These People Tracked Down Stolen Things

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these people track down things stolen from them in 2019 this woman was on the trail of a thief that stole her car before I call the cops I wanted to show you guys what I just found by doing our own stocking Danielle Reno's SUV and wallet were stolen at a gas station in Missouri she reported the death to police and then went looking for the vehicle herself one clue was the surveillance video which captured the female suspect allegedly using her credit card the clerks at the gas station told us that they overheard her saying she was going to Applebee's we stalked her all day yesterday I turned my card back on today to see if she'd use it she used it we stopped her we found her we sent people to the area Applebee's and just posted up there and waited she happened to come into the one that I was at she used her spare key to drive off with her car then documented what happened after she called the cops all right you're about to see him get busted Danielle pulled up as cops were handcuffing two possible accomplices and pointed out the woman she says stole her car huh there she is and I have a picture of her with that same shirt on and those are mine give me my shoes she has my wallet in her hand and my keys in her hand it was exhilarating I had the biggest Adrenaline Rush ever I was super super happy in 2018 this man was out cycling when he recognized his wife's stolen car so he threw his bike in front of the vehicle and called the cops hi my name is Alex Bernstein I found my wife still in the car the woman tried to run down the Los Angeles Street to make a getaway the video was recorded by Matthew Santoro who was the passenger in another car driving by it's actually very brave of this man has stopped this car because this could have been a very bad person with a weapon you never know Matthew is a professional YouTuber with millions of followers he immediately shared his Chase footage on social media I knew that somebody out there is either going to recognize her or at least tag the proper authorities well it worked and the woman was taken into custody this is a dog napping in progress in Florida in 2022 the suspect is carrying a French bulldog named Georgie In Her Arms she played with him for two seconds looked like she wasn't sure if she's gonna take him or not pick them up and took took off with him Georgie's owner danaya nakovich says when she went looking for the pup there was no sign of him she alerted hotel security and they gave her the videotape I was frantic I was crying I felt like I was gonna pass out I felt violated she went on a social media blitz begging everyone to help find Georgie a tip led to this location where the suspect was walking the dog I walked out of the car to tell her hey that's my dog but she started getting aggressive so um I started calling 9-1-1 at that moment at the same time that she spotted the puppy so did Good Samaritan Jason Steele who'd been following the search on social media she's like will you please helped me and I started following the lady on foot she was really mistreating the animal she was picking them up by the harness and dragging them across the street he followed the suspect for half a mile taking these images then he moved in I wrestled her a little bit and just snatched the dog and cop into dania's car we do have the dog now he's here with us with the Good Samaritan and Georgie the dog in the car they followed the suspect while giving moment-by-moment accounts to 9-1-1 she's right here she's she she's wearing a gray shirt black hoodie wrapped around her waist she's walking back towards the ocean now police charge the suspect with Grand Theft and little Georgie was back where he belonged he has the biggest little heart in the tiniest little body and I don't know what I would do without him I love you in 2022 this dramatic video this guy's driving my truck man chasing my truck right now shows a man in Hot Pursuit of his stolen truck he's gonna know how far it started when Robert Pendergrass saw a neighbor surveillance video of the thief pulling off in his burgundy pickup lucky for Pendergrass he had an Apple Air tag in the console the air Tag app showed the exact location where his truck was in real time minutes later he was in Hot Pursuit I was on a 30-minute Chase with this guy he's making a left-hand turn on San Martin Avenue Pendergrass got on the phone and gave a deputy sheriff's a running blow-by-blow account blowing down the road right now man at one point his stolen truck whiz right past him the thief then realized he was being chased he's trying to lose me man didn't realize he just was not getting me to disappear he pulled over and jumped and ran into this uh Hotel Lodge kind of thing and ran in between the building where my air tag was located was down inside my center console authorities warned of the potential danger of taking a matter like this in your own hands fortunately it all worked out with the truck back home in San Jose where it belongs I just can't believe how well that device helped me out this guy's driving my truck man for Inside Edition digital I'm Andrea swindle
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 2,849,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ie offbeat, offbeat, animals, crime, inside edition, inside_edition, ie newsdesk, ie animal kingdom, dog, french bulldog, stolen vehicle, thief, missouri, police, car chase, social media, influencer, los angeles, youtuber, florida, security, california, andrea swindall
Id: ybcuy4ZPU5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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