They said these samples were IMPOSSIBLE to flip!

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there are some samples that are really easy to flip as soon as you hear it you can immediately hear the entire beat in your head and then all you have to do is add some 808 some high hats some claps and then bing bing bing you're done and on the other side there are some samples that are really hard to flip maybe it's an old recording so it's not a consistent Temple maybe it's in between two keys but usually it just needs a bit of adjusting and then before you know it bing bing bing you're good but what I want to know is are there any samples that are impossible to flip so to answer that question I asked the people over at track clip to send me a pack of their weirdest sound samples and then me and a couple of my producer friends are going to flip them so let's hear the samples they gave us and while we do that we can talk about our sponsor track lip is an online record store that's made for sampling they have a catalog of over 100,000 original songs with multitracks that are ready to be cleared and used in just a few clicks whether you want to search by genre or go through their curated playlist it's incredibly easy to find the perfect sample you're looking for and they also just dropped a brand new unlimited clearance feature which means if you have a subscription you no longer have to pay to clear each sample and if you use my sign up link you get a free trial and 15 tracks to sample on track lip for free I asked track lip to send us a pack of impossible samples to flip there's three in here so why don't we all just take one each okay we will do noble first I'm spinning okay Noble you get Cyber scum let's all listen to it let's give it a listen what the hell is this come on bro I'm going to spin for a rug snap you get microwave popcorn let's let's go microwave popcorn popcorn baby oh wow that's oh is microwave popcorn oh wait no there's some is that clarinet what what is this this one's kind of tough I'm not going to lie this one is awful might G just now and I'm getting Oakland Elementary School [Music] um yours is hard Simon here got H I can't lie I don't know man okay what do we think 20 30 minutes 20 no we need a little longer than 20 okay we'll do 30 I am going to disconnect the call and start it at 12:14 what time is it now oh actually it's 12:14 we're starting go okay okay okay all right so we starting I got my popcorn sample over here the sample was wild this is so bad all right so I have a plan what I did first I made it into a bit I pitched the microwave oven down a bunch put a bunch of distortion and compression on it erosion again I used this last video for like every sound and I'm using it again put it into a sampler I can actually make the base notes with it this one's fire this one's hard next thing I did the main glitchy stuff that's in the drop disperser I don't know exactly what it does but it kind of makes everything sound like a laser OT more compression and this frequency shifter turns all the frequencies down without changing the spacing there we go then some Pitch automation frequency automation for the second half I used the base this time and I turned it into a p cord Pat duplicated the lead to make a wider version and I use that as a lead in the second half I wouldn't say it's too difficult I just had to find ways to make it sound more like normal per se so I could manipulate them a little easier and it wasn't that hard and we're out of time honestly my first thoughts when I was listening to the sample where this is going to be really difficult to flip there was more than just the vocal section there was also the sections with instruments and everything and I didn't really like anything that I was hearing in that section all right all that is just straight ass there's no way I'm using any of that but the section with the vocals I heard a couple chops that I could definitely take I think there was four chops that I used and I repeated those that is just awful all right we're taking these ones and then once I recorded that clip out as an audio clip I was able to load that into fruity slicer and actually chop it up and take the sections that I liked damn bro the pressure is like on right now I can't lie but I got a good feeling about this and from there I made two sections so there was an A and there was some variety chill in terms of difficulty I don't think it was actually as hard as I thought it was going to be to flip the sample especially once I damn especially once I started using fruity slicer and everything and it was actually a lot of fun the whole process was definitely a lot of fun the whole idea you know when Simon dm' me was that it's going to be a very difficult sample to use so I thought it was a lot of fun shout out to Simon follow me on Instagram at prod. Noble what is this sample bro when I started listening to the sample it sounded like just an orchestra just tuning and warming up I kind of heard something there so there wasn't really anything Musical about it so it just kind of sounded like a bunch of to be honest little bit it was really difficult to find any kind of balance or Rhythm or little moment that I like it's getting bad again since I couldn't really find any cool sections in there I kind of decided to go for a more sound design route and just manipulate little moments that happen so at the end there were flutes there so I was able to just extract those and then create little one shot and riffs from there real real simple there really wasn't much I could use from it pretty difficult to flip on a scale of 1 to 10 probably like I would give it an 8 out of 10 I'm going to cry I don't have time for [Music] [Music] this oh my God yo what the [Music] hell R the little lick at the end you're a demon yeah that nah that's crazy bro 30 minutes for that hyper God m oh this such a [Music] Vibe I can study to this that big ass snare of yours badass SN all right I I shouldn't have went last mine is some compared to yours [Music] okay they're tuning they're tuning it's okay tuning it [Music] up ooh Some Like Plucky future base that's cool yeah I thought the snare disappeared for a second that's a nice lead though I like that lead is hard [Music] what was that little like crazy this a perk F that was cool all right that's it that's it everybody actually I really like that one oh my gosh you guys snapped if you have any suggestions leave a comment if you like this video leave a like if you really like this video subscribe if you didn't like this video leave just leave get out of here
Channel: Servida Music
Views: 126,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Servida Music, Simon Servida, Making beat in Fl studio, making a beat
Id: uD6hR0lfdoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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