They left their mother like this 😢

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we had a lady once who we picked up from the coroner and I thought to myself how did this lady end up in the coroner which is old and I thought now she hasn't got family man it must be no family at the funeral a lot of family showed up so I went to one of the guys on knew yeah who con knows the family I said brother what's the go with her what you go to the corner for he said the kids don't speak to their mom I said then I speak to their mom he go I'll tell you something even better they live in the same street as their mom too I said so their mom died and she died for a few days before she was that's why she went to the Cora while her kids live in the street and because of a grudge because of something maybe they didn't agree on with their mom don't talk to their mom and the regret on their faces I couldn't even explain it Allah you know it's it's it's sad these stories are sad because the general world doesn't hear about [Music] it
Channel: OnePath Network
Views: 124,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Muslim, Islam, muhammad, quran, mohammad, sunnah, religion, mohamed, Allah, onepath, onepath network, ummah, islamic reminder, islamic lecture, Dawah
Id: ZRZ47fQD6tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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