$0 to $4000 a Month on YouTube in 1 Year - How I'd Do It

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all right so you want to become a full-time youtuber in one year well let me show you how i would do it there you are howdy howdy everyone so many people do this in less than a year and many people do it in much more time than a year that's why my youtube system is called project 24 because it refers to many people's goal of creating a full-time income in 24 months but we're not here for two years today we're going to talk about what i would do if i was going to do it in 12 months all right let's look at this so i've broken it up in two quarters according to where we are in the year each quarter is three months the very first thing that i'm going to do is specify what the targets are for my channel specifically what is the niche what am i going for on youtube and another thing i'm going to do at this very first moment is identify the exact goals with absolute clarity of why i am doing what i'm doing and what the outcome i'm looking for for my channel is now hint in many cases it's going to be somewhere around the range of four thousand dollars a month this is a number i've set as full time on youtube now i realize for many different people that number may be different some may be higher some may be lower but in order to establish a standard we decided on four thousand dollars per month from your youtube channel now the very next thing i'm going to do after i've established my targets is i'm going to take one hour to set up my youtube channel i'm not going to mess around with the perfect logo the perfect banner i'm just going to get something up there choose a name it's fine we can change the name later but the whole thing here is i'm not going to spend two weeks messing around with oh what is my channel going to be called i'm just going to pick something and go now the next thing i'm going to do and this one is overlooked by far too many youtubers i'm going to get my support system in place because if you are going to propose to your family or friends hey i'm going to get into this youtube thing and by the way it's not just a side hobby i'm actually going to hit this thing hard so i can build something lucrative in a relatively short amount of time in most cases you need to have the support system in place whether that's your spouse or your family your kids or simply just friends that you let know this is what i'm going for they may call you crazy that's totally fine especially when you hear the rest of what we're going to do here because what i'm going to do what you're going to do is fully produce and publish 72 videos on my channel now if you do the math on that that calculates out to about five or six videos per week okay if this is sounding crazy to you thus far that is very intentional because when we are first building a youtube channel it's going to take significant amount of effort and the faster i can work through all of the work of producing videos on my channel the faster i can acquire the skill sets but also understand my industry on youtube now let's say you accept this challenge and say okay nate i'm going to do this i'm going to go all in here's what i'd recommend as far as publishing these videos i would recommend batching videos wherever possible now depending on the topic of your channel it might look like taking a saturday recording several videos and then editing every night after you get home from work now the flip side of that batching could be unless you have a gaming or more of an outdoorsy style of channel where footage is very important then that might look like taking a saturday to capture a lot of footage or if you do streaming regularly or a gaming channel for example you're taking a lot of time to capture and then you batch the editing of that the other thing i'll say here is during these first few months this q1 here what we're focusing on with our videos are lower competition videos because they have more likelihood of getting picked up more quickly so i'm not going to immediately say i'm going to build this channel and i'm going to target channels that are 2 million or more subscribers i'm very intentional on this 72 video number even though it seems like a lot because what that represents is making sure that you have put in the time the effort to fully produce enough videos that you become a mini expert already within your first quarter i cannot overstate that that is vitally important and the reason why we're packing so many in to this very first quarter is because for most channels it takes them an entire year just to do this all right let's move on to q2 now what's the very next thing that nate's going to be doing or you're going to be doing on your channel i'm going to be setting up a website for my youtube channel does that sound counterintuitive you say well hey nate i'm trying to build a youtube channel why are you having me set up a website here's why this serves as a platform for a lot of other monetization and ways that shortcuts what would typically look like to make this amount of money from a youtube channel if you have a site in place as well as an email list in many occasions you're better able to leverage a lot of the other options that we'll be talking about in your first year next thing we're going to do is we're going to focus on ice in q2 and now ice is an acronym for influence credibility and exposure what we're looking at is any way that you or i can start to build up connections and influence on youtube is going to be good now what that would look like could be simply interacting in the comments of other creators establishing connections you know reaching out to them it also look like overall starting to be extremely helpful in your industry the next thing we're going to do in q2 is we're going to start adding affiliate links becoming an affiliates with products and services we're going to start adding them to our videos to start earning some affiliate income because it's starting to form a framework or the foundation for future monetization as well when i'm deciding what other affiliate products or services to become affiliated with i'm not just looking at amazon and saying okay i guess there's a product on amazon i'm not just doing that i'm asking myself what products or services or what other affiliate opportunities are there that are connected with my audience that will be helpful right now and the audience i'm looking to build in the future what are the services that will be most helpful to them now if it feels like i am going extremely fast that is on purpose because there are multiple skill sets that need to be mastered along the way obviously that's why we're producing so many videos here and that's why i made another separate guide here on my channel of the exact sequence of videos the exact phases your channel will go through but more on that video here in a bit in q2 what we're doing is we are able to scale back on the number of videos that we are publishing we're doing 36 videos which if you do the math it translates to about three videos a week all right we are now ready to move on to q3 here the very first thing that i'm going to be doing during this quarter is i'm going to be deciding what my product is now hold on if you're thinking oh i'm a gaming channel what am i going to do i'm going to create some sort of plushy no that's not what i'm talking about i'm actually talking about creating some form of digital product now that might be an information product like an e-book or a course or a guide it might also be a membership or a patreon it could also be consultations if you have more of a professional style channel and you're looking to lead people to more of one-on-one consult this is what i'm deciding at the very beginning of q3 i'm deciding what is that and i gotta start building it now this will become one of the biggest most important factors in your overall income monthly income which is why it's a very big focus in project 24 in fact i have entire dedicated courses to building info products to doing patreon and to doing affiliate marketing so members of project 24 especially if you're deciding what kind of product you're going to make go ahead and start taking those courses even while you're deciding is this what i want to do or versus not next thing i'm going to do in q3 is i'm going to start building momentum with my channel now what that means this is a part that perhaps goes under utilized by a lot of channel makers and that is i'm going to start doing more good ideas with my videos and less bad ideas or subpar ideas because what i'm doing at this point is i am widening the gap and increasing the quality of my videos up until this point it's been let's get some good videos out there let's get some experience let's build some audience let's get some exposure let's target the less competitive areas of youtube now in q3 what i'm doing is i am making sure that my videos are constantly up leveling in their quality and the idea all the way through the entire execution the other thing i'm going to be doing during this momentum element is i'm going to start focusing on collaboration and so i can start reaching out to other channels and saying hey let's start doing some videos together the next big thing that we're going to be doing here is building out the community at this point i really have an awesome tribe of people that are following me in my channel and they start to come to expect my videos they like what i'm doing i'm really focusing on building authority both in my youtube community posts but also i'm going to start seeing if i can appear in other areas within my industry things like interviews or podcasts oh and also did i mention that we are still publishing 36 videos we're still publishing three times a week at this point because the momentum and the amount of ability the the possibilities of reaching additional audience is still incredibly important during q3 and i'm going to invite you to boop the like button on this video if this video is being helpful to you thus far this is an idea that i would just love to see more channel makers be aware of because there are ways as channel makers like this to shortcut that growth so that more people are able to provide well for their families and that's that's really my big goal with this so if you want my boob in the like button on this video that'd be awesome thank you all right now we are at it's q4 now you'll notice there is only one bullet point here and that is because we are doing the launch whatever we have been building especially this product everything we've been doing up to this point is getting ready for this launch when we say officially to our audience we say look i just made a patreon it's really cool these are all the things that you have included in it or i just made a youtube membership or i just created my own information products it's only ten dollars or you say hey i've been doing this for a while i'm an expert at what i'm doing so glad to have you as part of my community and by the way i'm offering one-on-one consultations the other reason why i'm only putting one bullet point during q4 is because there's gonna be a lot of uh mess while you're maybe you're still finishing up your product uh maybe you're still doing some of these other things and you're gonna be leading people throughout this entire quarter towards whatever you built during q3 now as far as publishing we're finally able to scale it back to about 24 videos which is about two videos a week and in fact at this point i would finally feel more comfortable to scaling back even further if desired as long as the momentum has been built up thus far now before we talk about the breakdown of what reasonable expectations are for your channel at this point doing q4 i wanted to answer the question that a lot of people are going to have and maybe you are at this point if i'm going to do this crazy plan then they just presented to me how likely is it that it's actually going to work now in order to do that i wanted to show you some real channels back at my computer first thing i need to say here is it is not typical to reach 4 000 a month on youtube within one year it just simply is not i need to set that super clear before i show you some examples here i am by no means guaranteeing that is it possible yes but it takes a lot of work and many youtube channels will fail just like any business now having said that i did want to pour a little fuel on the fire and inspire you with a few real examples of channels that are doing it first example this is project 24 member naturally carly now she had been struggling for a long time was feeling super super frustrated until something clicked you can see the views we're looking at about 157 views some some going on until something clicked about six months ago and since then this channel has reached that full-time income mark used in a very specific niche around a specific diet and she realized if she could lead to consulting that was her product she decided on then people who were very interested in and wanted to get on that diet it was a natural lead-in to get one-on-one time with her as the expert now i did want to point out the subscriber count here under 10 000 subscribers and this channel is doing extremely well so break any ideas you have of how big your channel needs to be this is definitely smaller than what's typical for a channel size to be making that much all right another example this one is more of a true within one year test this is the channel we're in the rockies this is matt and cheryl they decided to make videos helping people going to u.s national parks and they were able to reach the full-time income earner badge and project 24 from their youtube channel within 10 months and if you look at their channel they've established a lot of authority around being just some real people that know what it's like to visit these parks and giving real recommendations they're leading people to their website and to a product for people who are going to that park it's like a tour of the park now as far as how much they're making i did actually interview them a while back here on this channel if you want to know exactly how much they're making it's quite a bit more than four thousand dollars they shared it in one of the videos on my channel the next example i wanted to show you is this one jonah mathis he's also a member of project 24 he started out with a website his secret superpower is he's got the website and he uses the youtube channel and the website in a symbiotic way so that i interviewed him actually a while ago and he had reached about 1500 for his channel in the space of about five months but then from there it just snowballed and i don't want to say how much he's making at this point to not give like really wildly unrealistic expectations let's just say it's quite a bit more and this is definitely an outlier but i wanted to show you his channel so you can see what a channel looks like that's doing this very very well what i'm trying to say here is within your own area what type of channel you are thinking about making right now or you currently have right now there have been and there will continue to be new opportunities going into the future it may necessitate some pivots or some adjustments but it's still working all right we're back at the blackboard let me break down what i would expect from a channel that has done all of this perfectly up to this point now i have these numbers based on actual channels that i have done that i just showed you including this channel so the first thing i'm looking at is about 10 to 50 000 subscribers now the reason there's such a wide range there is because depending on how well we did the monetization elements creating the product and leading people to it with the launch we've had very successful channels with just just from youtube standards i know that's very small but just 10 000 subscribers have had very successful launches now to break down this 4 000 number i broke it down into three broad categories of where i'm going to be making this from first of all it's not all going to be from ad revenue if you were expecting that to be happening ad revenue is one of the lesser focuses for your revenue on your channel there are so many better opportunities which is why i broke it down this way now notwithstanding that the first category here i'm looking to expect about fifteen hundred dollars per month from ad revenue the second one i'm looking at about fifteen hundred dollars from my product and then the third is i'm looking to be making about a thousand dollars a month from my affiliate revenue now i added this big mix thing here at the side because really this is going to look very different according to what type of channel you have if you have a channel in the gaming niche this mix of things might look very different than if you had a channel in the financial services niche some channels for example might look like let's say 1500 ad revenue uh maybe only a hundred dollars in affiliate revenue and then the whole rest of it in your own product revenue but as you do this if you've set it up right especially your targets at the very beginning your big reasons why you're doing this as well as following this plan is gonna be a super exciting journey now a little while back i created a video here on my channel that's the right sequence what order to do these in and what phase your channel is in during each of these quarters so that you know which actions are most important to focus on within the content that you're producing so in order for me to share that with you i'm going to put the video for you right here it is a full guide i've packed that thing so full of every phase that you're going to find yourself in while you are working through this entire year journey and if you found this video helpful then watching this one next is just the very next step to build an awesome channel this year i believe in you go watch this video next and we'll see you there
Channel: Channel Makers
Views: 79,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: making money on youtube, how to make money on youtube, make money online, how to make money on youtube 2022, how to become a full time youtuber, how to make $4000 a month on youtube, make money online 2022, how to make money from youtube fast, earn youtube money 2022, channel makers
Id: x4Vij2QbTWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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