These LOST Blade and Sorcery Mods Are INSANE

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hello greos and welcome back to downloadable content what that's right it must be Monday because it's mod showcase Monday this week we had to step back in time because there are some mods I desperately need to show you so this is from the U 8.3 build look around pretty nostalgic right but without further Ado let's Dive Right In so I can really show you these mods man just look at the Citadel back in u8 the lighting itself was definitely very different but I think things like the player models and NPCs looked a lot better however also the environments definitely looked worse back in u8 for sure so it looks like we sacrificed some things for another and I don't know which one I like better now but so many things were changed like way down over there is the market that's where the market was supposed to be and you could use you know out of bounds wings and fly there look that's not there there's different waves there's no beach on this side but I digress you're here for the mods I'm sorry the first mod we're going to take a look at today is Master bolt by Rob Del Nero so let's run all the way back over here to the book and um we're going to go into the sword category once there you're going to see a little invisible thing right there that's the master bolt so let's go ahead and take that out just look at this thing it is so awesome I miss this mod so badly it was made once and then disappeared for ever but it's basically just a bolt you can use it as such but you could throw it and check this out I'm going to try to throw with index it's kind of difficult to throw with index but all right well hang on and Boom come on boom boom there you go see it explodes after a little while now you do have to go back to the book every single time you want to have one of those which can be a little bit frustrating but even back in the day Lin had us covered Lin created a spell called re summon so whatever you were holding in your last hand you can resummon so this is the most Zeus thing and if you're going to download this mod you absolutely need Linus one because ready summon and I'm resummoning what I just held so now I can just go throw resummon throw you need to have it it's just so cool let's go and select some people from the wave to fight so let's just do [ __ ] and there's like five of them alive here we go so we'll just wait for them to spawn they spawn in random places um in u8 is what it is but they're they're not going to stand a chance and oh my goodness I missed the way everything looked back in the day the player models and NPC models look so much cooler but I digress it's now time to summon this lightning bolt we could use it as a sword and really stab it in there look how awesome that is and it will explode after some time creating a cool effect you can have one don't think I forgot about you friend I did not toss yep see this is what we were missing out on we need mods like this again look how cool that one is it's just so amazing especially with three summoning I see you you think I saw you back there oh I love these so much let's just finalize it on this dude and then I'll move on to the next mod the master bolt is a fantastic mod but get ready for this next one up next we have the dust mod framework by Rave lizard so if we go into the book and go to the sword category you're going to see three swords Raves magic sword Raves sword beam and then sword default so I guess we could take out a sword default and be like wow sword default um so look at that let's I don't think we need a default one so let's just put that right there and grab the others so this is the elemental sword itself if I press the spell use button it will change between a normal State super lightning one and this little beam right here so when it's glowing like this one while swinging if you press and hold the trigger then release it should also shoot out these like almost looking beams and if something gets hit by those beams that's where the dust is going to come in handy so in order to Showcase it let's go ahead and spawn some friends we'll do a classic one versus one so it doesn't get too crazy here comes the first guy let's um just do a normal sword attack so we know it's a normal sword and we love having normal swords and there's someone behind so now let's go ahead and turn this one on and check out the lightning effect so lightning slash completely adds context so yeah this is actually a great time to start talking about context in Blade and sorcery before we continue so sometimes in a mod showcase I have to show powerful hey so sometimes in a mod showcase I have to show very powerful weapons like this blade over here now this blade is made out of some sort of metal maybe unobtanium or something and when it hits a flushy NPC like that one well it'll leave a mark like that one like a little oil slick also known as blood in this universe now when you use a superpowered mode like this one if it hits them well as you saw before it adds a lot of context when it hits them so I just want to let you guys know that way you're properly educated now let's continue so these guys here so this one doesn't have a beam when I'm in electricity mode this is just straight up if you're looking to obliterate them electricity mode and then we have to wait for it to resummon the power back into the blade look at that resummoning the energy of the land to become even more power it's taking a long time so let's just change over to this one so this is what we've been waiting for a normal blade in and of itself but if it were to hit them they'll turn to dust see I turned his shield to dust get back I will hit you with this I swear there we go Dust in the Wind that's pretty awesome you too oh your dust also yeah it's a shame it didn't take it any further with the dust framework imagine like a spell that I could be like you are now dust with a laser beam but I suppose know this is pretty cool also I wanted you guys to see this you all needed to see this one and I promise you the next mod you guys were totally missing out on up next we have a mod called barel mench by The Four Horsemen team now this is a crazy mod it has so many things so let's try and Tackle this one at a time you'll have a whole new category in this book called from Iden Corp and that's pretty much what makes it so in here this is like a normal like a blade so we could just be like wow a normal blade don't get caught up this is a fiery blade so let's leave that right there but that's not the meat and potatoes here the full course are these floppy discs right here these ones there's a whole bunch of different ones so let's take this red one it's the javelin and let's go ahead and take that I forgot where you put this I don't think you eat it do you just like crushing in your hand let me I think you just maybe equip it there we go so now you'll see that I have HUD on my screen um I also have blade arms and a bunch of stuff so I can make that I can make a shield laser mode activated laser mode activate it obviously and we could fire [Music] lasers what do I look different now so that's this one let's um oh God what's happening I'm being shot by something I'm going to go ahead and take out that floppy disc you've seen that one let's try another one how about this green one oh my God I love the little sticker on it a this was this mod was really cool equip high this is so weird looking but awesome at the same time so we should have blade we have flight mode activated so now we can fly just oh man it does take a bit of getting used to but you could fly around ow God and still shoot your gun like this prepare yourselves if you were a battle Mech on the ground you would be be afraid of me right now hover mode yeah you can hover now so imagine if these guys weren't obliterated before they would easily be now all right let's land now this one also should have a blade mode so let's see what blade you get yeah look at that blade so that's the green one let's put that there I'm sure no one will find that then we still have two blue ones so let's take out this one here and let's go ahead and equip so on the left one we have flying mode hover mode I don't know how to engage the other hand though I think you can equip blades in both hands wait a minute there we go that's how you do it you do do grip on the opposite one and then we have this so now take a look at me this is so awesome especially if you can get the hang of this mod and take a look at those sunglasses man the reflection that's realtime reflection in the sunglasses that is Bonkers and this one also has basic machine gun so let's take a look at that final blue one and then fight some enemies with it all right installed so this has something right what what do you have we havee blades gun again that's a shield on that one and then oh so this is the opposite version of it okay so this one also has a machine gun and I have um a blade so we're left-handed now this one's the same just opposite let's go back to that first one I'm really excited to use that first one now I wish you were able to customize what you got with each one so if I turn on this blade it's like an axe instead of I wish it was a sword like I would like to have this laser mode with like um Fly mode the the hand thing I know it sounds like I'm being insane right now but trust me imagine having a laser hand and then a laser gun well it doesn't matter let's go ahead and fight some of these guys and they can also use it so let's do a 3v1 look at him he's shooting at me laser mode activated laser mode activated wow they actually stand a chance now or do they sir get back I'm going to go ahead and um attempt to fly fly mode there we go and then we'll switch it to hover mode this is exactly what I wanted laser from the heavens you cannot continue to run from me I will turn on axe mode all right I should probably land down and uh mess them up where'd you guys go oh there was one where's the next one you I don't think so all right let's use some of the other ones on I kind of want to fight basic guys and make them feel inferior I'm going to reinstall this green one so now I have two blades one for you and one for you oh the looks in their face is so much better and u8 man it just is I I you can't even argue with it the enemies just looked way cooler I mean their animations were kind of the same and his arm is stuck but it looked really good right look at that he looks beautiful all right well we've kind of used what we needed to I really wanted to show you guys this mod so gun mode activated our final mod we're going to take a look at today how to be shown on the canyon just because there's so many weird things we can do in the canyon the mod is called The Sands of Time by wooly now the sands of time is just a spell that's right here it's sands of time so you hold the cast and it should reverse what is happening and here's what I mean by that so if I have this thing and we throw it and we reverse time look comes right back doesn't go back into my inventory but it comes back based on what was happening so if we were to run run run run run run run run run and then stab it into this wood there we go hand and then if we go all the way back over here in sands of time it it should unab okay wood you're embarrassing me I can't believe this didn't work why oh there we go same thing goes for this so let's say there was a incredible Barrel tragedy oh my God a barrel tragedy let sanss of time that one and it's okay think Prince of Persia comes right back and don't even get me started on the merge effects that this can do but we're not going to do it yet so thanks for not getting be started it should even affect this thing there you go and then sands of time yeah I really like that you could just like affect everything especially NPCs so let's grab have an Axe and I'm going to need my short sword for this let's go ahead and spawn some people and have fun here they come right now should we Sans time you backwards I don't want to see you go [Music] unspawnable sir sir as long as I hold this I think he'll keep the weapon but if I let go he'll oh no we're good we got him back to the UNP punch stage what about the unkicked stage don't worry we'll bring him back see see he's as good as new he's going to go right back over there and die I forgot this doesn't cure death I can bring him back for a moment for a moment he's back but he still dies oh no what have I done well that's funny but now let's switch over to axe and see if we can un ax people come on beat there you go he's un axed and bring him back there you go good as new Dead what we really need to do oh my God their expressions back in u8 were so much better also I'm so mad we need these back oh we've sacrificed so much just for noad just for noad I'm sorry I know that was a little unhinged but I just remember of what it used to be out of the way I need to at least get like a dismember and I want to see it through the sands of time okay well it doesn't matter let's just I can pick him up no one's going to stop me right now right oh he's going for his friend all right friend I'm going to get your arm yeah there we go and then flick that away so now let's Sans of time it back hang on it takes a little while so arm's going to hopefully reattach there you go and takes this guy a little while he's been in the the dead realm for a long time but don't worry he's going to come back the longer I hold it see he's back up at the very least come on don't make me look like a fool there we go he's getting back up he's he's alive look he's technically dead too but he's very much alive I'm like playing with a memory all right enough that is so good it is so good now let's go ahead and practice this merge it together and to one entity and then pull it apart see the sands of time now affect everything including time itself so that man is Frozen in time which is excellent we have a nice dagger we're going to introduce it to the back of his head and um yeah I think I have to REM merge it to undo this one right or are you just stuck are you stuck forever oh your life force is fading sir your life force is fading bud I don't know how to unstake you I'm sorry so he's oh no it wore off okay we're good I also have a secret bazooka that we're going to try out sir it's time for the secret bazooka come with me secret hey you secret bazooka pretend you didn't see that one all right toss him now secret bazooka Sands of Time see this is his pre- bazooka itself and then this is post bazooka now let's try a quiver and a bow so if we hit him with an arrow and Arrow s of time it's okay it's okay oh this is so good it really is this is such a fun mod let's go ahead and mbw and shoot can you guys for a second go away all right you're pissing me off yeah go dance that way go ahead we're not ready for you now we're ready for you so even if you weren't prepared now you can be prepared I want to fire a bunch of arrows into this and then Sans of time the arrows back okay now get ready SS of time on the arrows and they're moving look at that they're like unsho themselves in that direction and it plays the animation me take it out of the quiver that's so cool last thing we have to do is I need to spawn one-on-one and just toss someone oh yes there he is this is going to be great oh no um don't come after me over here I said in my normal tone of voice grab look at you show everyone your better animations you look so much cooler did you oh no I can't believe it oh he slipped oh my God but before he hits the water come on back yeah oh no don't slip you're not dead dude I know you're not dead oh my God what oh what um here this is too good it's too good now what happens if I force choke him and then bomb him up in the air and then Sans of time him woly make this mod come back this is insane that we don't have access to this in u12 I know you're working on the whole game but if you could just take a moment and give us this back I I would very much appreciate it okay so go ahead and get to work on that one anyway Sans of time you guys absolutely need this one jump and then Sans of time so I don't don't die right it doesn't work on me no well my friends that is it for this week's mod showcase Monday I hope you had a ton of fun looking back in time at U 8.3 if you do want to do so go ahead and roll back all the mods will be down in the description section down below but other than that I Just Want to Thank You Joshua for stopping by and watching this video make sure you subscribe if you're new hit the big subscribe button down below but other than that I'm Drifter from downloadable content and I will see you well back in new [Music] 12
Channel: Downloadable Content
Views: 26,672
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Id: KNcbOmLU6uo
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Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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