Things People Say In Appalachia

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[Music] i was washing the dishes and when i was doing that and i was wrenching them i kind of got rich namata kind of got soaked when i was growing up and pap was trying to give me advice that you know i just wasn't having i just wasn't listening to him and maybe i was fussing with him quarreling with him about it he'd tell me tipper don't be so touches and independent you ought to always listen to somebody that's been down that road before [Music] miss tipper's cooking is larping good i especially like it when she makes her homemade macaroni and cheese when i was a kid my mom used to always yell at me to not get my nice clothes right [Music] when i was little and i would play outside all day long i'd come into the house and my mom would say you're rusty footage you go get in there and go straight to the bathtub and clean your stuff up [Music] i hit my elbow on the door and it's sore as a rising [Music] when i was little and we'd go to church we'd start being rowdy and getting noisy and i'd get in trouble because i was cutting a shine [Music] i told miss tipper if she would reach me that hoe i'd scratch her out of bean roll [Music] whenever i used to go to the waffle house with my grandpa he would say that he took his coffee regular well me and corey and our cousin would be down at pap and granny's and we'd be getting too rowdy and too loud pap would come up to us and say we better hush because he's gonna put a quietus on us i need to get in here and read up this greenhouse i do the same thing every year we grow all our seedlings in here but once we've moved them out to the garden i totally forget about the greenhouse and leave a big mess i don't mean to be braggety but i'm a good weed eater [Music] early in the spring when we were out working in the garden one day i said matt i have the best ideal let's put a big garden bed right here on the side of the greenhouse in that space that we don't ever use we haven't got it built yet but i'm hoping we'll get that done soon i like to make light of the fact that miss tipper uses ideal for idea but i still like the way she talks because it's kind of cool i hope you enjoyed those short clips showcasing some of appalachia's most interesting phrases and words i love doing these videos if you can't tell i'm crazy i'm plum crazy plum foolish as we would say about appalachian language i love thinking about the colorful rich sayings and words i love thinking about how they've been passed down throughout the generations i'm just crazy about the appalachian language and i hope these these videos seem to be pretty popular and i'm glad because i want more people to know about those words i want them to continue one frequent comment that i get is people say hey you know that's not just said in appalachia that said in you know wherever they're at and i totally agree i never want people to think that i'm saying all these words that we use are only relegated or even the foods that i talk about anything that i talk about it's only relegated it's not allowed outside the limits of appalachia that's not that's not true it can be found in other places i believe that it's held on a lot of the words and the the words being more common and and the foods and the traditions and the folklore and all that kind of things because traditionally people in appalachia kind of stayed in appalachia for generations i've shared before nine generations of my family have lived in the same general area of course that's not true for everybody some of those generational people left they went up north they went overseas they went to california wherever they went and they didn't come back a lot of them took those words and phrases with them but when you think about the migration of people a lot of words are not unique to appalachia it's not that we created them or the phrases or the intonation of how we speak or even our grammatic the grammar a lot of times wrong that we use a lot of those usages that language come with immigrants from scotland and ireland the british isles from different places and as you think about the migration of people as they come from the east coast all the way to the west coast it only makes sense that the language went with people and i think in places where people traditionally stayed like in appalachia then those words hung on like if it was generations of the same family then those places is where you'll hear some of these exact same words that we share kratis d williams he's one of my favorites when it comes to appalachian speech kind of the the logistics of it the linguist coming at it from that point of view he was not a linguist but he but he had a great love for it and you can readily find his books and different things this is one of my favorite southern mountain speech but what i'm going to read the quote that kind of explains better than what i'm saying kind of explains it better wasn't really written by him but it was about his work but it was um let's see it was i think it was jane uh jim wayne miller yeah jim wayne miller so he wrote the introduction to the book but it's just this one little short part says williams understood that many features of appalachian folk speech are not limited to the geographical area known as the southern appalachians or all of appalachia i would say he was too sophisticated and knowledgeable about settlement patterns my migratory routes and the relative geographic and social isolation of various groups who settled the region to be unaware of the continuities between the folk speech of the upland and lowland south he felt it necessary to make the point repeatedly so this is one of a quote from williams prototypical appalachian speech overlaps extensively with the folk speech of other american rural groups of colonial british stock so in other words as people migrated just like i said they took that language with them so i just wanted to share that since i'd had a few comments about that that no i don't think the appalachians are the only people that use some of these unique phrases and words i understand that they're said throughout the united states and boy i'm glad that they are because i just love them so drop back by often as we celebrate appalachia and to watch more videos about language in appalachia hello uh i never forgot what was the word whenever i well give me a minute here seems like people like these videos a lot and i'm glad because i want our language to contin continue to continue okay what
Channel: Celebrating Appalachia
Views: 291,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Appalachian mountains, Appalachia, Appalachian language, Appalachian accent, unusual words used in the mountains, unusual words from Appalachia, funny southern sayings, southern accent, the way people talk in the south, dictionary of smoky mountain english, how to do an Appalachian accent, Appalachian Mountain Talk, Appalachian phrases, Southern Accent, Mountain Accent, Appalachian vocabulary test, Southern Appalachian Accent, quietus, toucheous, rageler, rusty-footed, rurnt
Id: byFmt8xF_50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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