Don’t Underestimate This Weather Pattern…

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it's Friday June 21st 2024 and we've got more spinning clouds to look at right there they are big giant area of spin once again around the ucatan peninsula going over the Gulf of Mexico it's an area that we have to watch for more potential tropical activity moving up towards the extreme Southern us believe it or not this isn't the only tropical esque system that we're looking at right now it's not named or anything but there's another little spin right over here this also doesn't have a name it's not a tropical depression or a tropical storm and certainly not going to be a hurricane anytime soon but there's enough spin there to where the National Hurricane Center is watching this one in fact they're watching both we've got a couple of different areas where we've got a 40 to 60% chance of development the better chance I believe is going to be down here in the Gulf but this little spinny boy over here next to Georgia also has the potential to become at least a tropical depression before it comes over land here and then meanders off to the north and east not expecting anything big out of this maybe some high waves maybe some rain definitely some activity out there in the tropics right now and we really have to zoom in here to see the spin you don't see a lot of the rotation in the tops right and the thunderstorms that are happening here they just kind of look like they're moving east to west but if you really pay attention here underneath the storms you can see some of the cloud movement here there's definitely some spin there there's a central area of low pressure that's driving this activity and it's slowly but surely going to go up towards Georgia South Carolina here and more than likely probably just cause some more thunderstorms and rain along the coast before it kind of gets caught up with another system and then goes up to the north and east once again not expecting any sort of Rapid development here but certainly something to look at or or pay attention to especially if you live along the coast in Georgia South Carolina and extreme Northeastern Florida here's those forecast tracks from our weather models and pretty much like I was saying it's going to meander around here probably come Overland for a little while and then scoot out to sea as another system comes in from the north and kind of picks it up and then carries it off and along entire path just some rain that's pretty much what we're looking at here here's the overall weather pattern watch the jet stream here we've got mostly zonal flow allowing for that really warm air to build up underneath this is why it's been so dag on hot down here but we are going to get a little bit of a dip starting today moving into this weekend that is going to allow for maybe some storms to follow that dip and that's also going to be the mechanism that allows the storm to get out of here so anytime we get a dip in the jet stream like this and we've got some tropical activity that's going to be magnetized or attracted to that and then a lot of times that's what pushes them out to see but this little disturbance here in the jet stream is going to take a lot of that warm moist air that's been compiling down here and turn it into thunderstorm energy between today and all the way through this weekend really but first let me tell you about our awesome sponsor today fishing Clash have you ever just wanted to go fishing but you can't because you got to go to work or because it's raining or because the national weather service has issued a tornado warning for your county well don't you worry about it because with today's sponsor no matter what's going on in the world you can play Fish and Clash right from your phone and fishing Clash is not just a game it's a way for outdoor enthusiasts to really bring the Wonder of nature with them indoors or wherever they are on their phone from casting lines and exotic locations to reeling in the biggest catches this game has at all and guess what fishing Clash has actually teamed up with Major League Fishing bringing real life tournaments straight to your fingertips you can dive into virtual competitions conquer iconic ation and really in Trophy catches if you download fishing Clash using my link down below you're going to unlock an exclusive $20 value reward including a unique Avatar and much more simply use this gift code which you can see right here and click that link in the description and you're going to be on the road to fishing son it's going to be great so what are you really waiting for go ahead and cast your line into the world of fishing clash and don't forget to share your biggest catch with me down in the comments below thank you so much to fishing Clash for sponsoring this video we really appreciate it want to say a huge thank you to fishing Clash for sponsoring this video it's always great when we have a sponsor now let's get back into it we've got a big slight risk of severe weather today from Montana down into Wyoming into Nebraska all the way over into Wisconsin another little Flight Risk down there in Utah Arizona way back into Southwestern Colorado this is pretty much following the pattern of that Ridge once again we got all this moisture down here in the Gulf of Mexico it's kind of coming up over Mexico this way and and then kind of skirting over the United States like this and everyone in the middle here is staying high dry and hot but along the periphery of that Ridge we're going to continue to see pretty strong storms and that's what we're expecting today and it's not just the severity of the storms that we're concerned about obviously we've got a good chance of some large hail out here today maybe even an isolated tornado or two especially up here in Northwestern Iowa and back into Northern portions of Nebraska but we're also really concerned about the orientation of these storms since they're going this way they're going to kind of go over the same areas over and over again so of course we have to be concerned about flash flooding and in fact we have a day one moderate risk of excessive rainfall today in places like Minneapolis especially on the southern side up through Northern portions of Iowa extreme Southeastern South Dakota that's where we're most concerned about extreme rainfall today that could cause life-threatening flash flooding that heavy rainfall and those strong storms are going to continue slowly but surely to move East as we go into Saturday slight RIS of severe weather right now for a lot of Wisconsin down into Missouri and then also notice this little marginal risk over here in the Northeast tomorrow we do expect some strong storms over there as well as there's just kind of multiple waves moving along this Ridge as the colder air tries to come out of Canada so each little propagation each little pocket of cooler air is going to be able to cause its own area of pulse storms but the main threat I guess for severe weather tomorrow is going to be from Iowa up into Wisconsin and it doesn't stop there we've got a day A3 marginal risk following that main system over towards the east coast I would expect that this is probably going to get upgraded to a slight risk as we go into the future for Hail wind maybe an isolated tornado or two you got to be concerned about the slow moving nature of this and the flash flooding that could happen so make sure you're ready for that but what happens after that storm system gets out of here is really interesting it's another huge Ridge this is going to give some of us a little break from the heat in the Northeast but if you're in the South Central us Southeast it's only going to get hotter this is going to be another big time oppressive heat Ridge and the good news is I guess it's been kind of consistent now in the models that instead of this Ridge kind of expanding and moving East it's going to really extend into the western United States which is not good news I guess if you want some cooler AA in California but for the majority of us in the Central and Eastern us that upward propagation of the ridge in the west is going to allow for some troughing in the East and probably some cooler weather as we head into late June but in the meantime for the next week or so it's going to be hot and honestly those breaks that we get as far as the cooler weather is concerned looks shortlived we've just got a lot of ridging getting ready to happen here even all the way out into June 29th so get ready for the heat the vast majority of us will be experiencing above average temperatures as you can see here all the way through the beginning portion of next week probably some of the hotter days are going to be Tuesday and Wednesday but this is what I was talking about with those troughs like there's going to be some days where we get some breaks here potentially if we get that troughing we're a little bit below average but still cooking over here in the Rockies over there in the west but then of course the warm air is going to return basically the warm weather pattern is not going anywhere it's going to continue to be sweltering for a lot of us it's not just me saying that climate Prediction Center has the vast majority of the United States painted in an above average temperature zone little bit below average up there in the Pacific Northwest but as you can see that this is from 6 days from now to 10 days from now we're expecting mostly warm weather even if we do get those isolated incidents of cooler troughing pockets of you know niess it's mostly going to be hot and this is where we expect rainfall to fall over the next week and how much of it as you can tell the hot spots going to be up here in Wisconsin and Minnesota where we do have that chance of flash flooding today moisture does return back into the southeast this was an area that was experiencing no rain for quite sometime but it looks like the summertime pulse isolated thunderstorm situation is going to be back in play here as we go towards the end of junee also lots of rain expected over the next week in Maine Vermont New Hampshire get ready for that as some of the runoff from the hills could cause some flash flooding but look even with our tropical system down here in the Southeast the vast majority of the rain associated with that is expected to be out to sea offshore so we don't even expect to see a whole lot of rain over that tropical system area not a drop of rain out here in some of these places in the west though California Nevada Oregon Idaho it's dry and that's all the weather talk I have for you you today once again this weekend I'll be heading out for a little trip with the family but I am going to still try to make some videos while I'm down there at least one unless something crazy happens and we need to make a bunch of videos of course we will do that even if we need to go live I might have to go live for a hurricane while I'm down there I doubt it I'm going to be on vacation but if we need to be here for you we will be okay in the meantime have fun in the sun don't be scared be prepared if you are in the slight risk severe weather areas we will see you in the next one goodbye ooh o
Channel: Ryan Hall, Y'all
Views: 226,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weather, weather forecasting, forecasting, forecast, wild weather, extreme weather, intense weather, beautiful weather, weather channel, weather hunter, severe weather, major, intense, extreme, historic, blizzard, snow, heavy snow, major snow storm, snowstorm, snow squall, one foot snow, two feet snow, winter storm, tornado, tornado chasing, tornado chasers, storm chasing, storm chasers, tornadoes, ef5, hurricane, major hurricane, ryan hall
Id: QKRzkChfAU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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