They don't realize that the treasure they are looking for is guarded by a tribe of cannibal

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this movie is set in the Indies 1538 there's a soldier named Martin he just woke up from his faintness after being tired of fighting with the Indian tribe Martin became part of an expedition group who tried to find the legendary City of Gold it has been going for 100 days and they are following a map made by an Explorer 8 years ago this group got the orders from Charles V Holy Roman Emperor who asked for 1/5 of the total gold found to record a travel report and ensure the fair distribution of the gold King chares sent his scribe Ama apart from that the governor also sent Don Gonzalo a retired Soldier as the person in charge he also brought his wife Dona anad Basden in the group there was also Lieutenant gor Ami as the second person in charge who had experienced fighting with the tribe to get to know the terrain they traversed they also brought an Explorer named mediam Mano while the third of the other members of the group were War veterans such as sergeant bores and father Vargas who handled the religious section the rest were new Spaniards who formed groups according to their region even people in this group often have different views and quarrel when the enemy comes the hostility disappears and they fight side by side they were not only afraid of Indian tribes but also afraid of the threat of wild animals no one expects that when they cross the river they will be attacked by a vicious alligator called cman luckily Martin deila immediately shot the alligator so it moved away when mag fell they made a resting place everyone gathered with their respective groups and relax while enjoying dinner at that time suddenly gory Andy's Dog barked not long long after that the dog returned with someone named geromo who had come from Puerto Cristo to meet Gonzalo then Gonzalo immediately took him to talk privately surgeon bores and gory meny became curious and suspicious about the message conveyed by jro Millow the next day before starting their exploration these two soldiers asked Gonzalo regarding his last night's conversation Gonzalo then explained that jro milillo gave the news that the previous governor had been replaced on the orders of the Crown Prince that new governor then sent an expedition led by Don one Dro to arrest Gonzalo and bring him back to Porto Cristo on charges of betrayal it turned out that the Crown Prince heard that the King was searching for the City of Gold and he wanted all for himself the biggest possibility is that if Gonzalo is caught and killed then all the members of the group will also be considered Traders gory Ami then gave choices anyone can wait for Madrono or continue to move forward with Gonzalo but if they chose to go forward they had to be ready to fight against madrano and get involved in the Rebellion against the Crown Prince everyone chose to continue their Journey because they thought it was the only best choice rather than meeting madrano and dying ridiculously finally the Expedition continued and right on the sixth day they found several Indian girls some of the soldiers started fighting about deciding the order of sleeping with the girls until Gonzalo who heard this got angry and decided to free the girls so that they wouldn't become a source of commotion this decisioned a strong rejection from a soldier who even tried to attack Gonzalo as a result the soldier got the death penalty using a gerro a rope tied to wood with which was then wrapped around the neck and tightened slowly that night when everyone was resting Dona tried to grab Martin's attention it seemed like Dona was interested in Martin because she thought that Martin was the only man who always gave a different look to her than other men however PARTA Donna's assistant reminded her not to act carelessly for the sake of her own honor because Donna was the only woman she became the center of attention of the soldiers and she was really attractive for instance when she was cleaning the leeches on her thighs a soldier almost approached her luckily Bor stopped him and reminded him not to make Gonzalo angry the sound of the gunshots sounded very close and Gori immediately sent several soldiers to carry out reconnaissance not long after they returned with a man named Akash who was an Explorer of madrano group from that person Gonzalo and the others knew that madrano was now one day away from their current position after they obtained all the information from AEK Gonzalo killed him cruy after that gorami discussed with midam Mano because he was the only one who understood the and Forest Medi meno then explained that madrano was likely to carry out an ambush in a mountain area not far from this place mediam Mano proposed to change their direction to avoid attacks even though there was a risk that they would have to walk further and pass through the Indian tribes territory finally Gore and Mendy agreed to change direction and asked miao to become the Navigator they had just entered the jungle on Indian Territory when they heard a distant sound indicating that the Indians were watching them and not long afterward suddenly an arrow was in their way gory Andi immediately took out his rifle but midium Mano prevented the battle because he thought that the arrow was just a warning without the intention of killing midium Mano then said that the tribe was afraid of the group because they brought the guns and also the dogs after that gor and meni sent pastores to guard the back row but this made Gonzalo offended because Gord Andy gave an order without his consent Dona also saw how Gonzalo was being ignored so she tried to find protection if one day Gonzalo was killed or was no longer respected she then asked parter to call Martin when they were resting later then the two of them finally met in secret and they talked intimately telling each other about where they came from apparently the reason why donut came along was because all this time she really liked Adventure but since she was maxed with Gonzalo she was more silent and felt restrained not long after that gory meny who was looking for Donna C you mourned Martin not to act in any way towards his Captain's wife there was almost a commotion but luckily bastor is came and after gory meny left Bor has explained that all this time gory meny has also been obsessed with donut but the most important thing now is not to make a dispute because of a woman Martin finally understood and the next day when he was going on a trip PARTA was suddenly bitten by a snake which made her immediately fall limp unable to breathe Dona and all the soldiers couldn't do much they just saw how PARTA was dying Dona then asked Gonzalo to bury part's body and not leave it like the other soldiers a soldier named Romero refused because according to him a servant was no better than a soldier he also said that Gonzalo was too afraid of his wife it's different when he gave the death penalty to anyone this statement certainly made Gonzalo offended and he slapped Romero because of that Romero was mad and intended to kill Gonzalo in the end he was sentenced to death because he could not control his emotions after this incident the group continued their Journey while sending jom milillo and Two Soldiers made a bonfire in the wrong direction in order to mislead mido's group but the idea came from gory Andi and made the group even ostracize gonzalo's position especially since the incident yesterday most of the soldiers started talking about Rebels to Gonzalo including Gori who said it clearly to Martin to stay away from whatever he was going to do later and not long after that jeromeo returned alone with the reason that two soldiers were sent with him were captured by madan's group even so he said that he managed to divert madrano to the wrong road and widen their distance for about 2 to 3 days hearing this good news gory Ami ordered bores to put up a tent while he also sent medam meno and Martin to patrol while the tent was set up when it started to get dark Martin asked why mam meno had get him on patrols so far away then medam meno explained that he had deliberately taken Martin away in order to avoid being killed by gorami meanwhile on the other hand what Medi meno said was true most of the soldiers were waiting outside the tent with cynical looks at Gonzalo without a single word being said Gonzalo was immediately killed in front of all the other soldiers Donna was so hysterical but she could do nothing and could only admit that now Gori was the one in power she could no longer refuse when gorami asked her to satisfy by his lust the next day the journey continued as usual and gor Ami had to face the music because his beloved dog was killed from a distance with poison Chopsticks meanwhile Martin was still trying to see donut they both like each other but because things are different now Dona asked Martin not to see her too often because it would be very dangerous if they were found out that very night D's worries were confirmed because gory Andi suspicious of the scent as he entered the tent he immediately looked for Martin's whereabouts and because there was no evidence and also a witness glor and meny only threatened to kill Martin if his suspicions aroused the next day on his way bastor found a woman from the imian tribe the woman spoke to midam mano that not far from that place there was a soldier who lives in her Village Martin thought that the soldier in question was most likely one of the survivors of the Expedition 8 years ago and sure enough when they arrived at the Village there was a man named menuel who claimed that he was one of the members of the group who took part in the expedition in searching for the Sea of gold 8 years ago he also explained that the expedition's members were scattered and most of them were massacred during a war with one of the Indian tribes he was lucky enough to be rescued by the villagers until he decided not to continue the journey and stay with the people who had saved him the map brought by Martin's group also turned out to be from one of the people who managed to survive Manuel only gave a little advice that the journey was still very far and had to pass through various difficult terrain after getting enough rest gory Andy's group immediately continued their Journey even though it was starting to get dark when Martin wanted to set up his tent he found a white cloth near the camp what made made him suspicious on the next morning Jomo and mamino argued in Indian language it didn't take long for Martin to immediately stab jom milillo and tell the group that jam Millo was a traitor who had placed a clue for medrano's group at the same time smoke appeared from the distance indicating that madrano his group had burned down the village where Manuel was living and because it was too close Martin finally planned a diversion and asked several soldiers to come with him including Dona not long after that Martin and several people finally pretended to be praying when meno's group came Martin immediately admitted that the rest of his group had died when madrano was careless Martin approached him and he immediately stabbed madrano meanwhile goram's group immediately shot madrano troops from the top of the cliff after the war was over some of madan's troops who still survived chose to join under goram's orders after everyone agreed that in order to save travel time they decided to go through the forest which was set on the map which was controlled by a tribe of Archer Indians midia manam said that this tribe was known as the most cruel tribe they were cannibals and muggers they just entered the forest area and suddenly a soldier arrowed to death the attack was the first warning because after that a howl of War and the screams of the Indian tribe was heard not wanting to be outdone Martin immediately ordered a soldier to sing which was then gradually followed by all the soldiers luckily this made the howl of war from the Indian trib stopped realizing that the Archer tribe was retreating gor and ameni became confident to look for their Village and visit it however it turned out that gorei took the wrong step because after that that it was easier for the Archer tribe to Target the soldiers for attack because the area was open and also narrower after waiting for a while the Armed Forces started to Counterattack which was followed by attacks from all the soldiers after everything was done gorei intended to kill the entire tribe including women and children at that time Martin did not agree and immediately blocked this intention followed by mamano and several other people but unexpectedly a soldier immediately stabbed media Mano until he died gordi didn't want any more fuss and finally gave up his intention and gave orders to immediately leave the village since the incident it became clearer that the group had split into two camps one Camp consisted of Martin bores and barbate and the other Camp were supporters of gory meni on May 28 gory Andy's group lost one person par who was trapped in the mud and no one wanted to help him after that they continued their expedition again and here they started killing each other gorami did not want his gold to be shared so he started killing Ama gory Ami then ordered all his supporters to kill bastes at that time Martin and barbate helped bastor so a war between the two camps ensued Martin bores and barbate tried to unite to defeat all the soldiers one by one they managed to paralyze the soldiers in this battle Martin was almost killed but luckily Dona helped him from behind even though in the end she also had to be hit by a sword in her stomach Gordy mendi then moved forward to attack Martin because Martin was already exhausted he almost died for the second time but again Dona who was dying tried to help Martin followed by bores and barbate unfortunately Dona couldn't survive if she died in Martin's lab after Donna's body was buried the remaining troops were taken over by bores and before the journey continued he decided on a death penalty for Gori the death penalty was witnessed by the remaining soldiers now bores was in charge of three soldiers and on the journey Martin discovered there were two groups of imutan tribes who were fighting bastor R then ordered those three soldiers to hide and suddenly an arrow hit Marc's body then another arrow hit bast's chest after he felt that the situation was safe bastor said that Martin would guard the king's trust and if the gold was found he asked that all events be explained in detail bastor is also gave Martin his necklace as a sign that Martin was the one who was responsible for completing the Expedition after that the journey continued and only two people left the two of them returned along the map and after walking quite a distance finally from the hill a flash of gold was seen from a distance before Martin left the hill he named the hill Dona Anna finally Martin and barbate arrived at tetlin and it turned out that teslin was not the City of Gold that they had previously imagined the sparkle that they saw was actually just the reflection of light from the ceramics that local villagers were drying in the sun telin was near the beach and the Sea leads to China barbate would try to trace the route which is rumored to belong to China meanwhile Martin claimed tlin to be his [Music] land
Channel: StoryLine Movie
Views: 34,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film recap, story recap, storyline movie, mystery recap, mystery recapped, based on true story movie, motivational movie recap, inspirational movie recap, sad movie recap, movie recapped, movie recaps, story recapped, movie review, movie summary, movie explained, recapped movie, movie recapped channel, film recap movies, movie story recapped, movies under 10 minutes, film recap movie review, gangster story recap, action movie recap, drama movie recap
Id: u8YbC_RcK0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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