They Left Clues EVERYWHERE...Sometimes In Places You Would NEVER Think To Look!

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imagine we humans we would be able to make space travel in bigger distance what would we go our scientific community was hit together and asked where should we go let's start with our own solar system should we go to Jupiter no Jupiter is a giant Jupiter's gravity would kill us immediately should we go to mercury no mercury is close to the Sun the planet surface is very very hot roughly 500 degrees edges that what should we do on Mercury simply burn so we humans we look before we start for a planet which has similar conditions than the one we are because we want to survive there we want to use our tools so we look before we start where do we go the same thing happened with extraterrestrials whatever they came from their home planet cannot have been complete different to us it must be a planet similar to earth otherwise they could not have survived here on this planet so the question what did they come from we cannot answer but it must have been an earth-like planet now astronomers who they find daily practically more planetary systems so we have to look which ones aren't the closest to us probably they came from there we have space probes out there for example some years ago NASA has sent a space probe to the asteroid belt the asteroid belt is composite at the front of thousands of blocks some of them are very small others are very big the biggest of the block is an asteroid with the name of Ceres Ceres has a diameter of 930 kilometer quite a big block we even speak of a small moon now the NASA probe has arrived at Ceres has surrounded Ceres has centered wonderful pictures to our planet Earth in high quality one of the picture shows rectangular in the ground now again we humans look for the next reasonable scientific answer before we go to speculations but more and more of these pictures came to the earth and we clearly know there are no intelligent beings up there there is no life up there but we find the science of a rectangular somebody must have made it thousands of years ago in the past somewhere must have been there or our space probes today Mars they surround mass a small robot with the name of curiosity is rolling over Mars and again we receive pictures from the surface of the Mars and some of these pictures clearly say shows structures which are not normal [Music] again we look for the next plausible answer and sooner or later we have no more closeable answer if ethnologists we seat another tribe it nology strive to help the tribe but they would not tell them how to construct a weapon for example arrival they would not tell them how to construct the car because they have nothing they have no electricity they have no metal they have no nothing so all what they give is curiosity and new genes which make them intelligent and the development goes by itself time doesn't matter in the universe we had time now three four thousand years to develop our high technological society but that was not coincidence we had no other way because we have curiosity in us [Music] we will recognize the extraterrestrials because they are similar to us they are of course wise up to us the a technological standard is much more advanced than our because if they would not be much more advanced they could never have reached us you don't know the distance between the stars are measured in lightyears so if you don't have the technology you cannot reach it even if they have developed something like over speed of light in our society we say according to Einstein over speed of light is not possible but with the big distances there must be a way for over speed of light they know it they know the way how to do it so they are much more advanced than we we will recognize them at the same time they are wise you know these extraterrestrials we have technology to reach out distances of light is they are not stupid again these are not animal-like beings who just reach the distances to kill others it makes no sense they are wise they are soft they are helpful they are understanding to us and not just animals who are there to killers like we have it in some science fiction pictures [Music] I was one of these figures which already 30 years ago was in Colorado in the in the mountain called Space Command that was one of their at that time it was a secret visit and I saw they observe everything around the earth everything they said you see this is exactly the solar satellite whatever numbers it and said well this is calculators they know it's exactly now over America week and every position there of course I asked them about UFOs have you ever with your observation see UFO they said of course what do you say to it that we can't say nothing it they are too fast their speed is so incredible and they make some maneuvers rectangular maneuvers which we cannot imitate so we know for sure it's something different but we don't have to be afraid of it of course in Space Command here in the tryin Mountaineer they know it but they don't call to public professor dr. John Mack was a professor at Harvard University I knew him we have been together just between us for quite some time and I asked him how many extraterrestrials to exist out there and he said there are hundred thousands of different forms of extraterrestrials out there some of them are humans and we probably only get in contact with more or less human form of extraterrestrials but there are a hundred thousands of different forms of there we just don't know it another dimensional beings might well exist my knowledge is too poor to understand this but on the other hand my fantasy accepts four gigantic distances the beings which have no more body which just exists in a spiritual way this is absolutely possible it makes sense it could even be that in our evolution some hundred thousand years in the future we do not need our body anymore because we don't need to be feeded anymore and to drink and whatever so we leave our body and we become spiritual intelligences I think this makes a certain sense at least in my dreams we travel around our planet we know all existing cultures today and there are still cultures which are in a state of Stone Age somewhere in the upper Amazon River etc but none of them are slaves of extraterrestrials Zacarias each in my colleague who died he was at the opinion in the past thousands of years ago the extraterrestrials used as slaves and it makes a certain sense because they used our labor our work etcetera but today I don't see this anymore we would know it we know the cultures on earth we have satellites all over we can visit all the cultures none of them is enslaved by extraterrestrials we have religions and we are educated in our religions and now we learn that most of these things are wrong so we lose our ground we lose our reason of life we say we have been living here and praying and we went to church and we were adoring some gods and making designs and technology in the name of them and now we realize it was not spiritual it was all extraterrestrial they are technologically ahead of us they simply visit us we are the primitives in their eyes so we will lose a lot and a contact between extraterrestrials of us in the beginning would be a shock that's why by the way they do it in a soft way with crop circles etc they had the technology to do it in a hard way but they do it in a soft way and because they understand how we react so it's reasonable even from the scientific community and sometimes even for the government to go forward in a slow way with that information not just shock mankind I have many speeches worldwide and my my lectures are quite impressive you see wonderful things and at the end of every speech I say to the audience dear ladies and gentlemen this is not a question of believe it or not I will turn myself in my tomb if some idiots come up and make a sort of religion or sect of Erich von Daniken's knowledge so why I am doing why I am doing what I do because I want that mankind see all this information from the past from an other angle which brings us another answer and another spirit of the world that's my duty I want to change the spirit of time I guess some of the astronomers some of the genetics they know already what is going on but they do not go to public because their own colleagues say please don't you make us ridiculous you make our scientific to society ridiculous because the people will not believe it to you we have to do it softly step by step not just like a shock and I think this is the feeling of the ETS to do it softly not shock the humans I met in my life different people from the scientific community from the military community who hold me and expressed me something which I should not go to public but I know it I have seen it this is why I am so sure so self sure that I'm sitting on the right horse I know much more than what I publish because some things should not be published
Channel: Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries
Views: 482,648
Rating: 4.7704692 out of 5
Id: RiA-wpwUFZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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