He Married A Sociopath... Dalia Dippolito True Story | Makeup & History

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oh my singing ladies i'm a single lady i'm single i put your hands up that's what dahlia wanted to do she wanted to be a single lady a single lady hello beautiful people welcome to my channel thank you so much for clicking to watch this video today we're going to be doing another episode of makeup and history makeup and his story makeup and history is a series here on my channel where i put on makeup while talking about a historical event a scandal from the past or a person that i just find fascinating last week we talked about anita hill and the confirmation hearing for justice clarence thomas this was one of my heavier videos i feel like the subject matter was a bit heavy and very relevant to what's happening today so that video is a bit dense but it is still good and you should still watch it go watch it today i've decided to pick a lighter story i mean it's still pretty bad but it's not as dense as some of the stories that i've done in the past i honestly think this story is a bit comical and i hope that you guys also think that otherwise i will feel like a terrible person today we're going to be talking about the story of mike and dahlia dippolito if you're familiar with this story then you know it's ridiculous if you're not get ready because it's ridiculous if you haven't already and you would like to please subscribe to my channel i would love to have you here we're chill around here we have a lot of fun it's fun subscribe also if you enjoy this video please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up and leave a comment i read all the comments and i genuinely appreciate hearing you guys's thoughts and opinions and it really does help my videos out so much so if you could just leave a nice little comment as the video goes along share what you think and give this video a thumbs up i really really really would appreciate it all right let's get into the story and put on some makeup all right so hairs up we're a bit closer all the products and everything that i'm using on my face in this video will be in the description box below so who are mike and dahlia dippolito specifically we're going to be focusing on dalia dippolito because she is fascinating she's she fascinates me all right so to start this story we got to get in the time machine we gotta get in the good old time machine and we don't have to go back that far this is gonna be a short ride we're just going to 2008 so you should still wear your seatbelt though all right let's do it sorry um we're here we're in 2008. so sometime in the late summer of 2008 is when mike and dahlia meet mike is hanging out by himself his wife is out of town and he decides to get on a website called eros.com an escort service so mike is browsing the site because he's lonely because his wife is out of town and he needs an escort to come keep him company he finds dahlia 30 minutes later she shows up to his door he was ordering an escort to keep him company over the weekend he ordered her like a pizza now dahlia who is 26 at the time shows up to the door and instantly mike thinks she's very attractive he thinks she's super hot she's very friendly and she seems to be really into him they hit it off two weeks later he divorces his wife of seven years so after mike files for divorce from his wife he and dalia start dating pretty seriously and they realize they have a lot of things in common they're both really into lavish things and the lavish lifestyle they're both really into their looks and going to the gym they both love starbucks since we watched the news together we we were big movie people uh we both love starbucks coffee drinkers who doesn't so mike and dahlia fall madly in love they are very affectionate with one another almost to the point of making people around them uncomfortable alia is very very affectionate towards mike and it appeared to everyone around them that she was infatuated with him she was in love with him she adored him so the relationship between the two of them seems to be going really really well and mike decides that he's going to open up to dahlia about his troubled past in 2002 mike was convicted for a telemarketing scam in which he stole like 155 000 from people over the phone mike was given two years in prison plus 28 years probation which he was currently serving when he met dalia he was also required to pay 191 000 in restitution from the money he stole which was mainly from senior citizens so mike opens up to dahlia about all of this all the stuff in his past he's a convicted felon he's on probation and he tells her about all the money that he owes and she's very understanding and supportive and even offers to help him pay back the money mike falls madly in love with dahlia and six months after the couple meets they get married and they become husband and wife the way that it happened it was so impulsive and it felt right you went down to the courthouse the courthouse the same day from an outsider looking in they're the happiest couple now dahlia also had a pretty dark past that mike didn't know about she didn't disclose hers though dahlia's dark past involved seducing men and robbing them for all they were worth sorry that's not funny but dang she knew how to use her sex appeal and she had a lot of it to get her way and that's what she did very successfully with men mike also had no idea that dahlia hadn't changed at all and um she was planning on doing the same thing to mike she was planning on taking him for all he was worth um he had no idea though they were married they seemed really in love she seemed to really adore him he had no idea what was coming so almost immediately after getting married dalia starts plotting against mike mike is a homeowner so dalia is trying to get control over mike's house so that she can sell it for profit dalia reaches out to a man she used to date who coincidentally is also named mike we'll call him mike too and she asks him if he will help her now dahlia has already scammed mike ii three times so i don't know why he agreed to help her i think she offered him sex in exchange for the help and he was like okay yeah sure you've already stolen money three times but i think this time i'll be fine i'm just gonna help you steal someone else's money so yeah four so she goes to mike too and she says okay the plan is you're going to call my husband and pretend to be a lawyer and tell him that if he signs his house over to me it will help him get off probation sooner so mike too calls mike original and tells him he's a lawyer and tells him that if he signs his house over to dahlia it would help him get off probation sooner so mike does it i don't know why he didn't get a second opinion but he does he goes and signs his house over to dalia as soon as dalia's name gets on the title of the house she begins plotting on how to get rid of mike so she can sell the house since mike was currently on probation she starts by trying to get him arrested again so that he'll get thrown back into prison she attempts to set mike up by planting drugs in his car and then anonymously calling the police so that he'll get pulled over they'll find the drugs in his car and then they'll take him to jail and she does this twice the first time mike gets pulled over the cops don't find the drugs in his car and they let him go apparently she didn't hide it in a visible enough place for the cops to find it and he didn't know that they were in there so he was like okay this is weird i guess i'm gonna go the second time mike gets pulled over after he and dahlia were leaving dinner and the cops tell him that they got an anonymous call that he had drugs in his car and they needed to search his car so they pull them both out of the car and they start searching his car and they find a little bag of drugs hidden somewhere in his car so mike starts freaking out because he knows he's on probation he knows those aren't his drugs and this could get him in a lot of trouble so he starts freaking out crying and pleading with the police and telling them these aren't my drugs i don't know how they got there like he is hysterical right dahlia is just standing there completely emotionalist she's like she doesn't care at all that her husband might be going back to jail like she doesn't say anything because she's the one who called them but the cops don't know that dahlia is the one that called and neither does mike however they do find it suspicious that she's just like standing there super emotionless like she doesn't care at all about what's happening luckily the cops believe mike they believe that they were not his drugs and they let him go dahlia was probably pissed she's like are you kidding me you guys are gonna let him go are you joking right now all right so the cops let mike and dahlia go and mike obviously is still very emotional because he thought he was going to get sick back to prison and he also noticed that dahlia didn't seem to care at all so dolly is driving them home and he asks her like did you put these drugs in my car like you're the only one who knew where we were going to dinner you're the only one who has access to my car did you do this dahlia immediately gets defensive and starts screaming at mike she's like how dare you accuse me of this i would never do that are you crazy she gets so pissed she's so mad she starts speeding and driving really crazy and telling mike that she can't believe he would accuse her of something like this so mike now is terrified and he's like okay okay okay i believe you just please drive normal please stop thankfully they make it home safely after that crazy drive and the next day things cool down but dahlia can sense that mike is now suspicious of her and he's acting really distant so she's like oh no oh no what am i gonna do i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna tell him i'm pregnant she tells mike hey uh sorry i was acting so crazy it's because i'm pregnant was she actually pregnant no but mike doesn't know that so he's ecstatic he's like oh my god we're having a baby mike is so excited he completely forgets about the traumatic near-death experience that he had the night before and he and dahlia begin planning for their new family all right so after dalia's two failed attempts to get mike sent back to prison she also learns that even if mike gets sent back to prison legally she can't sell his house without his permission so if he goes to prison he's locked up she still can't sell the house so that's not a solution she needs something more permanent dalia decides she needs to kill mike dolly is nuts dahlia is nuts so dahlia decides that she's going to poison mike now as i mentioned earlier the two of them really love starbucks that was one of the things that they have in common they both love starbucks both of starbucks coffee drinkers so one day dahlia is out and she returns home with two iced teas from starbucks one for her one for the love of her life mike however she first puts antifreeze in mike's iced tea before she gives it to him mike takes one sip of the iced tea and immediately spits it out now he doesn't think anything of this he just thinks that you know maybe starbucks made him a bad drink you know what happens sometimes and sometimes the mix is not right so he just spits it out and he's like oh this is gross he throws it away but just from that one sip of the tea mike is sick for two weeks he doesn't die but he is sick for two weeks now dolly is like shoot okay maybe i should hire a professional maybe i can't do this on my own he's not gonna drink the poison iced tea i need someone who can actually you know get this done so dalia decides to reach out to another guy that she used to date a man named muhammad shahadeh shahadeh for whatever reason she thinks muhammad is the guy to help her find someone to kill her husband so she goes to him and she's like hey do you know of anyone who could do this potentially and mohammed's like what what are you talking about she's like do you do you have someone who can help me or not i've already tried to give him iced tea that had antifreeze in it and it didn't work so i need someone who can do this professionally can you help me or not and mohammed is like uh yeah i mean uh yeah yeah i guess i'll get back to you on that sure immediately after dalia and muhammad meet muhammad's like wow she's [ __ ] crazy i'm gonna go to the police so he goes to the police and he reports her muhammad goes to the police station he's like yo i need to report a crime this girl i used to date just told me that she's trying to kill her husband she asked me to help her and the police are like what okay what's her name and he's like her name's dahlia and they're like what's her last name he's like i don't know and they're like you said you used to date her and he's like yeah i'm sorry i don't know her name and they're like okay well where does she live and he's like um i don't know so the police don't really believe him i'm sure they deal with these kinds of things all the time they're like all right yeah sure but um just call us again if something else happens and he's like no no no no she told me she already tried to kill him so she's serious and they were like okay will you agree to wear a wire and go and meet with her again so that we can get recorded evidence of whoever you say this person is he's like all right yeah sure i'll do it so muhammad calls dalia to set up another meeting and dalia doesn't know that muhammad is wearing a wire for the police the police also set up a camera in muhammad's car so that they can capture video footage so that they know what dalia looks like so dalia gets in the car to meet with muhammad and immediately she's like so did you find someone did you find a guy and muhammad's like yeah i found someone i found someone who can help you muhammad's lying obviously but dalia is thrilled that muhammad has found someone to help her get rid of mike and she's like okay well how much does he want when can he get it done i'm really trying to get make this quick you know she's really just treating it like it's like a grocery run like she's like trying to rush him through the conversation basically and he's like can you chill you're asking me to help you kill someone like what is wrong with you delia has no idea that every word coming out of her mouth is being caught on camera the police are just on the back end of the call listening like oh my god he was telling the truth he was telling us the truth wow okay we gotta get this girl dahlia before she does something terrible to her husband alright so now that the police know that this is a real situation that dahlia is a real person they begin building a case the police station reaches out to the show cops and they tell them about the story and they ask them if they want to cover the story and of course cops the producers are like yeah of course absolutely the story sounds amazing we'll cover it next the police department gets one of their undercover cops someone who had already been working undercover in the narcotics division and they asked him to pose as a hitman so the undercover cop calls dahlia to set up a meeting he tells him hey i'm muhammad's friend i'm i want to talk with you about you know the thing you need help with and she's like okay cool so they set the meeting again in a car that is bugged with cameras and the undercover cop is wearing a wire dahlia gets in and oddly enough she looks back into the car where the camera is as if she knows that the camera is there or that she's suspicious that the camera might be there although dalia seems suspicious she proceeds to tell the hitman she wants him to help her get rid of her husband she's like what do you need how soon can we get this done same thing that she was saying to muhammad she really really wants this done quickly surprising thing about my meeting with dalia was how adamant she was in making sure that this was done the two of them come up with a plan in the car this is all on camera they come up with a plan where dahlia is going to go to the gym at 5 00 a.m she and mike usually go to the gym together but mike has just gotten light post suction surgery so he's on bed rest he can't go to the gym so she's going to go to the gym the hip man is going to show up to their house shoot mike leave and then the police will call dalia on her way home to let her know what's happened so dahlia loves this plan she's like great that's a great plan i couldn't have thought of a better plan myself i love it when can we do it now the hitman aka the undercover cop is like whoa whoa like you have to be sure that you want to do this because after this meeting we can't have any contact with each other you have to be 100 sure that this is what you want done and that's when dalia dippolito says the phrase that goes around the world i'm 5000 sure that's what she says i'm 5 000 sure and he's like okay well you know you're going to get questioned so i hope that you're going to hold up under questioning because i don't want this coming back on me and she's like no no you don't have to worry about that i'm a lot tougher than what i love and then she's like and no one will ever suspect me of being involved in this so we're not going to get caught it's fine dahlia is very very very confident so the two of them set the date to make this all happen on august 5th 2009 which is about six months after mike and dalia get married they've only been married for six months at this point six months and she's already tried to get him sent back to prison twice and kill him once jeez alright so on the morning of august 5th 2009 dahlia gets up 5 a.m to go to the gym she leaves mike behind she gives him a kiss mike has no idea what's about to happen because dolly hasn't changed at all she's still been her very loving and affectionate self towards him so he just thinks his wife's going to the gym he's just got a little lipo he can't move around too much so he's just going to sleep it as soon as dahlia leaves for the gym the police show up to their house and they tell mike what's going on they're like hey just so you know your wife is actually planning to have you killed right now but we are saving your life right now so you just have to get dressed and come with us um don't worry mike is of course shocked and like confused because one it's five in the morning his wife just left him he had no idea that this was happening and he doesn't exactly love the police so to find the police at his doorstep that early in the morning telling him that his his wife was gonna have him killed he's like what is going on mike is very very very confused and upset understandably so shouldn't have cheated on your wife mike all right so after the police tell mike what's going on and get him out of the house they turn the house into a crime scene or at least the outside of the house into a crime scene and then they called dalia to tell her that an emergency has happened at her house and she needs to get back immediately dolly is at the gym when she gets the call she pretends to act worried she goes back home to find the caution tape around her house police everywhere she doesn't know that the show cops is actually filming but she's like oh my god what's going on what's going on when she gets there the police officer who's in charge tells her hey we're so sorry to inform you that your husband has been killed he's been shot twice in the head okay i'm sorry to tell you man he's been killed he's been killed dalia immediately breaks down and becomes hysterical she's like oh my god can i see him oh my gosh she starts crying screaming she's bending over she's hysterical she's upset sorry she's obviously pretending to be upset because she planned the whole thing and she doesn't know that everyone there knows so all the cops there trying to play it cool and not let her know that they know all right so dahlia is still visibly upset she's making a scene at the crime scene and the police tell her that they need her to go down to the police station with them to answer some questions so at the police station they begin questioning dahlia about who could have done this like does she know anyone who could have killed her husband or who wanted her husband killed they're still playing it as though they don't know that she's behind the whole thing dahlia asks again if she can see mike she's like can i just see him she's still crying and she's still upset and they're like no sorry unfortunately you can't see him right now but you'll get to see him you'll get to see him you can't see him right now we just need to get through these questioning so we can try and figure out what happened and who did this so dahlia starts bringing up mike's past bringing up the fact that he's a felon that he's stolen money from a lot of people and there's a lot of people that could have wanted to do this to him she starts bringing up names of people who could have done this like she's like oh there's this guy could have done it or this guy like she just starts really divulging a lot of information after a little while the officer who's interrogating her says okay i gotta go i gotta step outside for a second i'll be right back they're recording dahlia and she seems to be very upset her head's down she's still crying she seems really upset then the cop who is questioning her comes back into the interrogation room with the undercover police officer who dahlia met with who was supposedly supposed to kill her husband and he's like hey do you know this man and dahlia with a straight face says no i don't know who that is who is that you know who this guy is you've never seen him before ever so finally the cop who is interviewing dahlia breaks the news that they're on to her they know she did this mike's not really dead they know everything and dolly is like mike's not dead can i see him she completely ignores the fact that they know she did it she completely exactly like she really doesn't know who the guy is that she talked with to set up the hit for her husband all she's focused on is the fact that mike's alive and she's like oh my god can i see him the officers are like no you can't see him you're being arrested for his murder and she's like she's confused she starts proclaiming her innocence saying she didn't do anything she doesn't know what they're talking about you're going to jail for solicitation of first degree murder in your husband did you hear what i just told you i heard you said that i didn't everything listen to me she has no idea who that cop is she doesn't she didn't do anything she wants to go home she starts asking if she can go home and they're like no you can't go home we have you on camera committing a crime a felony you are going to jail and she's like i didn't do anything i honestly you gotta give it to dahlia for a little bit because she really never cracked like she said she wasn't gonna crack and she she did not crack she she said she was innocent to the very end honestly so the officers arrest dahlia to take her to jail and as we all know when you get to jail you get a phone call can you guess who dahlia decides to make her phone call out to guess she decides to call mike of all people oh god dalia calls mike and she's like mike can you come get me can you come help me i need you to get me a lawyer and mike is like are you kidding me like they showed me the video they showed me what you did you were trying to have me killed i can't help you and she's like no mike i saw the video too you have to believe me like did you see how i was when they told me you died i was so upset i was so sad and he's like well yeah because you were acting like they showed me the video of you talking to the guy trying to have me killed she's like no mike now he said he wanted to have me killed she's basically gaslighting him the whole time saying that it's not her it didn't happen she had nothing to do with this she saw the video too and he has to believe her and he's like how am i supposed to believe you if they showed me the video she's like i know i know what they i know i saw it too he's like dahlia okay there's nothing i can do for you the only thing i can do for you is you sign my house back over to me and i will help take care of your mom sign my house back over to me i'll help you mom i mentally after he says this dahlia's tone completely changes she gets so upset she's like i'm not signing anything i know you wouldn't sign anyone i knew that wasn't going to happen so i can't help you i would never sign the house back over you why would i sign the house back over to you and mike's like wow wow you're literally in jail you're not getting out of jail and you still don't want to give me my house back wow so dalia gets another phone call and this time she calls her mom and in the conversation with her mom she says mom this didn't happen i didn't do it this is all mike's fault mike did this and he's in my house i know you didn't [Music] dolly is crazy all right so now we'll fast forward to dahlia's trial by now this story becomes a national news story because the show cops was filming behind the scenes as well as the police department that was covering the story they publish the crime scene onto the website so a lot of news media outlets pick the story up and it becomes a national story and everyone is shocked because they're like what is going on dahlia's defense attorneys come up with the argument that dahlia was a part of the whole thing the entire thing was a plan for her and mike to become famous plot for the contract killing of mike dippolito was never real they argue that both mike and dahlia cared about their appearance they both liked the lavish lifestyle and wanted nice things so they planned this together in order to get on a reality tv show selmik presents a computer forensic expert who found that dalia had searched reality shows on her computer they claimed that muhammad was in on it that mike was in on it and that dahlia knew that the police were in on it the entire time which is why she looked at the camera in the car when the hitman was actually the undercover cop if that makes sense does that make sense i don't know if that makes sense i don't know if it should of course when they present this argument in court everyone thinks it's absolutely ridiculous do you ever have aspirations to be on a reality show no did you ever hacked out any scenarios with a defendant for a reality show no it's the dumbest thing i've ever heard and after the jury deliberates they decide she's guilty and dahlia is shocked it wasn't at all what i was expecting to hear she's like shocked that she's going to prison like she didn't think that there was any way that she was going to go to prison she actually thought that that defense was going to work so dalia is sent to prison but she appeals it and gets released in 2014 dalia hires a defense attorney by the name of brian claypool brian claypool defense attorney brian claypool nice to see you both i am five thousand percent sure dalia dippolito is innocent and brian is a famous lawyer basically he found out about the case because it became a national news story so he gets her conviction appealed on the basis of a jury selection error they said something was wrong with the jury selection and she gets to have a new trial so dahlia is released from prison and placed on house arrest while her new trial is waiting to begin once the new trial begins her lawyer brian claypool argues that the police department that handled dalia's case took advantage of her and made a spectacle of the case because they involved the show cops and they published the story to their website they were violating dahlia's constitutional rights and that means she shouldn't go to prison and then in his closing argument he lets the jury know that if they send dahlia to prison they will be separating her from her newborn son and everyone is shocked by this give her that freedom back to go home to her family and her infant son by the way if you send her to prison you're going to be separating her from her infant son the prosecution is shocked the judge is shocked because no one knew she had a child but apparently while she was out on house arrest she and the maintenance worker who came to fix something in her apartment hooked up had a baby and now she'd given birth to a child while she was on house arrest when the jurors deliberated they couldn't decide there were it was a hung jury some of them said she was innocent and some of them said she was guilty so her case was ruled a mistrial and she was released she got off like it actually worked they had video evidence of her committing the crime and her lawyer got her off in the second trial but the story's not done it's almost done but it's not done after the mistrial and dahlia was released scot-free the prosecution was like no no no we're going to try her again technically speaking i think because it was a mistrial double jeopardy doesn't count in this instance so they were able to try her again for the same crime in 2017 her third trial would begin and the prosecution would bring mike to testify so that the jury could see the victim the man who was supposed to be you know so after the third trial in 2017 it only took the jury 90 minutes to decide that dahlia was guilty because she was guilty they literally had video evidence i don't know what her defense was for the third trial if anyone knows that please comment it down below i'm sure it was something crazy but um yeah this time she was sentenced so dahlia received 16 years in prison and her lawyers did try to file another appeal even having trying to get her case seen by the supreme court but it got denied they were like no no no so dahlia is currently in prison she is set to be released in 2032. mike is somewhere living his life i don't i don't really know what mike is up to now i think he's all right i hope he i hope he's all right i don't know mike maybe you shouldn't have cheated on your wife and left your wife mike maybe this is karma mike it's like i don't know i hope mike's all right all right you guys so that is it for this story i hope that you enjoyed it i am super fascinated by dahlia as a person by the story she maintains her innocence to this day she still denies having any involvement in the plot for mike's death which is crazy but she did say that she wasn't going to crack and you gotta you gotta respect someone who holds their word i guess please do not forget to leave a comment down below and give this video a thumbs up leave comments down below for any stories that you guys would like to hear me tell historical stories scandals i do have a list of stories that are coming up but are if you guys have some that i haven't thought of yet i would greatly appreciate you guys leaving those down below thank you guys so so much for watching and subscribing i seriously appreciate it so much check out some of my other videos while you're here stick around let's be friends watching my other videos these other videos oh all right i'm filming this video really late you guys i'm sorry i'm gonna go i'm gonna go love you guys so much bye
Channel: Cydnee Black
Views: 587,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TGkzJKa55iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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