20+ mods for realistic & aesthetic gameplay | the sims 4

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foreign hello everyone welcome or welcome back to my channel if you're new here hi my name is Ashley I also go by Ashford natural plays over on Tick Tock and it has been so long since I said this intro um I took a little break but I am back and hopefully you guys will be getting weekly uploads from me from here on out but we're just gonna jump right into this video and as you can tell by the title it is another favorite mods video which has been long overdue this time I'm going to be focusing on mods that enhance the Aesthetics of your game as well as add a little bit more religion to your gameplay and so for this video I'm going to be using Chastity my model Sim to demonstrate these mods for you guys so there are three categories that we're going to be covering these mods in the first one is small mods that enhance Aesthetics in your game then we'll cover a few of the override mods I have and then we'll end the video off with gameplay mods okay so the first one I'm going to be showing you guys is a build by item by Felix Andre and it is their Samoa luggage from their Florence collection and I get so so many comments on these but what I love about this luggage set is that they are draggable and live mode and they also can go into your Sims inventory which is perfect for of course traveling so whenever your Sims go on vacation they can take this luggage with them and they'll be able to place it in the rental lot and change their outfits wherever they go and I think they are so cute and sleek and they come in such cute colors is yeah I'm obsessed with this mod okay so the next spot I have in my game is something I recently added it is the functional photo frames mod by peanut butter jelly and what this mod does is it gives you fully customizable photo frames for your Sims pictures and so once you take a picture of your sim what you'll be able to do is drag it into any of the functional photo frames and now you have a cute frame for your Sims photos I also have this in chassis bedroom and you guys is this not cute like are you kidding I am obsessed I am obsessed and it also comes with these mats for your frames so let me go into build mode and show you guys exactly what I'm talking about if you go into the search bar and put in PB jelly in the search results you'll get all the frames that the mod comes with and it comes with a lot okay a lot but it also comes with mat boards for your frames which adds even more customization so I can take this out and put a large photo here or I can add the mattes and add a medium photo like that but yeah it's not even just frames um it comes with this wire grid it also comes with the string lights even these cute photo Clips in thumbtacks and so I'm gonna go back into live mode and show you guys how this works so you'll take any of the photos from your Sims inventory and you can add it onto the items like that like what but yeah as I said before I just recently downloaded this mod in my game and it is already by far one of my absolute favorite mods so for the next three mods they all essentially have the same function but they give off very much different Vibes different Aesthetics and so I'm just going to mention them all in this video this isn't a mod this comes with spot a and it is the instance and if you have spa day you're probably familiar with what this item does so if you like this item you can light different scents and it instantly changes your Sims mood so if we do romantic Sandalwood and we have Chastity come over here she will instantly feel flirty but if you don't like the incense or you don't have spot a I have three mods that does the same exact function and so for the first mod it is this candle by Charlie pancakes and again based on the candle scent it will give your Sims different mood Buffs Chastity currently has the scent in her apartment this is Clementine and lemon and this will give Chastity an energizing moodlet buff and of course we have different scents this one is pomegranate in sage and it can give Chastity a playful buff we also have Cedar and rosemary which gives off a confident buff and yeah I think this mod is very cool and so all you'll need to do is just enable the emotional Aura on this candle and now Chastity has a focused buff from the candle I think this is a very cute mod it's very subtle you can turn it off and it'll just be simple decor for your Sims home but we're gonna move on to the next mod that is very similar to this and this is the scent to be oil diffuser mod by ravishing and this does the exact same thing as the incense from spa day so I won't go too much into detail for this one but same exact functionality another mod that is very similar to this that I have is the perfumery mod by simpsonian library and again same function same function but different Vibes different Aesthetics just a little bit of variety for your Sims gameplay and so in order to access this mod what you'll need to do is type in perfume and there should be two versions one is the base game item and this has no function whatsoever foreign but this option here is the mod itself so if you do download this mod make sure that you have the correct item and so what you'll need to do for this mod is click on the perfume set purchase perfumes and they are a little bit pricey but I personally do not mind I think that this mod is perfect for your rich and bougie Sims and yeah I think this mod just elevates your Sims gameplay but instead of getting a scent that will affect chassis mood what we're actually going to do is just get the deodorizing scent and we're just going to get a few of these and so with this sense this will actually increase your Sims hygiene level we have Chastity apply this scent we should see her hygiene meter raise up and it is full now oh then Koya oh my gosh look how horrible it looks outside yeah we're definitely cheating that oh okay you know what let's include this mod in this video so I currently have the UI cheats extension mod in my game which is by weird boo Sue and what this mod basically does is allows you to perform various Cheats by simple clicks and I think this is such a vital mod that everyone needs in their game and so what I just did is I right clicked this weather icon here and what that did is it brought up this pop-up which allows me to select wit weather I want to have in my game and I clicked on Sunny so now within the next few minutes or so the weather will become Sunny you can also cheat your household buns if you right click the Simoleon value here you get this pop-up and you can set your sim Simoleon amount as you can see I changed it to 30 000 you can also change the gain time you can right click the time and you'll get this pop-up here you can also change the season even the moon phase like there is a lot of cheats that you can do with this mod but I try not to mess with the time at all because I feel like that can possibly break my game um so just keep that in mind you can also cheat your Sims needs if you left click on any of the meters they can go up or down like that you can also cheat their skills and even their careers this mod is definitely vital especially when you're setting up for a let's play series and you need Sims to be at a certain career level or have a certain set of skills I personally try not to use it that often only when absolutely necessary but I would definitely recommend having this mod in your game and so for the last one I have to enhance the Aesthetics in your game is this bar cart by ravishing and it basically has the same function as a bar in game this bar only takes up one tile well technically two it technically takes up two tiles but it is definitely apartment in small space friendly compared to these big ass bars like hello how am I fitting this in my apartment please explain EA so yeah now your Sims are able to drink in their home without having to go to the bar or have these bulky ass bars in their game and it comes in cute swatches too so cute so I'm gonna have Chastity demonstrate the mod for us and I'm gonna have her make let's make her favorite drink I don't know what her favorite drink is what is that is that beer but yeah now Chastity has made her a drink and she's enjoying it and this is the perfect time to jump right into the override mods that I have in my game so the first override mod that I have is a sponge replacement by moondust.png and it's pretty self-explanatory it replaces the sponge with this more realistic looking one and it is so much cuter you guys okay so the next override mod that I have in my game is the UI normal Sim pictures mod by lrdt and so as you can see here Chastity is confident but her picture is defined them now instead I hated the UI portraits that the game would provide whenever your sim was filling a different moodlet and so now with this mod no matter what mood that chassis is in She'll always have this fine thumbnail so I'm gonna have her walk over here again to the incense so she can feel flirty and show you guys so now she's feeling flirty but the thumbnail didn't change okay the next one I have in my game is it's such a tiny tiny mod and honestly I don't think you guys probably even noticed but it is the ceiling replacement mod by surprise Peach and so with this mod it replaces the white ceilings with this plaster texture and again it is such a tiny tiny mod that I honestly don't think anyone but myself noticed but I personally love this mod and I hated the plain white ceilings that we originally had in the game alright so the next mod actually requires the fitness stuff pack and it is functional airpods by Northern Siberia winds and so what this mod does it replaces the bulky ass ugly ass earbuds that come with the fitness stuff pack and it gives you these cute Sleek air pods instead and so what we're gonna have chassis do is order some earbuds from her computer and we're gonna do white and so now she has a brand new pair of airpods in her inventory and I'm gonna have her wear them let's listen to Pop since that's her favorite genre as you can see here oh my gosh why is it so loud okay hold on you guys I'm just gonna have to pause the game but as you can now see chassis is wearing these cute airpods instead of the original earbuds and this is what they look like this is such a cute mod you guys so if you have a fitness stuff pack I would definitely suggest getting this mod all right so the final override mod that I have in my game is the iPhone 11 Pro phone replacement mod by little dica and what this mod does is it replaces the bulky ass phone that comes with the game with an iPhone 11 Pro and so what we're actually going to do is we're gonna invite over Chastity's boyfriend Romeo for date nights and as you can see she just whipped out her phone to call Romeo to invite him over and this is what the phone replacement mod looks like and I am obsessed I love it so much more than the ugly ass phone that yay gives us yeah okay let me show her doing something else with it um it still has the same function as the original phone you're still able to do a lot of things unfortunately you're not able to customize this phone I know that there is another phone replacement mod that does allow you to change the phone covers but I've been using this one for years and I have never had any problems with it but we're gonna have Chastity browse the web on it so you guys can see her using it some more mm-hmm okay so this is going to lead into our very first gameplay mod which is the visitor notifications mod by Brave Sims which has been updated by being Shin mods anytime another Sim comes to visit your Sims home you'll get a notification so it's essentially like a little doorbell that lets you know when assume is at your door but I'm gonna have Chastity come out here and greet Romeo let's hug lovingly they're so cute [Music] okay so now that Romeo's here and of course she's feeling flirty she's feeling 40 from that drink she drunk earlier oh did the instance go out it did I'm gonna light it again to get Romeo in the mood and so what we're gonna do for date nights I'm gonna have Chastity cook dinner for them so I can show you the next two mods that I have in my game let's do vegetable dumplings and let's do dinner for two and by the way this is the more servings mod by Little Miss Sam I already covered this in a previous favorite mods video I'll have that video Linked In the description I love this outfit you guys the outfit is by scented by the way Chastity girl okay so once chassis finishes up what you'll notice is she won't automatically grab a serving of this and that's because I have a mod in my game to prevent Sims from Auto grabbing once they're done cooking it and this is the no autograph food mod by Little Miss Sam and yeah it always annoyed me whenever since we just automatically grab a serving so with this mod this just stops them from doing that and then the second mod I have in my game is the call to Mill and eat mod which is also by Little Miss Sam and what this mod allows you to do is choose which Sims you want to eat a certain meal what we're going to do is we're going to select Romeo and we're gonna have him eat a serving of vegetable dumplings with chastity oopla no why did he go over there okay he's so cute look at him in a little rocking chair you could at least cleaned up she's gonna chat with Romeo's Restaurant I'm gonna have her use the restroom and I'm gonna continue to show you guys the rest of the gameplay mods oh he is cleaning up period okay so for the next few mods I'm gonna show our all interaction mods the first one I'm going to show is the chat Pat mod by Nate the loser and what this mod does it adds a bunch of new social interactions for your Sims and these interactions also give your Sims moodlets which is very great for more in-depth gameplay but I'm gonna have Chastity come talk with Romeo and we're gonna complain about puberty complain about puberty all right we're gonna click on this tenoba capuna Sombra club now fig uh free but Naya flu so it looks like Chastity got a happy buff from that and it says someone understands me from complaining not everyone might but at least one person knows my totally unique struggle for awkward puberty and yeah this is such a cute mod it definitely adds a lot more realism to your game and so the next one I'm going to be showing is ask for woohoo consent by Vicky Sims and so with this mod your Sims are now required to ask their partner for who consent before they're able to woohoo with their partner and so if I click on this bed you'll see that there isn't a woohoo interaction for Chastity and Romeo well one that's because they're teen Sims but there isn't even like a mess around option in order for Chastity and Romeo to mess around or woohoo what she'll need to do is click on Romeo and go into the friendly category and now she has new interactions that she can do with Romeo she can ask to be intimate with Romeo your sim needs to ask another Sim for consent before wufu she can also ask Romeo to stay platonic your sim can make this romantic relationship stay platonic without woohoo and there's also another option there it is say no to woohoo with the SIM your sim can let this Sim know that they are not interested in woohooing with them right now and so yeah I think this is such a great mod especially for teen zooms and this can prevent them from autonomously messing around with each other without getting proper consent from another Sim and if you're watching my high school years let's face series you would know that these teen films like to autonomously mess around so um this mod is very much needed and so what we're going to do is we're going to select the ask to be intimate option with Romeo and see how he responds warm-up Bulma schmezza radish okay it looks like she got a buff from that fruit and it's a happy buff says yes to woohoo alone who can sit these two sins especially consent to woohoo with each other and so now if we slept on the bed we now have the woohoo interaction with Romeo and if we go into Romeo Sim profile we will now see a yes to woohoo relationship bit and this says these two films usually can situ with each other okay so the next one I want to show you guys is the cute romance mod by the pancake one and what this mod does is it adds a bunch of cute romantic interactions from previous film titles into your game and these interactions include slow dancing dip kiss intense kiss bed makeout and cuddle from behind and we're actually gonna have Romeo do these interactions to Chastity so what we're going to do is we're going to control Romeo and this is what the control any Sim mod by Titan Nano and this mod is perfect for storytelling it allows you to control any NPC Sims without actually adding them to your Sims family and so now that we have full control of Romeo what we're going to do is we're going to have him perform a few interactions from the cute romance mod okay let's do let's do cuddle from behind oh my gosh that was so cute okay let's do my favorite one this is the dip kiss and I am obsessed with this one it is so cute flourbon Sharky oh my gosh it is so cute yes an ARP oh yeah we'll do it again you guys do not understand I'm absolutely obsessed with the interaction ah crypto oh my gosh hold on you guys your neighbors are being loud um let's have Romeo um tell them to keep it down real quickly foreign [Music] I think I had the karaoke Legends move into this apartment right here oh my gosh I didn't know breaking dishes it doesn't appear that anyone inside heard you are you serious okay pound on the door then uh Akira came out oh complain about the noise please don't be rude oh oh okay I'm sorry you're right that was a little bit inconsiderate we'll try to keep the noise down thanks for letting us know good neighbor period okay so it's getting pretty late and I was going to show you guys the next two mods that I have in my game but it involves Romeo and Chastity going to bed and apparently they can't because it's too noisy so I'm gonna give the game a few minutes and hopefully it'll allow them to go to bed y'all look at Romeo he's so adorable oh they gained the sentiment you're so fun to be around I really enjoy spending time with you and I hope you feel that way about me too oh oh shabini Chippewa too bad chassis she is so trifling and Romeo in my high school years let's play series oh okay they're finally able to sleep so for the next mod we're going to stop controlling Romeo and I'm going to have both Romeo and Chastity go to bed and I'm going to be doing this with the center bed mod by Little Miss Sam and what this mod does is it allows you to send Sims especially in PC Sims to bed so now we are able to send Romeo to bed or we can go to bed with Romeo so I'm going to click on this option and click on Romeo and now Romeo and Chastity will go to bed together thank you backing away soon you dumps uh legenzo honey and now this is going to lead to my absolute favorite mod in the game and this is the bed cuddle mod by the pancake one and zoryuki your Sims will now autonomously cuddle with each other in bed if they have a high enough relationship with their partner and it is the cutest thing ever they'll also get a cute little buff in the morning when they wake up and yeah I adore this mod so much it is so cute and so we're gonna end this episode off with my final mod it is the noses mod by chris29 and what this mod does is pretty self-explanatory it just removes disease from your Sims when you're sleeping and now I can get perfect shots of my Sims while they sleep and yeah I wish I had downloaded this mod a lot sooner and with that being said this concludes all the mods that I have to show you guys for today and as always I will have the link to all these mods in the description if you enjoyed this video please be sure to leave a like and comment it'd be very much appreciated please do not forget to subscribe so you don't miss my next favorite mods video and I'll see you guys in my next video
Channel: Ashley Plays
Views: 234,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, the sims, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 let's play, ashley plays, must-have mods, sims 4 mods
Id: e8su2k4aqvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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