They all said THIS is why Middle East food is so good, so we tried!

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thanks PDS depth for sponsoring this video this is Sumac it's one of the most popular ingredients in the Middle East it's made from dry berries of the hus genius plant and I was told by you that this is the MSG of the Middle East So today we're going to be putting that to the test and to do so I chose these three beautiful Ribeyes as you can see they are nicely marbled they are also one inch thick and most importantly exactly what you're looking for whenever you're getting steaks now in order to run our experiment this is how it's going to go down the first thing we need to do is to season them well I went with salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder the next thing to do is to add to the middle one our secret ingredient and as you can see I was quite generous with it you see with this steak we're actually going to be cooking with sumac hopefully it's going to turn out fantastic as you already know one is going to be the control and the final one we're going to be doing a special compound butter and to do that it's super simple I first started with room temperature butter then I added one tablespoon of sumac mixed everything well into it was fully combined and now my compound butter is ready now then I have the steaks ready and the butter the only thing left to do is to go ahead back them up vacuum seal them and they are now ready for the water bath talking about that I'll be cooking all of them in the same container at 135 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour this will cook them to Perfection and I cannot wait to find out how it's gonna taste as that was happening it was perfect because it didn't allow me time to go ahead and make an incredible side dish for us today now this came straight from my head it's not traditional from anywhere but at the same time it's delicious one of my favorite things I've made so far this year and to make it it is super easy in here's how the first thing to do is to go ahead and cook up some bacon you just want to cut up Center bacon and fry them up now this is what I'm using it's called orzo if you've never had it oh man you should it's highly available online but you could probably find it in your Supermarket as well now at first it looks like it's a big grain of rice but it's not it's actually pasta however I'm gonna be treating it very similar to Rice almost like a risotto and here's how to make it once my bacon was fully cooked next thing to do is to go ahead and strain the fat we don't need it trust me once that was done back into the pan I threw in the bacon bits I threw in some freeze-dried garlic and onions mixed everything well and combined those ingredients together as the next thing to add is some tomato sauce mix it a little bit more and add our pasta right in the middle stir it until everything has been fully coated as the next ingredient is chicken stock now I'm using homemade chicken stock this is a fantastic application to do with sous-vide now mix everything together and bring it to a simmer now as everything starts evaporating the pasta will soak up all of the liquids so keep stirring it and keep it under medium heat now here's where things get interesting you gotta add more chicken stock little by little and just in case you run out you can always use a little bit of water as well because you want to cook the pasta 95 percent remember when you take it out of the heat it's still going to cook for a little bit longer so make sure you just try little by little until you get the consistency you're happy with because to finish this up I added a good amount of heavy cream followed by some parmigiano reggiano mix everything well and combine these ingredients because today's side dish is now ready I mean take a look at this it looks like mac and cheese but it's not the only thing left to do is to go ahead and plate it up for that I added everything to a nice white plate followed by some parsley right on top and this is ready to be devoured and I'll tell you one thing you just wait and see because not only is it easy to make oh boy is it delicious now the question is is it the same for today's experiment well we're about to find out right now because by these times my steaks were fully cooked so I took them out opened up the bag lay them down a cooling rack and Pat them dry really good and as just as you would expect they don't look very good at this stage that's because we gotta put a nice beautiful crust on it so I'll be using my flame thrower because I know these steaks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] foreign [Music] foreign moving forward I would like to thank today's sponsor PDS that so you could have bought this steak for about seven dollars and sous vide it at home but you decided to go to restaurants billing it to the gray card the blue card the green card it all added up interest got the best of you and now you gotta get out of debt I want you to know that there's a better solution to paying off your debt PDS debt has 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that's correct bacon oh let's go make it that side just looks so good I'm pissed that it's on the other side of the table that thing is right man I'm trying I'm trying to help you I don't want the help man that thing looks so good I just want to eat that thing almost cursed that's how good it looks okay I got a little experiment today okay I want to know your honest opinion be as brutal as you can because we really want to let the audience know if it's going to be good better or ugly okay let's go dig in please let's do it perfectly medium rare just like you would expect with suvi I would not have it any other way everybody my God cheers everybody cheers oh it's so perfect let me tell you I think the seasoning is a little extra nice today I love it you love it I love it I love it that extra seasoning I give you an extra um I can taste it and it's delicious guys how did that taste taste anything different anything weird no nothing weird it's a 10 out of 10. Google steak extra seasoning we're lucky to be eating it very good enough talking let's give it a try please second one dig in Angel you went for his lesson so here's the deal remember everybody it's a thin steak you must sear it the fastest way if not it's basically not even worth cooking at sous-vide thin steak pastier thicker steak more forgiving cheers everybody cheers oh that's good it's a little something something that's delicious right there it's very mild but nice wow as angel said it's very mild flavor that it adds to the steak but it pairs nicely with the beef flavor yeah it's still a very flavorable steak it's still ridiculously tender this is great yo that's amazing that's all I gotta say about that what do you feel different because it is different yeah it kind of makes me salivate more while I'm chewing is that you guys getting that too or no yeah it has a slightly very slightly like citrus taste almost yeah it's really nice I agree that's probably where the salivation is coming from which one do you guys prefer the first one which was the control as you can tell or the one we just had right now second one I think yeah what we just had right now I agree everybody the second one is better I cannot believe it that it's beating the control already and I'm gonna say this before Leo oh you beat me too oh damn it I was gonna say let's try this thing let's try this side dish everybody okay I'm gonna give you this year leonardas come over here hey I know you guys are wondering is that his real name why do they call him Leonidas yes that's his real name guys yes there's a big going joke over here in this house everybody has a nickname and if you want to know about these nicknames you should definitely check out the Google channel yeah which is my third Channel where we have a great time with a bunch of people we're always having a blast everybody so go check out the Google channel if you haven't enough talking cheers everybody cheers [Music] oh that's a 10 out of 10 well I highly recommend man dude this might be the best pasta you've made really this is the best pasta I've ever had on Google Foods wow we're so cheesy so creamy so gooey that pasta is nice and soft you have that little crunch from the bacon that adds a little fattiness too like amazing amazing out of this world side dish right here Google that is delicious highly recommend I'm ready for the last one are you guys ready yes let's dig in please Neil's not ready bro you're still going for the side dude we need more side dish okay let's give it a try the last one and let you guys know cheers everybody cheers hmm wow the other one was a little bit more mild but this one is more powerful everybody I'm a fan me too it just tastes good that Citrus layer really comes through on this one and it's so perfect because it just cuts the fattiness of the steak so it just gives such a delicious flavor that's 10 out of 10. what I like is that it doesn't remove the flavor of steak the steak still tastes like a steak yes it just has that added extra layer you know it just made it taste better by the way this is Sumac you guys know what sumac is you know every time you go to a middle eastern restaurant they always put that little red thing on the top of the rice and everywhere all those little things okay what that is Sumac is delicious sumac is amazing it's really good you guys got to try that absolutely delicious and it pairs perfectly with a sous-vide steak I'm very surprised and so happy that you guys asked me to give this a try I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe remember everything I use is always on the description down below and most importantly if you have a recommendation of an MSG from anywhere in the world let us know in the comments because we want to learn everything thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 481,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, steak, steaks, sous vide, cooking, grilling, pasta, street food, middle east, turkish food, meat
Id: wVSnJUJm2vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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