They Named SPEEDRUN After Me! (Literally!) (Breath of the Wild)

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[Music] and we're off hey there i'm your host the bright pirate and today we're doing the legend of zelda breath of the wild red percent also it's french here we are the legend of zelda breath of the wild back home again [Music] ah smell that bread so yeah we're doing the legend of zelda bread percent now you must be asking yourself what the heck is a bread percent well bread percent is a category that has just been added to or hopefully will be added by the time this video is finished and what it means is that we are trying to make a loaf of bread and breath of the wild as fast as possible seems simple enough i mean all you got to do is grab two ingredients wheat and salt and then throw them in a cooking pot small problem you can't get wheat or well you can't get salt but you can't get wheat while you're on the great plateau you have to go to this place called tabantha and when you're in samantha you can get this thing called tabantha wheat and demand the wheat is used to make bread so you put those things together you put them in a cooking pot but samantha is really far away and you no french zelda french zelda go away no go away french zelda go away we don't need you we got to finish the tutorial the tutorial which is known as the great plateau and once we're finished with that then we will be able to um make the bread by getting to tabantha which is on the other side of the map and we're going to travel there by horse it's a it seems like a simple run but it ends up becoming a race to the finish line at the very end it's a lot of fun though and crazily enough it's named after me there's a short story for that you know what i'll tell you i'll tell you why this exists okay let us get away from that goblin first so um there's this guy his name is random gamer nx he's a speed runner he he he does live stream speed runs occasionally and he was speed running a shrine one of the levels or dungeons in the game and uh i happened to jump onto his live stream and i said hey you should do a breadspeed run thinking it'd be funny and then he'd laugh at it and then he said something i i didn't expect we could actually do that when i heard that i was really surprised i didn't think it was possible but it turns out the requirements for a speed run to be added to are really simple in the breath of the wild community three people need to run it and then it needs to be approved that's it and that's really easy me and random gamer nx said hey let's do it and then we got kamali in and that was three people and then we got a few other people it was perfect small problem the guy who was on that stream the guy who was live streaming the shrines that i happened to run into and he said we should do this speed run he stole the world record now i haven't speed ran this yet but there are two types of speed runs on bug full and bugless bug full means you're allowed to use glitches and stuff bug less means well no you can't except for whistle sprinting for some reason we're allowed to use that one he did the bugless version nobody did the buglers version before him i was supposed to be the one that does that and he did bugless you know what that means now he has the world record and his time was fast his time was really fast he got a 38 39 38 minutes 39 seconds that's fast i can't compete with that well actually i can see i've been working tirelessly to get the perfect route down to the point that i know exactly what i do and don't do not need i have it planned to a t and in fact i could beat him quite easily the problem is i've had very bad rng and he had really good he had really good luck when he did his run rng means luck but here's the plan bye bye frenchy okay so here's the here's the things here's the things we need we need this axe that i have check done we need a hammer which we're gonna get in one of the shrines we need to bant the wheat which is the hardest thing to get and then we need salt salt can be found right by the tabantha wheat because there happens to be a mineral deposit nearby so we're going to be doing that and with those four items we paraglide to a random cooking pot in the middle of a valley and we get the world record that's it we're grabbing nothing else except oh crap i forgot we were going to need spicy peppers so five items but it's not a lot of items we're not grabbing a lot of items now i'm sure you guys are also curious why the heck am i playing in french um good reason for that it turns out the french version of the game has faster dialogue than the english version actually i don't know if that is true or not i've just seen people play it in french so i assume that was the case well this show goes to show me i'm a professional speedrunner i know everything about speedrunning what do you mean i'm being sarcastic of course i'm not being sarcastic i know everything there is to know about speedrunning yay we gotta we got a magnesis it's a maggie nieces maggie's niece you know maggie maggie why do you have a niece where did she come from [Music] oh [Music] no no bad frenchie bad french old band go away so yeah i'm playing on a wii u that might seem strange why don't i just play on my switch small problem even though i'm a zelda youtuber i don't own a switch i might be the only zelda youtuber that doesn't own a switch maybe i'm wrong but not a lot of others are playing with their wii u's still the the problem was when breath of the wild came out i didn't notice which the switch had just come out and i was like ah there's no point i already have a wii u i'll just get it for the wii u so i did and all was well and good then i became a dedicated zelda youtuber and things changed i noticed i had to get a switch sometime but i kept hearing rumors about this thing called the switch 2. so what am i supposed to do get a switch too when i already or you get a switch one when the switch two is coming out and i'm like no that's stupid the switch pro is what it's called and it's it's eventually going to be coming out the rumors say that it's going to be coming out next year i'm inclined to believe them there is a lot of proof to show that it will be coming out soon so i decided to hold it off and i've held it off so long i think i'm the last guy using a wii u to speed run breath of the wild yay that also means i don't have age of calamity so i'm probably the only zelda youtuber that's dedicated to it that doesn't have age of calamity as well just lots of things that are not going in my favor i had to be honest oh the bomb trial yay my favorite shrine oh not gonna lie this is my scariest one this is the scariest one for me because this is the one where you could take damage a lot this is the one where if you mess up then you have to wait for your bombs to regenerate and that takes a few seconds this is a scary one this is a very scary one we're not gonna change out our circular bombs i think circular bombs are gonna work well for this [Music] we did it oh we did it yes oh i did it speed i am speed that was the one that got me nervous but i maybe i should be more worried about the other ones that i'm going to be messing up on here's our turn here's our turn this is the thing that i don't think most speed runners are doing most speed runners are doing it wrong i'm the only one that speed running correctly obviously that's the way that it's going [Music] oh no don't get cold don't get cold we don't want to hurt ourselves before we get into the ice region we want to be as healthy as possible link make sure you eat your greens or in this case your reds the reds being spicy peppers [Music] we're gonna stay on the edge so that we don't have to walk through the snow walking through snow is slow walking on rock is fast rock and roll that's the foundation of our speed run rock and roll so we're going to eat a few of these okay that was not nice that was not nice at all and if we run forward i think that's enough help to do this we're not going to get hit by any laser dudes we won't we won't we'll just we'll just tell them to go away if they try hitting us you know speaking of spicy peppers are you hungry because i know i am i could go for a sub a a nice juicy red sub hey you know if you're hungry you could lick the sub down below yeah there's a sub that's underneath this isn't a joke we're getting a 500 000 case subscribers 500 000 that's our that's our current sub goal the biggest zelda youtubers i know are celtic and zelda master and they're both in that range and if they could do it so can we so please if you're hungry lick the red sub down below i'm telling you you need to lick the red sub down below do it yes oh we avoided him and then you know what that means we get it we get free health over here from this guy bedtime sleeping in bed allows you to sleep until morning noon or night it also replenishes your hearts oh isn't that nice now can i get on with the game okay if i'm quiet it's not because i'm freaking out it's definitely not because i'm freaking out because i think that i am falling behind now how come link gets red when he's cold can somebody explain it to me red when you're cold i mean i guess that makes sense santa's always got like a red nose because he's cold but like i don't know it's kind of weird that's ironic the human body gets redder when it's colder shouldn't it be bluer when it's colder or whiter when it's colder you know that doesn't seem like a very very cold color maybe it's because of the blood flowing i don't know i don't know i don't get it i don't get it you know gosh darn it i might be stressed out but this is a really fun anxiety i should do the bread percent more i should do it more in the future maybe i will who knows [Music] hey guys by the way today's video is a proud unofficial sponsor of goldfish the snack that smiles back until you eat it [Music] no no oh it's the old man it's the old french man i knew it i knew it i i don't need this i don't need this from you i'm gonna eat a little bit of cold here you better be fast with this old man i got i got a date with bread at nine here we go destroy ganon main quest not on my watch seek out input neither are we doing that you know you you guys you guys know the viewers know you know what's going on you know what's going on we are going to beat random gamer nx in the butt we're gonna make him wish he he went to a butt doctor that's how bad it's gonna be we're going to catch ourselves a horse [Music] oh it's a it's a crazy one it's crazy one crazy one no [Music] okay that's good enough that's good enough i i lost some time there but that's okay uh that could have been a lot worse now our goal is to get this horse all the way just to bantha i have no idea how long that takes and i've gotten lost a few times doing it in the past but i know the path like the back of my hand now unfortunately i don't know what the back of my hand looks like very much so that's actually not that great of a deal but uh we'll find a different metaphor for it later what should we name you what should we name you horse what do you want to be named you're brown you're a you're a kind of chocolatey brown you're a little laundry you're not following the path like i want you to but that's okay that's i guess that's excusable most horses are like the first time you grab them you got black and white black and brown black and brown what are you oh my word why did that little tiny tree branch get in your way that's a tiny tree branch well maybe we should name you something after that you're you're weak to tree branches you are um what's something that's weak to tree branches um the goblins the first goblins that you meet red by goblins they're really bad against tree branches so little horsey your name is gonna be boko i'm gonna name you boko boko the horse how do you like that guys viewers you like that i think you like vocal horse we're going to get emotionally attached to this horse and then it's going to fall off a cliff how's that i'm joking seriously though we're not we're not dropping the horse off of a cliff there's no need to do that in this run all we need now is to get this horse to where we need it and we have to get good rng and admittedly the good rng part is really tough because this game is uh not always the most forgiving but if we could get as good of rng as random gamer nx and i know his name is random it's in his name that he's good at rng but if we can beat him at least or catch up to him slightly then we we can get a good time because i think we're on pace i think we're on pace nine minutes is plenty of time nine minutes is plenty of time why am i telling you guys this i don't need to reassure you you guys need to reassure me tell me something reassuring in the comment section i'm freaking out you know i'm not usually like this i'm usually quite calm and uh and and and composed but this is not one of those times uh speedrunning definitely gets my blood flowing oh my gosh there are a lot of enemies around here um voco i'm sorry we're gonna have to leave your family behind we are fast approaching we are fast approaching our destination point we have to get past the mushroom forest through the lincoln tunnel and to the washington memorial we have just made it to the finish line getting across this bridge we enter into tapantha province and we gotta start cutting some wheat really fast and we gotta get really lucky and then we gotta fall down and we gotta get salt and if we don't get salt this entire run is ruined do you guys hear me holy crap but we are on pace okay thank you boko your service is greatly appreciated and chopping grass man i wish i had my lawnmower hack going there's the tabantha wheat we did it holy crap okay good rng good rng holy crap holy crap holy crap okay there's no okay we need to get really stinking lucky yes holy crap we did it we have the salt we gotta just oh oh oh oh we gotta fall down here we're gonna beat him random i hope you're ready to meet your end holy crap holy crap holy holy crap holy oh ho oh my gosh hold it hold it get ready to time let's get ready to time this guys was that 37 minutes yeah guys i think we just got the bugless world record for getting bred in the legend of zelda breath of the wild the only thing left to do is to eat this sucker oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah but modar you want to help me with this outro let's do this thanks again for watching the video remember to still to lick the subscribe button we talked about this the subscriber buttons yummy and you're hungry and also i respond to every comment until i see you next time have fun storm in the castle
Channel: The Bread Pirate
Views: 334,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, botw, speedrun, speedruns, memerun, zelda, the legend of zelda, get bread, bread%, bread, legend of zelda, the legend of zelda breath of the wild, modded breath of the wild, world record, zelda challenge, the bread pirate, named a speedrun after me, zelda speedrun, funny, funny speedrun, how to make bread, bread botw, bread recipe, pointcrow breath of the wild, is pointcrow reading this?, bread %
Id: 1MxNo_BpCrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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