THINGS I WISH I KNEW BEFORE STARTING WW | Weeklies, Tracking, Switching Plans, WW App | WW BASICS

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your overall budget and our research [Music] hey everyone and welcome to my channel i'm nikki in today's video i'm just gonna be going over a lot of the basics to the wwe program i receive so many questions just even about like the different color plans and what they mean or how i track certain foods because there's so many different ways to track things everybody's experience is different with ww but we're just gonna go over some of like the basics to the wwe plan maybe you'll learn some things that you didn't know about the app i'm gonna go into some details about how i track things in the app and yeah hopefully you find some helpful tips so go ahead and give this video a like and subscribe to my channel if you enjoy it and let's go ahead and get started with the basics of wwe everything i'm going to be sharing is just going to be from my personal experience but when you sign up i just did the app version so the digital you sign up you take an assessment you're assigned daily smart points and weeklies and pretty much then you just have to figure it out from there so when i first started i was assigned the blue plan and i want to say i was assigned 38 smart points and adam was also assigned the blue plan but he was assigned like 58 smart points so right off the bat i was like what's going on here we have to figure this out because i like doing the cooking how am i gonna incorporate enough points so that i don't go over but that he's getting enough in the day so that was a challenge in the beginning but anyway going into more detail about why that happened so your daily points are assigned to you based on your age your weight your height and your sex so obviously adam's taller than me he weighs more than me he's a male so many different things that would up the amount of points that he needs in a day versus what i would need in a day to lose weight so that explained that there so just going over the basics of the plans there is the blue plan the green plan and the purple plan so i've been on the blue plan from the beginning and it has just been the best for me i don't think either of the other plans really would suit my diet and how i like to cook there's the green plan which is technically you get more smart points in a day and you get fewer zero point foods so your list of zero point foods is 100 plus then the blue plan is supposed to be moderate smart points and moderate zero points so you get a list of 200 zero point foods and then a moderate amount of smart points and then the purple plan is where you get fewer smart points and then you get a 300 plus zero point food list so plenty more zero point foods that includes like a lot of different carbs and like potatoes stuff like that so technically the green plan they say is meant for people who aren't doing as much cooking who like to enjoy more just like fruits and vegetables because you get more smart points in a day so you're having to track more foods that's why you get less zero point foods whereas the purple plan you're getting fewer smart points in a day but you have to track way less so if tracking is also a problem for you that could be something that works better personally like i said i don't have experience with the purple and green plan but i have found that the blue is just such a perfect balance for my lifestyle and what has worked for us along with your daily smart points you also get a set of weekly smart points so when you go into the ww app right in the beginning you have your and this is today's tuesday so today's actually my weigh-in day so it's the beginning of the week for me so you'll see the dot is on the t for tuesday and then i have 24 daily points every single day and i start the week with 42 weekly points so i haven't tracked anything for the day yet but i will so like i said in the beginning i started with i think 38 daily points and now i'm down to 24. so as you lose the weight you start to get fewer and fewer daily smart points which makes sense you're eating less calories because you are required to eat less so that is how your daily smart points are decided and how they change throughout your journey then the weeklies so say i don't use all 24 of my daily smart points for the day say i only use 20. up to four daily points a day it can roll over into your weeklies so technically say i didn't use my 24 points i just used 20 points today then this 42 tomorrow would switch to a 46 because i got four rollover points the max you can get for a day is four rollover points so say i used 22 then two would roll over to the next day so you do get to build up your weekly points if you don't use them all in dailies every day is different some days i find i'm not using all my daily some days i'm going over and using my weekly so it just depends what works for you me personally i use my weeklies and this is something that i probably am asked the most out of like wwe specific questions but so many people tell me they are afraid to use their weeklies and i always say use them because my weeks that i have the best losses are always the weeks that i use on my weeklies there are always the weeks that i feel full and that i'm drinking a lot of water and my weeklies are taken up so obviously that might not work for everyone but it's something worth trying the weeklies are there for a reason and i actually because i've always asked this so many times i just want to say what wwe actually has to say about weeklies and this is just directly from their website so what they say is don't be afraid to use your weekly smartpoints we've calculated them into your overall budget and our research shows that using them won't sell your weight loss in fact they're a great way to keep things flexible and livable and i totally totally agree with that because i am always using my weeklies when i feel hungry and that was the thing that i said in the beginning this journey i didn't want to feel hungry so my weeklies are so important to me because whenever i'm feeling hungry if i'm over my points i'm using those weeklies and like i've said before i also use weeklies to have like higher point snacks sometimes if i'm just grabbing a few almonds or my sauces i use in my weeklies kind of mentally so sometimes i don't always track them in the app but i know i'm using them and i've been doing this long enough now i feel that i kind of know how many weeklies i've used throughout the week so that's just something i think is really important because people are so afraid to use them and honestly in the beginning i i used them in the beginning beginning and then i stopped for a little cuz i was scared and that's when i kind of saw like a little bit of a dip in my losses it wasn't what it had been before so not when i picked back up on any of my weeklies i really did find improvement so then just going into detail about how smart points are decided because some people have asked me that like how do you know that these chips are this many smart points but then these chips are this many smart points like what is it just calories so many people really think that smart points just translate to calories and they don't so what wwe has said is smart points are calculated by it starts with the baseline of calories then the points are brought up by saturated fat as well as sugar and then the amount of protein brings the points a little bit back down so it kind of balances it out it is not just based on calories and i just want to show you guys how you can see this going into the wwe app i'm just going to pretend that this barcode for this protein bar doesn't work so when you go into the app you want to go into the search bar and you're going to hit calculator so this is the screen and this is how you can find out how many smart points some food item is now they just added this i think or i don't know if they had it before but i think it's new but they just added this button where you can scan nutrition facts which is so cool except for the fact that it doesn't always work but i find if you turn the flash on and then you just scan the bar and take the picture it will just enter the nutrition facts in there but sometimes it doesn't read it correctly so it'll say at the top we cannot verify some of these fields so please double check them so it actually did enter it incorrectly it said that there were 23 grams of fat instead of eight so that would be something you'd have to double check i think they're still working on that but it's cool it's worth trying anyway though that's not what i'm trying to show what i want to show is that when you come to the calculator i'm going to enter the information for this protein bar into the app and i'm gonna show you how the number changes so to start out it's got 230 calories and right away it starts out at seven smart points so then i'm going to go ahead down and enter the grams of fat which is eight and then the saturated fat which is actually six so that right there bumped it up to nine smart points because of the saturated fat which again they say that the saturated fat and the sugar are what bump the smart point number up so then i'm going to enter sodium is 130 carbs 23. fiber three sugar is only one and then added sugar is zero so still it's at nine points but then this entire bar is 20 grams of protein so you'll see when i enter that it's 20 grams of protein the bar changes to seven smart points instead of nine so it adjusts based on that because having 20 grams of protein is huge and it's definitely filling so they want to make this a little bit fewer smart points so that's kind of how they decide it that's how it changes when you enter them obviously if i just scanned it right away it would just say seven smart points but i just kind of wanted to give you an idea of how it changes with the different nutrition facts another thing i wanted to say is with rollover weeklies if for some reason you don't want to use your rollovers and you just kind of want to get rid of them if you didn't use them for the day there is a setting that you can turn off your rollovers then another thing i want to mention is fit points a lot of people ask me about fit points and i like to track my fit points in the app only for the reason that i like to get some wellness wins so every time you track an activity you get five wellness wins and that just keeps adding up to get rewards so really that's the main reason i don't ever track my weightlifting but i do track rollerblading what i do is you just go into the app and you want to click the activity tab right here and this will show you so i haven't done anything yet this week but i can show you if i wanted to track rollerblading that's my recent activity i would just click that and then say i went for an hour that technically would give me 18 smart points back to eat for the day which are my fit points and i can track the activity and then you also have like a goal so technically i have a 33 fit point goal for the week and i'm at 18 out of 33. okay so with fitpoints you can also go into your settings and turn them off so that they don't transfer as like your smart points that you see you get to eat for the day so like technically i would be able to eat another 18 smart points if i were to eat the calories that i burned skating but i don't like to do that i like my skating to just be an extra activity when i go to the gym i don't track that and i do come home and i have a protein bar that's usually five to seven smart points and i don't usually track that so i kind of think my fit points from the workout i'm just having food because i do need to eat after a workout and i just don't even bother tracking it but you can turn your fit points on so that you are actually earning more smart points to eat a day if you would like to i don't really recommend that just because it's kind of like out of sight out of mind it kind of helps to just get that extra activity in and then still just focus on your diet because in the beginning i just focused on my food and the activity really didn't do anything to help me and i think that with this journey it's so important to just learn about your relationship with food and obviously the activity part is important but i think that's a lot easier to incorporate after you've really gotten down the important things about portions and like nutritious meals and stuff like that i think it's important to focus on that before you really incorporate the fitness aspect of it really i don't think it's worth using your fit points but it's completely up to you so you can do what you want to do and then another question i get asked a lot is if you can switch your plans so honestly a lot of times people get assigned to purple or green and they don't really feel comfortable they're kind of looking for more of a balance like i said the blue plan is moderate smart points as well as moderate zero point food so it really is a good balance i think most people seem to be on the blue plan but again purple works for people and green works for people it really is what works for you so it is worth trying it out i would recommend that you stick with the one that you're assigned for two weeks just to get a feel for whether or not it really is working for you a few days isn't going to help unless you are actually like starving every day or overeating or something like you realize that it really isn't working for you i'd really try to stick with the plan for two weeks and then decide if you're gonna switch and if you do decide to switch it's so simple you just go into the ww app click on your little picture you want to hit the settings button up here in the corner and then right here all you do is you the top thing is food settings click in that and you see your plan right there you can go ahead and change your food plan and also with this you are able to change what your daily smart points are and your weekly smart points are if you wanted to for some reason control that i've just trusted the program and what it's assigned to me and it's worked well for me but just you see as well this rollover i have my rollovers turned on and then swapping so then you can also turn swapping off i have my setting to no swapping which says you're still earning fit points but you will not be swapping them for food so you could do that you could swap with your weeklies or you could swap with your fit points so there's three different options on there whatever works for you but the option is always there another important thing to point out if you are breastfeeding you need to click this option in your settings so make sure that you are doing that because you will get a higher number of smart points very important that you are doing that also quick thing i want to point out because i've had a few people ask about changing your weigh-in day all you have to do is go into the app and hit wait settings and then from there it says your weigh-in day and you can go ahead and update it mine's tuesday so okay so now that we've gone over like the basics of the program i just wanted to talk about like the color plans how people are assigned different points and what they mean i also want to talk about tracking because with wwe everybody tracks things differently and like i've said so many times you have to do what works for you so this is how i personally choose to track these specific things but again if you would like to track maybe more or less than what i do you can do that it's all what works for you with your lifestyle so one controversial thing when it comes to ww is smoothies and blended fruit so a lot of people ask me like are smoothies points like do you track the fruit and smart points because i've heard that they are points which honestly i didn't know about this until like halfway through my journey according to ww when you make a smoothie you are supposed to track the nutrition value so you would actually have to enter the nutrition for the fruit and it would come up as points and you track the points even if it is a zero smartpoint food on your list with your plan so technically you would have to track a banana as points because and their reason is when you are drinking a smoothie you are not actually eating you're not actually chewing the food so it doesn't really feel as satisfying it doesn't feel as filling now for me personally when i make a smoothie i am full for like hours i don't know what it is my protein shakes that i make which is like a scoop of protein powder a frozen banana some frozen berries maybe a little bit of pb2 and almond milk and maybe some ice like it's really not much and i don't track the fruit which technically i should but it fills me so much that i just don't even see a point in it i count it as zero point foods it's still fruit vegetable to me that's what works for me if you find that it doesn't fill you and you're just kind of drinking it just like how if you just were to drink like a pop it's mindless it doesn't fill you then i would consider tracking the fruit and vegetables if your smoothie is just kind of like a drink that you're having but for me i like to use smoothies as meals because of how filling they are and how nutritious so again personal preference what works for you you can track the fruit you don't have to according to ww you are supposed to i personally don't so that is how i feel about that then another question is what about fruits and veggies that are roasted and like chickpeas and stuff like that if there are zero smartpoint foods on your plan then they are zeros more points you are still eating them they aren't losing really the nutritious value technically if you put any sort of like oil on them or anything to roast them yes you have to track that but you don't have to check the vegetable that's roasted but if it is a dried fruit or vegetable that is a different story and this one makes a little more sense for me personally because i do track dry fruits and veggies because of the fact that and this is the example ww uses think about if you had like 50 raisins versus 50 grapes it's so much easier to eat two handfuls of raisins which is going to be like 50 versus 50 grapes so it's so much more condensed and like not as satisfying a lot of times dried fruit has added sugar even if you find one without the added sugar and with them their energy density goes up which means their calories go up so that is technically why they are more smart points something else that people ask me is about zero smartpoint foods and i say all the time that i love to fill up on zero smartpoint foods i love to base my meals around them so a lot of times i try to find zero smartpoint meats because i just like leaner meats honestly i don't feel the best when i eat like red meat i just don't feel the greatest so for me personally turkey and chicken and fish are perfect and it works that there's zero smart points so i like to base my meals around that but i also like to base it around like say i have a zucchini in the fridge that's gonna go bad that's how i plan my meal around that and then i just add veggies and other foods to that that add the points to it but anyway you can eat as many zero smartpoint foods as you want and you don't have to track them so like i said i'm on the blue plane i get 200 plus zero smart point foods and most of them are fruits and veggies but then that also includes like eggs and chicken breasts and lean turkey so there are foods that technically i could just keep eating them and i wouldn't have to track them and they'd be zero smart points however that's not really realistic i'm not gonna sit there and eat five bananas in a sitting it's not realistic that you're gonna really eat that many zero smartpoint foods that it's gonna have an effect on your weight loss journey it really is all about balance and you just you can't sit there and just eat a full carton of eggs like it has to be realistic but you can fill up more on them because they are such lower point foods it is encouraged that you fill up on them they're all so nutrient dense they fill you they're high in protein and fiber and so that is why they are zero point foods and that's why you can eat more of them but there still are calories so you still will gain weight if you eat 3 000 calories worth of apples in a day so that's one thing it's just important to understand is that yes you don't have to attract zero point foods you technically can have as many as you want but you still have to be mindful about it i just think it's important to note that zero smart point foods are still calories you can still overeat them but they were technically chosen because they're a lot harder to overeat and you can still eat a good amount of them while maintaining a weight loss so that's just something that i want to say about zero point foods and then with zero point foods i just really quick want to show you on the app if you go to your front page and you just scroll all the way to the bottom there's this little menu down here and you can hit zero point foods and in there it will just tell you every single zero point food that you can track and if you look at top you can go ahead and click into the different groups so there's vegetables and fruits and that just shows you everything so that's just a good resource to have is to look at the zero point food list on the app and that way if you were to track them for some reason you could go ahead and click here and track them so that was just kind of the basics of how i have used ww in the beginning how i track certain things how i use the app if you guys have anything else you want me to go over with even more in depth about the app there's anything else you guys want me to go over with the wwe program my experience with it please go ahead and leave some questions or comments below in the comment section and i'd love to get back to you thank you guys so much for watching this video i hope you found something helpful and i'll see you guys next time thanks [Music] you
Channel: Nikki Gets Fit
Views: 37,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ww basics, ww basics blue plan, weight loss journey, things I wish I knew before starting ww, ww tips, weightwatchers tips, weight watchers tips, weightwatchers basics, weight watchers basics, ww blue plan, weight watchers, weightwatchers, things I wish I knew before starting weightwatchers, things I wish I knew before starting weight watchers, weight watchers blue plan, weightwatchers blue plan, ww app, weight watchers app, weightwatchers app, ww digital, starting ww
Id: yATWZqwq49U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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