firefighter before i became a pilot i actually worked both during my military service and also a few years after that as an airport firefighter and we we used to train on you know how to handle smoke-filled cabins for example and how to handle a fire on board an aircraft now what you have to understand is that in order for you to have a fire of any sort in any place you need a couple of components you need oxygen you need heat and you need fuel together these forms what we call the triangle of fire and that triangle fire works the same way if you need to get rid of the fire if you remove one of these three things then the fire stops and inside of a cabin a cabin is a very special environment because it is completely and hermetically closed up and it's being fed with air in order to pressurize the cabin so you do have this closed up environment inside of it you have all sorts of plastics and rugs things that could potentially be be fuel for fire if it's you know being heated up enough all of the things inside of a of an aircraft cabin is made to be fire retardant but if the heat source is strong enough nothing really is okay now when we learned about you know what would happen inside of a cabin as an airport firefighter we actually built a mock cabin inside of one of these huge containers so we put plywood inside of this metal container both on the floor and on the walls and in the ceiling and then we sat down on the floor and we lit a little fire in one of the corners just to learn what would happen and what ensued to happen was that that little fire you could see it clearly just like you think about a campfire you know a little fire in the corner and then that produces smoke the smoke goes up into the ceiling and then the smoke starts coming down from the ceiling the more smoke that goes up the lower the smoke comes and so we had to constantly put our heads down more and more in order to be able to see the fire eventually that's not possible because the smoke will actually go down all the way down to the floor now if that happens inside of an actual aircraft cabin that's where the real danger holds because there's going to be so much poisonous fumes in here burning plastic stuff like that that actually in most cases it's the smoke that is going to hurt or kill most people but anyway we were sitting there and eventually we were sitting in complete blackness you cannot imagine how dark it becomes you cannot see even your hand in front of the visor we were sitting in full firefighting equipment you could not see anything but you could hear the fire you could hear the crackling going away all right now eventually the concentration of fuel which is the black smoke that's actually unburned material in the smoke that's why it's so black you know that combines with heat from the fire and the oxygen from outside and you get this perfect mixture and when that happens the only thing you hear is woof and suddenly everything burns all right you cannot imagine this side this is what we call a flashover and you have flames coming out in front of your face like they're coming out of mid-air they're being created and they disappear and then you have flames in other places around you you're surrounded by fire that is a flashover and in fact when we were doing this experiment uh some of our firefighting visors started cracklating from the heat because the heat burns up to hundreds of degrees within seconds of the flashover happening and we had to get out now if a flashover would be allowed to happen in an aircraft that would be it right it's a non-survivable event and this is why a fire on board is such a terrifying prospect and we do have very stringent kind of procedures now i'm not going to go into the details of the cabin crew procedures but basically they take different roles depending on who finds the fire where the fire is one will be fighting the fire that's normally the one who finds it right need to get their fire gloves on their pbe which is portable breeding equipment on but the main thing is that it needs to be fought right it needs to be fought immediately the second one is going to become the communicator that speaks to the captain to let the captain know that this is going on where it is and how bad it is then you have a third one that's going to be the backup that you know gathers up all of the firefighting equipment and brings it to the place and then you have one who's doing crowd control who is getting the passengers out away from the fire instructing them to keep themselves low to use maybe uh a wet cloth over their face and try to stay away from breeding the fumes and just trying to control panic really okay so the this fire fighting will be going on and it's going to happen as quickly as possible because the earlier you can find a fire and fight it the better it is right the cabin crew are really trained in these kind of maneuvers and everyone who's part of an operating flight crew is going to be trained at this recurrently you know every three years you have to go in and you have to actually fight fire as part of being a flight crew both pilots and cabin crew anyway the pilots as soon as we hear that there's a fire on board even if it's in an oven or wherever it might be i am going to try to get as much information as i can where it is how bad is it how is the firefighting going okay as soon as i know what's going on then i'll come in i'll brief my colleague and then we're going to go for the smoke fire fumes non-normal checklist the first point on that checklist says diversion might be needed okay that is because this is one of those events where the time is not on your side the longer it takes for you to decide where to divert and how to do it the worse it's going to be so essentially we're going to divide the roles now where the pilot flying is going to be just aiming the aircraft towards a runway okay we find that the closest available airport we call out a mayday immediately saying that we have a fire on board and then we aim to watch an airport that we can land that while the pilot flying is doing this setting up the aircraft for approach getting him or herself ready the public monitoring will be dealing with the checklist and the checklist is basically trying to isolate a fire source so it looks into whether it might be an electrical fire or might be smoke coming out of the air conditioning system and step by step you remove power from certain parts of the aircraft in order to hopefully stop the fire from going on as part of that checklist you also have a smoke removal checklist and it says in the checklist that whenever smoke becomes the greatest threat then you go to the smoke removal checklist and that's because if this fire continues and they're fighting it but they can't really control it and we have that smoke coming down then you need to get it away from the passengers the way to do that is basically by opening the outflow valve you're depressurizing the aircraft and that will suck all the smoke towards the outflow valve and that will clear up the air problem though is that that might also mask a fire source as it might be harder to know where the fire is if it's hidden behind the panel and it might also actually bring more oxygen towards the fire so it could make it worse and this is why you only want to do this when smoke becomes a really really bad factor and this is also why the one who's doing the checklist needs to be talking to the communicator like the pilot needs to talk to the cabin crew to see how the it's progressing you know what they are doing in the cockpit if they're turning off a component for example is things getting better you know is the smoke disappearing is the fire disappearing and this is tricky because it's going to be would you know it's not going to be instantaneous if you turn off something and that is actually the cause of the fire it's gonna take a few seconds or even minutes potentially before that can be noticed so communication between the pilots and the cabin crew is absolutely crucial here okay so now you have one pilot concentrating on trying to get the aircraft down on the ground as quickly as possible the other one is doing the checklist trying to do this as best possible hopefully the cabin crew are dealing with the fire and they they managed to get it under control and the passengers are not panicking too much and they're away from the fire and no one is getting hurt right this is best case scenario worst case scenario is that the cabin crew loses control of the fire they're using their firefighting equipment which is primarily still halon extinguishers which works by removing the oxygen from the triangle of fire we also have water glycol in case we need to cool something down and once again they are very trained in what and how they're supposed to use these things but if they lose control of the fire so they've used up all of their firefighting equipment for example or it is spreading quicker that they can handle it if that is being communicated to us as flight crew we know that we now have between 10 and 20 minutes before you have a potential flashover in the back and that is not a lot of time to get the aircraft down landed and evacuate safely and this is why it actually says in the checklist and this is one of the only places you'll find in the quick reference handbook but checklist tells you if they lose control of the fire consider an off-field landing basically get the aircraft down on the ground or on water if you're out of the sea potential ditching if you're overground but there's no airport around find a good field put the aircraft down and evacuate because getting the aircraft down on the ground getting the emergency exits open and getting as many people as possible out is better in any case than flying on too long and letting this drift towards a flashover in the cabin okay now you can see from how i'm reacting here and from how i'm telling you this how bad of a situation this actually is this is by far the worst situation if you ask any pilot out there what's the worst situation that you can think of they're going to say an in-flight fire right at least 95 is going to say that and this is because of the timing the the panic the smoke remember that you we might have to put oxygen masks on as well uh if the smoke enters into the the cockpit well then we are obviously going to need to be able to breed so oxygen masks on it's hard to communicate uh the the cabin crew is going to be struggling in the back trying to do this so this is a really really bad situation and this is why we don't like seeing people doing joke videos about lighting stuff on fire inside of aircraft toilets there's a reason why smoking was banned on board and this is the reason for that all right so even if this was obviously a fake video the off chance that someone would think that it isn't and try to replicate it or try to make their own version of this video is bad enough to go out with a video like this and to warn people against it do not attempt this now prior to making this video i also contacted yasa all right the european aviation safety agency and asked them if they had anything that they want to say as well and they said that on top of really emphasizing the point that do not use any type of fire source inside of any compartment in a commercial aircraft at any point they also really wanted to point out the new risks that are coming with the use of battery driven equipment specifically power banks e-cigarettes and new batteries to old mobile phones as in if you've exchanged your battery on your iphone but you haven't used a proper iphone battery there is a higher risk of a thermal runway in those type of batteries right and a thermal runaway is a scary thing right it's a very explosive type of fire it kind of feeds itself it's very hard to get rid of and this is the reason why you're not allowed to keep spare batteries for example lithium-ion batteries stuff like that in your checked-in luggage in the whole of the aircraft right if you're carrying those kind of things first of all you have to make sure that they're not too big and that they are allowed to keep there's going to be lists of what type of batteries you're allowed to take on the aircraft in the first place and if you do make sure that you have them on your person or in your hand luggage but they really want to emphasize that in the case of e-cigarettes for example and power banks do not charge your e-cigarettes with your power bank do not charge anything if you can avoid it inside of the aircraft okay so if you're carrying these kind of things try to keep them close to you so that you have them under check all the time so in case a battery would be damaged for example or start one of these thermal runways at least you see it early and you can notify the cabin crew who have procedures to deal with this you don't really want to have it inside of a hat bin because then it might actually cause a fire that is much more severe before any counter meshes can be taken so do keep this in mind you know try to not use these kind of devices on board and aircraft in any case do not put them in your checked in baggage and make sure that you're only using proper good brands for these kind of things all right the cheaper they are special replacement batteries and stuff the higher the risk is that they haven't been properly tested and that they could actually cause a fire like that so that's basically all i have about in-flight fires guys and as you can see it would be a truly terrifying event but having said that and having now thoroughly scared you i have to say as well that the procedures that we have and the safe scourge that we have in place and the training that we receive is of the absolute highest level and this is why we want you to know about this right it's not to scare you it's to show that we are aware of these threats that we take these threats very very seriously and we're doing everything that we can to safeguard you whenever you go out flying now i'm guessing that you guys have questions about this uh and if you do then file them into the questions and discussions below in the comments but also if you want to have a really like fulfilling discussion with other people who are interested in aviation me for example then i have now given you access to my discord server up until now my discord server has only been available for my patreons and for people who have joined through my website but i've decided to give you know access to everyone because i want to have as much fun discussions as possible so if you go into the description of this video you'll see that there's an invite link there you just click that link fill in the username that you want to use and start chatting away now the higher echelons of my discord server is still only available for my patreon but if you want access to that you can become a patreon if you don't does not matter we still want you in there it will be great to see you all there i also before we go guys i want to mention that last week's sponsor nordvpn is still available i have the deal available here for you if you want to start protecting yourself and your data on the internet today uh if you use the link down in the description then you'll get a whopping 68 off the original price on their deals and they might also throw in some extra free months and stuff into there so go and check out the link if you want a great vpn to start protecting yourself have an absolutely fantastic day wherever you are and i'll see you next time bye-bye right guys i really hope that you liked that if you want more content like that more aviation content well then check this out i hope that you have subscribed to the channel and that you've highlighted a little notification belt see you inside of the mentor aviation app and have an absolutely fantastic day bye
Channel: Mentour Pilot
Views: 196,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inflight fire, aircraft fire, cabin fire, aircraft accident, aircraft incident, Mentour Pilot, Cooking in aircraft toilet, hot meal aircraft toilet, steak aircraft toliet, Boeing 737, Aviation news, Breaking aviation news, Battery fire aircraft, Fear of flying, fear of flying help, Nervous flyer, Nervous flyer help, Mentour Pilot Boeing 737, Mentour pilot fire, how to become a pilot, pilot life, Boeing 747, Boeing 777, Airbus A380, Antonov AN124, Antonov AN225
Id: xw2XYr62fjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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