I Tried Your Dumb Blox Fruits Mythical Spinning Ideas

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spinning a mythical fruit in Blox fruits has less than a 1 in 300 chance from the fruit gacha so I wanted to try out your mythical fruit rolling tricks to see if they actually work and we're starting with take a rocket fruit in your hand and then roll oh wait I've not got a rocket fruit that's nice and easy well we got the rocket I'm just going to hold it out like this and now we just spin the fruit wow It upgraded into a spin this one definitely did not give a mythical okay Reddit says jump on zol's head seven times okay I don't quite know why he wants me to do it seven times but I got you covered let's see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 there we go don't want to do any extra just in case it messes up the luck but now that we've Goomba stomped zolas what we going to get we got spin again my luck is tragic so for this next one we're going to do slash coup enjoyer luck and then do a move of the fruit you want to get and you know what we're going to keep it nice and simple we're just going to use spider because like we've got two spins so far so we're definitely not getting a mythical here we go SL coup and enjoy our luck and this should work wait no hold on hold on use a move spider attack and then o oh okay I thought that was better than it is it's just the life first not bad definitely an upgrade turn your aura off and on three times as well as instincts and then say/ inra give Dragon V2 or else all right let's give this a try so Aura on and off three times boom that's one that's two and there we go that's three and then we just have to do the same with Instinct and I don't know why we're saying Indra but all right here goes let's give it a try Indra give dragon V2 or else and then maybe we'll get something good from zolas am I cursed what is this another spin Dev says spin five times and say hello to gacha then put him at gunpoint with the bizar rifle shoot him five times and say SL cicle luck now I don't have the bizar rifle on this account but we can use the asdm rifle instead so we got to spin five times all right now that I'm super dizzy pull out our AUM rifle and then just hit him with a few poison bullets it's nothing personal Zol I just got to get the mythical well now that we've done the five shots let's see if this works oh no I shot one extra time oh no have I ruined my luck that's why I ruined it I shot six times I totally wasn't destined to get this from the start or anything really a chop okay next up Sigma says what I usually do is hold on my highest valued fruit on a value site out in front of zoles and then he says he won't give you that fruit but he'll give you something good well let's give this a test what does this account have that's good I guess D is probably the most valuable thing here so I'm going to hold it out to a certaint dominance and then we get something good oh we got ghost not quite as good as a do fruit or mythical but you know what I'll take it all right next up art says go to haunted castle and pray while having the ghost fruit activated and then roll that's a whole lot of work but let's do it okay so I didn't have a ghost on my other account so I've come on to my main and then we're going to do some praying as a ghost here we go pre and then we just need to head all the way back but we can't take portal or anything we got to fly the whole way just so we don't lose like the ghostly energy or something I don't know I'm I'm just like following it and hoping it works all right where's Turtle Island okay we got to go this way this should only take us like eight business days I can see the turtle's head we're getting close oh I'm close I'm close there it is the mansion it's taken I mean it's daytime that's how long it's taken me to get back here all right here we go I'll activate my Ghostbusters as well and let's see we got a chop It's a Spooky chop at the very least okay next up this guy says kill one person die to water and then roll bold of you to assume that I can even kill one person how do I want to do this we got to choose my favorite fruit of course I also just need to go get the best fruit in the game real quick all right here we go I now need to find someone and hunt them down I should probably equip a sword as well just in case what's something with no skill aha I just need to defeat someone where is an enemy ooh oh wait he's activated portal oh no I might have found my might have found my match oh I've definitely found my match come on then where are you hiding you can't escape from the Falcon boom boom Falcon grab he dodged that's not good let me use this it's all part of my plan oh he's lucky where are you running to you think you can escape from the Falcon everyone's here oh no I'm just a little Falcon trying to exist where's he going he's trying to escape from me you think you can escape we Falcons never miss our prey did he just World warp wow he's really afraid of a falcon player that's crazy wait I might have found a victim hold on wait that didn't work that didn't work that's not good why is it so hard oh no that guy awakened why is it so hard to just kill one player wait this guy's just going for a legely stroll this is perfect this is perfect no let me grab him no no no I'm being brought out I tried to grab him no I'm just instantly dead you know that's just because I wasn't expecting people to have V4 V4 is cringe we need to make sure people aren't run going to run away you know we need something like this yes I've got the Falcon build ready now I'm not afraid anymore come on oh here he comes wait I nearly cooked him don't let me cook with Falcon portal Escape really oh you're lucky ouch no this is not good this is really not good please just hear me I'm fumbling I messed up you know what it's Falcon V4 time why is there another guy here I almost beat him I almost I so nearly beat him I I got to do my Falcon Ms proud though like I don't even know any combos I'm sort of freestyling it and it's like kind of working this guy's just not even in combat okay yeah he is bro he just randomly hit me with an ice move thank you ice fruit guy thank you really helping me out there appreciate it I've decided you know what skill isn't for me who needs skill thises guy want to fight oh maybe he does Maybe This Server is so laggy like what is going on I'll take it though free kill okay now that we've got that next part of the plan that we can finally go and do is just got to jump in water luckily for me there's an ocean right over here there we go now that we've had a swim we can now spin a fruits and get a mythical oh not a mythical but we got magma that's not bad not really good either but it's not bad seem to have lost all the other fruits in the process but it's fine next up we got something super simple we just got to do SL CAC v69 I I wonder why coup luck V6 like it's the 69th version it got fully tagged out but it's fine we're going to get it why is Thea so short am I tall I'm actually cursed there's no other way I've got four spins unless these strats just suck but the cck while isn't real for me is normally real for everyone else do Flamingo says jump in water with leopard kits or some good fruits and go roll trust me you will get the same fruit and he's done like the smirk face I just got to believe him I can't not believe him all right here goes we're going to equip kit a oh this is going to be painful but it's worth it we're doing this to get a kits a from the gcha here it goes oh this is pain oh this is no leopard swim away and there it goes gone forever I sacrificed an entire leopard fruit if I don't get something good here I'm going to Riot oh my no way it actually worked I mean it's worse than a leopard but we still got one let's go you are going to stay here and be safe okay let's continue let's see if we can get more possibly a shower says hit / e Dan go to the the third sea kill Indra go to the second sea kill law and do one Buddha raid okay this is so long we're just going to start with the Indra okay here we go we're dancing in front of where indra's going to be and then as soon as he spawns we're going to fight him and then honestly the rest was just a lot of Yap but we should get something good let's increase our luck even further the Giant Buddha dancing this should like double our luck at least okay here goes rip inra True Form I just got to defeat him and then we got a lot more to go luckily I'm a master at be in this guy because I had to defeat him like 200 times to get my dark dagger so this this should be you know something light something easy I am still kind of being folded right now but it's fine ow okay he's doing a lot more damage than I would like but it should be fine maybe bird is not the play okay wait I've got a better idea uh T-Rex ouch trust me this is going to work we just need to get the Predator mark this is kind of scary come on wait I've got an idea as well where is it ow Leviathan Shield okay more defense I'm having to use everything I've got I just jumped over his slash that was insane okay I'm probably going to die here but you know what it's a necessary sacrifice okay here we go transform grab him all right now that he's got the Mark we just profit oh wait hold on not this as well V4 as well you shouldn't have game you shouldn't have human V4 T-Rex he's about to melt yep look at that damage the damage is just going up all right he's finally in his true form it's still a little scary though I won't even lie wa I'm about to die all right editor cut that out why I get folded like that that wasn't supposed to happen that wasn't in the script okay I can't help but noce Leviathan Shield's doing nothing for me okay we got Fury meter this is fine this is fine he's almost half this is much harder than I've remember it being come on come on come on 100K left I've done so much damage but he's still just surviving just accept your fate Indra it's over come on come on come on this should be it this should be it surely surely bye-bye inra oh right now that we've done that what was next we have to go to the second SE and kill LW and then do a Buddha raid it has been a long time since I've had to do a law raid but I think we talk to this guy yep we get the micro chip and then we just got to take it up there to the lab all right let's do this there's the order boss let's get let's just use Buddha we'll play it safe then again this is kind of annoying let's do the the Buddha trick wait can he relax hello why is this boss actually insane he keeps canceling all my what no no no no no he's just canceling all my attacks this is insane he just sniped me out the air this boss has got moves this better give me a mythical this is really the most annoying ritual ever to do now this boss is actually is it bugged why is he like actually just going crazy okay there we go there's rooms down get some free damage he's down to 25k come on why is this so annoying it's like it's not even difficult he's just so annoying to hit oh my God if he hits me with another rock I might lose my mind come on there we go he gave me a stupid hat as well right now that we've done that need to head to the raids we need to do a Buddha raid which is just so annoying all right here we go Buddha raid we got our microchip all right to beat the Buddha raid we're of course just going to use the Buddha fruits it's like the hard counter it has kind of been a long time since I've been here a these Spike ones are so annoying first Island almost done there we go Island one done that's Island two done he's really made me fight the three most annoying things out of the entire game and the crazy thing is I'm going to do all of this and I'm just going to get a spin I'm actually I'm being comboed this is supposed to be the easiest Island as well come on oh look there's another mini budda fruit that's cute bro I'm I keep getting just stuck in place this is crazy okay Island three done why the budha raid really got to have the most annoying mobs ever as well like Buddha fruits that are hard to kill these guys that stun you like this is the the thing it's not even hard it's just annoying if I get a chop from this I'm ending the video and that's a promise in fact you know even if this does give me a mythical fruit I'm never doing this ever again like if this guaranteed mythicals I just still wouldn't do it like look at this you know what play time's over play time's over now I was being nice to you guys before but now you don't get to live okay this is still Inc this is still so annoying bro I swear this isn't even the boss level right okay here we go this is the boss one all right let's do this do your work my Angry Meer is filling up boss spawning in come on then I'm not afraid I'm not afraid shark Anor yes wait I'm taking major damage that's not good wait I'm actually dying I'm losing to a Buddha raid that's not allowed that's not allowed oh my God oh my God oh my God no I refuse I refuse all right beat the minions why are these guys so strong what is this I've got Max human V4 and I'm struggling oh my God oh my God I died I literally died all right now that we've done the Buddha raid he then wants us to go to the first SE kill saber and then roll I totally completed that Buddha raid and I I'm not going back I'm not going back luckily for me saber's such just like a stressfree boss there we go all right now we can go spin well you guys know the rules if this gives me a chop I'm going to be mad even worse that's crazy that that's actually C all of that for a spring okay this one's fun use Shadow domain on zoles and he will give you a shadow I highly doubt that but I'll still try it anyway now luckily for me it's night time but we want it to be a max power Shadow domain we can't be like firing off no weak Shadow domains so let's build up the umber meter there we go Max umber meter Z is a ready he's going to be flashbanged he's going to be blind all right here we go I'm ready to spin now I just need to use my domain domain expansion and now the zis is blind we do our Spin and we get back to back is crazy back to back is crazy you making me sick Z this guy's got a good point he says put SL cicle 2 mil Subs one day for a guarant gu aned Mythic fruits now this one could be real true if we actually hit 2 mil Subs so be sure to subscribe and help me reach 2 mil there we go Koopa cool 2 mil Subs one day this should give me the goods it's giving me a falcon not bad but not mythical okay sogs says pray to the mythical kilo and then spin okay I know exactly how we're going to do this now a lot of people know from before if you go left of mansion back in the day this place right here used to give you a physical kilo now he gives you a rocket which is cringe but he used to give you a kilo so we're going to we're going to pray hey stop I'm trying to pray all right please bless me mythical kilo now we just got to run all the way back now then we've prayed to the kilo fruits it should give us luck we got a bomb not quite what we're looking for oh this one's interesting use Mammoth transformation and do four m1's and then spin this guy got Venom by doing this well if he got Venom then must work all right Mammoth mode four m1's there we go there was no sound effects there which is really weird and after doing the mammoth stuff we got a smoke oh this guy might be on to something hit a 360 snipe with spider now hitting it on an actual player would be too difficult so I have got a grunt to help me out let's do this 360 you know let's go for a little 720 just keep spinning boom that wasn't even close all right you know what we're going to hit him through the gates oh this is going to be crazy this could take ages but I'm about to hit a second try let's do this boom that was so close I gave him a haircut okay you know what we've moved him forwards this should work trembling a bacon like if I saw this walking out of mansion I would never like play this game again all right there we go that's a hit wait can I even like hit him okay wait now that he's softened up a little bit all right here goes 360 boom there we go and now that we've done that should be a free easy fruits surely doming someone with a sniper should give me something good 360 luck is a diamond ah this one's going to be interesting win a 1 V one against a player and win the 1 V one with rucket and cutless okay it's time to cook here we go it's time to find a totally non-paid actor that guy's got Angel oh my God oh my God get away from me okay right I need his Angel to run out what was that I just got sniped back away don't let me cook don't let me cook with rocket he's Sky camping against a rocket fruit that's crazy and now there's a sound fruit guy here as well I'm going to need V4 like V4 has to be allowed for this I'm literally using a rocket why is he here why is he here oh no I'm cooked I'm cooked but wait maybe I'm not cooked I still think I'm cooked no he stupid Angel mode oh there we go hold on oh what a Dodge this did say kill one player right and I'm dead okay that's not good he's got 5 mil Bounty how am I going to beat him especially with Angel new plan I must find somebody else that is a lot of players yes that's a sound fruit user that's not good the Angel's back that's so annoying wait can we snipe a kill here can we snipe a kill come on H it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me I promise it wasn't me I just need to like cause problems I am the problem maker and the problem solver and I'm dead this guy needs to go outside he actually needs to like grow up okay wait they didn't say the player had to be a Max Level come on come on it's nothing personal I promise why is he a rabbit bro is so fast this is so messed up I can't catch him he's really running from a rocket fruit d That's crazy running from a rocket fruit is crazy I might have tried to sneak attack him like running from a it that's cringe oh yeah now you want to fight me huh wasn't that just funny that's hilarious come on then I'd still win I'd still win you afraid of a little rocket fruits oh he's lucky that I've just got this stupid cutless he's literally running all the way away come on bro fight me fight me please fight me oh look at how weak and susceptible I am I'm so weak that guy's got cyborg that's not good he wants to fight me though this is good oh that's not good and now the sound fruit gu is back this just went for from bad to terrible this is good this is good this is good there's a cheater he's flying fight the other guy yeah yeah yeah fight each other I just need V4 if I can get V4 I stand a chance oh hold on hold on don't let me cook okay the mink guy is a professional Runner might be able to kill this budha actually this is fine come on yes yes oh you're cooked now buddy now that my cutless does damage Boom come on Qui a rush I'm beginning to Believe come on he's so low so am I though this is bad this is bad he's healing any of the damage I do no no fly up above him nice no I actually lost I feel like this might be impossible like players just aren't stupid enough let's do this you know I'm adding God human I had to this would be literally impossible with just God human oh not this guy again come on there's no Escape wait maybe there is come on boom let's go that's one that's not all I'm having though I want more I need more come on boom that's so that's Paul St is so dumb but you know what I got my one let's see what all of that struggling with that rocket cutless combo gets me ooh love fruit don't mind if I do this next one it's going to be tough but I've got an idea okay this one is super interesting toggles says roll a fruit while in combat in second C okay we need to find someone and get in combat this guy will do very nicely all right I can't attack him cool maybe we go more sneaky beaky like we just hit a guy once and then run and spin I think that's the best play let's do this let's do this I need someone around here hello few people trading where's the danger I there's nobody around oh yes I can't attack him no come back come back please do I have a gun I don't have anything life vuit guy get over here come back he's just outmaneuvered me that's crazy how do I get in combat nobody's like here oh wait life guys is coming back hey you please have PVP on bro no body has wait in combat there we go that's what we needed he might have been like level one but it's fine I just need to get back to Cafe and spin before the combat disappears come on there's no way I'm going to make this I'm so slow I'm so close come on okay spin boom we got to spin through that was not worth it now for the final one we're going to see if being subscribed to koople gives you mythical fruits here goes yep that's about how I expected that to go just subscribe anyway
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 336,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, blox fruits update, blox fruit, blox fruits update 20, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits live, blox fruits admin, blox fruits codes, blox fruits update 19, blox fruits update 21, blox fruits update 21 release, blox fruits update 21 kitsune, blox fruit live, update 20 blox fruits, blox fruits update release, blox fruits update kitsune, blox fruits kitsune update, blox fruits kitsune, blox fruits troll
Id: hO58GuRXkyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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