Things Every Small YouTuber Does...

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howdy howdy everyone nate here let's hang out for a little bit i wanted to make this video because i care about you and i want to see your channel grow and so i wanted to avoid a lot of the mistakes that i see happening especially for smaller youtubers but even a lot larger youtubers and so this video is dedicated to helping save you time and a lot of headache while you grow your youtube channel so in a recent community post here on channel makers i asked what was the biggest mistake you made while growing your channel i even made this fancy this was a mistake image here which led to some pretty funny comments like this one from training science mistake a mystic high quality beef taken from the hind corners of an animal oh my gosh my audience you guys geez but as i read through a lot of these comments so so many good points were brought up i'm going to share a few of my own here in a moment but first i wanted to highlight a few of my favorite from reading through all of your mistakes first one was from wayne the boat guy here he says so many mistakes but the one that stands out was not realizing the goal of monetization is actually the very beginning of the journey the comparison i like to make is with television shows in the heyday of network tv our journey toward monetization is like pitching a new tv show on the network we invest time and energy in the hope that it will get accepted but then it goes on to say the reality is that the hardest work yet is to begin because you have now have to make that good tv show i see this so often with an inordinate focus on just getting monetized that four thousand watch hours and the thousand subscribers without really thinking what happens next i love this perspective and actually the analogy from wayne the boat guys really good way to describe it the next one comes from gil trevino he says force feeding my audience content i liked but they didn't care about then feeling like they were in the wrong when the best thing i did after realizing this was make a second channel about the content instead about that content he wanted to make i've seen this so many times and i myself i'm very guilty of this feeling like i wanted to make content i wanted i just had to force my audience to like a certain type of content because i wanted to make it and then feeling like oh the audience were just stupid or wrong because they didn't want what i wanted to make when in reality why are we making channels we're making channels to help people and so we need to start with what they want the next one from lonecrow adventures this one highlights a very interesting thing about the youtube algorithm they said their mistake was sharing videos on facebook groups which completely confused the algorithm causing short-term growth and hurting returning viewers don't do this growing much faster since i stopped sharing on social media and let the algorithm do its thing i have to back this up with my own experience now have i tested it extensively promoting on outside social platforms no i haven't but every time i look at a comparison of sharing on a lot on social to hopefully get traction on your channel versus just letting the algorithm do its thing youtube wants people to come from youtube therefore exactly what he's saying here you don't want to confuse the algorithm this is a really good point next one from mr hatman the biggest mistake was continuing to do what worked in 2012 that got me millions of views the algorithm changed and i didn't keep up with the trends youtube is all about recency friends which is why you want to stay up to date with what is happening currently on youtube and watch channels like channel makers so you can know what are the best strategies right now also another fun fact if you pull out your phone like really pull out your phone right now and if you go into like a text message and type howdy or howdy howdy what is the emoji that shows up there's your easter egg for this video next one i loved is from actually ali diy the mistake was not creating a clear picture of what my target audience was before making content so a result started to be an audience that wasn't what she really wanted and therefore when she started realizing that she was able to realign and focus on what kind of audience did she want the same goes for you watching this if you're getting results or getting the type of audience that you're not hoping to get uh then it's time to take a step back and say okay what is attracting that audience stop doing that and what will attract the audience that i do want the next one that just really said it very well was from fiction technician with jane thomas i think the biggest mistake i made was prioritizing consistency get listen listen closely here prioritizing consistency over learning to make better content at the beginning i heard so many times be consistent you have to publish consistently if you want to grow and what that led to was just publishing no matter what and it didn't matter the quality and there wasn't a lot of focus on actually making better content you will run into very similar issues if you just publish i know this is different than what you traditionally hear but if you just publish for the sake of publishing and aren't actually getting better aren't actually improving with each video then it can be harmful and you can get burnt out like in the case here this next one's from sport zn touring this was actually the most like comment on this community post and they say the biggest mistake they made was we spent some time focused on upload frequency thinking that's what people meant by consistency rather than quality this is a repeat of an earlier one an earlier mistake because in instead of mediocre weekly uploads we release much higher quality fortnightly uploads that's every two weeks it's not just a video game and as a result their watch time is improving and therefore views from browse and suggest the key here is as often as you can publish consistently which means on a regular schedule and still have quality videos that is what you should start with the goal often is to be able to publish more often because that means more reach and more chances to reach new audience but if you're only able to publish a good video every other week then start with that the next one i loved was from wheels no heels gem hubbard i started with a broad niche uh hair and beauty i didn't follow my passion as soon as i realized niche is the key passion is the key i grew really fast i changed my focus my channel to focus on wheel search and disability lifestyle and i built an amazing community and really feel like i'm giving something back that is just so well said better said than i could possibly have said about if it's something that you genuinely care about and and you focus on the right niche then you will grow more quickly and you feel a sense of purpose the next one i loved was from not luke the biggest mistake i made was uploading inconsistently which led to a terrible initial click-through rate because no one was clicking on the notification which kills videos right off the bat now hold on for a moment here is that directly contradictory to many of the other posts about not you don't need to worry about publishing consistently actually what my take is on this is publishing inconsistently in the schedule meaning if you publish one week on a monday and then it's kind of haphazard then on a friday and then the next week on a wednesday and then you don't publish for a week and a half that's how i'm interpreting this which will definitely kill your initial views because if your audience doesn't know when to expect videos then it's haphazard and the watch or the views will be haphazard if this is being helpful to you thus far then i would love if you boop the like button so this video can spread to more people and also i wanted to thank you there was tons of comments on that community post i was only able to pick a select few but thank you to everyone who shared your insights now i wanted to get to the biggest things that i would tell you if you were to come to me and say hey nate let's hang out i just have a question what are the biggest mistakes you see people making on youtube and if you were to ask that i'd look at you and say it's pretty simple i see mainly two the first is thinking about quitting before you have published a hundred videos i don't just mean you just need to grind out a hundred videos no matter what and force yourself to publish what i mean is thinking about quitting before you hit 100 videos the focus is on the thinking or considering if you start feeling like ah i'm just going to quit this isn't going to work i don't know what i'm doing all of that all of those thoughts what they're literally going to do is drag on you they're going to pull back your success and make it less likely that you will enjoy making videos which you know if you enjoy making videos the likelihood of you finding the right audience and continuing forward in perpetuity is greatly increased the key here is just don't worry about it don't think about quitting or don't consider all those things i want you to continue to get better keep improving keep every video get one percent better one percent better one percent better so that at 100 videos that's when you can pause for a moment take a step back and say is this what i enjoy doing is this the direction i want to continue taking the channel and only at that point can you really have a good enough perspective to know the other biggest mistake that i see many youtubers make is focusing on the wrong thing and that most often shows up in focusing on the numbers and i have mentioned this other times on my channel because it keeps happening but i wanted to give an example of this if my focus was on getting attention let's say that that's my primary focus on youtube i just got to get attention i just need to get the eyeballs i just need to get the attention on my channel that might lead me to doing things that may not be long-term sustainable or may not even be the direction that i want to go one of the most extreme examples of that is swallowing tide pods which you should definitely not do but does it get attention yes it does but the principle here is if my focus is on a single thing that isn't actually what i want it to be then i may actually attract the wrong thing to my channel viewer satisfaction is the most important thing if you make videos that people are satisfied with watching they have a good experience consuming that video then that is the most important and youtube is only going that direction more and more and more so that every any individual metric click-through rate average view duration even views all of those are just as a whole combined to measure viewer satisfaction and also as a bottom line you get to decide really what your primary focus is one of the best things to focus on is better thumbnails because that is an entry point for so many people it's the the the visual that gets you the click in the first place which then leads to views and all the other things that help your channel grow so i did make a full video guide on how to make really clickable thumbnails i'm going to put it right here for you guys to watch next if that's what you choose to be your one percent thing then i highly recommend it so go watch that next and nate out
Channel: Channel Makers
Views: 156,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube for beginners, youtube success, channel makers, how to grow a youtube channel, making money on youtube
Id: q-rSmUZFTL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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