These Parents Defended Their Unusual Choices

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these parents defended their unusual choices in 2016 a video of a six-month-old girl fending for herself after tumbling in a swimming pool sparked Fierce reactions mom Carrie Morrison came under Fire for watching as her daughter Josie was lured into the pool after she fell face first she instinctively floated on her back for a minute and a half while keeping her nose and mouth above water the video got a lot of negative comments understand all the negative feedback that that we're receiving because to me when I look at that video I see nothing but amazing uh here's a six month old that's sitting on the steps Falls in does exactly what she was trained to do she flips over her face is above the water and she's breathing I started Josie so early on the lessons because I lost my son Jake in a drowning accident it eats me up inside knowing that he fell under the water not knowing what to do and I wasn't there to protect him and save him there was no question so as soon as she turned six months in one day she started the program what you're seeing in the the video that's gone viral with Josie is the end result of a series of lessons it's actually introduced very incrementally very gently over a series of weeks Josie was never in danger in that video this is from 2020 a swimming instructor tossed an eight-month-old baby and a three-year-old right into a pool afterward they surfaced and used their instincts to stay afloat mom Krista Meyer posted the videos because she wanted to show how her sons were learning how to float in case they ever fell into a pool she told Inside Edition she got threats after the videos went viral you're getting death threats I push all of those aside people are just ignorant Krista said her sons had months of swimming lessons before they were thrown into the pool I trusted the instructors they don't keep them underwater for long they don't try to get them to figure it out they have like I think three to four seconds before they intervene I'm doing what I feel is best for my kids check out this mom's moves yeah she skated and simultaneously wheeled her baby in a stroller when Maria oberlor posted the video some argued what she was doing was unsafe for her child but she said she would never risk their safety and Dad was right next to them the whole time also in 2016 this pit bull was spotted cuddling with the one-year-old while they napped together at home Cruz's dad Jared who bred the dogs believed his two sons were safe around the pups after facing some criticism he said his dogs were harmless and would never be aggressive towards his little ones the family said their pit bull and American Bulldog mixes were sweet and gentle canines in 2015 this Christmas tree was surrounded by over 300 guests after the mom posted the photo parents criticized her and called her materialistic but the mom of three defended herself to Inside Edition how many gifts to each of you children get the girls have got about 85 each 85 each yeah and my son's got about 30. that's a lot the 300 gifts cost about two thousand dollars I vote yeah I wouldn't let anybody tell me how to spend my Christmas with my children I didn't really want the dark blonde anymore so I decided to color it in 2016 six-year-old Lara showed off her blue and yellow unicorn hair I think it helped her come out of her shell a little bit she definitely likes to talk about it to everyone she sees and um it just it's really made her shine her mom was a stylist well I've been doing here for a while and I'm always doing fun colorful hair and she sees it all the time and I have it myself so of course she's going to want it many criticized her after seeing photos but Mary said the dye was non-toxic temporary and washed out easily I know that there's been a lot of Articles out there saying that I've gotten slammed I don't read the comments and any of those other articles next character is going to be Galaxy for Inside Edition digital I'm Andrea swindle
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 459,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: children, sports, ie offbeat, offbeat, inside edition, inside_edition, ie newsdesk, ie sports, swimming lessons, babies, defend, parents, parenting styles, christmas, skateboarding, social media, pitbulls, dogs, animals, hair dye, hair stylist, andrea swindall, pets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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