Things That You Will See for the First Time in Your Life

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hello everyone as you know with the rise of the Internet's a great deal of information that was previously inaccessible became public every day millions of people searched to learn new things by themselves many people think that if they're online every day they know everything but they're wrong because of the vast amounts of information on the web it's simply impossible to see everything even if you dedicate your life to it and this means that you can't know everything in the world so in today's video we decided to broaden your knowledge a bit and show you some things you probably haven't seen yet let's get it on most people love chocolates and literally can't live without it and of course even if you don't like chocolates you've probably tried it at least once in your life were used to the fact that chocolates a bar covered with multicolored paper wasting force in the store however few people know or have seen how chocolates produced today we're going to show you this simple but laborious process it all starts with the cocoa beans that sprout in different parts of the world for example in South America Central America West Africa and Australia the grains arrived dry at the Chocolate Factory without the gelatinous layer and sorted the first stage of chocolate production is the roasting of the beans at a temperature of 120 to 140 degrees after which the shell is removed large particles are removed by filtering while small particles are removed from the mass by vacuum the toasted and peeled dough is then broken up and ground into a uniform thickness sugar flavors and cocoa butter are added if it's milk chocolates dry milk is added you probably think that the chocolate production is almost finished and all you have to do is pour the dough into the molds but no yes the taste of this melted dough is what we all love but the consistency is not entirely homogeneous this may seem strange but to achieve the same thickness and ductility the liquid mass is dried to obtain powdered chocolates in addition this powder is melted again to obtain a thick liquid now it becomes the real chocolate ready to be packed if the manufacturer produces chocolate chips the thick dough is dripped on special pallets to cool and pack the chips in bags if you produce chocolate bars then the dough is poured into special molds which travel along the conveyor it cools for two hours and well you guessed it the chocolate is ready we all know that Thor controls thunder and lightning yet few people know that you don't have to be Asgard's got to be surrounded by deadly flows of electricity like in an epic movie this man is not a superhero but just an ordinary electrician and yes just look ok controlling the Lightning and the current isn't the same but it looks spectacular don't you think let's take another look it's very beautiful have you ever thought about going for a walk on a cold day with soap bubbles to be honest playing with liquids is the last thing you want to do when it's very cold so we're sure you've never made soap bubbles in the snow and miss something great do to the coals they freeze in an amazing and very beautiful way and now there'll be a little spoiler by the way people are allergic to pollen won't like what we show them below [Music] we can only be happy that the technology has not yet reached the level needed to transmit the smell by video and be glad you saw such an enormous amounts of pollen flying from a tree because this phenomenon is quite rare a rainbow after rain is a fairly common phenomenon and you've probably seen one at least once in your life however you probably don't know that you've seen a rainbow let's say not in its very original form because in fact rainbows form a complete circle but looking at it from the ground we only see half of this circle well have you guess what we're gonna show you now to see a full rainbow you'll have to climb very very high for example to the top of a mountain or on a plane from where as usual you'll also have a beautiful view everything related to weightlessness conditions on space stations in general causes great interest among ordinary people we're curious about absolutely everything starting with how astronauts eat and drink and ending with well more personal questions but if you ever wondered what happens to tears in zero-gravity do they just flow over your face or do they separate from the skin and hang in the air in this case water is used instead of tears and as you can see the tears don't separate from the skin but they don't flow down either they form something like a bubble under the eye the more you cry the bigger the bubble becomes space launch is a very rare events for example in 2017 exactly 90 orbital launches took place in 2018 there are only 79 launches anyone who is seen with their own eyes how a carrier rocket rises into the sky can consider themselves very lucky well and an even smaller number of people have seen a rocket launch from an airplane they can be considered probably super lucky by the way now you can identify yourself as one of them yes you didn't see it live but the video counts too yes yeah it's in the camera layout fastest Yohan break out [Music] but only astronauts have seen a rocket launch from space in person unfortunately they made a couple of images electric towers are huge metal structures that have incredible weight and even more incredible dimensions we're sure you don't know how these structures are built though and the procedure by the way is extremely interesting we've always believed that the trucks took the beams to the right place and then welded them together for a long time stubbornly and painfully until that's how it was finished however it seems that our ideas too long and too slow and nobody really uses it it turns out that the towers are transported to the necessary place from the factory in parts special cargo helicopters are used for this by the way this work is not only extremely interesting but also laborious we would even compare it to the work of a jeweler because the helicopter must fly and place the parts of the tower in the right place with a margin of error of only a couple of centimeters we don't know what you think but we people who have nothing to do with the production of fireworks have always been surprised at how they're made in such a way that they're so beautiful fireworks are very complex they can explode at different heights in different colors in forming different figures but it turns out that the appearance of fireworks in the sky depends on the way they were created and something tells us that you have no idea what a firework looks like from the inside well until now until this very moment surprisingly to design just 1 minutes of firework shows experts need a full hour for next 6 or 7 hours are spent filling the fireworks the right way so the lights and colors alternate in the right order apparently absolutely all living things can sneeze it's simply not always possible to record them for example did you know that even a horse can sneeze by the way horses also know how to do this so hard even the animal itself got scared by the way birds are no exception either and they also know how to sneeze they just do it in such a strange way that you can look at it for hours you probably know that we always see only one particular side of the Moon this is because the period of rotation around the earth and the period of rotation around its axis on this satellite are very close it turns out that when we claim to know what the moon looks like we're not telling the truth from this very moment you can safely say that you know what even the hidden face of the moon looks like because here it is captured in photographs turns out that the parts of the moon that we normally see is dotted with seas and craters and the hidden part is flatter with more terrain and only two seas by the way the largest lunar craters are also found here on the hidden face of the moon the Great Wall of China is perhaps the most recognizable construction in the world this is the largest architectural monument built in ancient China its length is almost 9 kilometres well if you look at the wall as a whole along with all of its numerous branches then it extends for more than 21,000 kilometers hardly anyone thinks about where the wall begins and what this place looks like so the place where the great war begins looks like this there is a legend that a huge dragon pointed out to the workers the exact place where they were to build the wall it's no coincidence that many claim that its final form resembles our dragon in flight well the section where the wall begins is known as the dragon's head it's located near the city of Shanghai Kuan in Adrien times there was a transportation center strategic importance here it turns out that the Great Wall of China begins in the water hey stop being lazy it's time to use that brain eels welcome to brain time incredible facts from the past the present and even the future the power of nature and wild animals amazing facts and unsolved mysteries you'll find all this and much more here subscribe now you won't regret it [Music]
Channel: #Mind Warehouse
Views: 1,386,482
Rating: 4.4410567 out of 5
Keywords: your mind is my wearhouse, #Mind Warehouse, your mind is my warehouse, blow your mind, top 5, top 10, facts, 10 most, mind warehouse, things that, things, that you will see, for the first time in your life, show you some things, things you, probably haven't seen yet
Id: OLOVltlVdK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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