Things I Regret Buying AFTER I Became A MINIMALIST *embarrassing

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hello muchachos welcome here to another minimalism video i really love doing minimalism content but as you do it over a long span of time you really become limited to the amount of content you can do unless you kind of want to continually repeat old content that you put out and i love remaking and revamping videos but what i really love is finding cool new ideas that i can bring to you guys so i see all the time things i regret buying before i became a minimalist i've done a fair share of those videos as well i was inspired by all these videos by actually showing you guys what i regret buying once i became a minimalist once i had that minimalism mindset on because i really really really don't think that you are able to be a professional at minimalism like as soon as you make that decision to consume less i think that we continually learn and grow just like we do with everything else in life so i'm just going to share with you guys about 10th actually not about i think it's legitimately 10 things that i have regretted purchasing once i became a minimalist and was just in that world in that mindset i hope you guys really enjoyed this video let me know down below any other minimalism content you want me to give you give me some ideas i do really want to do something around shoes because i feel like i'm pretty minimal there but do people want to look at my shoes i don't know let me know anyway let's go ahead and get started when i became a minimalist i let go of a lot of my dvds and cds and when i did that i bought too many subscription services that offered those kind of things we're talking about like google play spotify netflix clean flicks all these different like subscription services so you don't have to have the physical like dvd and cds in their cases it's all on the tv in an app of sorts the thing is i just went a little overboard with subscription services i got kind of excited i also realized it was so cheap to do it for like one subscription but as soon as you get like eight subscriptions not so cheap anymore so when i became a minimalist i wish i had more the mindset to start a little bit slower with the whole subscription services try subscription service give it a couple months maybe half a year do i like it do i not leave it keep it and then like move on from there so for now the only subscription services i have when it comes to like entertainment and music is spotify disney plus mostly for the kids an amazon prime so we can watch like prime tv that's it those are kind of my happy three and i really like it there and all together it's less than 30 bucks a month i think that's pretty good next number two is needy plants when i became a minimalist i was like hey minimalism means plantism i'm going to be a plant lady and i've always liked plants they clean the house they look beautiful i feel like seriously every couple weeks i hang a new plant in the ceiling and kieran's like home another one hey i'm like yeah i bought too many plants that were just so needy like literally plants that would have you breastfeed them if they could like do that like they were that kind of a needy plant the breast feeding plant and i felt like even as a minimalist i'm freeing up more time my schedule's a little more open it's not that open and i didn't want my life to revolve around feeding my plants and taking care of my plants and pruning my plants and repotting my plants so i still have a lot of plants and i still enjoy them but it's something that i tend to one to two times a week some of them i don't even touch they're just fine on their own some people have time for that but when i started consuming less and consuming more plants i wish that i really thought through the plants i was getting so i was still enjoying them and not like feeling like i was their slave number three is eco-friendly items this is the thing buying eco-friendly items is really cool and i feel like minimalism and kind of that eco-conscious ism really go hand in hand in a lot of ways which i loved so i looked into it and researched a lot of that but the issue was here i got rid of all my items that were just not eco-friendly and replace them with eco-friendly products but what i really should have done like let's talk for instance like plastic tubs like like a tupperware a rubbermaid bin that you put your stuff into it's plastic it's not very good it's not good for your food how they source it isn't really good instead of throwing all those out and then buying like better glassware what i should have done was use those plastic containers in other ways or just continue to use them until they die instead of checking all my stuff and then getting eco-friendly stuff that's kind of very ironic in a lot of ways what i should have done was instead of just do that like all in one month just over time as some of my not very eco-friendly things just dwindle away then replace it with eco-friendly products versus just getting rid of all my anti-eco stuff replacing it with eco stuff but then really i'm creating a lot of waste that just really wasn't needed again minimalism is a process and i needed to think of it as such versus just like going ham don't go ham the next one i have here is experimental food items so minimalism is great because it frees up your time and you save a lot of money and with consuming less items like say less pillows and home decor and whatever like items that just kind of stay in your house instead of doing items that you have to commit to um i feel like as a minimalist when i first started i bought a lot of items i didn't have to commit to items that i would use up and i wouldn't have to commit to them and that was food i bought so much experimental food because i was like we're saving so much money let's put some money here into food try some of these things be crazy and i am we you can tell by my stuttering we spent a lot of money lots of money too much money again it's something that i should have thought through i think also when you turn towards like less consuming more minimal you're almost overwhelmed with the amount of money that you might actually have and be saving that's what i felt so i put a lot of it towards experimental foods let's just try it let's just see which isn't a bad thing but i just went overboard it was good for me to find a lot of joy in saving and putting money aside i've done that all my life but just i guess not to this extent but i like the idea of food because i didn't have to commit if i didn't like it i could eat it give it to someone else it wasn't something that was like in my house like killing me for years but still could have been more wise i hope this all makes sense i've said this before but just lower quality items in general you do really have to do like a mind switch when you want to pursue minimalism because for a long time i bought the cheapest what was on sale the clearance rack all that stuff and then i was like oh these things aren't lasting really long or they're not made well or they're made by ladies that are abused right like i want to put my money towards something that's high quality sustainable ethical something that i'll really use if i have to pay five times the amount of money for it it's actually worth it for me so it took a little bit for my mind to completely switch over to that but once i was there i was sold next is narrow shoes so the thing is with a minimal wardrobe or minimal shoe collection i saw so many narrow shoes in like the people's capsule wardrobe-esque videos and i was like ooh i like that because these narrow shoes and they were usually loafers or like flats they just went with everything so i was like sweet and honestly they're still so cute i love the look of that narrow shoe but my foot doesn't it's not healthy for your feet to be squished into a narrow shoe that's why i love vivo barefoots that's why with my slippers they're like a wider slipper they're not really narrow and skinny and padded i wish i just bypassed the narrow shoe phase and went straight to the vivos but i knew i had to go through that narrow shoe phase to realize um i know they go with everything they're really cute but i really don't like them in order to get to the vivo barefoot that wide foot shoe that was just really healthy for my feet my husband wears them my kids wear them we love that wide wide toe box so your feet can actually move and feel comfortable throughout the day narrow shoes like it's a very old school type of shoe that style that design and we need to get rid of it like yesterday yesterday yesterday or like the day before yesterday so again minimalism eco-ness eco-conscious like they're just together the issue here is that i bought reusable bags now i think buying a few reusable bags is fine totally cool here's the thing you can get free reusable bags you know what i mean like you get free totes from places free shopping bags from places like you can do that but when i decided to like bring my own grocery bags to the store and stuff for some reason i just completely forgot about the totes that i already had and bought new really cute but like expensive reusable bags what was i thinking like i already had them realize what you have also really think through can i get this for free maybe it won't be as cute maybe it won't be as trendy i get that but it should mostly be cute and trendy to you because it was free i just i had to let you guys know like i bought reusable bags a few is fine but i went to town wiped out the stores and i was like i'm buying every single reusable bag that i see because i am minimal and eco-conscious and love spending money on reusable eggs this was huge i wanted to reduce my like skincare routine shower routine i really want to minimize that i'm not in the center of the screen i really want to minimize that and when i did i went for a lot of two and run products here's the thing two in one i just spat everywhere i feel like i say that in every video two-in-one products aren't bad but i was relying on a lot of two-in-one products that just they weren't supposed to be two-in-one there's a reason they're supposed to be separate two-in-one shampoo and conditioner doesn't work at least not for me and like my hair doesn't even tangle okay i don't brush my hair like but i still couldn't get away with like a two-in-one shampoo and conditioner so i was like no tried the no poo method absolutely hated it everyone keeps was like sorry you gotta try it i try so many times i really don't like it my shower routine just sucks from that method some people love it i just didn't i like that sexy feel i went to cosmetology school so as a hairdresser love the suds just none of the crap in the sets anyway so i left my shower routine i was like no that's fine tried to do my skincare and there is literally like two in one cleanser moisturizer and i was like let's just try it and like no things like that or like just trying to wash your face with like micellar water there's just certain things that i don't think are meant to be so minimal and for me that's my body care and my skincare routine so buying two in one or there was like something that was like a five in one product you could wash your face your hair it would condition your hair too it was supposed to be like shaving for your legs and like a body wash like it was insane and it didn't work so no to all those in one products i do like having some separation there but still keeping things minimal next before minimalism i was that girl that went to the nail salon got my nails done i didn't get like the fake nails or anything but it was like the gel and it would last a couple weeks especially working in a hair salon my nails would get so brittle so it's kind of like the shield over my nails that i really really love got married all that stuff went into minimalism and i was like you know what scratch that it's about 50 bucks plus a month to get this done and i think i'm just gonna do my own nails at home so then i spent too much money on doing my nails at home and it wasn't worth it sometimes minimalism it's not just trying to do something different or like instead of going out somewhere doing it at home sometimes it may just be letting it go i don't own any nail polish i don't do nail polish remover because obviously i don't need that i don't want nail polish i don't do any of that i don't go out to get my nails done like i literally just file my nails a little bit of nail oil really minimal really simple no one cares if my nails are painted here's the thing nobody cares like literally some people be like oh that's cute but they forget about it and nobody cares so for me doing my nails was annoying and it took too much time and i really didn't care that much but i thought other people cared guess what they didn't so i wish i just i x made the nail salon x nade just nail polish in general and just went for unnatural from the beginning i would have saved so much money yeah i know some people love doing their nails at home and i think some people are so good at doing their nails at home me i don't have the time for the patients and to be honest i love that just normal nail i think it's beautiful it's like a natural ombre and if you really take care of your nails they're really beautiful anyway just wish i thought through something can you tell i just wish when i had this mindset love these hand gestures that i just thought through things more but i didn't but i learned along the way you're gonna learn along the way one more is memberships or cards and mostly cards you know like you go to like say sally's beauty first time there you're kind of excited and they're like oh man like if you buy this card it's literally just like 5 10 whatever dollars and every time you come back you're gonna save a lot of money and you're like wow this is great and then in the end how often do you use it like maybe some people not me i shouldn't have done that i did the sally's one there was a body shop card shouldn't have done other subscription services a few memberships like i have learned to just tell people no like no i do do i want the card no it's gonna take up extra room my wallet i'm gonna forget about it it's gonna be annoying i have to pay for it i have to pay to save money what like where are we living i just think that's so funny no to cards memberships and then you also feel like you don't have to continually go back to that store in order to get the most worth out of your card one-time purchases are great i have a membership for the grocery store that i shop at or a couple of like my main grocery stores i save hundreds of dollars a month from doing that but beyond that something that's like not grocery wise i don't need a membership i don't need a card i need a sale give if you have posters in your store that's like we're having a sale you don't need to be nobody i'm there i'm down if i needed something from there you got sale i'm down thank you guys for tuning in and watching another minimalism video i hope that you liked this one i thought it was a little bit different and kind of cool if you did like it please thumbs up this video that always helps my videos my channel and it's free for you guys to do talk about minimal anyway thank you for watching i'll see you all in the next video bye
Channel: Sarah Therese
Views: 291,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minimalism, minimalist, once i became a minimalist, minimal, things i regret buying, embarrassing, sarah therese
Id: XC47Ngk3UM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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