They're Growing Up 🤎 | The Sims 4 | The Clemens - 4

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foreign hi you guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to another episode of the Clemens okay y'all so I'm literally so frustrated because I have recorded this part at least four times in all four times I've had different audio issues um in fact you guys have missed so much um we literally had a harvest day party uh we had a baby shower and no Mariah is not pregnant uh it was for Eli's sister or her sister-in-law Kendra and you know his brother you guys may remember them from the other part um they already have a daughter Chloe but they're having another baby girl so you know that was pretty exciting I also did like a quick little mini review of the two new kits that we have in the game the greenhouse Haven kit and the basement Treasures kit but obviously that did not get picked up you guys can see a little bit of the stuff out here that I was playing around with like this little fertilizer I also put like this little fan out here so it's just so many things obviously I'm really bummed out about it but I'm looking forward to a good recording session this time I'm actually recording the audio on my phone so I don't know how that's going to work out just yet but hopefully it sounds just fine um also you guys may notice some other big changes uh our firstborn Aiden here is a child he's a child now um he enjoys riding his bicycle he got a bike for his birthday he's still learning he's still Rusty but he enjoys his bike and he's also in Scouts so he's an after at school activity the after school activity uh doing Scouts and he's also really enjoying that with that being said that means that our baby Bryce is a toddler now he was an infant the last time you guys saw him but now he's a toddler and also our baby Camille oh my goodness here she is laying right here by a Dust Bunny last time you guys saw Camille she was a newborn and now she's an infant so yeah we have a full household and we there's literally never a dull moment there's always something going on um and Aiden has school in about an hour so let's just see like what he has to do let's just get him to clean up you guys know that he's also working on like his scouting badges so he's always like helping out around the house he's such a great big brother you guys and such a great little helper around the house especially because his parents really need it right now here's Eli and he has actually moved up in his career so he is now topped out he is the crew leader of the construction career if you guys didn't know he's in the construction career which is a custom career by Kiera Sims 4 mods so you know we love to see it he's also still doing his like woodworking thing out here we don't have it all put together like you know we still have the bones of what's going to be his uh Workshop but you know right now he's still working in it so as you can see he's still like making things and crafting out here he's in the midst of crafting a mirror right now but eventually we do want to work on getting that done Mariah is still in the interior design business oops it's time for Aiden to disappear uh we're gonna send him alone I do have the like go to school mod so by zerbu and it basically takes the high school years uh pack and turn it makes it compatible for like Elementary School so I don't have a school actually in the game yet because I'm in the middle of remodeling one but um let's just watch our baby go off to school oh that's so sweet so he's off and here's the neighborhood you guys haven't seen the neighborhood in a little bit in a little while this is what we're looking like in the fall which is so nice with all the leaves on the ground but yeah um Mariah's still in the interior design career she hasn't been taking on any gigs you know she's really just been a stay-at-home mom she can't really like pull herself to hire a Danny or anything like that she's just she'd rather you know be with her kids herself so let's go ahead and give Bryce some food this episode has absolutely no goals there's like no plot there's no storyline I just wanted to play the game with you guys and just have a relaxing part obviously I deserve just some regular gameplay time considering the fact that I did a lot in the last two parts and you guys didn't even get to see it so work for Eli starts in about one hour I think he is actually going to go to work today out of all the things you give him peas oh and he likes them oh are you being a healthy baby that's so sweet yeah look at Pippa Pippa doesn't get the recognition that she deserves ever so I think we are gonna go ahead and just like play with her for a little bit maybe give her a little bit of a treat we made some like Berry Belgian waffles this morning which looks really good I think we're going to go ahead and put those in the fridge I probably should have had the foreign thought to give that to Bryce but he seemed to really enjoy his peas so let's go ahead and like let him out Camille's still sleeping and as long as she's fine I'm fine you know I'm not really too worried about her being down there so Eli has about two minutes not even until he has to go to work he has to go like right now um somebody's calling Mariah uh-oh kiss and tell Aiden spent most of recess running around trying to kiss some of the other students he didn't catch anybody but the other students were running away oh this answer always depends on the for me when I'm playing my game this answer always depends on the parent that they ask so since he's asking Mariah she's literally gonna say he's too young for kissing um that's just not that's where does he even get that from but yeah I do want Eli to work on putting up the tree house at some point in the last part that I recorded that you guys didn't get to see yes I'm going to bring it up a million times in this episode because I'm really upset about it but um he developed the perfectionist trait so and I think that tracks because you know in the construction career and as a woodworker Eli takes a lot of pride in the quality of work that he puts out so I can definitely see him being a bit of a perfectionist let's go ahead and like clean this up we also have like dust bunnies everywhere at this point so we need to grab a vacuum from somewhere yeah I don't remember where I placed the vacuum but we do need to get the dust bunnies out of the house also you guys haven't seen the renovations to the house so we actually ended up enclosing our garage this was a garage at one point I mean it still is a garage on the outside but we closed it in so now it's like a guest Suite because we always have guesting over like Mariah's parents or you know just anybody so we needed a dedicated guess Suite the plan for the long term is when the kids uh specifically when Aiden becomes a teenager and he needs his own space we plan on giving him this room because it has a bathroom um so he can have his own like little bathroom and then the kids can kind of have like this side of the house and we're gonna give make this like the master suite and probably make this their bathroom like move this door on the inside so that'll be like the long-term plan for the house but for right now you know it's a guest suite and it works because we definitely needed one so yeah you guys missed it we literally had like a big Harvest Fest and it was so good like the backyard was all decorated everybody was having a good time but that's okay we'll have something else I would like for Mariah to complete a gig in this episode only because she hasn't done one in so long like having three kids under three was stressful at the time but you know now we kind of have a little bit of time for ourselves she's kind of like in a place where she doesn't really want to do gigs anymore because she just wants to open her retail store like Eli make the furniture and she sell the furniture that's kind of like what she wants to do a fabulous living room renovation for the Robles family I think we'll probably take that one on and we have to do that on Tuesday so you know that works we'll do that in this episode so it looks like Camille is up and she is ready for the day she is so sweet I love her so much it's like oh look at that sweet little face it's so funny she looks exactly like Eli and Mariah like put together this is her cute little Nursery I love it so much it's really like the brightest room in the house all the other rooms are like pretty neutral but like Camille's room is like pink and purple and girly and I love it she found a crayon in there what the heck was that a crayon oh so she's so sweet so she's probably like hungry by now so let's go ahead and like give her a bottle I do have the breastfeeding mod by Panda Sama in my game but obviously Mariah literally does not have time for that she would have loved to be like a breastfeeding mom but she just she just didn't like she was it was rough at one point you guys saw like you guys saw it was so rough at one point so Aiden has already returned home from school and it looks like he has a school project which is like so exciting he's feeling like super tired I'm not sure if he didn't like rest well last night or what pippa's like already coming to like greet him so let's just go ahead and like pet her really quickly Pippa loves Aiden obviously you know she remembers because she was really the first baby and then there was Aiden so um and that also is giving him some scouting points so we love that I do want him to do his oh my God School drawings when did they start doing that we got a school drawing you guys know we're hanging this up in the kitchen right now look at that that is so precious is that a part of a pack or a bod that's when you know you have problems you guys also Eli is back home so if that works I do want him to do his project maybe he can work on it with his best friend Ethan we can call Ethan over here and see if you know he wants to work on the project with us is he even already around oh Ethan's right here pause so Eli's home and also like Paul's here this is uh Mariah's Dad if you guys didn't know let's go ahead and invite him in he probably like stopped by to check on the kids like he's a very attentive grandfather we have a lot of attentive grandparents so you know they're always coming to check on the kids so yep see just like I told you guys he's coming to check on the grandkids like Paul is so attentive here's Aiden so I guess Ethan kind of like left him huh oh who's this kid let's do like a friendly introduction to her it's like hey she's in Scouts too so that kind of works out so maybe like she's like maybe they know each other from scouts so it's nice that like Aiden's like making friends now so he's just like getting to know like all of the kids in the neighborhood not super sweet so maybe like him and Willow can come like work on the project together okay so Eli is like hard at work with the tree house let's see if we can get Paul to help now that we're like starting work on it maybe not like I don't really know how do you get somebody to help you with the tree house do you click on the tree house or Aiden is out here doing his school project and it looks like Willow is coming over to help him if you guys didn't know um the Davidson family Willow is a part of the Davidson family and they are up on my patreon for free um I created them for you guys so it's nice to see that she was put into the game by the MC Command Center and it looks like Grandma Melissa also popped by so you know Paul Paul's over here so she had to come over here which is really sweet so let's just invite her in as well oh I'm so sweet so yeah look Grandma Melissa's like look at my baby this family just gives such family Vibes like they just get it Eli is still out here with the tree house uh who knows when that's gonna be time I don't even know when that's going to be done but he's still out here with the tree house uh we can't get Paul to really help but I think Paul went ahead and went home actually but um oh look now it has a Peppa is running away are you serious Peppa oh my gosh I know I said that like you don't get the recognition you deserve but you literally don't have to run away oh oh my gosh There She Goes and she's off so Pippa just ran away which is so sad like I feel so bad because obviously you know we didn't neglect our pet but Mariah didn't even notice she's just over here talking to her mom like she doesn't even know what's going on obviously we didn't neglect pepper it's just that you know we have three children and a lot going on so it looks like the tree house is actually coming along pretty well like you know it's getting a floor and everything um but I do think that Eli is just gonna like stop right here and he'll probably finish this up tomorrow um he wants to come over here and get some of this pizza um it's also time to get these two Littles um in their respective beds and Cribs so I think we're going to go ahead and do that as well you can see Mariah is just like reading Bryce to sleep and you know that's obviously super sweet Aiden is up somehow I don't really know why I thought he was kind of tired okay let's go ahead and put the baby in the bed also Paul if you came over here to see the kids they're all going to sleep because it's midnight all right so now that everything's kind of done let's go ahead and like have Mariah go to sleep um Mariah has to go to bed because she has a gig in the morning let's not forget so we have to kind of be up really early for that so and all look at them that is so sweet oh somebody just had a baby boy and I get to name him Dan because her name's Dolly Dan kind of works so we'll do that so she had a baby boy which is so sweet okay so it's the next morning and Mariah is just getting ready for her gig you know she just look at her feeling herself so yeah I think I'm gonna have her go ahead and like take a quick shower she's feeling good she's feeling confident oh she also needs to do like a little bit of a shave sesh with her legs so let's shave our leg here Eli is still sleeping I don't know he does go to work today so he works in like four hours yeah so I'm having to get up and like use the restroom and brush his teeth and all of that um the kids are also up so let's see and ends up he has to use the restroom and take a shower I don't think he took one like last night so he's gonna go ahead and like take a quick shower Mariah's gonna come in here and comfort our little baby obviously she's trying to get her to like go back down so that she can like do all of her morning chores and everything but it doesn't look like Camille is trying to go to sleep let's see is she okay yes okay so great so she can stand a few more Z's which works because that gives Mariah time to come in here and like throw the pizza away and kind of get the boys going this morning also if they don't have school I just thought about this but if they don't have school and Mariah has a gig that means that Eli will probably have to take the day off which he can stand to do anyway because you know he has about four days so let's go ahead and like take a vacation day because he's gonna need to stay here with the kids I didn't even think of that but while Mariah is getting breakfast ready and of course Bryce is in here just like I feel like Bryce always gets left out like is that like true like middle child behavior or what okay so let's go to work actually I know she just sat down to eat but we have to go okay so here we are at the roebling's house so it looks like uh this is our client and they want a fabulous living room so let's just go ahead and like you know promise a successful renovation um we also kind of want to like get to know like you know their style and like what they want so they really like dancing and they really like Mixology so they're looking for like a fun place is what I'm gathering so let's come over here and knock on the door and let's just see what we're working with okay so here's their house before and obviously we're doing the living room so let's just get a lay of the land so it looks like they have like a bedroom and like a kid's room bathroom and this is like the dining room kitchen bar area which is really nice and then here is their like living room overall their house is pretty fun well this family just had a baby if you guys don't remember we just named their baby so they just had Dan Robles and I'm guessing this is Dolly um let's thank her for the opportunity so thank you guys for like trusting me to do your house and I'm going to send them away because I think that at this point we're ready yeah we're ready [Music] thank you foreign [Music] like they have a daughter already okay so here we go let's reveal the renovations to the client I'm so excited for them to come into their home and I hope they really love it I really do I really do um unless she's they seem really excited about it oh my gosh I'm so excited I'm so excited okay so let's just like show some stuff off um check this out and I know you like music so check this out and they're just like taking everything in look their daughter looks so happy so she just looks so excited um I also just want to like check this out and oh she loves it loves the computer great great great okay um check this out a Paul what are you what Dad okay so well she's like I'm sorry I have to answer from my dad right now like my dad's like calling me in the middle of work right now oh she's such a sweet little kid once I tell her like a dramatic Story Probably I don't know where dolly is but I would really like for them to come give me their final verdict okay so she's like she has her thoughts so she's like I've seen enough let's come over here and ask for the final verdict so what's your verdict oh she loves it yeah yeah thank you so much okay so let's come over here and let's get the final verdict so how do you feel and she's like oh my goodness she loves it she's crying so much she loves it thank you oh that's so sweet thank you so much and we also need Dolly's verdict so where is Dolly let's come over here and get Dolly's verdict oh look at their baby why do you guys have the baby in the Attic I don't know there's something real sus about her so what's your final verdict oh she really likes it oh great okay wonderful because that was rough I didn't know if she was gonna like it or not so nice work the clients seemed to enjoy the newly renovated space so uh that just makes Mariah feel so great and just so like reassured in the space that she's in I'm so excited for her so let's go ahead and have her go home okay and as soon as we got home uh bills have been delivered to the mailbox so let's go ahead and like pay the bill also we have thirteen thousand dollars right now so I think that you know her and Eli should probably have a serious conversation about their retail store and you know just getting things done so it looks like a meal Camille's put her toe in her mouth she is such a little gymnast I love it so everybody's really sad about Pippa leaving right now honestly that's going to be a priority in the next episode I think I'm gonna go ahead and wrap it up right here this has been a roller coaster to record actually so I'm hoping that this one does us some justice so with that being said I'll talk to you guys in the next one bye guys
Channel: simkhira
Views: 1,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4, ts4, lp, the sims 4 lp, sims 4 lp, lets play, sims 4 lets play, the sims 4 lets play, ts4 lets play, sims 4 gameplay, the sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 legacy, the sims 4 legacy, legacy challenge, ts4cc, s4cc, maxis match, maxis mix, sims 4 custom content, custom content, ts4 custom content, growing together, sims 4 realistic, realistic sims, the sims 4 realistic, expansion pack, the sims 4 family, sims 4 how to, ts4 how to, the sims 4 how to, simkhira
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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