These fans are insanely cheap!

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you know I've preached a lot in previous videos about filling out your case with as many fans as possible the problem is fans are one of those things that tend to be getting more and more expensive as time goes on bearings are getting more complicated they're adding all kinds of RGB control to them their pwm and then even the cage designs are driving the prices up in fact right now you can spend as much as like 45 dollars on a single fan but if you're a utilitarian and you're going I don't care about all that crap I just want to move and exchange air in my case as nicely as possible and max out my case fans that way I can have the best cooling possible so I was perusing on Amazon and I found a five pack of fans but here's the catch they only cost 3.99 a piece when you when you break it down and that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna break it down right after this ad in this video to bring you a special message from iFixit no we interrupt this Interruption with this interruption and grab this card but inventory sucks fix the inventory problems with iFixit Whoa Don't drop it can't fix that with die fix it just kidding yes you can and wish you could take I fix it with you anywhere but your pockets aren't big enough introducing a new Murray and the new minnow take them with you anywhere so good I fix it for your loved one or just get them for yourself uh you know when I'm bored I do spend a lot of time looking around Amazon for PC parts that are inexpensive because what I have this idea of doing is eventually building an entire computer system like case fans power supply all that stuff out of maybe lesser known brands of you know but they're but they're quality the difference about these fans is this is not an unknown brand views are actually and tech fans and Tech has been around a long time maybe they haven't stayed quite as in front of the you know in front of people's faces I don't know how they're able to wear it maybe they haven't been as good about staying in the Limelight in terms of advertising but antec has been around for a long time both the power supplies with cases with coolers and it's one of those things where I feel like maybe over time they just kind of became a lesser known brand amongst people but they are no they are not some cheap knockoff and that's what really caught my attention with this now on Amazon at the time of making this video These are non-rgb fans these are DC fans which means they're a three pin but that should not there is a bad misconception out there that if it's a three-pin fan it sucks and that's not true four pin fans with pwm you know people are like oh you can control those off CPU load absolutely this yes you can but I will be making a video talking about setting up your case for proper Cooling and we're going to talk about DC fans because every modern motherboard can actually control the speed of a of a fan by setting up a fan curve even with a three-pin DC fan hitter they all fan headers today work with both pwm and three pin fans depending on you know the brand and the amount of control that you get a separate video coming with that but these are a three pin fan in terms of specs these are the antec F12 fans or 120 millimeter LED type none that should make a lot of people happy the only thing folks may not like about these fans is the fact that let's go and open it up well as you can see right there they are a white blade but I feel like if you're if you're a utilitarian and you're one of those people that are like I don't care about the Aesthetics I just want the performance and I want the cooling this shouldn't bother you in fact the nice thing about a white blade is it's going to work with any build and it would just match any build the only thing it may not is the yellow antique logo logo guess what you can easily put a sticker over that or just get a circle punch I've done this before ordered a cheap carbon fiber wrap fake thing off Amazon fake carbon fiber 3M Sticky Thing got a a circular whole punch cutter thing from like Joann's crafts or whatever and then punch those out and put them on my fans and those those lived on Skunk Works for many years and it was cheap but anyway they're only 1 000 RPM fans but here's the thing a thousand RPM is gonna mean a few things they it's gonna stay quiet but if you have five of these in your system you're gonna be moving a crap ton of CFM which means they're going to be quiet but they're still going to be moving air and I would much rather have a four dollar thousand RPM fan filling a slot in a case that didn't break the bank then having no fan there at all so you got to look at it that way in terms of noise level 21.5 DBA you're not going to hear them and that's because of the fact that they're a thousand RPM however they still move 30.5 CFM now that is measured in open airflow which means I've got a and this is just like a height 360 fan right here out of their case so I want to kind of compare it with that measurement means there's no obstruct options on either side of the fan it is just free-flowing so 30.5 CFM not terrible and they only pull 1.5 or 0.15 amps you can put all five of these on a single header on your motherboard and you'd be fine because most headers are rated up to two amps these days so you'd want to check with your motherboard anyway five year warranty how much effort you're going to go through to ship back fans it would probably cost you more in shipping to ship it somewhere than to just buy new ones but they are a regular price of 24 or 24.99 right now they're on sale for 19.99 I'll put the link down below the problem is as soon as I do that they're gone I'm sure they're gone already by the time you guys have got to this point because people have already gone and bought them but even at five dollars a fan that'd still be a a bargain because if you go on Amazon right now and you shop for cheap fans you'll find four or five dollar fans that are terrible I mean they're like Molex plugs and they're just some brand you've never even heard of now I'm gonna tell you right now the initial feel of these fans does not scream quality it doesn't scream quality it just screams it's it's a fan that's all that's really all there is to it but like I said I am all about in this particular concept here saving money and getting the most for your money and you put all five of these fans in a case and it cost you less than ordering one lunch off of like doordash then there you go that's that's worth talking about we've got a Molex to three fan splitter okay maybe that ages just a little bit but anyway we've got two of them you know what this is actually useful we will keep this um comes with the fan screws needed to mount it you know to your case and stuff they are the self-tapping a variety of fan screws and uh anyway moving on let's go ahead now and talk about the bearing type it doesn't actually say it anywhere on here what the bearing type is but it does on the ad and this is where some people are probably gonna be like oh man remember 3.99.8 cents per fan if you get a year maybe two out of them that five year warranty that's worth it in my opinion because you could easily spend more than that 19 on a single fan from any other brand it is a hydro bearing so that means it's actually a fluid bearing and the only downside about fluid bearings even though it's lower noise high performance is the fact that they become susceptible to dust now they are sealed however as you know dust can make its way anywhere it's like it's like Jurassic Park you know life finds a way well dust finds a way too and it will eventually gum up your bearing and you will get the you know paddling around because it will just turn your bearing from nice oily fluid into a thick gunky mess over time and if you live in a very dirty Dusty environment it's gonna happen even quicker that is a downside and that's true for any type of fat Crosshair brings gaming to the next level with the xenium 45 inch flexible OLED xenian Flex display with up to 240Hz refresh rate 0.03 millisecond graded gray response time motion blur canceling anti-reflective coating burn in protection and customizable Bend based on user's preference the zenion flex from Corsair allows Gamers to truly tailor their display to their liking click the link below for more details one of my biggest issues with fans these days is the cable links are far too short these yeah if I had to guess this is probably going to be a foot and a half maybe about eight what 18 inches converted into whatever these CMS are um not long but not short if you add the length of that extension cable it came with with the Molex splitter then you know it'd be a little bit longer now the downside about using a molec splitter versus using some sort of a three pin splitter off your motherboard is you won't be able to control the speed so keep that in mind what I have here this is my 12 volt power supply so I can test this at a couple of different RPMs and such for instance I can test it at 5 volt I can test it at 7 volt and 12 volt which are the most common types so as you can see right now the Blade's a little wobbly you can kind of see right there we'll check each one the blade is slightly wobbly and that's probably just because of the quality of the plastic of the the build itself I don't think it's wobbling on the bearing The Hub doesn't look like it's wobbling the sticker is also very not centered so that might end up triggering you that wobble over time though could lead to those gaps forming in the bearing seal which will allow dust to eventually make its way in there right now at 5 volts the blades are barely turning however with no resistance I can feel some airflow and I'm going to pull out my airflow meter as I showed in the past this thing is airflow meters have to be calculated to duct size so I didn't do the actual calculation perfectly because it's a very cone shape which makes it a little bit more complicated and this is a pressure fit piece that we made and it really it's hard to get in there especially since it's a little colder today and I think it might shrunk so this number right now is not to be like taken as this is the actual CFM of the fan it's more of a comparison thing like it's like a Dino Run on a for a car you know each Dino is going to measure differently you have to compare before and after kind of a thing five volts with these fans blades barely turning as you saw we are getting 20 CFM 20.21 actually not bad hey that that crunching sound you hear is actually the the fan meter not the blade itself if you had five of these in your case running at this speed you wouldn't be able to hear a dang thing now once it has to pull through filters and mesh grilles and all that sort of stuff it's going to get worse in fact check this out if I were to attach it to this radiator right now and I should be screwing this down for proper test but I'm not 11. I'll be honest that's higher than I expected it to be and then this is where Push Pull really comes in handy too because it helps overcome that pressure drop across the red and this is like stuff I want to start doing as we do fan testing now I know this is not as scientific as sticking it into a you know fifty thousand dollar fan testing chamber but this is in my opinion real world enough for you guys to have some data to be able to go off of let's go ahead now and crank this up to seven volts and what I'm kind of mimicking here is uh using the fan curve Optimizer in your motherboard to start controlling headers so now we'll add a little bit more there's seven volts you can see now remember I'm not measuring the actual CFM of the fan I'm measuring the difference so we can compare how much you can see visually with numbers how much more airflow there actually is however it's still I'm pointing this at my mic I mean can you see the mic in the frame fill it's like right there yeah can you hear it so that it's it's moving a fair amount of air through this is a hardware Labs radiator radji I almost said radiator you can tell what channel I've been watching when I say radiator but anyway look at that 20 to 21 CFM so by going from five volts to 7 volts we've now got the same amount of airflow through a rad that we were getting with it just open at 5 volts so already I'm pretty impressed the blade design it's kind of a hybrid in that it's got the static pressure the way you get a high static pressure fan is you have to have the fan blades have minimal gap between the blades themselves you can see that they don't overlap there's a small Gap there and what's weird is like having a bigger Gap gets you more airflow but less static pressure because of that Gap any resistance the air can actually backflow through that Gap but this is sort of an in-betweener so it's got more of a sickle or a scythe reminds me of like a gentle typhoon sort of a blade almost but like wider which gives us a very good amount of airflow so at seven volts yeah it moves lots of air through this red so I would be like sure use these fans on a radiator no problem in fact these remind me now of like back in the day when I first saw my YouTube channel one of the fans that everyone was just all raving about was the um yet loon fans they were like four dollars and they performed really well the problem was they were they had a cheap ugly frame similar to this and then they had like a red and yellow and black cable that wasn't sleeved and it was the three pin it was ugly but it worked all right we're going to 12 volts now so that's what the blade wobble looks like at speed it's a little bit less noticeable but it's definitely there now you can sort of hear the motorhome it's gentle it's not it doesn't like intrude a whole lot now we we're going to see a lot of CFM obviously this is much much higher than the advertised 30.5 so with this calculated the math calculation that's inputted into the meter we're seeing a 55.6 55.2 54.8 so now we want to see is how much pressure drop is there across the red see with the higher RPM it overcomes the the pressure drop quite a bit better as you can see right now it is not uh half it's more than half whereas at five volt we saw it drop down to half this is a 34 versus 55 so that's probably about what 75 percent or so of the flow without the red and again this is a this is a high fpi rad fins per inch this is this is not an easy Rod to blow air through sure it's only a 30 mil thick but it is dense so then in terms of the noise going through the radiator it's not creating a weird turbulent sound I would have liked to have seen these fans be 1200 RPM to be honest the little extra RPM would help but if you get a ton of these you know in your system you add these five let's say two in the back one the top one in the rear three in the front depending on your case this would keep any system cool the question is going to be the longevity of the bearing itself all right there's one other thing I want to do right now and that is going to be compare it to this height y60 fan I don't know if this is a fair test or not cage wise it feels like a better quality built fan it's a more airflow optimized fan than it is static pressure and this is one of the fans that comes with like I said the height y60 I just needed to give some sort of like here's a cheap fan not necessarily that cheap in fact I'm gonna look it up and see if height sells this fan individually because I want to see so to put it in perspective it's like an identical looking fan but a three pack costs 25 bucks so that makes this fan significantly more expensive individually than those fans this is a 1500 RPM fan the difference is this is a three pin and the fa is a four pin so it's a pwm fan so that's really the only difference there 1500 RPM it's also a fluid bearing so very comparable actually so I mean obviously with it being an airflow optimized fan it's showing 85 on our meter I think we're just going to call this junits because obviously this is not calculated to proper CFM jfm jfm jfan measurement this is kind of a good demonstration of a fan blade that is designed for static pressure versus one designed for airflow this chopped itself in less than half but you notice the antec fan did not and that's because if we look at the blade Design This is an airflow blade you can see there's a much bigger gap between the blades but there's more blades so this is designed to move as much air as possible with less resistance um I think it's time to do an updated video about airflow fans there's one more thing I want to do right now and I want to see what happens when I push More Voltage to this this this power supply will allow me to push 15 volts to it and I have a feeling it's not going to take it well and I don't want to burn one up but you know what for four bucks 15.2 90 91. it's not slowing down we've done this with other fans where we would set it to 15 volts you hear the bearing go the family go and start slowing down why do I feel like this fan is capable of more than what they set it to 30 volts the fact that at 15 volts it's not slowing down I gotta tell you right now for 19 bucks if I were on a budget but I needed more fans in my system especially with summer months you know they'll be here before you know it I would absolutely not think twice about using these fans like it'd be a no-brainer for 1990 even at 24.99 honestly we're gonna tell you no that's just taking the 15 volts no problem what can you remember what fan it was when it was like yeah gonna break a hundred yeah 106 108 J units 109 110 110 J fan meters all right there we go just a fun video here kind of showing you guys uh one reason to play with my power supply and two you don't have to break the budget when it comes to putting fans into your system 20 bucks for five of these guys throw them in your system have plenty of airflow keep your stuff cool and uh you know you don't have to spend 20 bucks a fan Brands would like you to believe you have to but you don't I'll put the link to these down below good luck if you've waited this long in the video to buy some and you desperately needed some fans you didn't have a lot of money and you waited for this long they're probably gone already or the brand goes hey these are these are selling like crazy let's reduce the sale and increase the price don't wait brands do that to us all the time and it pisses me off all right guys thanks for watching we'll see in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 273,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheap fans, cheap pc fans, cheap case, cheap case fans, cheap pc upgrades, cheap pc mods, cheap fans for pc, pc, computer, pc gaming
Id: reilj40Mcho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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