They Tried To Ruin Her Life... Anita Hill & Clarence Thomas *The Truth* | Makeup & History

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they were asking her to recount her experience in detail they're like so you said he called himself long dong silver is that correct she's like yeah yeah that yeah hello beautiful people welcome thank you so much for clicking to watch this video today we're going to be doing another makeup and history makeup and history makeup in history is a series here on my channel where i put on makeup while talking about a historical event a scandal from the past or just a person that i find absolutely fascinating last week we talked about jfk and his addiction to the booty i shouldn't say last week it was probably two weeks ago at this point but still a great video go and check it out if you haven't seen it already today we're going to be talking about anita hill and the hearing confirmation for justice clarence thomas this video was highly requested from you guys as it was the alternative to the last video that i uploaded but you guys still really really really wanted me to talk about this story so we're doing it today that's what we're here for today hey per usual if you're familiar with this story please feel free to fact check me down in the comments below as well as include any additional information that i don't say or forget to say in this video also if you feel compelled to subscribe subscribe let's be friends turn on the notification bell alright let's put on makeup and get into the story all of the products and everything that i'm using will be listed down in the description box below if you are curious about any of the products that i put on my face for those of you who are unfamiliar with this story this case you want to know who these people are who is anita hill who is clarence thomas great questions anita hill is an american lawyer and professor and clarence thomas is a part of the supreme court justice he is currently the longest supreme court justice seat that we have in 1991 when clarence was nominated for the supreme court justice seat anita hill came forward with claims that he had sexually harassed her when they worked together 10 years prior now this became a national news story everyone was very up in arms about the situation and it led to the first hearing where anita would sit in front of the senate judiciary committee a group of senators and recount what happened this was a televised hearing of 20 million people now the reason the story is significant is because it highlights the process with which we nominate people for the supreme court justice it was also the first time in american history yeah i think american history maybe world history where we sat and watched someone recount sexual harassment in such a public way this was a conversation we had never had before as a nation and it didn't go well we didn't do a good job at it so what exactly happened what went down well truthfully we don't know because the only two people who actually know what happened are anita hill and clarence thomas and their stories differ anita says one thing clarence denies all of it so in this video i'm really just going to be recounting what happened at the hearing based on what both of them said and another small disclaimer this story does involve vice president and presidential candidate joe biden but i am in no way shape or form condoning or condemning anyone in this story actually um i just want to put that out there for anyone who wants to accuse me of swaying the election that's not at all what i'm about i'm gonna do my best to be objective as i always do when telling these stories all right so we'll start with a little back story on anita hill who is anita hill july 30th 1956 anita fayhill is born to parents albert and irma hill in lone tree oklahoma albert and irma hill were direct descendants of slaves and the family originally lived in arkansas anita was born the youngest of 13 children growing up the family was very poor but although they didn't have much they were very loving and tight-knit family anita's mother describes her as being very stubborn but very intelligent and their parents were super strict on everyone the children were required to really take their education seriously and excel in 1973 anita graduated valedictorian of her high school and then in 1977 she graduated with honors from the university of oklahoma where she studied psychology although growing up in oklahoma was a lot safer for the family it was still very segregated and anita knew that because she was black and because she was a woman there were a lot of things she couldn't do anita became very interested in the feminist movement of the time as well as the civil rights movement she particularly enjoyed seeing women in the courtrooms changing the laws and in 1980 she graduated with a doctorate in law from yale law school anita was not looking around you hear me she was not playing no games all right so in 1981 anita moves to dc and begins working at a private law firm when she is introduced through a mutual friend to clarence thomas i'm just kidding it's not it's not that serious at least not yet all right so now we need to get in our time machine and go back in time and learn who clarence thomas is right we need the backstory on this guy as well let's do it buckle up and now we're in 1948. welcome june 23rd 1948 clarence thomas is born in savannah georgia to parents m.c and leola thomas clarence's father abandoned his family when clarence was two years old leaving his mother him and his older sister clarence's mother would remarry giving birth to their younger brother but his stepfather would also abandon the family now as a single mother of three clarence's mother worked as a maid and really struggled to make ends meet when i was six i wandered streets by myself you were hungry and didn't know when you eat at one point their family house would burn down and eventually clarence's mother leola would send her sons to live with her father this decision turned out to be very beneficial for clarence's upbringing his grandfather was a business owner and taught clarence the importance of hard work and discipline his grandfather was also a conservative roman catholic and would encourage clarence to pursue a career in religion at the age of 16 clarence decided that he wanted to become a priest so he applied and was admitted as the first african-american student into the saint vienne catholic seminary st john vienne catholic seminary you get that right clarence was also very intelligent and got excellent grades but he endured a lot of racially charged bullying clarence was very disappointed with the passive stance that the catholic church took on racism they didn't really do much about it and this really prompted clarence's interest in the fight for civil rights in 1968 following the assassination of mlk clarence decided that he would forget his dream of becoming a priest and instead he would pursue a law degree so that he could help fight for civil rights he's like sorry grandpa i can't be a priest anymore i found my calling i gotta go to law school so he does in 1971 clarence gets married to his first wife kathy now there's not a lot of information on this marriage all right so clarence applies to yale law school and he's admitted as one of the first african-american students to be admitted into yale under the new open enrollment program so prior to this black students were not allowed to go to many ivy league schools so clarence became one of the first black students to ever go to yale in 1974 he received his doctorate from yale law and he began looking for work after graduation clarence applied to various law firms but he says that his applications were really never taken seriously because people assumed that he only had a yale law degree because of affirmative action not because he actually did really well and had good grades this would make clarence come to detest affirmative action because he met so much resistance with people thinking that he wasn't actually intelligent he didn't actually deserve the degree or earned the degree it was only because he was a black student which is really whack but you know what are you going to do what we're going to do all right so fast forward a couple years clarence eventually gets a job working with republican senator john c danforth in 1981 clarence is recognized by president ronald reagan and he joins the reagan administration he begins working for the united states department of education and he's appointed as the assistant secretary in the office of civil rights it's a very very fancy position very fancy all right so now we're back in 1981 clarence and anita are introduced to each other through their mutual friend gil hardy clarence is looking for a legal assistant for his new fancy position and gill recommends anita for the job now anita is thrilled to have been offered this position because she wants to work in civil rights she wasn't happy at the current law firm she was working at so this was an amazing opportunity for her both anita and clarence were very hardworking very intelligent they both had yale law degrees they came from rural poor backgrounds seems like it'd be a perfect fit right what could go wrong apparently a lot could go wrong many things could go wrong all right so clarence and anita began working together at the department of education and anita says initially when she started working there she loved her job she was given a good amount of responsibility and she felt that clarence truly trusted her judgment anita was only one of two people who worked directly under clarence the department was small it was just clarence anita and his secretary because the office was so small they worked very very closely with one another and they became friends clarence would confide in anita about his personal problems he shared with her that he'd recently separated from his wife he would also speak to anita about his political problems he would talk with her about the importance of black solidarity and civil rights they were very friendly approximately three months into working together things began to take a turn anita says that approximately three months into working together clarence asked her out to go on a date socially like a date date you know like not a friend date like a ooh let's see with this ghost date anita declined she's like no she tells him the reason she doesn't want to go on a date with him is because she enjoys their work relationship and she doesn't want to jeopardize that after this anita says the work dynamic began to shift apparently clarence would not take no for an answer and he would repeatedly ask anita to go on a date with him and when she would decline he would ask her for the real reason she didn't want to go on a date with him he'd be like what's the real reason yeah yeah yeah i know you say it's because i'm your boss but what's the real reason anita would continually turn clarence down and stick to her reasoning she says she didn't want to jeopardize their work relationship and she didn't think it was appropriate to be dating her supervisor apparently clarence just would not accept this he just couldn't accept it so anita says that he began planning their work meetings around lunchtime or dinner time anita would schedule a meeting to talk to clarence about work-related things and he would say oh i'm so busy can we just talk about this over lunch slick slick move bro so the two of them would go to lunch for the work meeting and anita says that the meeting would always start off professional talking about work-related issues and then it would slowly veer to more personal questions weird topics etc this behavior became increasingly more consistent clarence would set up meetings with her to talk about work sometimes he would come in her office unannounced when no one else was around and he would begin talking about work related things and then start bringing up really inappropriate topics like porn that he had watched and not that talking about porn isn't already completely inappropriate for workplace conversations the type of pornographic films he would talk about were also very disturbing anita says he would talk about films that involved orgies bestiality sexual assault he would compare his genitals to some of the sex workers he was watching he once referred to himself as long dong silver that's not funny that's really inappropriate anita says each time she would make it very clear that these conversations were inappropriate and that she was uncomfortable eventually she just began avoiding long conversations with clarence altogether she would try her best to talk to him about work related issues and then bounce she knew if she stayed there too long it might be her into some weird because the department was so small this was not easy for anita to do there was only three of them in the office so it was very difficult for her to avoid having conversations with clarence and this really stressed anita out she began talking to friends and her current boyfriend at the time about what she should do but no one really had any advice on how to handle the situation one of her friends suggested she change her perfume like maybe it's your perfume that's making you too irresistible girl change that fragrance eventually anita says that the behavior did subside he wasn't asking her out as much anymore or engaging in inappropriate conversations she didn't really understand why this happened but she was just glad it did she could get back to doing her job which she loved all right so in 1982 ronald reagan appoints clarence to the chairman of the equal employment opportunity he gives him another promotion another fancy job promotion for clarence anita is given the opportunity to transfer departments with clarence and because his office was so small she heard a rumor that reagan was going to get rid of the civil rights office in the department of education so she's thinking oh i'm not going to have a job if i stay here so i might as well transfer at the time that i moved to the eeoc the behavior had stopped and that's all i wanted so she transfers with clarence to the equal employment opportunity commission aka the eeoc for short and there she can continue to do the civil rights work she loves all right so now they're working at the eeoc and this is a much bigger office so there are way more people working under clearance than just anita and his secretary this means that anita and clarence no longer have to work so closely together anymore at first everything seemed to be going well and then clarence began commenting on her attire and asking her out he began referencing sex again making jokes about pubes on cans and anita would continue making it very clear she didn't want to talk about this stuff but clearly that doesn't work he doesn't care if you don't want to talk about it he's going to talk about it clearly anita wasn't the only one experiencing this behavior anymore though other women who worked with clarence at the eeoc would also come forward and say that he would make inappropriate comments about what they were wearing and say strange things eventually anita says she began feeling that clarence was becoming resentful because she kept rejecting him their interactions with one another were becoming increasingly more hostile and anita says she felt as though clarence liked seeing her uncomfortable and vulnerable she began worrying that clarence would start retaliating against her either not giving her important roles or jobs or that he might fire her altogether during this time it was not easy to find work in dc and she feared that if she was fired she would not be able to get another job or even worse clarence would not give her a recommendation so she did her best to keep their relationship professional and you know stay on his good side i guess so uncomfortable all right so we're still in 1982 right now clarence is invited to go and speak at a school in oklahoma and the office thinks that it's appropriate for anita to accompany him because she's from oklahoma while there clarence introduces anita to his friend who is the dean of oral roberts university the dean is talking to clarence about how he's looking for professors and clarence recommends anita he's like anita would be an excellent teacher you should hire anita now anita again is thrilled at the opportunity she's not exactly happy working with clarence and this would give her the opportunity to go back to oklahoma where she can be close to her family and she could still do something she's passionate about all right so fast forward to anita's last day working at the eeoc she's having a conversation with clarence and he he brings up the fact that now that she's no longer working for him she has no excuse not to go on a date with him right huh anita's still like no no i don't want to go on a date with you no so clarence pulls the old trick out of his hat and he says to anita all right well let's just go to dinner tonight to talk about work things now anita probably had an idea about how this dinner was gonna go so i'm thinking she only agreed to go because he had recommended her for her new job so she didn't want to upset him and then he pulls away his recommendation i don't know but she goes to dinner with him while at the dinner anita says that clarence brings up his behavior working with her for the past few years and he says to her that if anyone ever found out about any of this that would ruin his career he said that if i ever told anyone of his behavior that it would ruin his career this was not an apology nor was it an explanation he doesn't say sorry he doesn't say you know no hard feelings he just says you know just so you know if anyone ever found out about this it would ruin my career all right so anita moves oklahoma and begins teaching at oral roberts university and then in 1986 she gets a job teaching at the university of oklahoma which was her alma mater and then in 1989 she becomes the first tenured african-american professor at the university of oklahoma which she's super thrilled about she's so excited about this from 1983 to 1989 anita kept in touch with her colleagues at the eeoc and she also remained friendly with clarence well i won't say friendly she says she remained cordial let's not say friendly cordial during this time she'd learned that clarence had remarried which she congratulated him for and clarence had continued to be promoted and moved up in the legal ranks she knew now that she was a tenured professor her job wasn't at stake but she still saw no reason to make an enemy out of clearance so she never wanted to come forward about the sexual harassment ever she's just like you know what i'm happy in oklahoma i get to be with my family i have a job that i love i'm good everything's good everything's all good all seemed well until again not that serious but kind of on june 28 1991 justice thurgood marshall would announce that he is going to retire from the supreme court justice this announcement means that there is a seat open in the supreme court and everyone's like it's a big deal now for those of you who don't know the way the supreme court works is there are nine total seats one chief justice and eight associate justices and these are lifetime positions the only way a job position opens up in the supreme court is if someone dies or retires supreme court justices rule on cases that affect all americans things like brown versus board of education which desegregated schools miranda versus arizona which you know if you get arrested the cops have to read you your rights now because of that one another big case that the supreme court ruled on was the us versus nixon because apparently before watergate the president was above the law so the supreme court decided that the president is no longer above the law after that so supreme court justice seats are a big deal they affect all of us so everyone takes it very seriously or at least should take it very seriously now whenever there's a vacant seat the president can nominate someone for the seat and then there's this group of senators called the senate judiciary committee that will get together to review the nomination and then they send the nomination after they reviewed it they send the person who's nominated to the rest of the senate and then they all vote to either confirm or deny the nomination the senate judiciary committee consists of typically 20 senators half democrat and half republican all right so thurgood marshall announces that he's going to retire then the current president george h.w bush has the opportunity to nominate someone for the seat and can you guess who he nominates good job you guessed correctly clarence thomas july 1 1991 president bush nominates clarence thomas for the supreme court justice seat he's nominated to replace thurgood marshall and become the second african american to ever be appointed to that position so this is a big deal it's a huge deal this is a big deal once the nomination is official the senate judiciary committee gets together to review the nomination the head of the senate judiciary committee in 1991 was can you guess guess who it was you guess correctly again joe biden so then senator joe biden gets everyone together and he's like all right you know what let's review this guy and see if he's up for the job this is a lifetime position so we got to take this seriously guys let's get together and take this seriously and review if we should give clarence this job to begin the process of reviewing the nomination they go through a very extensive background check and during this they find out a rumor that clarence has been accused of sexual harassment now the members who found out about this rumor were on the democratic side of the committee and this is important to note because clarence was a republican nomination both sides want as many seats in the supreme court as they can get because the more seats they have the more there's a chance that the court will rule in their favor they're also just very very petty both the democrats and the republicans can be very petty and they turn everything into a game where they're just trying to win and the american people right like who cares what's best for everyone let's just win we gotta win in the cases of a nomination when they can find something about the nominee that puts their integrity at question then they're going to investigate it and push that so when one of the staffers working in the senate judiciary committee on the democratic side heard this rumor about clarence possibly being involved in sexual harassment even though they had no proof they were like this is something we could stick to maybe not get him nominated so let's look into this let's look into it so anita is in oklahoma minding her business when she's contacted by one of the staffers in the committee to give a reference for clarence thomas she says that when the staffers contacted her they already knew about the sexual harassment and they asked her if she'd be willing to testify of her experience and she's like nah no absolutely not why would i do that the staffers are very persistent and they ask anita if she'll testify multiple times and finally she's like all right i'll think about it i'll think about it everyone's always pressuring anita with questions like i said no leave me alone that's what anita's probably thinking i don't know anita says the reason she did not want to testify is because she didn't want to open herself up to be retaliated against by clarence she also didn't want to be publicly identified she knew that if she went forward with this if she went public with this she would open herself up to public scrutiny she was also very happy living and working in oklahoma and she didn't want to jeopardize that on the other hand as a professor of the law and a lawyer herself she knew the importance of such a job position and she felt it was her duty to say something if the person who was going to be receiving such an important job had not the greatest integrity from what she had experienced she contacts the committee and asks if she can submit an affidavit without revealing her identity and they tell her no if you're going to submit a testimony you have to say who you are so that clarence can have the option to defend himself so she's like shoot shoot okay i'll submit an affidavit i'll submit a testimony as long as you can promise that the public will never see it and you will give a copy of it to everyone in the committee everyone needs to be able to read this and hear this and they're like of course yeah of course that'll work so anita writes out the affidavit where she explains in detail her experience of sexual harassment with clarence and she submits it to the committee the committee gives it to everyone everyone is aware of it the review is going in clarence's favor and it seems like he's going to get the position you know it seems like he's a shoe and everyone's like yeah sure sure then a small group of democratic senators goes to the leader joe biden and they're like yo joe maybe we should investigate this sexual harassment claim like this seems like he's going to get the job right we don't want him to get the job so let's look into this you know let's let's peel the top back and see what's really going on now at the time joe biden was considered more of a centrist politician he didn't want to play any game so he's like okay you know what i'll ask the fbi to investigate this further i'm going to let the republican side know what's going on so that everything's on the open you know i don't want to i don't want to i don't want an ambush you know what i mean so the fbi gets involved and they go down to oklahoma to interview anita about what has happened they also go to virginia to interview clarence now clarence says that when the fbi came to interview him about this this was the first time that he'd learned that anita felt this way or that any of this had happened he was so confused he's like what the hell she said i did what he was very very very confused after the fbi gets involved there's still not really much to say it's still kind of just a he said she said thing so the senate judiciary committee decides to just go forward they're like you know we can't really prove what happened so let's just go forward because anita wanted her testimony to remain private no one knows about this except members of the committee and anita and clarence like no one else knows what's going on so they decide to move forward with nominating clarence and then someone leaks anita's testimony they dropped it to the press they're like boom it was probably someone on the democratic side let's be honest on october 6th a reporter from npr nina totenberg publishes the testimony from anita hill about clarence thomas and claims that anita says clarence sexually assaulted her sexually harassed her let's not confuse those words soon the story becomes a national media frenzy everyone is pissed mainly at joe biden because it seems as though he was going to completely ignore her testimony and confirm clearance so they're like how why how can you confirm someone who's sexually harassing people what the hell is going on the public wants answers the press begins harassing anita for a statement and she doesn't give them one this is literally her worst nightmare like this is everything she was trying to avoid now at this point she's like nah the public is now they know who i am they won't stop asking questions they want answers so anita holds a press conference in which she says that she'd be willing to testify about her experience so joe biden calls anita and he's like all right will you come to dc and sit in front of a hearing with a committee and tell us what's up tell us tell us what happened anita's like yes so they set the hearing to start on october 11 1991. during this time they also find out about another woman who has claims that clarence sexually harassed her a journalist by the name of angelo wright they subpoena angela to also come to the hearing to potentially testify so anita heads to dc to attend the hearing she brings with her witnesses and counsel her parents and i think some of her family members friends and family also attend the hearing clarence also brings witnesses to the hearing as well as his counsel and his wife all right so october 11th 1991 the hearing begins and first we hear a statement from the chairman joe biden joe starts the hearing by stating he knows all about sexual harassment and he takes sexual harassment very seriously i can assure you that i take the charge of sexual harassment seriously he also explains the reasons why the committee didn't further investigate anita's claims and says that this is not a court hearing this is not a trial we're just here to hear the facts that's really weird we're here to hear the facts that's what he said next we hear a statement from clarence thomas in which he recounts his experience with everything that's going on i have been racking my brain trying to think what i could have said or done to anita hill to lead her to allege that i was interested in her in more than a professional way and that i talked with her about pornographic or x-rated film i categorically denied all of the allegations he says that he had no idea that anita had felt this way and he didn't understand why she continued working with him if she felt she was being sexually harassed he denies ever asking her out on a date and that he was not going to allow his private life to be scrutinized anymore he was not going to give the rope to lynch himself that's what he said he was very upset next we hear from anita and she gives a statement where she goes through everything that we've you know we've talked about in this video after her statement the senators are allowed to question her and boy was this hard to watch like i get it was a different time i get that you know they were just trying to get down to the bottom of things but it was very painful to watch actually um they were not kind and it became very apparent that anita's integrity was the one in question not clarence's integrity they asked her very accusatory questions like why did you go to dinner with him if you felt like he was sexually harassing you you were leaving working with him why would you go to dinner with him why didn't you write down any of the things he said or did a good lawyer would write things down how come you didn't write anything down are you a scorned woman the questions were either accusatory or ill-informed a lot of them asked like why are you doing this why are you here why would you do this and she's like i didn't want to be here y'all asked me to be here y'all asked me to testify i didn't want i'm not this isn't this was literally anita's worst nightmare and now they were coming to her as if she asked for this they were asking her to recount her experience in detail again it's difficult but for the record what substance did he bring up in this instance in his at eeoc in his office what was the content of what he said he used the name that he had been referred to in the pornographic material do you recall what it was yes i do um the name that was referred to was long donk silver so you said he called himself long dong silver is that correct she's like yeah yeah that yeah it was very very upsetting to watch a panel of all white men questioning a black woman about her experience with sexual harassment claiming that they knew about sexual harassment and they understood it when it was very clear that they didn't understand it at all regardless of how upsetting this was anita was actually very very composed she was cool as a cucumber like at one point joe biden asked her if she wanted to go to the restroom and she's like no i'm good would you prefer a break no no i thought because you've been sitting there a long time he's like oh i thought you you've just been sitting there for so long i thought maybe you want to go to the restaurant she's like nah i'm okay i'm good she really did handle the hearing very well considering the circumstances and the questions she was chill i was upset just watching it and she was just like man what else just answer these questions whatevs it turns out that she was actually very very upset and disturbed and she was doing her best to remain calm and collected she did an excellent job anita has asked if she'd be willing to take a polygraph test which she agrees to she's like sure sign me up let's do it after the senators are done questioning anita clarence returns to make another statement in which he says that he is the victim of a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who dare to think for themselves this is a circus as a black american as far as i'm concerned it is a high-tech luncheon for uppity blacks who in any way gain to think for themselves after making this statement it seemed as though the senators were very careful not to make this thing about race it seemed as though after he made the statement the hearing became much less about whether or not he actually did sexually harass anita and more about protecting his integrity against anita even though it doesn't really make sense because she's also black so how how would she be involved in the high-tech lynching i don't know i don't know the hearing continues the next three days they hear from witnesses from anita and clarence clarence continues to deny all allegations implying that anita is lying anita submits a polygraph test which she passes the committee never asked to hear from the other witness angela wright they just decided it wasn't important to call her forward anymore so the hearing ends and ultimately clarence is confirmed as the supreme court justice and there he is still after clarence was confirmed anita really just wanted to go back to her old life she wanted to get back to teaching get back to her family but the press would not leave her alone they kept showing up to her house stalking her harassing her members of the republican party began trying to get her fired from the university of oklahoma because she was a tenured professor that was impossible so they started going after the dean of the university they really they were really trying to ruin her life anita received bomb threats death threats and eventually she had to leave oklahoma and the university altogether on november of 1991 clarence thomas and his wife jeannie thomas would appear on people magazine where jeannie would state that she believed anita was in love with her husband in 1999 another woman would come forward accusing now justice clarence thomas of sexual harassment as well as other women who worked with him at the eeoc although some people were trying to ruin her life and anita received a lot of scrutiny in the media she also received a lot of support from both men and women after this case women began reporting sexual harassment in the workplace with claims of sexual harassment going up 50 more than the prior year and men began speaking out about sexual harassment in the workplace on behalf of their wives and daughters who were experiencing the same issue the hearing also prompted four women to be elected into the senate in 1992. in 2010 clarence thomas's wife jeannie thomas would call anita and leave a voicemail asking her to recount her statements basically asking her to admit she lied i'm pretty sure that's illegal right isn't that like witness tampering i don't know this isn't an actual hearing case i don't know i don't know comment down below if you know now anita works as an activist and public speaker for women's rights and she says that although she initially did not want to testify and that her life didn't turn out the way she planned she would not change it and she's proud of herself for standing up and taking a stance alright you guys that is it for this video please let me know down below what you guys think what are your thoughts on this huh did you already know about this stuff did you learn something new i apologize if i condensed a lot or skipped through a lot i just didn't want this video to be too long but all of the links and references for all the information that i mentioned today as well as more information if you want to learn more about this case will be down in the description box below i always reference put all the references down there always put the sources always put the sources my personal opinion on this case is i think it's unfortunate but i do see that there was no direct evidence you know there was nothing to actually concretely say that this happened i do think that if there's smoke there's fire there were numerous witnesses who had the same or similar stories to anita so but what does it matter now right like it's done this case did do a lot of good for our society it did open up a lot of people's eyes to you know what what it's like for some women working in the workplace um and that sexual harassment is a real thing i know i have experienced it so it could have very very very very well happened thank you guys so so much for watching and taking the time to hang out with me i so greatly appreciate it please check out some of my other videos check them out and subscribe if you haven't already return on the notification bell i'll see you guys for my next one bye peace peace bye all right now it's weird i'm gonna go
Channel: Cydnee Black
Views: 334,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EQ-M0pzwgx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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