11 Things I Only Own 1 of ~ declutter your life, you don't need to be a minimalist

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the days in which we only had one pair of shoes that would last us all year round and easily ten more have been left behind nowadays we are surrounded by options and mountains of things and it is difficult not to fall in the trap when we feel like we can't repeat an outfit or we need to have the last best most expensive phone on the market the truth is that this is taken at all not only on our planet depleting resources and polluting but on our wallets our mental health but is it possible to live with just one item and to not feel naked we'll explore this today I'll be the first one to say that I own multiples of things that I would only need one of and it's okay we're not here to shame anybody we're not here to feel bad and we're not here to make anybody else feel bad but what happens with those things that I only own one offering which ones are they how do I take care of them how do I survive the drama it's not that traumatic is it I've seen this video going around the internet and I love the message I think the first person to do it was cemeteries and I've seen that wonderful that youtubers do it I am far far away from being a minimalist and I honestly do not want to be a realist and you don't have to be a minimalist to make this work I know most people watching this will be like yeah of course I only own one thing of multiple things and I've never seen that of something weird but here we are making this video so for some reason this box and curiosity and I'm afraid so the first item on my list is my phone case you know me I own just one but it's also biodegradable and that's one of the main problems with our obsession with having loads of things is that when we don't want them anymore we just throw them in the bin and we I don't know what we think honestly but it feels like they disappear and they don't they basically accumulate and end up forming this huge mountains of garbage that we never see are there's a phone case the phone case is very brand appeal a case I need 100% made with plants protected my phone like a divine object I dropped my phone a hundred times a day and the screen is still intact and I don't use any screen protectors or anything so that's this something I'm telling you that when I love how you can see the different particles of plants it's just it's so beautiful I am in love with it I'm so proud of owning it I actually we're off to a great start because I actually own two a fees no I bought one and my intention was to always stay with one I don't need more than one but there was a problem with my package and when they resent it they send me to so I actually have to but I never use the other one so in theory I would have one but I ended up with two the team was really kind the product is absolutely amazing and it's doing something good for the planet so I'm going to leave a link in the description if you want it to get one it's an affiliate link but I absolutely freakin love them and I would absolutely recommend them to anyone it's not sponsored by them by the way I just created a link because I absolutely love the products and I wanted to recommend it and why not get a tiny piece of something that is not much at all when I recommend it I gotta pay rent next up we've got my sunglasses I've had these sunglasses for since I was 13 so 12 years I love them so much I they are sturdy again I've dropped them a thousand times this ones and they're okay the glasses a bit well could be healthier but it works I see and they protect my eyes which is really important obviously this list might change with time for the past five years I've been thinking of getting a new pair of sunglasses just because I would love to switch things up that's how life works we end up getting more things and that's something that I really want to highlight with this video it's like it's not it's not bad to get more things it's just how we consume those things the problem comes with mindless consumers and when we buy and buy and buy and we don't value the things that would get in next I am the own kind of one hair type I haven't bought one single hair tie in I can't even remember the last time what I do some people discard things throw them away lose them I just see those opportunities and I seize them right I take them I take what's unclaimed if I am walking down the street and I see a perfectly well kept her tied I'm gonna take it if I'm at the gym and there's her toe in the floor no one's around and it's been there throughout my whole class after my shower and no one's picked it up I'm assuming no one wants it so what do I do I think I've never got lice and I don't think I will never get them I've got my good sure when I was a kid no now I don't steal from my friends I don't sing for my family I just take from the floor that's the area that it's allowed to take them from my last item on miss lane is my backpack I bought it on 2017 to go on my first ever solo trip I was going to Ireland it was a trip to do some research for my first book it was a pretty special boldness and I've used it since then it's from pretty crap brand creepy creepy crappy material but it is still going strong I don't have it with me because I wasn't expecting to get in lockdown here we're going to clothing now and you guys may not know but I always try to be more sustainable I'm fair with clothing choices I make and one of the things I do to achieve that is not by too many coats I only own one pair of black playing black skinny jeans if you know me at all you will know Black is my uniform I only wear black seventy percent of the time I'm wearing black or black next up we've got mom jeans I I can't even remember when I bought these I bought them so long ago they were a different color they were bright blue and now they are so distressed you actually seen them a lot brighter and they are but I love them I absolutely love them they are from a Buffs fashion brand but they are a hundred percent cotton and they have absolutely no stretch at all that's why they have lasted for so long and they are the best they fit me very well and I don't intend on buying any of them mom jeans or replacing them I to love them like why would I want another pair when these ones fit me like a glove they only have one belt I I bought this belt in 2012 eight years ago on a secondhand shop more like the vintage shop in Madrid every day that I was wearing a belt I was wearing this belt each seen better days like he used to be all black I just love it so much [Applause] how do I fix that please tell me how to fix that no I'm not I've got a de Lima kissed the reason why these items have lost me so long it's because they're good quality a hundred percent cotton and this lever now I'm vegan I was thinking of whether I should say plumber is a vegan but I don't like buying secondhand leather because it's already out there I don't have a problem with that I know some people do and that's why I wanted to ask you like feel free to pause the video and leave a comment down below what do you think of using animal materials that have already had life and you're only getting secondhand you only extending their life in my opinion vegan leather or the plastic leather that we see the one that's more affordable because there are other options that are quite difficult to find and sometimes very expensive but the most common is plastic it doesn't last as long and once you've done with it then it goes in this is a delicate topic and I don't know what the reaction is gonna be but I just wanted to ask because I'm finally using second hand leather but I want to know what you think about it so please let me know in the comments I only have one plain white shirt I bought a second hand in London it's oversized it's great quality I've wanted to death I bought it because I had just watched a star is born the with Lady Gaga and Brad Cooper and I loved this shirt they think I was wearing this and I think hi so I went up to the vintage second-hand shops in London I found it I work all the time and I absolutely love it and I only own one strapless bra of course I'm wearing it today so I couldn't show you but um you can actually probably see it with light you'd be surprised but long hair has helped me a lot with kept calling and stuff like that because it just if I'm wearing a v-neck or something I just go like I actually use my hair fast you've seen better days I'm not gonna lie I should upgrade at some point but for now it's certainly well I only own actually yeah with me and what I've been using for the past two months I only own one set of makeup products of each thing that I use for my face I only own one make of product of each it's all vegan and cruelty free and if I do have more it's because they were sent to me but I never opened them unless I finished with what I have otherwise it gets like you only have one face and I only have one set of rings these are all the reasons I have I do have another kind of gold set and all of them have been gifted to me to be honest but these other ones that I bought to a gifted to me and then one I found on the floor as well I love that at some point I will be adding more because they I use my rings that's kind of totems so I usually get them when I go to places that means something to me I've had I've been running out of fingers so I might be get so then that's gonna happen but I don't have rings to change with a mood or the outfit that I'm wearing or two just like switch things up I just have the ones that I absolutely truly love and I wear them all the time I'll say it again but I don't think there's anything wrong in having multiple things at one I just think that as long as we know why we're buying something new and take good care of the things that we have as long as were conscious of where the things that going what materials were buying how they're gonna react with the earth and animals and other people when they get discarded if someone else gonna be able to use it is it gonna be harmful for the environment there are so many things we can touch on this and I don't want to make this video any longer but I hope it was interesting to see and I would love it if you could pause the video leave me in the comments what things that you own one off and I don't know maybe tell a little story about it maybe tell me how you go today why you have one who gave it to you also I would really appreciate it if you could give the video a thumbs up it helps a lot to get the channel out there and you just see how where anything wants you to like it and I put it there and if you haven't done it yet please subscribe I upload videos every Thursday sometimes on Tuesdays and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Claudia Ayuso *
Views: 15,766
Rating: 4.9243498 out of 5
Keywords: I only own one of, minimalism, simple living, eco minimalism, sustainable living, slow living, low impact, I only own one, I only have one of, fast fashion, Sarah therese, Shelby zero waste, venetia falconer, sustainable fashion, eco minimalist, eco hacks, sustainable life, saving money hacks, sustainable life hacks, declutter your life, claudia ayuso, life in london, Clau ayuso, Immy sustainblyvegan
Id: Otmp_ObRxw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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