These EBAY SCAMMERS are getting creative

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well hello everyone welcome back to the shed I am Lani hey I'm Candace welcome back so it is night time um it is 8 30 on the dot 8 30 at night and we we don't love doing this but uh it turns out we have two of us and between the two of us we have three places we need to be all at the same time yeah uh Candace has to be somewhere I have to be somewhere else other than the shed and then we are both supposed to be in here working in the shed in the morning but uh The Sheds got a the shed's gonna have to wait a few hours because we're gonna we're both gonna be out running our own little Aaron things so we had to come out here tonight and just pull the pull a few orders to get ahead yeah because by the time we come in here we're not going to have a ton of time before the carrier gets here nope nope I don't think I'll be here at all before the carry again maybe I hope I am yeah I really do all right so um we're gonna pull 4 five five yep all right first one is for Echo Claudine Wolf okay good to see her selling because we have still have plenty of her you know we need to we need to sit down one of these days and and figure out the numbers on the Monster High buy yeah we kind of been putting it off we'll sell anything won't we one Echo yep here they are right here I think they're for a uh yeah they're a Club Car yeah those came from Kevin and Danielle yeah yeah Kevin used to steal hubcaps off a golf carts when he was younger I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I think I don't think I really don't think Kevin was doing that thirty dollars for this used to be a side hustle we saw it a real Cat Stevens okay tell me where it is bye Bravo right five Bravo right right all right Cat Stevens teaser and the fire cat this guy right yeah that's our new nicknames for each other yeah I'm the teaser you're the fire cat man we have there's such good titles in there um for Alpha Alpha I just all I did was I threw it on top of a you know what I can get to it easier from the other aisle sort of yeah I bagged it first yeah I just threw it up on top of this box I thought I would thought it was gonna be a while I thought it was gonna be a while but it wasn't it's been a while and it only works past tense okay I won't do that again sixty dollars yeah this thing is cool and this this little emblem right here is neat too it may or may not have been on the Joe bird I'm just assuming it's Joe Burroughs I saw JB scribbled inside of no I didn't I'm just kidding we finally we would never ever do is we jokingly said wouldn't be funny if we took out like a Sharpie and put JB initials inside there somewhere and then his number whatever number he wore I don't even remember yep and then speaking of numbers we have a football jersey on 11 Alpha um Louisiana Christian University in the college 11 Alpha you mean that that box up there that has all those uh okay let me go get it all right I didn't bring the camera with me but I got up there I got real lucky I didn't have to take it down it was the second it was a second poly bag in that box up there yeah so gotta sell them for 20. you know why this guy bought it full there no he actually he's a Denver fan and it's the same colors pretty much and he was born in 1974 and has 74 on it well there you go so and he also asked to pay twenty dollars for it and I didn't see a big old crowd of Louisiana Christian University yeah uh a lot alumni beating down our door so uh I took that twenty dollars yeah but uh yeah I'm gonna go ahead and get this stuff packed and we will see y'all again tomorrow at some point we don't know when well I got to like the third package and had already sold two more things so we're gonna go ahead and pull those now before I leave alien we sold some spark plugs I think it's these ngks right here double check it NGK br2 LM yep 9.99 for these and then back on 3B we sold this Fablehaven book right here that is allegedly signed by author let me just make sure of that yep uh this sold on Makari actually for 15 plus uh they paid the shipping uh via Makari for I think five bucks so I'm gonna get these guys packed and we will see all in the morning good morning everyone we are back it's still morning we are back in the shed Candace had her stuff she had to do I have my stuff I had to do and we're here and um that's the packages that are going out they haven't come yet no carrier's not been here and we did have some more things that should go out today so we're going to get them pulled and packed real quick before she gets here yeah also uh after we do that later on I'll show you I did go I was around Granger earlier and we had an order uh I picked up picked up something different uh that we're gonna try to start using but I'll show you all that in a bit we need to get these orders pulled yep all right we have two cookbooks on the first order three Bravo Bells Bayou bounty three Bravo it's gonna be alphabetized okay got it and there's another one right hey Charlie Charlie the pecans pecans La Joy ooh wow this is a very uh Man look it's old and it's like extreme like somebody just that's very small that's a small run all the recipes are pecans oh that is wow that's kind of cool actually that's one of my favorite cookbooks we've had that's really cool oh man that's legit yeah so those two together sold for 43.48 you know what when it like this epitomizes like what the cookbook cookbook collector should walk up right yeah that's it okay we haven't figured in the chest drawer uh it's an Alien versus Predator alien is this guy It's gotta be him that's him okay selling him for 8.69 okay and then the last item going out today is on eBay on eBay is 12 Charlie on the left it's a juggler Nutcracker he's got bright red hair 12 Charlie on the left there he is alpha bravo charlie well that's well that's about what I expected you've got some crazy hair he's got some rings and uh clubs and yeah yep sold him for seventy two dollars okay nice and then and then all right pin number one two nine this is the bottom one tell you what the little secondary platforms they've been fairly steady I I was kind of wondering what it was going to be like after we stopped selling all those Monster Highs on Makari where we're still gonna get sales on other platforms and we are yeah yeah it's 129 right here we go this is it yeah Walmart 2417. yeah got it how much does that sell for it usually shows you the shipping and the uh it's over twelve dollars plus shipping on top okay okay all right that's the uh only stuff that has to get out of here right now so I'm gonna go ahead and get that packed and then Candace Molly and I are gonna get what I was looking at nutcracker's hair I was kind of feathered would you like it like uh who was that actress Farrah Fawcett oh yeah he's got the Feathering going on on the side feather games coming back it is is it already back kind of I guess it comes and goes it's been back a few times all right I'm gonna get this stuff packed and we're gonna go grab some lunch all right we are back from lunch and um this is what I got from Granger that's a 30 pound paper on both of them I didn't know which one I wanted so I just got both there's 1200 feet on each roll they're 18 inches wide one of them is okay this was 26.28 this is the newspaper newsprint or whatever it's a little thinner and then well they're both kind of they're both about the same because they both weigh this I guess I guess this one just feels more substantial because it has texture maybe they're yeah it might but yeah that's why I got both because I wanted to see like how it felt or whatever uh they're both they both weigh this way is like just a hair under 18 pounds total this weighs about 18 and a half pounds supposedly they both have 1200 feet of paper on them 18 inches wide so we'll see we'll see how I like it um and they were pretty comparable in price yeah one was 28 one was 26 something yeah so just looking at it I don't know I think I might like this kind of paper better I don't know what we'll see we'll see how it goes but uh yeah I'm gonna try that out obviously gonna need some way way to mount it or something I don't know yet yeah I don't know if we're gonna hang it like we do the bubble or man get one of those it'd be nice if you had some kind of pole jutting out of here that you could just pull it off yeah but I don't want to no my my bench space is too precious I didn't I would never put anything on this bench except a tape dispenser that I can move around probably maybe we could do something like this these things are pretty darn heavy I know that's the only thing I'm thinking too they are very they're 18 pounds when they're full good morning everyone it is Thursday morning now yeah that's right Thursday and we do have eBay orders to pull we have actually we have uh what Makari we have Makari also an item on Makari and let's see then we also sold uh we sold some books to a viewer two of you they won't like they would give we gave them a great price we want we were gonna donate them honestly yeah and um we ended up selling them like super duper cheap plus shipping so that's good we're going somewhere where they're wanted we don't have to store them anymore yeah she said our son loves uh the old west so that's perfect yeah perfect so um oh also Candace yesterday afternoon she's like she's like oh I found this this um stop this deal on Facebook Marketplace so we ended up going and uh picking that up yesterday we'll show you that in a little bit too after we pull orders yep all right so we're going to start out with eBay today as usual um nine Charlie we sold a real Johnny Cash Man in Black and Charlie anything else coming from there oh look it's right on top how lucky yeah we sold a bunch of these reels that we got from Sue uh yeah the rest of them look like they're on five Bravo okay yeah he was waiting for you huh yeah he was thirty dollars for that one um this thing I I didn't think it would ever sell or what's that this next item for a Bravo Dash right it's that uh Adobe incense house oh yeah I'm Kevin and Danielle for Bravo yeah this guy I don't know I thought it might sell no stuff but no stuff no stuff this but a clean fragrance from The Great Outdoors men men like it too to me the box is much cooler than the actual product yeah that's just me know you know if there's something for everybody 15 for that um we sold that little amiibo guy in mu8 oh he's right here yeah what was his name um yeah I think it's Samus sorry 14. sorry y'all we're a couple old people we don't know what some of the stuff is sometimes all right let me see we have the dog item coming up let me see if we have any more in that all right we sold a dog harness um it's 12a-7 which is up here oh it's in this box yep no that's weird this is 11a oh I'll put the wrong oh it's definitely in there I did I put them all okay because uh yeah 12a would be up here I'll put the washers okay so it is um number seven it's a medium black and white a medium polka dot yep that's easy enough and that's the only uh dog item we have going out that's it wow okay all right we sold some hot rollers on eight Alpha I was so proud Lonnie um he he listed these himself he said even I'm a big boy I wasn't in here when he did it he even said he tested him I would have loved to see your hair in rollers I didn't test them like that I just like plugged it in they all made sure they all got hot and I unplugged it where are we at eight what oh yeah I even uh I even wrapped them up in this bubble wrap just to make sure because the plastic is like brand new yeah so I didn't want it to get scratched up sold those for 25. peanut butter has three items on it um we have a glass vintage glass reamer on eight Bravo eight Bravo yep I'm thinking this must be it right here okay she came from Kevin and Daniel and then they also bought two cookbooks three Charlie talk about good oh wait I gotta move this light all right three Charlie talk about good this is a popular cookbook I've seen this on a bunch and three Bravo family favorites it looks like it might have like a church on the cover okay Bravo family favorites got it okay so you know this is gonna be one of those ones I gotta figure out if it makes more sense to ship the cookbooks by themselves and then this or to go ahead and do ground advantage and ship it all together I'm not sure which way it's going to be yet about the ground Advantage weight okay it depends on where it's going really yeah all right we have another real we have a few reels on five Bravo um we'll go ahead and pull them all uh the first one is Johnny Rivers a touch of gold Percy Faith streams Johnny Rivers a touch of gold ah okay I see it it's all the way at the bottom here I'm gonna go ahead and pull the rest of them off camera because it requires kind of two hands okay I got the rest of this pulled all right so Johnny Rivers Touch of gold 15 for that one okay Percy Faith strings The Beatles album ten dollars okay Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture twenty dollars all right our greatest hits of Mike babe have been Strauss fifteen dollars okay nice all right we sold another Star Trek Deep Space lion card and DND drawer good Ellie 's all right we're I was kind of I was kind of saying we never sell them but at this rate maybe we will yeah three dollars for that one if we can keep this up because I think that's like two of these in about a week huh yep something like that yep all right we sold another quality and wolf for Echo so we should have like about 20 21 of those left yep she's been selling now and no Deuce she's giving Deuce a run for his money man I haven't pulled a deuce in a long time oh no we have a Walmart oh she saw for 11 we have a Walmart pen 207 okay that's right I've started pulling those off camera but I guess I forgot all right 207 unless we get in there the easier they'll be to find yeah all right this is 20 store 2511 Utah yep yep ten dollars okay Fork Utah okay then we saw the Jersey on uh Makari it's a jacket right yeah it's a jacket I'm sorry I need to find the location so give me just a moment okay okay yeah that's one thing about uh Makari the other platforms pretty much all bring in the custom skew and Makari does not have a custom SKU field so it doesn't so Candace has to cross reference with uh list perfectly or I'm actually just throwing it in the evening or you could yeah search it on eBay either way yeah you know what's funny I we had to move these to put that box there and I was like oh we'll just put them on top of this stuff because we don't access this ever three third time this week third time this week I've had to come up now the second time I didn't have to take them all down I guess because I got lucky for football season I don't know yeah and we're looking for a um I think it's gonna be this right here Reebok on field Saints 2x I know sorry foreign these things up they started selling so yeah if that's what it took I'll take it 50 for that right yes and that includes shipping yeah I was including shipping and I remember buying this too I believe we bought that in the beat of spring sale right for five dollars right okay so that's everything we got going out plus there's books yep all right let me get the packing oh we do have uh we have the buy the Candace made and then we also picked out a few questions too yeah all right I um I found a Facebook bar again it's not a huge one but I like it it's it's right up my alley this woman had um these three cases here and she showed like one doll and maybe like seven or eight pieces of clothing accessories 20 bucks I'm like okay these cases are probably worth about twenty dollars each and then the rest of that will be laying up you know so I get there to her house it was a house pickup where I met her house and I was I was I was there by the way I insisted like we don't do any kind of house meetups actually uh this was seven o'clock at night right um anyway we pull up and I see it by her front door I see this big case here I'm like wait she didn't have that for sale I kind of wanted to pop on her Facebook and see what's going on so as soon as I stepped out she came out the door and she grabbed this she goes look at this so long story short she threw that in and then there's stuff inside so we're just gonna take a look real quick at what we have and what'd you pay for everything twenty dollars for everything she didn't charge more she was super nice she said she may have something else for me and I hope it's it's good if she does find it because I did specifically ask her when I reached out did she have any more vintage toys now this case here um it's just the case the inside looks pretty good like the pockets are not torn or anything but it does have damage and it's Miss and it's supposed to have like a cabinet or something over here on the side we saw a picture of one where they had one down here now I don't know if they made some with that or not because I don't does it have room for that I don't really see where it would go or maybe is that something somebody added I don't know usually there is something to store your Barbies I saw it on eBay though like when we were looking like they had a locker or whatever I've never had this one this big and I was excited when she gave it to me however they're they're they're worth about twenty dollars in even that size okay we have a skipper case and this the all this was This Woman's stuff when she was little like in the early 60s and a lot of the clothing she said her grandmother made so it's homemade clothing a lot of it but it is old you know for whatever that's worth Skipper cases in pretty good condition um and then this is all supposedly closed for Skipper and I know a lot of it is it's her like her babysitter apron this is the flower girl dress yeah there's just all kind of stuff in there I've been going through it um all the way but I just kind of glanced all right and then we have a Ken case so some of the boxes say ponytail on them what does that mean I don't know in the Box it says it says tail I don't I'm wondering if that means it's from that time period because that says ponytail and then this black one says ponytail and yeah yes I don't know I haven't had a chance of researching so as soon as I opened this one I saw this um little head and we've had this before this is beauty queen Midge and she came with different wigs that's why her hair is like that so you could put the change your hair out with the different wigs and she's got one of these cases has her little gold outfit in it somewhere but yeah we've got a lot of the closes in rough condition of course um like we've got Ken's little doctor outfit but it's all stained up oh it is it's staying pretty bad yep so somebody may still buy it they may for some amount we do have a lot of little accessories like um the Little Flower Girl bouquet is in here you know so that's that one and this is my favorite case I like the look of it how it's like that shiny you know what that looks like a modern yeah case to me just the colors are really bright and nice yeah now the class does have some corrosion but it works fine it's not like rusted out it's just the finish on it now this one has a Barbie in here I don't know who she is to me her face looks like 70s and she's got the ring on there I know I don't think the earlier ones had the hole for a ring but is there a date on the body there is um but you know doesn't know oh right it's like Hot Wheels cars right but she is a straight leg no she's not a straight leg okay I think she's probably from where let me see that so so they she has joints in her knees yeah they Bend oh see so there's like a uh the straight leg ones will not do that okay I didn't know that yeah so there's a joint in there that's covered with smooth fun okay that's interesting and she's got some uh this is the beauty queen uh midge's little outfit that you can I'll bet that was quite a revolutionary thing in the world of action figures yeah because I mean hell even after that they weren't hiding joints like that you know those big old ugly joints right some outfit that goes with that mid um don't have the body but I do have something up my sleeve for that okay this came with it too this came with it too and a lot of this is like homemade clothes but there is some some original Barbie stuff in here I'm not going to go through it all but I did find a couple of pieces in here it's mostly homemade though just a bag full of clothes and so are you gonna do like a like we're looking at a lot like a lot of lots right here right yeah I'm gonna light up like clothing with cases um like the Ken stuff would go with the kin case you know and um this is the original Barbie um swimsuit but look the seam has come apart which it can be it's not a hole in the fabric it's the seam actually goes up the middle there so it can be stitched back together you have to be pretty good at it though I'm not good because that that that's like some delicate material there [Music] okay let me show y'all what I had put away it's been sitting down there a long time case here and I had them sitting here with baking soda because they just have that old smell to them and I've I put some baking soda down in here and then laid them on top just to see what that would do um and I can still smell the musty smell on them so yeah that's just the way you're just gonna have to disclose they smell musty yeah this is another one of those midges with a different hair color I've got a skipper here something's going on with her arms look at that telescopic I think somebody tried to fix her arms and didn't do a good job like we can't even pop that back in there so she's going to need a good repair but she's in pretty good condition otherwise well is this Ken yeah I've got two cans here well Ken Ken has some arm man Kim got some long legs yeah look at them legs on Ken yep we've got two cans so I'll probably sell those with the kin case you know oh he's got the old uh blocked hair I guess he did too yeah they're flocking that's pretty bad they're flocking flocking get the flock out of here yep so all that for 20 and then I'll have these extras ahead stashed away that I'll throw in with it now these beauty queen midges can go for really big money um so I may run her case in the mini chat and that Midge um I may run an auction with all of that you know so it all goes I think that would be fun yeah because those beauty queen midges can bring some good stuff so what do you kind of what are you kind of thinking either return on your twenty dollars could be it was twenty dollars and we spent about round trip uh there and back about 40 minutes yeah and twenty dollars what do you think um somewhere between 150 profit okay that'd be awesome yeah so good job another uh Candace Facebook Marketplace deal there and once again I just opened Marketplace and it was sitting there waiting for me I told Lonnie I wonder if they have and I know they do have algorithms because I look at vintage toy um stuff for sale so much that maybe it makes sure to put it in front of me when it comes up because a lot of times I just open my Marketplace and it's the sitting right there in the first ads yeah that's awesome that lady was very excited to sell it to you she was she was happy that I was she you know what like we did not disclose for whatever reason we we don't try and hide it but we did not disclose it we're resellers however uh given the This Woman's enthusiasm for selling this stuff to Candace I think she would be 10 times more excited that potentially I I mean normally our videos get at least 10 000 views I think she would be just ecstatic to know yeah because she made a comment she she goes when P when she handed me that she goes when people see this stuff they're gonna be like where'd you get all that from that's the only part I heard because they were they were like they they had gotten they had walked she was helping Candace I just stayed in the truck because Candice was communicating I was just OverWatch basically right yeah and making sure I didn't get kidnapped right and so when they walked I heard when they walked back over I heard the lady saying I'm like oh Candace told her that we're on YouTube or something but you know you may even want you you know what Candace I challenge you just one time just because that lady was so nice to you and she was so enthusiastic send her a link to this video what do you think that's awkward I know it's awkward but I think it's also think it's so cool like this stuff is from the early 60s she played with it hard obviously she loved the stuff and now like thousands of people are seeing it here so you'll just think about it if you get a bat because I know you have potential future dealings too so right I could mess that up and I know sometimes a lot of the older generation they get kind of insulted if if their stuff is being re sold true okay maybe you let a sleeping dog lie then yeah just sucks because I know that woman would more than likely she would just get a big kick out of it I think she would um and I kind of wish she would have kind of asked me are you good what are you gonna do with this you know I wish it could have come up but at this point I still can yeah and maybe if she reaches back out to me just think about it because I I would like her to see this so okay I had to share this a little while ago Candace got this message like I was cross-listing some stuff and I'm telling you this listing I'll put it up and not even two minutes later this comment popped up under like in the listing how they can leave comments on the listing yeah look check this out hello can you send my assistant some pictures of the item and they give some some phone number it's in a weird format there's four numbers here but it's the right number of numbers to be sure the item is in great condition and shape he will be making payment on the app thank you so that's all Preston Ray MD yeah some doctor has his assistant uh accepting his pictures huh yeah so strange Sarah I mean obviously this has got to be a scam oh yeah you know so why would somebody do that anytime somebody leaves their phone number for us on any platform or like scam alert yeah man we have been getting a few of these things lately we got a they probably think we're new at reselling since we haven't been on there a very long selling stuff we've got 81 feedback now I know but I guess a buyer would have that many feedback too so you might not be able to really tell huh yeah I don't know yeah so yeah I went ahead and blocked him and it's interesting after I blocked him you can't that comment is no longer visible on earlier yeah that's good yeah that's good so yeah watch out for that I've also seen similar things on Poshmark yeah where they where they're like hey can you send some more pictures and they give like an email address yeah like anytime these people are wanting to contact you in in any method outside of the platform yeah that you're on then that's a red flag for me right there unless I already know that person or something and if that was were the case they would already know how to get and contact me off with me off the platform right just watch out for that we got should I talk about the eBay one why not this is elaborate yeah hang on this is another one here's that other one Candy's gonna tell you all about the other the eBay one so remember that uh um old uh victrola record player we got it was it was in response to that um the first message says I'll give you a hundred dollars cash if you use my FedEx account for shipping and and so uh Candace okay uh you know it's funny oh my gosh and she knows she already knows it's funny all it's funny how many of these things happen when I'm in the tub but it's true I was in the tub yeah he's always in the bathtub there I am in the tub again we're minding my own business as you do you know and uh I get a I get a text message from Candace as you do while you're in the tub and so I mean as soon as I started I was and the I saw Candace's face she's like oh boy but anyway Candace texted me a screenshot of that question and so I I received I told her myself should be asking me how he's going to send the cash yeah no yeah and so I'm like yeah sure and so I sent what did I say so Lonnie sent back how would you get the cash to me and so knowing I was just opening up yeah just to see what he said opening up a can here so here's his response yeah this is awesome I am a very honest man I would get you the amount on a money order you cash it and send the item if I get screwed which I don't believe will happen we can do a lot of business together I'm more interested in the restoration of the items so I can sell it for a nice profit I'm also willing to give you 20 of the net profit so he wants to send us his money order and us send him the item he's going to restore it and then whatever he sells for he's gonna give us 20 well first first off though he wants 33 off the Buy price yeah that too so wait there's more I had back surgery in February and I'm still hurting yet you're refurbishing heavy that thing weighs about 20 pounds I really can't get around to all the estate sales Etc he's making another proposition for us you find the item flip it to me where you can make a profit then I restore it then you get your cut on the back end yeah we get front end and back in right it's worth the shop I think you meant to say shots right yeah I think so there are a lot of scammers out there there are a lot of scammers out there and I am not one of them so so far he's he's so far we know he's not he's no we know he's honest and we know he's not a scammer because he said so I'll give you my name address Etc I'm just trying to make some money to get by I'm sure you are my wife is an attorney so if I did something wrong they will investigate her I really think we can make some money thanks man okay so there's some there's a few holes there so first of all his wife is an attorney and I mean typically attorneys make decent money right I'm not always just trying to make ends meet by restoring auntie record players I don't know I honestly Candace this one it's got like okay let me preface I I would never do anything like this I have no I even if it was legit I wouldn't want to do it so let me tell you all the scams of money orders we I saw this very frequently working at the bank everybody thinks money orders are always good because they're money orders no there are a ton of counterfeit money and orders out there they're easy to counterfeit so the scam is he sends us this we deposit it into our account or we cash it we send him the item because people think money orders are like cash and it's not it's like a check so we sent him the item and then a couple days later that money order gets rejected by our bank and we're out the money and item so that's how that scam works so let me ask you this since you know uh so if I bring a money order to the bank they can't tell me on the spot if it's good or not no unless the only time you could tell on the Spotify money order is good or not or one of the times anyways I know postal money order because I've actually done this before this has been a lot like believe it or not y'all back in the day we used to actually accept money orders and it I want to say the last time I took one was maybe like five years ago a lady said she oh I remember it was funny she said um I live in Mississippi and don't have PayPal as if living in Mississippi means you can't have PayPal and I was like can I pay with a money order and I was like yeah sure so she mailed the money order sure enough got it it was a postal money order and uh before I was actually not getting postal my packages picked up at that point I was dropping them off so I packed our order up and everything and before I handed it over the counter before I did that I was in line I handed my money order to the clerk and they gave me cash once I got the cash package went over the counter that now so postal money orders the only ones that you know of that you could do that with you well you can get money orders from all kind of places like Western Union and if you take it there they should be able to tell you if it's real or not but just taking it to your bank it's just like cashing it's like a Check Yes they might update your balance at the time they may give you it depends on some banks give good faith and they go ahead and credit you but that check can still come back that money order and if it does they're gonna take that money out of your account yep now speaking of money orders I was actually in the post office a couple of months ago applying for a passport and a guy came in there with a fake postal money order um they they told him sorry we can't cash this this has been cash before so either he he either had a fake one or he had done like mobile deposit through his phone and was trying to cash it again right but the system flagged it hey this is no good so that's true you could deposit a postal can you deposit a postal money order in your like on Capital One can you deposit a postal money order using that app like we do checks oh so a money order in hand doesn't mean anything necessarily no I mean you uh make sure it's good you know okay yeah so yeah that's that's the scam of money orders P they know that oh it's a big misconception that money orders as good as cash right okay okay I mean cash yours checks too we've seen fakes of those yeah so what do you think about what do y'all think about that message there I I'm still like I'm like 90 I'm about 97 it's a scam oh yeah where are you at I'm 100 you're 100. okay I'm 97. just because I still have some dude's wife is a lawyer and he has to send a money order to buy something to a stranger right right okay yeah I know here's the problem scammers usually out themselves because they give too much detail yeah but this guy this is like this is creative stuff though I know but this is Art this guy's an artist he gave two like this guy nice work buddy yeah nice work and if you know what if it's legit then whatever so we missed a golden opportunity all right we're actually cutting out of here a little early but not for not for fun um well it will be fun yeah but I think it'll be fun it'll be it's business related though is what I mean not not just like not a personal reasons right not pleasure it'll be pleasurable pleasure is such a naughty sounding word we're not going to buy Chick-fil-A I know it's like they hand you a yeah they hand you you a drink a Chick-fil-A it was my pleasure now you say I say thank you they don't say it like this I say thank you and it was my pleasure they don't say [Laughter] like man it handed me a freaking lemonade is really that pleasurable for you where do they hire these people whether she's helping you to not be thirsty oh can I work up there it was my pleasure ma'am laughs oh my God that would be so creepy it's my pleasure my pleasure all right I'm picturing the tatted up ex-con just got out the Clank gets a job and and he's and he's telling telling people how pleasurable it was to serve them don't you think that's such a weird thing for those people to say it and let me tell you when we first got our Chick-fil-A here in town best thing so she had us saying it at the bank wait wait wait you were telling people it pleasured you to help oh my God yes yep I'm sorry maybe maybe pleasure means a little different to me than it does when I'm getting really not going to a workout tell her when I'm being okay if if I tell y'all I'm being pleasured right now I'm busy laughs okay okay all right I have to be on my best behavior I did maybe convince Candace not to let me not cut that out but we'll find out okay all right we picked out a viewer question to close this thing out all right it's from Jim drops do you guys still set listing goals do You observe any variance in sales if you skip a few days a week definitely um to which one both well do we do we actually set listings we have a goal in our head we don't like oh my gosh I didn't meet my number for this day so tomorrow I gotta do double yeah but we do have a number in our head that would be we like to try to have possible um typically it's a it's a dollar amount and not a item amount I kind of feel like I kind of feel like between the two of us because I you know I'm doing packing Candace is doing cross listing we have other stuff we do besides just list but between the two of us and of course we do videos too like right now but between the two of us I feel like we we kind of want to get five six hundred a day yeah to make it feel like a decent day and a lot of days will get way more than that and a lot of days we get a lot less like if Like Mondays when we have a lot of packages right now you know and Fridays when we go to garage sales in the morning true so um yeah so we Loosely have a goal but it's not like you know what the main thing for us is not having that gold and the the reason we don't have that goal now is because we used to do a goal like that we used to have a goal like that and it worked for a while because we had a ton of inventory in here and and like we were just Candace is fairly new we had a ton of unlisted and and we had it yeah it but after a while it became apparent that the the goal that we set we would come in here every day and work just like we do now and Candace and I both have good work ethics so we're not we're very rarely are we just lazy you know but yeah everyone's everyone so good day everybody does right I've had a few the past month but mostly we come in here we know what we're doing we we work we're not slacking right and I felt like the goal especially with the other stuff we have going on making buys garage sales YouTube it felt like it was putting like this weird pressure on the whole situation and so we just stopped doing it and now we still track of course that for us that is kind of yes it's good to see what you're doing right there in front of you right yeah yeah yeah and the other person can see what we're doing too and we've talked about accountability before it helps that that there's two of us in here in here because it kind of motivates the other one to keep working we're both we're both accountable to the business and each other and each other yes and so that makes a big difference and I could tell y'all I probably work I use before Candice worked with me I worked hard but I would work longer I would work longer hours with much more goofing off yeah yeah and now I work shorter hours with less goofing off I still I still probably used to work a little harder overall but yeah and we've talked about this also in the past not everybody has someone that they work with so um get out there and network fun try to find your reselling buddy to kind of y'all can motivate each other give each other challenges hey I challenge you to list 10 items today 200 whatever it will be you know that that's a good motivator there if you don't have someone else working with you've got to have peers yeah you've got to have peers a lot it really does yeah but yeah there's just just keeping the spreadsheet and keeping track of what we do that's that's all the motivation we need now as far as the variance and sales if you skip a few days a week um big time if if a few days or less nothing but nutcrackers um yeah or nothing but dog stuff yeah you do see a significant decrease in sales because every day our sales are typically going to be like there's going to be a large percentage of stuff that just got listed like today when we pulled orders earlier um you saw the reels yep so if those reels don't get listed they don't get sold then what does the bench look like then right you know what I mean and that that's not just you today that's a lot of days it's like that it's like yeah we have you know over we have like almost 2 000 items in here but it's that fresh inventory that gets the right because the main turnaround or or half of it or a 30 of our sales are going to be the fresh inventory and the other 70 is going to come from the older so if we're not listing every day we're gonna miss out on that 30 right and those I'm just making those numbers up off the top of my head your results May Vary or your mileage may vary but uh yeah good question though um if you're new to reselling or if you're uh maybe you're not very self-motivated maybe figuring out some kind of goal to hit uh is necessary for you at the moment we don't feel like it is for us because we have each other yeah Yeah Siri I'll tell you that so uh but yeah we do have just this little little teaser here for y'all uh we are about to go make a buy that's what we were joking like that's how the whole pleasure thing started uh we we are uh cutting out of here to go make a buy from guy he's got some stuff so tune into the next video find out what that is we will see y'all again very soon thanks for watching y'all bye-bye bye
Channel: Shed Flips
Views: 12,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best items to sell on ebay, ebay, ebay business, ebay business model, ebay items that sell, ebay sales tips, ebay selling tips and tricks, how to make money on ebay, how to sell on ebay, how to sell online, making money online, selling on ebay, selling on ebay for beginners, selling on ebay tips, what sells on ebay, what sold on ebay, what to sell on ebay, sell on ebay 2022, best things to sell on ebay 2022, storage wars, storage auction, funny face pillows
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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