These OLD Stones are Hiding Something Amazing!

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Pioneer towns still standing in the mid 1800s was this homeowner a businessman did everybody live quite minimally was the only travel for this homeowner done by horseback could he possibly have been a blacksmith or did they serve in the Civil War will Jerry be able to answer these questions as he searches these home sites for coins and Relics all right everybody welcome back to detecting PA we are again here in the forest of Pennsylvania searching for old home sites that were long lost long ago I'm at a site here that was on an 1860s uh map not on the 1900 map so this is a very early site uh who knows what these people may have done for for a living but I got a cell hole right here behind me down in front here is the front yard uh there's actually two cell holes here I'm not sure which one is the uh house versus the barn site but one is bigger than the other but I got a couple finds here in the hole I'm going to show them to you right now but uh as you can see the the growth is starting to get up a little bit we're trying to get in here to these old sites try to get as many in as we can we'll probably do a lot of scouting this uh summer for this fall and winter stay tuned for that but let me go ahead and show you our first find so all right right here is my first F Well actually technically it's my third find I got a couple finds here in the hole let me show you those first so this is my first find here now uh for those who don't know what this is this is the front plate to a door and you can actually see there's the skeleton key would have went in there there would have been some gears and stuff in here uh the knob would probably have been right here where they turned it this would unlocked it but this is an old lock to a front door uh so that's my first find my second find was was this piece here now this is again we find a lot of these at the old seller holes this is an old harmonica read it's broken right here it would have been about this long and it would have played the harmonica like that um you can see right here there was an attachment point at the bottom there there would have been a metal read that went over that hole and uh when blown in the harmonica that's what made the noise and then I got another find right here this is an Old Lantern Lantern piece there's the wheel that would have turned it the wick would have come up right here um they probably use this Old Lantern at the going out to the old ous at 2: a.m. in the morning sometimes these knobs would have patent dates on them we're going to clean this one up to see if it does stay tuned let's see what we can find here so it is a little fancy um but I don't see any writing on it yet get a good wipe here can't tell if there was riding on there or if um or if there would have been a date on there but it's long gone I'll spend a little bit more time cleaning it up but yeah I mean this is uh early Relic so all right let's go all right I got a good signal over here it was a 90 on the deis which got me pretty excited wasn't very deep but got a really nice old Relic in the ground right there there is an old Jingle Bell so they they would have had these old bells on Old slays or wagons or maybe even on the horse themselves going down the road they didn't have horns or anything like that so these would be on the horses or the buggies or the slays jingling away so people would know when they were coming so I'll clean it up real quick and give you a good show but this is a jingle bell it's not a CLE Bell uh you often times we'll be able to tell by the way it attaches um and then these kind these specific ones often times had a patent date on it so let's go ahead and see if we can get a date off this let's take a look okay so can't really hear it but the dangler is still in it I'm going to turn you around and show you uh the writing on it October 1876 in May 78 May 14th of 78 so awesome all right I got another uh so I just du dug this credle Bell right here and somewhere in here I got another 90 ton so I'm going to say this might be another credle Bell got a little credle bell spills my first of one of those let me just straighten you guys up here a little bit oh there we go so let's see if we can find it here together the other one wasn't very deep at all getting closer no that surely wasn't it that was a 90 any writing on that no writing let me check the hole that was it huh kind of look like a Trappers tag Trappers would off of times fastened their tag to a trap would have had their name and address on it so if they were ever found they'd be able to identify the the hunter that was trapping so I don't know if that's what that is all right let's go all right so working around this Celler hole I got a good signal over here nice high tone 88 and uh it's a another pretty cool Relic thought it was going to be peer but I don't I think it's copper so let's go ahead and take a look to see what this is to right out of this hole here you can see it's upside down we got a big old spoon yeah it's a thicker copper I thought it was going to be peer at first but I don't think it is no monogram or anything on it some of these old spins would have like a monogram uh usually the silver ones would but this one is not silver uh let's see if there's a Makers Mark I don't see any but pretty cool old Relic all right all right so we moved on from that first site I got a couple more finds in there there's definitely more stuff in there to be found but I wanted to check out this other site this too is on the 18 60s map and not on the 1900 map let's check this place out so I don't know if this is the Old Spring House or if this is part of the foundation but check that out that's pretty cool stack stone very crude again not on the 1900 map got some big trees in here there's some uh Big Pine trees up on the hill but you can see the ground's really uneven I think there's has been some dirt in here but I mean that tree there it's been dead for a long time and it is an old tree so maybe down here they didn't push it around as much but we're going to detect in here a little bit and see what we can find all right so that Sellar hole is right there and I got my first signal here I wasn't here for very long it's in this hole right here so let's pull it out together this could may tell us what the land owner was uh doing for a living um it would possibly make sense because I don't see any farm field any area around here where you can uh raise any cattle or anything so right there look at a Miner's tag these always have a number on them typically Sometimes some of them will actually have a name of the mine but uh we got a number and I'll turn you around show you what it is all right so we have either actually it is an 87 thought may have been a 27 but it is an 87 very crude that's very cool it kind of looks like a two there doesn't it two 27 or 87 one of the two but it's kind of mindboggling to see that somebody had a home site down here in this Valley but uh hey I guess the early settlers they had to uh build where they could all right well I got a uh signal over here it's a pretty good signal uh it was a 92 I thought it was going to be another mason jar lid but it's actually not it's brass if you guys are wondering about the the shirt just supporting another YouTube channel um the P Relic Hunters so shout out to you guys but anyways right here I have a Brass Buckle now the last time we were digging buckles that look like this we were on a really early site now this is an earlier Buckle I don't know if it's going to be colonial era but definitely an early one so let's keep going right out of that hole I popped out this another little Brass Buckle sounded pretty good and not too far away I dug that now that is an old beer bottle the Victor Brewing Company Janette PA registered not sure what year that would have been but it's nice one I'll take that one home with me all right so not too far from that small Buckle I just had a nice high tone got something round or maybe it's oval in the Hole uh it was a 86 it's cleaning up a little bit might be silver let me turn you around we'll try to clean it together it's a little light so but I do believe I see some riding on it all right so there it is um you can see there's some writing there it's very thin it's got some corrosion on this side I'm going to say this is maybe aluminum but I think it might be a uh religious token or something all right let me clean it up I'm going to come right back okay so that's about as good as I can get it I believe it says I will something I see good you guys know what that is and you flip the back and there's I believe it's the virgin mother Mary it does say something Saint you guys I'm sure will be able to help us out with that pretty neat a little religious token it could have been a necklace maybe it had a little something up there that attached to a a necklace so all right let's go what is up everybody we're still on the same site as Jerry was at surprise visit right wasn't expecting to be out but I'm here we're going to go see if we can find anything else at this site Jerry's found some pretty cool stuff so far hope he left me a few scraps we're going to check got a good find in the hole second one I dug the first one I dug was a 78 I dug it it was real clear on the surface and I dug it it totally disappeared and I started digging down and it uh kept going deeper and deeper so that's a clear sign it was 99% iron but this guy came to spoil the party yeah I figured I'd come and check on Sean I was in the area going to pick up some pizza so so he come over driving up the road he get out of there get out of there so I heard him I'm like what the heck is that cuz I just talked to the property owners and they gave me permission so yeah I already knew he was bsing but uh first finding a hole we're going to spin you around so the first the first thing out of this hole was a gigantic Square nail but I have a nice Buckle here looks like it has like a dimple design on it Jerry seems to think it's a pretty early Buckle uh I don't know the difference between my buckles as you can see it still has the uh little tongue on there which is pretty r rare we're going to brush it brush this off and see if uh we can get any more detail on it all right guys so there's the Buckle all cleaned up it does have that design on it now this would have been a really important Buckle uh because of the design cuz people would want to see you know it wasn't just some Buckle that they didn't care what it looked like like this was out where people would see it so they could show you know the the beautiful design on it so what it was I'm not 100% sure but is a really nice buckle and it's display worthy so we'll throw this in the pouch we'll keep on going here all right Jerry's got my metal detector I could tell he was Jones and so I let him swing a little bit while I'm while I'm filming this fine so he already found one here and if you remember uh it was 1,146 or 1,446 or something like that but I have another minor tag is it going to have the same number on it I think I see a three right off the bat we're going to spin you around we'll brush it off together all right so there's the tag I think I saw a three on it 3 325 I think it is got some pretty big numbers on their tags here it's kind of odd maybe that's p is that a three or a p no I think it's a three 325 and what's cool is they're always almost always hand stamped so they probably have like a singular number stamp the three and stamp the two stamp the five cuz they're never like in uniform like together even though it's a miner tag it's still a pretty cool piece of history and this landowner might have been a miner always cool whenever you can piece the stories together we're going to see if Jerry can get on something before he has to go get the pizza all right so Jerry dug this hole he found this target I he said it was an 86 if it's an 86 it could be a wedi he missed it a little bit I think kind of that dark dirt there you sometimes you usually you see that dark dirt with silver now where did it go oh is it out is it up there 86 87 silver I don't know could be half done how deep was it in theug oh there it is right there what is that is that a little wedge oh it is that's cool brass yeah so this little wedge would have been put in the uh the top you know you shove the handle into a uh an axe you'd pound this down into the wood to spread the wood out and that would keep your ax head in the wood that's pretty cool I don't think I ever found one like that pretty neat I'll take it I got a good one on the detector 9091 Jerry just left and he's going to be mad if this is good good could be could be junk who knows could be a Tin Cup or something all right it's out it's in the clump I just was getting ready to set the camera up and I think I see it and I think it's nothing great what is that man that sounded so good but Jerry and I are getting jipped on these live digs they always turn out to be crap it looks like it's actually pot metal why that was ringing up 92 too could be the size and the density of the metal I guess yeah here what it is thought it was going to be a silver coin or a large scent but it's a piece of pot metal probably a car part so I have something not in the hole but on the surface and if you remember 5 or 10 minutes ago Jerry told you he forgot something first thing first a minor tag or cow tag evident he didn't brush it to get a number off of it I'm going to brush it maybe it looks like 101 I'm not sure not very important but uh I actually dug four more miners tags between the first one that I just filmed in the one that I just found this Jerry's in the ground so I mean he could have been a minor but they all have different numbers I'm leaning more towards a farmer but I I could be wrong maybe he was both but to lose this many minor tags they all have different numbers so I'm going to go with the farmer here's this pocket knife that he was talking about we're going to spin you around and show you this so you can get a better view so here's the pocket knife I don't know how old it is but it has a pretty cool design on it it almost reminds me of the one that I found at that Civil War site the civil war soldier site but a real real real nice green and yellowish I don't even know what you would call it but uh pretty cool but I did locate it so I'll give these back to Jerry and we're going to keep going through here we're actually in the front yard of the foundation right now so we'll see if we can find anything else all right finally have another finding the hole it's been a little while I'm just going move moving real slow on this side where I know Jerry didn't hit all that hard he was on the other side have a piece here and it actually looks like a little Keyhole right there I don't this probably was a screen door I'm assuming I don't know could be from the 1920s still a pretty good find though we'll see if we can dig just a couple more things out of here before we go all right so I have a button- in the hole here it almost looks like it's flat on one side and I think there's a design on it it's not a two-piece it's almost like concave convex I know you people are going to eat us up in the com but I got a pretty cool button the shank on it is super long shank so I don't know if it was is actually a two-piece and the iron back or whatever rotted away and it's gone I don't know we're going to show you close up all right so as you can see it's concave on this side be convex on this side I want to say I see something on here I just don't know what I see can you guys see anything I'm going to give it a slight brush and uh otherwise I'm just going to let it dry out and see if anything comes through on it all right can you guys see anything I can't really make anything out I know we want to say there's an eagle on there for a military button there could be maybe I don't have it facing the right way and I can't piece it together but I don't see any Eagle wings or anything that's what's throwing me off uh right now we're just going to go with the civilian button if you guys see see something drop a comment help us out all right so if you know me you know what I'm going to say got my favorite thing in the whole and you're going to know what it is nice old suspender clip and it's almost shaped like one that I've never found before and actually have I think this is the bottom piece that would go on it pretty awesome we're going to brush it off together and look at it all right so definitely never really found one like this it's got to it's got to have fancy on it for sure it's just if I can get it brushed off good enough for us to see it yeah it kind of has a design on the bottom and then across the top it kind of looks like flowers maybe or something I'm not real sure and it probably has probably has a patent a on the back but I'm starving we're not going to spend that much time on it definitely cool though like I said one of my favorite things to find can't beat that I have something so cool in the hole right now not like anything I've ever found if it would have been silver it would have topped it off but I don't know if anybody knows what that is sat here and looked at it for a little bit and then I thought I saw like corrosion on the inside wait till I give you a closeup and you can look at this absolutely awesome so when it come out of the hole it looked like that so I was thinking telephone telephone Bell the whole time I turned it over and I saw this inside of here and I thought it was just like the metal bubbling or whatever but as you can see it's real fancy like flower design and this would would have been a beautiful Ladle I mean that is huge that is an awesome piece so I think the spoon handle would have come off right here if that would have been a complete spoon I would have topped it off but uh just the bowl itself with that fancy flower design on the inside pretty awesome how awesome of a find is that definitely a display piece you could actually fill it with something else in here that is awesome if you guys like this content guys make sure you guys give us a like leave a comment below let us know what things are maybe this isn't maybe this isn't a ladle Bowl we could be wrong we always are so if you want to check out some more videos you can check that one out up in the corner of the screen otherwise we'll see you out there for the next adventure
Channel: Detecting PA
Views: 5,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Detecting PA, DPA Adventures, Metal Detecting, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Hunters
Id: lJjkIqCrPTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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