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now it's time to use these to help sick people get better fast whoopsies on to the next one mike's holding up his cup of coffee cup goodness cup of coffee this morning so it is quite remarkable it's not exactly clear it's a little windy out here andrea it's the biggest game on the biggest stage it's a little extra there a jewelry store wants to give mission michiganders missions that's a word michiganders michiganders okay all right oh this is so cool i know borealis my voice didn't want me to say that i'm okay everybody all right well is there a smoking gun maybe not yet that's a fire alarm not a smoking gun sorry about that i think there's timing is everything norman and into the beginning parts of the week so we have cold weather safety it's on this side i've never used these graphics the small business lobby says these changes are an improvement but warns there may need to be even more if reopening goes gentle right i'll have the max advantage forecast for you in just a few minutes well thanks gary let's talk about the weather a little bit more looking at your three day forecast a couple of spotty showers coming in tonight as we go into tomorrow we're going to see a cold and breezy day with those temperatures only in the 40s there is matt let's not let the nba jam up your weekend plans instead here are some tips and tricks to get around [Laughter] suffer and succotash what are you hearing in terms of how organizations are going to be handling communication with each other there you have it yesterday the sporting world lost gary bettman the most significant commissioner perhaps of our lifetime leading the nba for 30 years he dies at the age of 77. gary bettman leaves us at 77 a legendary commissioner in professional sport all right cal expo and smud team up the event that brought them together today that's coming up the weather roller coaster continues with single digit temps and 60s on the way yes yes it does i didn't believe it what it is we've got the opportunity for some snowshoes excuse the person crawling behind we've got the opportunity for someone to crawl behind the desk at the same time to me i'm more scared of lightning than a tornado because you can see the truck i am because even just walking my dog outside it's just like you just never know just bam and it can come with clear skies too i mean literally that's why sometimes i walk him on the grass just so you know so i don't think that makes a difference but [Laughter] [Laughter] as mario literally walks through they just walked right on by just like yeah that's what happens here when you don't pay attention there's no floor directors now you know sally you want to just walk on by too just just walk through don't say anything uh over at the exit ramp there's stella bye [Music] this is bbc news i'm our secret show honestly gosh i'm so glad you didn't hear that we'll be taking a look well nigel and i will be taking a look at tomorrow's papers in a moment but first let's do some headlines so i'm going to try on some hair extensions i'm really excited about that as well so stay tuned for all of that and more live from downtown bakersfield tyra majors back to you well maybe you when you when you're done with those hair extensions do you think you'll keep them if you like what you see we'll see we'll see maybe i'll get you some too you're sure it's underneath everything hey let's meet today's pet pal this is cara she's a mixed breed she weighs about 47 pounds or more she wants to transfer from another shelter no one told her that she is not a lap dog and she is just so happy to be with people right now yeah contact the capitol society if you can give kara a home yeah i think you think you're a chihuahua or something perfect everything is great here nothing to see here if you'd like to give an anonymous tip sorry anonymous anonymous five four three if you'd like to give an anonymous anonym oh my gosh anonymous anonymous anonymous anonymous okay five four three if you'd like to give an anonymous oh my gosh anonymous anonymous if you'd like to give an anonymous okay it's 8 30 on this friday morning welcome back it's the last half hour here in the tulsa cw thank you for making the switch and sticking with us i'm dave davis and i'm testimony in for alan crone no [Laughter] i bet you could do the weather on you better watch out [Laughter] i'm actually in berlin taylor i understand i know exactly it's friday so we just gotta go analytics firm profiterow is reporting searches for urinal bags on amazon and it has increased by 500 percent okay so in case you're wondering what a urinal bag is it's exactly what it sounds like it's a plastic bag take a look you can bring it you can bring it anywhere with you are we really doing this story you know maybe they know something we don't and now we know whatever happened to a bush well not everybody has that option [Laughter] okay let's just be honest i'm standing on a box don't like to be taller this is way too tall this is like an mj height so i'm trying to grab my tippy toes okay we're going to talk more about your guys's love story in the smaller videos just get rid of it okay well you need to scroll through so you can see what i'm talking for me to go ahead so we've been sharing those stories that we well it's the little shoe shop with big soul i'm john bartel today we're checking out the big shoe repair big shoe repair making a little pit stop and a big shoe at the big shoe shop at the big at the big shoe at the big shoe repair at the big shoesh it's called the big shoe repair at the big shoe repair it's the little shoe shop with a big sole i'm john bartel today we're in bakersfield making a little pit stop at the big shoe shoe shoe repair i want you guys to send me your pictures pets people whatever of how you plan on dressing during this cold cold weather or when it's summertime during the warm weather i'd love to see uh well yeah how about let's keep it cold right now you want to wear forecast features a lot of sunshine and highs in the 20s professional something that we could show on the news and you wouldn't mind your grandmother singing shorts and a nice t-shirt we'll cross that bridge when we come too so we're shaping up pretty well looking across the nation it is cold out there thank goodness we're not there all right in our forecast we are looking at 60s and 70s hey angie just loving that eight day huh mama all right so we're looking at plenty of sunshine as we go into our forecast through the next eight days we're going to take a break from the rain as well angie loves it so much she's going to snap a picture of it she's on deck she is she's ready she's in for carl tonight i love you so much angie yeah and then throughout the day tomorrow another partly sunny day excuse me excuse me with isolated rain shower chances across the panhandle okay i'm back i'm surviving just not a cough the cloud coverage clears southerly winds throughout the evening tomorrow into the evening hours and you can even see some of that rain showers moving into the northern panhandle this cold front is the stalled boundary that is over us right now that's contributing to the higher rain chances excuse me i am so sorry then we cool off into the mid 90s for the couple of days mid 80s by the time we get to friday how'd you do that that was awesome that was awesome how in the world did you do that the magic of television what's that thing you got in your hand what's that control this this controls the computer does it control that what happened there that was the director the director just got thrown under the bus well less than two weeks ago before phil i apologize i'll get you in a second mr i apologize phil you're welcome to chime in here okay all right yeah i couldn't wait to go so let me oh that's fantastic and guess what because i couldn't wait to talk my story's been dropped you you did you know what phil i was on pins and needles it sounded like it was going to be a really great story i'm wish tv news 8's multicultural reporter katera winfrey thank you and indiana pink thanks bill you can thank katera too would you like i was trying to you thank you katira it felt a little cooler i know it really wasn't ashley but at least it kind of seemed that way you know it was a little bit cooler i still wore i felt that one yeah my goodness i ran today it felt good to be outside today because congratulations i didn't run yesterday though um but but there was no sun today so it was very nice oh phil i know that's all you can say it's a story that belongs in our news of the weird franchise an italian artist duct tape as i said duct tape a banana to a gallery wall in miami as part of an art festival yeah the strange part of the story was somebody actually paid a hundred and twenty thousand dollars to buy get out of here so this morning sabrina silva is checking out a local recreation of this art piece oh this really has what is happening i'm a lonely banana in the streets of sacramento if only if only there was someone out there for me and yes there is that's because open walls artists shane grammer actually decided to have some fun with this post and clearly so did i because i oddly feel very comfortable in a banana suit right now this show will do that to you banana that's a big banana yeah you know this show will do that to me and i'm very happy about that but sarah's joining me here this morning because shane couldn't but check this out he ended up making a sculpture of that infamous banana that somebody paid a hundred and twenty thousand dollars for it and to be honest i look a lot better than that banana and nobody has paid 120 000 for me the day is still early there's still plenty of time you never know we might have a good hit after this absolutely absolutely 130 000 i think i'm worth more but anyways so this artist yeah he's just so awesome he actually does phenomenal work but he ended up coming out here doing this piece and you guys actually allowed him to do it outside of your business what girl so wide open walls approached us with this really awesome opportunity people have been blowing up over it the publicity from it everything and we thought it was just so fun you know just how fun would it be to have this sculpture of a banana taped to our building and so we thought why not and it's supporting local art which is something that we really enjoy we have a couple different pieces from wide open walls all over our building inside of our building so we thought why not just add more yeah no this is definitely adding to our rep sheet of being amazing millennials so the boomers love us they love us even more after this one but now when you heard about that i mean people actually came out here started taking pictures they're posting it all over instagram so we're starting a hashtag right now the bank banana the bank banana the bank banana yeah so when you come when you come out here you gotta do hashtag the bank banana so um i think that i'm going to take my first picture on the post as a banana so is that cool with you sarah totally cool with me but i think you're kind of missing something for that hang on is missing something oh there it gonna make this authentic i think this is going up to 150 000. oh my god would you pay 150 000 for this banana it depends on what type of vitamin c it depends you being honest i'm going to take it as a no but you know it's fine i'll be here hanging out all day oh my gosh don't be greg's that man it's potassium he just wants to know she just wants the fact she's a reader yesterday she comes up to me and she goes do we have a banana costume and i got to say no we have two but that's good i mean doesn't everyone duh we're a two banana kind of thing here we go
Channel: News Be Funny
Views: 370,594
Rating: 4.7486415 out of 5
Id: 0nRJ0TScEo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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