They Added A FLASHY FLASH MOVESET to ROBLOX The Strongest Battlegrounds...

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all right guys so as we all know there are currently only two sword based move sets inside of Roblox the strongest Battleground and of course we all know that those two move sets are the deadly ninja and the atomic Samurai but what if I told you guys that there's actually a third secret sword based move set inside of the game and it is modeled after flashy Flash from the anime one punch man because of course the strongest Battlegrounds is based off the anime one punch man in all that and guys I'm not going to lie this secret move set is really cool and I'm going to be showing it to you guys today and today's video I'm going to be showcasing it and whatnot and also shout out to my boy void in for making this move set his channel and the game I will be playing will be linked Down Below in the video description okay but hold on I just noticed in the server that I'm in there's a bunch of messages going on in the chat someone said LOL this game is too easy like honestly at this point we're undefeated and then someone else said for real we're the best and then the third person said especially how easy it is to get kills this move set makes it too easy wait yo what move set are they talking about what actually bro no one could stop us we're Unstoppable LOL yo who are these people what are they talking about I literally just joined this dead server thinking I was the only one in it but apparently there's three different people in the chat talking about how easy it is for them to get kills they're Unstoppable no one can stop them wait hold on where are these people at what okay wait I think I see like a group of three people standing right there in like a circle formation hold on let me let me go ahead and see if I can spy on them real quick what is going on right now let me just uh make sure they they can't see me behind this tree this is this is totally normal just a handsome demon of course staring at them behind the tree you know if you agree My Fit is drippy too the merch is linked Down Below in the video description okay but this dude named ninjor Sonic said like honestly guys we are the best and this other person named ninja _ Sasha said for real I know right and this other dude named ninjor Blake said honestly bro nothing but facts wait hold up I just realized all three of these people have the word ninja in front of their name wait is this a deadly ninja Clan what y'all actually think it is they're all wearing the deadly ninja attire too they're all looking like Speedo Sonic especially this dude in the middle he's like full on cosplaying they all have the move set equipped too with swords on their backs wait did I just stumble across the deadly ninja Clan inside of This Server what low key though this might be perfect for what I have planned today hold up what are they talking about now deadly ninja is the best move set and I should know I literally dressed as him it's literally the best move set out of all the move set none others can compare especially with how easy it is to get kills like be for real for real bro and if we get low we can literally run away and don't forget that we can just Spam our moves too LOL seriously it's just too easy yo guys this is actually insane they're just hardcore glazing the deadly ninja move set right now they're glazing about how easy is to spam their moves they can run away what and lowkey they're kind of sounding a little bit toxic about it like like look at these dudes they look like they want to be try hards what the heck and not the ninja saasha girl just said it's even better because we can be toxic with it LOL for real that's the best part no these dudes are toxic I should have known guys what is it with Clans inside of this game being toxic I don't understand I don't understand why can't we just all be friends here why does everyone who plays this game have to have an ego they even tried to make a new Sword move set with atomic Samurai but it's just trash and not this Sonic dude said the only good thing about the atomic Samurai move set is the ultimate and he even said a base form is just complete garvo for real lol none can compare to the almighty Speedo Sonic destructive cyborg trash hero Hunter trash and now this dude even said Tatum makaki trash no do you guys see this not only are they boasting about the deadly ninja move set being the best in the game but they're trashing on other move sets too and they even called my que gatum Maki trash bro what yo these guys really are toxic what are they saying now honestly these losers just can't compare to us especially with their ultimate form too no one can keep up yeah our old form is way better and the other guy said I honestly can't wait to speed Blitz more kyss guys yo what yo are they proud they're acting like this what but honestly Guys these three right here can hate on every move set and they gave all they want but little do they know I have my hands on a super secret secret move set that I've decided that I'm going to use against them these three think they're so good at the game I think somebody needs to teach them a lesson and honestly let me just go ahead and confront them yo what's with you guys hey yo yo who's this Normie Normie Who you calling a normie the Blake dude said you obviously and the Sasha girl said wait guys look lol this dude has Atomic saite equipped laughing emojis yo why is she putting out my sword down here why you looking down here weirdo and no she's trying to make fun of me for having the atomic samurai sword but little do they know that this is actually the flashy flash sword which you guys will actually see soon enough later in this video but what's wrong with the move set I have equipped am I not allowed to use it no lol yeah bro hate to break it to you but that move set is Garbo complete dog water you wouldn't even stand a chance against us with it oh yeah and what makes you say that huh n Guys these two really think they're better than me that's crazy what makes you all say that let me guess you're going to glaze deadly ninja again because we are using deadly ninja lol yeah bro haven't you heard armu set is the best in the game okay yep they they started glazing deadly ninja again but nah I'd win and I don't think so either what do you mean bro we legit have the best base we have the best ult and we look super stylish with it for real like look at me I got drip but not like you'd know anything about that though like what even is that fit you supposed to be a bug or something and now the other two are laughing at me too yo they're hating on my FIT now too not only my move set no I can't stand for this I've got to let the inner demons out I got to show them who the true Alpha Giga Chad is nah bro that's crazy coming from a couple of cosplayers oh but I think that made them mad because the Sonic dude said hey bro you trying to go or something you got a Death Wish little man yeah you trying to die m nah but I don't think you guys are as good as you say you are so I challenge you all run my ones bet bro and yo he hit me with a scatter yo and yo they're like all three running after me yo chill okay and this is actually so annoying because they try and hit me with their moves but then they run away yo what is this bro bro okay okay they're literally hitting me with their moves and then they're just running away what bro bro get over here bro come here one of you okay and they're spamming their shurikens too bro guys like these dudes aren't even that good they literally hit me with the attack and then they run away look at this dude he's running for me he's bro get over here okay and then this one just came in from behind and let me guess let me guess I'm going to go after him and now he's running away again bro stop running oh my God okay okay I'm just getting Beam by every direction this is crazy and now they're saying in chat haa you're Garbo okay got hit with another shuriken you're so trash little man can't keep Bob LOL Bro you guys are running just fight me and they said if you say so bro and now he hit me with the scatter now he killed me bro what was that that was like the worst fight of the century what bro what was that they're spaming lol lol l Ninja on top no you guys are trash I can't believe this # ninja is meta n bro you just have a skill issue you guys just attacked in a ran what do you mean and you spammed your moves too once you had them again yeah bro that's like the whole point of this move set for real LOL and no she's trying to say she mopped the floor with me with that emote are you dumb or something yeah like just get better bro nah n do you guys see this they really think they're all that good because they attacked and ran that entire fight and not only that but they 3v1 me okay you know what I think it's time to whip out the flashy flash move set and show them an actual move set that is way Superior than their dumb little deadly ninja you know what let's fight again but let's go to my private server I was laggy yeah let me just go ahead and uh use the lag excuse totally yeah yeah bro private server or not you're still going to lose but I mean hey practice is practice and you're easy anyways I'll just mop the floor with you again n she really is emoting on me all right whatever I'm going to add your usernames to the server join up all right guys and here we are in my special private private server and as you can see my Atomic samurai sword that I had earlier has now upgraded and evolved into the flashy flash blade inside of the mov sets up here there is the immortal which is zombie man which I've made a video on before there's boros which I've also made a video on before but now we're going to be using flashy Flash and these dudes really think they're good with their dumb little deadly ninja but just wait until I use this move set against them and Oh look The Deadly ninja Clan joined I think they already noticed a slight difference in the game the girl said what happened to our swords LOL Bro what is this what did you do nah you were hating on other move sets what's the problem can't handle using a new one cuz I mean these three really said they're so good with their dumb deadly ninja move set so I really wonder if they're going to be able to fight against me using flashy flesh they think they're so good with their sword style and all they said it new move set are not we will still beat you yeah bro we're the deadly ninja Clan we're literally Unstoppable yeah yeah we'll see about that but good luck without your ability to run away and on top of that spamming their annoying little moves the Sonic dude said bro you really think you're better than us yeah I do actually don't make me laugh I can almost guarantee I can beat you all bro what do you mean yeah I'd like to see you try LOL prove it then all right bet let's do some on V ones who's first honestly guys I got this and then she said that ladies first that watch this smiley face if you say so bro look at her she's trying to attack me with the m1's bro what does she think she's doing she doesn't even know how the moves work that's crazy and you know kind of typical for her to just rush in like that you know what let me just go ahead and hit her over there do a little bit of this slice into her bring her back and lowy I kind of hit her friends yo yo she's hitting her friends too but man I really think she wants me she's just chasing after me she can't do anything no that's crazy you know what let me just go ahead and do that hit her over here one 2 2 three hit her with the third move a bunch of slices one two three do a little bit of that yo this flashy flash move set goes crazy look at her she's just slicing she doesn't even know how to use the moves and then one two three and she said ah how are you doing that yo watch this catch this finisher go ahead and do a little bit of that hit her over here and then one two three hit her with the third move boom like this slicing Dice and you're out of here we just sliced her up into a bunch of pieces and the Blake dude said bro what was that and the Sonic dude said that doesn't look like deadly ninja with a crying Emoji that's because it's not this move set is better than your dumb deadly ninja he said better than deadly ninja you must be joking and the Blake dude said girl I'm going make you regret saying that all right buddy you're next then show me what you got bro and look at this dude he also does not know how to use this new move set Bro is just used to spamming all of his mov moves on deadly Ninja can only click with this one he doesn't even know what the moves do you know what I'm going to hit this dude with the most ungod combo known to man go ahead to do that Crescent Skirmish over there hit him with the rising slash and I'm not done yet let me just go ahead and down slam him hit him with the sing descent hit him with the after slash 1 2 3 4 go ahead and land another Rising slash okay o I missed that yo he dodged out of it hey yo and he said girl stop running bro why coming from you but if you insist then say less one two three down slim Cresent Skirmish over there one two three and you know what I'm going hit him with another finisher boom boom out of here and once again we just discombobulated bro from his body all right so that makes two and it really seems you guys are only good with deadly Ninja at this point and it's kind of sad to be honest but the Sonic dude said n bro you just haven't gone against me yet I am literally the leader of this clan I am speed o Sonic himself yeah yeah yep yep yep okay if you want to catch a thing too just say so he said bro you are not even that good and then he hit me with the third move okay so bro did a little bit of research he's learning how the move set works all right bet I mean the first two weren't even that hard to go against but uh say less bro look at this dude I don't even know if he knows where he's aiming bro what is he trying to do here man this is a sad sight to see indeed I'm about not only did I wble combo his friends but I'm about to wble combo the leader of their dumb little Clan one two three over there and then one two three severing descent that's crazy bro can't do anything but where is he trying to aim look at this dude look at this dude what's he trying to do one two three cores in Skirmish hit him with the rising slash in the air and then you know what I'm going to go ahead and get bro nice and low and I'm to hit him with the most ungod finisher of them all come here buddy you're done for in the air and that makes three crazy common Battlegrounds Clan L to be honest and now the saucer girl said okay bro just because you beat us in one V ones doesn't mean you're good bro what yeah remember you lost to all of us in a 3v one if you can't even win at a 3v one then you're not even good for real LOL Bro what kind of Battlegrounds logic is this so you want to get back with a 3v one are you serious yeah you heard us you too scared or something question mark honestly guys you know what these three literally jumped me I'm just going to jump them again they want the 3v one say less I am not taking the disrespect from a literal strongest Battlegrounds Clan get out of here and I went ahead and got their leader separated from them but then the others tried to come in you know what I can gladly three you one this move says say less you know what get over here Sasha she said this move set is so weird bro that's a skill issue all right but let me just go ahead and get the Sonic dude real quick one two three Crescent Skirmish like that hit bro with the ungodly finisher boom he's dead and look the other two are still trying to come back really really have you not learned I can just take both of you on like it's nothing one 2 three Crescent Skirmish over there hit bro up with one of these and this is actually kind of funny because they're both trying so hard to get me but they're just damaging each other in the process that's crazy and low key the blit kid is looking a little bit low hold up hold up get over here buddy hit him over there and you know I create enough distance to hit him with one of these the rising SL finisher and now it's just the Sasha girl and honestly I'm a hit her with an inescapable combo one 2 three hit her with one of those she said I hate this now you're about to hate this a lot more get her in the air do a little bit of that do a little bit of this and guys I said it before but flashy flash is just too good the secret move set goes crazy and honestly I'm just going to hit her with the coolest finisher of them all again this is this is just the best finisher in the game send her in the air and boom she is done for all right there is your 3v one we done yet bro why is this so weird I can't play this whatever bro you're still not even that good I'm leaving yeah I'm out of here too wait did they actually leave my game no it's only me on the leaderboard Noah well guys flashy flash is just too op
Channel: xDemon
Views: 180,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox game, roblox gaming, roblox gameplay, xdemon, demon, stud, mangopool, roblox the strongest battlegrounds, the strongest battlegrounds, saitama battlegrounds, the strongest battlegrounds ultimates, the strongest battlegrounds new update, saitama, bald hero, garou, hero hunter, genos, destructive cyborg, deadly ninja speed o' sonic, metal bat, atomic samurai, tatsumaki, the strongest battlegrounds moveset, tatsumaki ultimates, admin kj moveset, kj, suiryu moveset, suiryu
Id: 4v4XA22ggH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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