These Whiskeys Are Trying To Trick You!!

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oh welcome back we're the bourbon junk head kick boom that's the highest it's ever been get only here buddy that literally I think peaked your head that's I blew three hammies I'm six foot four and I only got two we're gonna tell you about seven ish different reasons whiskey bottles are trying to trick you into buying them yeah [Music] so uh you know when you're walking in say you gotta like a nice local liquor store you're gonna walk in look at some of the bottles and trying to look at them all you're like wow fancy bottles there's a lot going on there's a lot going on right now what are they trying to sell me customer confusion yeah it's a marketing technique learned it for my wife what people do is often confuse themselves with their brands intentionally yes or you know what they'll do is just put nonsense things on a label terminology is a big trickery um so small batch that's that's one that gets thrown out there a lot and the Elijah Craig small batch I don't know why small batch literally means nothing I don't know why though because you can make it feel a little special yeah what's a better word for like we batch this nothing you put nothing it's just Elijah Craig blended whiskey just like [ __ ] or hear me out just Elijah Craig I know but you but there's too many Elijah Craig for it to be only Elijah Craig this needs I'm gonna Elijah Craig here just hear me out and then just send me the check in the mail when you Rebrand go ahead ready Elijah Craig superb batch nailed it literally that means just as much a small bag but it means it's good their small batch is about 10 million bottles yeah they're listen some of the small batches are what I like to call bigger than most distilleries yeah so I like you gotta realize that some giant okay Jack Daniel's old number seven is could be a small batch it could be I'm not saying that not everybody's using The Branding but the word small batch according to TTP don't actually mean anything it just means it's Blended together yep but I it is hard because there's not like a really pretty way to phrase we've just Blended a bunch of [ __ ] and it tastes like that usually well as a Craig Mommy we'll get there I'm trying to still use the S I don't want to have to Rebrand fully I want to stop it patch yeah all right next tomfoolery slash trickery I have so many bottles to bring up here yeah they're all like in the same yeah guys real quick we're not calling out like necessarily the bottles are on the table wait yeah get that one out you remember when you used to be able to you know buy a nice Elijah Craig small batch 12 years that's so good a nice 12-year age statement on it that's always great you walk in and you just see a big red 12. yeah there's a thing they're known as that you could walk in and you know you're buying an aged dated whiskey now what if you just walked in and saw a big 21. yeah maybe what if you just walked in and saw a giant 12. proper 12. or what if you walked in and saw a big eight Old Charter eight or what if you walked in and saw an ancient age 10 or 10 high it's just famous um this is not 12 years old this obviously isn't 21 years old and this isn't eight years old ancient age is no longer 10 years old pudding now there are times like this people still do this correctly where like Russell's 13 had a big 13 on the front yes he's 13 years old there's this comes down to like a lack of transparency into just trying to trick you yeah this says eight on it so you think that it's eight years old and you think it's twenty dollars and then you buy it and then you find out why it's you find out that it's like two or three years old and it's honestly it's not the worst Whiskey in the world it's just the fact that it's like that eight doesn't need to be there and we all know it and you know it too when you put it there yeah you don't know what you're doing you know what you're trying to do the people scanning through seeing a number and Associate an age with it when you go into a total wine or a Liquor Barn or a binnies or a lot of these bigger liquor stores you're gonna see hundreds of labels at one time it's just complete overload so your eyes just quickly are scanning stuff you're like eight eight years old it's just immediate how your brain does that and they're just taking advantage of that which is it kind of feels like [ __ ] honestly like it doesn't feel proper 12 is named proper 12 they've never released a 12 year old product I'm sure there's meaning to the word 12 or I forgot it's proper number 12 my bad yeah but if yeah but look how small the gnome is yeah it is number is hold on size eight fun I've never realized oh 12 is 400 fun buddy the the letters NL standing for number are almost the same size as the r for the trade or registered that's hilarious yeah don't be listen it's not that they're all fake it's set grab the bottle and look at it and see if it's actually eight years old obviously not listen 21 year old when she doesn't usually look like that so and then we got places that you know like to claim a little bit more than they are I love this whiskey oh we both love it but um [Music] they claim to have stips of well or distillate in it because a lot of what they do is Solara age yes so we're down to probably parts per billion of whiskey that was actual stencil Weller distillate at this point in time and how much they're cranking this out this is a talk about small batch yeah this is a big batch yeah I think some people would say she's a big batch when they saw her right because it's so big this literally is a mass-produced volume based product and it's really good I also don't know how many times I have stencil welder on the label itself but it's probably about six I think it's yeah it's everywhere Yeah bobbled by Stitzer Weller yeah um matured using rigorous Solera aging method preserving our rarest whiskey socks and the spirit of sitzel Weller okay uh sitwell is on the front twice I swear three times dude hold on stencil stencil and stittel buddy it's on the five we're not even trying I got six crazy and um you know needless to say a little light action oh it's like the devil transparency is leaving the industry or has been leaving for a little while now not with everybody but a lot of people no this isn't not even transparency this is the lack of trans this is the opposite this is as much confusion as we can put on a label because you think in case it's a welder you think back to like taffies and stuff like that you're like wow some legendary stuff in there and they're like kind of can I tell you what the intro now maybe like technically like Sean said the like parts per kajillion of stencil that exists because of the Solera aging the tank and they're never empties there's always just a little left in there so the weirdest part is if you no sits well probably a whiskey nerd yeah right if you are a whiskey nerd probably know better than to fall for this type of marketing so the weirdest part is it's not it does my brain doesn't make any sense it doesn't seem beneficial I love this product more if it didn't say steps of weather nine times it's still good yeah it's still good whiskey I just don't understand who this is even advertising to but it's just it's just a little confusing for everybody you know what I'll bring another one in here okay you know what is also trying to just ride the wave into your pocketbooks celebrity whiskey not this specifically just celebrity whiskey celebrity Whiskey In general nine times out of ten Dan already had proper 12 in here it's someone that has an affinity for whiskey per se and then it was like you know what I have money and can just sell it with my name yeah and it's nine times out of ten not great whiskey you're buying it all the time Nick Offerman oh probably the biggest asterisks on this entire rant here that we're gonna have big offerman's logger balloons are great that man truly enjoys whiskey and truly co-signs a fantastic product so we're gonna say that those are good that is probably the peak of celebrity whiskey but the rest of them for namesake is they're just buying another product line to sell to someone the it's another source of income for them what's the awesome and it this is different what because this was actually legitimate whiskey this isn't bad at all we just didn't think this one was worth the price tag this is not bad whiskey there's actually some really bad celebrity whiskey out there we just did the first one was freaking horrendous I don't care who we are it was awful it was like 300 oh we don't own a bottle or else that would have been right here yeah but anyways the hiding behind the celebrity's name yeah blackened is actually created a very legitimate whiskey brand yeah not all most of them do I believe in you know playing some Metallica or whatever for sure to vibrate but often what's happening is they're just hiding behind the celebrity's name and Community or brand power or whatever you want to call it to sell it metric [ __ ] ton of whiskey in the shortest period of time sometimes never to return to the industry doc so somebody nope nope sometimes never to return like with another product which is like pure cash grab I'm in I'm out see you later thanks for like the two million dollars or whatever oh probably well because yeah they're selling so much of it like with one release because they're probably getting money just put their name on the product yeah and then probably gross proceeds of some point yeah like yeah they're being paid to Market yeah yeah but the first rendition of the branch always he wasn't very good no ways now it's gotten better was the brothers Bond good uh it was just low it's fine with NGP the cast rank we've had is much better okay which is just castrate them [Music] listen there are celebrities in the whiskey yeah the they're doing whiskey things the people who aren't are just just hey man thanks for the money see a [ __ ] so anyways next one gifted horse or orphan or from Maryland General honestly we're not jamming our Barrel so much of a hard time even though a lot of people are like those stories are fake maybe they are no idea they lean towards feeling fake but I like a fairy tale you know so they feel more like Fable and Folly yeah made up they're good though a lot of them are really good um orphan girl produces some or puts out some of the best whiskey under honey you already you already did it because I read it they produce they do so what you can find on labels from time to time there's a silly resolved place to do this they don't play any information about where the Whiskey's from or where it was aged or the mash bills or anything like pertinent to knowing what's inside the bottle before you buy it what they put on there is produced by X company right and there are a so many brands that do it um we just targeted this one because we already without their whiskey yeah we don't want to dump anyone um we knew that was on the label but there are so many places that are sourcing whiskey and then just bottling it at their facility or whatever and then they say produced by X I think mixtures are produced by his wallet now that I think about it I didn't even think about that until right now listen produce everything above M10 and stuff like that probably said it's produced by like m20s here's the thing there's a lot of ways to get away from Kentucky you could contract the still you can Source you can make your own there's different ways to do it you can put produced by on any of those three scenarios I just mentioned and it's completely legal the problem is is like I'm a consumer and I want to know what's in the bottle before I buy it especially when it gets expensive so if it's an expensive bottle it just says produced by I'd love to even know state of distillation or just age or just Mash bill or just anything cheap I want to know because if I try something tell me who made that so I can avoid the rest we've been tricked a timer two yeah there's a lot of whiskey in here with one drink so if you guys want it yeah [Laughter] yes we have listen our bottles we were talking about this earlier our Bells will stay produced by on them they will they'll also give a ton of information as to where [ __ ] came from on the bottle Mash bills Blends days of distillation types everything that we can we'll put on there because I want I I would like to avoid the situation that we're talking about right now is like yeah there's Whiskey in the bottle it's produced by us thanks well and here's the the tell me something about it the big problem I think is well okay let's say we're on release one and we put produced by us on the bottle yeah it comes out people really like it they like that where it was from come even though they didn't know they liked where it was from they liked that age the proof whatever and then we produce number two and we switch sourcing entirely and we change it to a source that we don't like or most people don't like and then nobody knew because they just like the first one so they bought the second one we're gonna build your balls up you guys are eventually buying 300 dickle such a bar because yeah okay oh man I forgot about that one and then there are companies that literally don't care I don't know how this is legal um this one's just rough Kentucky owl St Patrick's Day we're not standing we don't this isn't it we're not the only thing we can find on this bottle literally just says bottled in Bardstown Kentucky it doesn't say even produced by it doesn't say distilled by it doesn't say I it doesn't say anything but I do know who the collaboration is done by an Irish Pond Louise Irish whiskey bonder and John Red Master blender for Kentucky owl there you go um there there is literally no actual information about the whiskey that is in this bottle it's just really and I think this is 130 150 at least one third of a collab between the two um it's a limited release I know that but you can't tell me anything about it with a brand that was being Blended by Dixon and then he left and then they didn't release that and then they put this out with dead men on the back of it because that was his Grandpa's name so it feels like Dixon was a part of it and he wasn't a part of it Kentucky it's the wildest thing I've got that much information about it that is Kentucky Straight Bourbon yeah this there was some weird stuff there's like a tiny line where it has to be in Kentucky to still consider it Kentucky straight it doesn't even have to be distilled it doesn't I'm pretty sure it does not have to be that's such a weird you can distill something somewhere else age it like from Kentucky for in a period of time and can call it call it Kentucky straight because you're skirting something or can you just call it Kentucky bourbon does it can be straight I don't know I'm weird there is something like that Kentucky straight yeah there's something you're right because there's something like what you're saying without a doubt I just don't remember I remember being so weirdly odd that it was like you could definitely work around them you can work around that so there's a lot of workarounds here because which is very mediocre as well and it was very expensive yeah this is this is like flashy by me I'm cool great bottle Dixon Legacy name basically kind of how long Kentucky owl's been around at this point in time with putting out some amazing bottles you're you're throwing up the the people that are doing uh like the collaboration on the front of the bottle with no information about what's inside oh it is Source we know that it's come to find out that actually drives uh not the lot you can't listen the lack of transparency is freaking nonsense but yeah pretty much I guess this entire video boils down to LAX transparency yeah listen just as a consumer you got to be a little careful yeah and you need to do a little research and it's it's worth it and these are the ways that people are trying to trick you yeah it's they're it's 100 there's some time Fuller happening listen there are some labels that are getting passed or approved that says things that aren't even legal on them I wish I would have got it Offerman has one it was a flavored Kentucky Straight Bourbon yeah which is not legal you can't flavor in any way you can flavor bourbon but then it's not bourbon anymore yeah it ain't Kentucky straight Marvin not bourbon at all yeah and so but there are some things also there's some labels just not being approved by the ttb and putting being put on a shelf yeah which maybe that may have been we don't even know so I don't know man it's a mess be careful out there cookie take this with you look at him statue cook oh no what the autofocus was on oh well
Channel: Bourbon Junkies
Views: 14,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bourbon, whiskey, rye, review, tasting, bourbonjunkies, whisky, canadian, night, vault, whiskey review, bourbon review, bourbon junkies
Id: Wj4uWccUmzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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