eBay is taking advantage of you...TIME TO STOP IT

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good morning everybody Welcome to daily refinement morning Mastermind call we do this Monday through Friday um and on Wednesdays we do it live on YouTube the other days we do a privately inside of our patreon group today's topic is that eBay is taking advantage of you because you are not doing your best um the trend for me lately has been eBay hides about 10 to 40 percent of listings so when you look for something it doesn't show all the listings it's actually more dramatic for new items so pre-owned items there's not as many so it's not as likely that eBay is going to hide it but if you are not doing the best you possibly can your listings might not show up and if they don't show up you don't get paid and some people are even starting a strike to try to get their final insertion fees back because they're paying and they're not even getting traffic so I think there are better things you can do to get 10 cents back like just why don't you just make your listings good that would be way easier than creating a petition to get your 10 cents back they don't hide the good listings they just hide the ones that are not optimized so I'm going to start with you Christine sorry to pick on you so early but what could you do to do better what is the best version of Christine and have we seen her yet no you have not seen me yet um as for what I could do better yeah slowing down okay because when I'm when I'm going too fast that's when I make mistakes okay I miss things in my optimization of my of my uh listings okay so this is great because I consider um a beginner or average reseller to do between zero and five a day and I consider an expert reseller 10 a day twenty dollars profit expert anything above that you're killing it but 10 a day for twenty dollars profit if you want to make way more you know how right and you're optimized so you know what to buy because twenty dollars profit is not random you have to purposely do that right so what's wrong with doing zero to five slowly until you figure it out well um I'm con I'm almost at Nirvana um I've been there and I've kind of you know gone back what's your question was what's stopping me no what could you do better slowing down makes you pay more attention I'm not in my listings I'm saying um not in the number of listings that I do slowing down in the actual uh typing of the listing not the photos not to put away all that other stuff is great it's about when I'm listing making sure that my pictures are are good in the in the actual listing making sure that all of my um item specifics are spelled correctly that my sizing is correct all of that stuff you know Tech has shown us where he just kind of goes he goes through it so quickly for me I thought that's where I need to slow down because that is what is stopping eBay or pushing eBay to to make my listing go back if it does not so good so let me give you an example Christine well you were talking about when Tech goes and he's done right yeah so let me give you the explanation of that so there is um about I don't know 75 things on a listing right there are like 12 words in the title there's 10 pictures there's the item condition description all the item specifics pricing all that right when you do his method of listing there's only around 13 things or 14 things that he is adjusting before he hits the list button right so is only 10 or 13 things that he's checking when you are don't know you're checking 75 things okay so it's going to take way longer because you gotta go through it and then when you're just starting you don't know what any of these 75 things mean so it's taking you a lot longer I'm going to give you guys an example yesterday I released a video and the sell through rate was very confusing and let me explain to you guys why the brand is called good American it's a brand that is made popularized by the Kardashians in the listings about a third of them are American Eagle Okay the reason is because people do American Eagle good condition because there's millions of American Eagle listings because that's a very common brand who here has not heard of American Eagle it's huge right so eBay is guessing that the brand is good American especially if they say good American Eagle jeans right good American Eagle jeans sounds like good American genes to the algorithm they don't know right so that means on the item specific under brand eBay guest good American and they didn't double check right so when you go to the listings it's very confusing because good American the brand has a cell through rate in the good sizes over a hundred percent but you wouldn't know by the eBay listings there's so many American Eagle genes in there that don't sell that you have no idea so you have to what you just said Christina slowing down looking at every single item specific that is the definition of the best you remember when I gave you guys that list of values that was like honesty Integrity attention to detail on time and there was like a list of 70 things and I gave it to Tech and he's like yeah I have all of those right I know every single one of those words means and I've thought about it and how to it integrates into my life so for normal humans it says he's a normal human too but uh it's they say try to pick 10 of these things to work on so when you're just starting you don't have all 75 of those things memorized so you start with at least a good title then a good photo so my guess and I could be wrong is when you get a certain number of those things wrong Ebay hydrol listing that's right yeah and you know a lot of times it's sorry about that a lot of times it's in the actual listing because I do the cell similar it's instead of a 36 it's actually a size 34 and I don't catch it because I'm going I'm trying to go fast that's why I need to slow down I think I see 34 and it's actually a it's actually noted as a 36 in the item description that's what I need to slow down it because that's what when I go back to check listings on why hasn't this thing sold I know it's a good item I know it's priced well and then I look at the item specifics and I I didn't change or I switched a number you know so that's that's that's yeah I did see that video that you made and I completely agree it really it made me I didn't um I didn't realize that that number was down there that you could actually see how many there actually are so thank you for that those are very interesting um video I'm hoping Michelle can talk to me this morning I know she's here but I don't know if she can talk but I wanted to ask her to clarify something about sizing what if she has a chance um let's go with Brian Brian good morning oh Colin Michelle after Ryan what what could you do to be your best and have I seen the best version of Brian and who is that guy who is the best guy the best Brian good morning wow um sorry I just logged in that's a big question so yeah the the topic today was just how can we be our best and has the world even seen your best well that that part's easy that's a no I definitely have not have not done my best um matter of fact I I've regressed so what's what's regress and what could be better uh I I think the reason for the regress ourselves all of it yeah and I think behind that it probably comes down to one word is you know consistency and killing momentum because when you when you make changes you kill momentum and I've done that too many times over the past couple years so we're about to pass the past month uh my theme is back to back to what was working when I was doing my best so so that's what I'm trying to do now what is that what what is what's working at my best it was vlogging closing well for me volume I mean I know that's a relative term but like when I when I looked up it all started because last month was my worst month on eBay since I've been full-time and like um I'm struggling to be honest and you know I'm having to to do gigs in the evening to make to make it work or I'm not gonna be able to sell full-time anymore so that that led me to looking at my um looking at my sales data on eBay and in August of 2021 I had my best month and then I looked at what I was doing during that month and it was you know 50 pieces of clothing per day um and I I I drifted from that so that's what I'm that's what I'm back to now thank you Brian well I think consistency and volume definitely normally works so Michelle I have a question for you um I just want to make sure I was answering the question correctly the okay I have let's say first say for an example brand new pair of Lululemon jeans or or pants on it on it on the jeans it says 34 um by 32. that's the size so normally when I do a listing I would put 34 30 32 on the size on the measurements are smaller for Lululemon they fit small so the measurement is maybe only 16 and a half across on on the waist measurement so for the measurement I would put 16.5 but the size I would put 34 because that's on the tag but it really fits like a 33. correct so what so I just so the size goes in the tile because okay just like you know that little lemon fits small so does every other guy that wears a little lemon yeah so they're gonna be looking for the size that they know the fits yeah so you want to put the real size in the title and the real side or the tag side sorry the tag size and the title the tag size and the size and then an item specifics where it says waste and inseam you want to put the actual measurements Okay so sorry hold on one second the copy machine um okay so now women's is the same way never change the like don't assume like on a women's pair of jeans that the sizing is from because it's not okay so let's here's the next part let's say I was a Savage over winter season I gained a lot of weight right and I wore these pants every day so now even though it's still 34 by 32 they have stretched okay so now the waist measurement let's say instead of um instead of 16 and a half it's now 18. right now what about sorry so now for a normal the previous version of me this wouldn't fit anymore because it's now stretched out so do I put it in the title the new stretched out size or how do I don't do this for women's but for men's if it's like way stretched out or they're like a pair of jeans in our hands yeah like alternates in some ways so they're much much shorter than the tagged um so sometimes you'll get a pair of jeans that like say that they're 34 32s and they actually measure out like 34.29 yep so you know they're measure they're shrunk a lot um I'll I'll put the actual all chain I'll change it and this is just for men's number ones I'll change it in the title if it's over like an inch and a half or two inches difference it's usually the Hem size that gets messed up um so I'll change it to make it like it'll say them 34.29 and the title I see and third there's still 34s in the in the size and then I'll put 34.29 and then in the description I'll say professionally hemmed or um item says you know it's tag this but it measures like this okay so I just want to put that in the description as kind of like almost like a flaw but it's not really a flop got it so I just want to clarify maybe maybe this is an easier way to not get it confused can I say that in the required item specific I put what is on the tag nine times out of ten yes okay and then in the because when when people say item specific the item specific also includes the requirements yeah yeah okay the required there's one section that says size yeah so that's where you put like just the waist size yeah on mandatory um and then there's Down Below in the um recommended item specifics there's a waste and uh inseam and I talked to eBay about this so this isn't just me talking um you put the actual measurements okay that way the person that like actually measures those measurements like they can go in and measure their pants yeah and they can compare it to them they can do left hand navigation and pick the measurements that are on their regular pants and figure out what size they need to be okay um Michelle sorry to put you on the spot this morning thank you for that answer um what is the what is a perfect Michelle Day in the Life what would be the best version of your day as a restart look like can you tell my work done what does that look like you wake up and okay so getting up early getting up on time not doing like the the reseller snooze button where it's like oh just one more hour mom um so like getting up when I want to get up um having my uh kitchen optimized so like my coffee's kind of Brewing away and everything is kind of worked in the way it's supposed to be working so I can grab and go fast having my um office set up for success in the morning so like everything is cleaned from the night before I've done my like reset um so I'm not like scrambling around trying to find enough laundry so I are you know trying to do a load of laundry so I can take my photos I want to have that already stacked up and ready to go like I want to have my photography like ready um and then I will I do my shipment and my customer service um and then I go straight into my photography I can knock that out before like nine nine o'clock in the morning and everything is if I can get my photography done by nine I am golden wait how come it's now in the morning because it just works better oh my God are you serious I know I'm turning into tech oh my I believe in saying that for so long okay I know okay so if you guys don't know Michelle used to take her photos in the afternoon and we were I was like shut up man why okay all right so then what you're done with your photos by nine if I can do if I can get my photos locked out by nine then I'm golden and then I can do my listing while I listen to calls in the background um do my listing real quick and then ideally I like to be done by like one or two o'clock in the afternoon um other than having the laundry going for the next day because remember I'm going to reset to zero so I want to have my stuff done by one o'clock two o'clock um I'm still working on laundry to get it stacked up for the next day and then I am usually doing some kind of project out in the garage because I'm trying to redesign the garage to add some more space and so I'm building rocks out there moving stuff around so let me back up for a second there's no more adjusting you're done so in a perfect Michelle day how many listings are photographed by 9am between both 50 okay so 50 listings by nine and then when do you start listing those as soon as I'm done and then when I'm using a camera too Chris like it's crazy it's crazy town over here yeah like turn them into Tech I know well Tech doesn't do any adjusting I'm not either I'm saying that what I'm saying is I I feel you because what I normally do is I get all my work done and I go in and try to optimize my space but the thing is like what if it's already optimized and you don't have to do that anymore right online have a social life oh my goodness you would have a social life with your kids I know I hear you um so we might be able to go to lunch with my son during the week that would be insane so let's say you hit your 50 by nine and then when are you done listing the 50. um I tried it in my idea I'd be done by two o'clock if I'm not lollygagging around and that includes shipping so when did when does your shipping happen as soon as I get up okay so wake up shipping then photographs before nine yeah okay so then what your really early I'm really good about I'm pretty good about getting up early I like to get up at 4 30 and then I'm out of like I I don't leave my room and my bedroom until I'm like dressed I'm like I don't go back up there why would it take until two though because I am who I am but we're not talking about this version of you we're talking about the best version of you wouldn't you be done by me I don't want the current machine this is not an Easy Tax Service yeah I give myself a little bit of buffer to be human does your son want to have lunch with you at two that's a late lunch I'm already yeah he's a molar now so okay I'm fine with you being done it too I just think that's an odd time for lunch not for me but well I think done for two it's like how do you eat I I eat it's like afternoon tea oh it's okay two o'clock is better than what's the current version I still leave it too okay I'm done yet but usually I'm not um honestly like people know because they see me well and then I I have to sort through you know I'm still sorting I'm still doing laundry in the afternoon usually so I mean I'm I'm always kind of a little bit working um and even in the ideal version of me I don't think I could do 50 by myself because I'm by myself so I still have to do all of the laundry and do all the sorting and do all the shipping I do all the things so I think um with at least the the current version of my stamina and things that I can do um two o'clock with a little bit of stuff going on in the in the afternoon would be ideal for me I'm gonna have everyone in the chat maybe comment when you when would the best version of you be done so maybe the best version of Michelle by noon she's done and from I'm sorry she's done with her listing and maybe from 12 to 2. she's resetting the zero everything being put back I could have everything done by two that would be the ideal version like and that's what I'm talking about I know I could be I could be totally cool with that I want to have the best version call can we have a best version call next week everybody everybody get it together next week I want a best version call best version of you I I do like how you style that conversation and I've noticed so I've been researching um the clothing clothing fabric thing that we have in a group yeah I started from doing that and really noticing that Michelle talks a certain way for a certain reason because I didn't know before like how she plays The Words the words she's using and right now she was talking about fines you can find me on Instagram under bold fines my eBay stores bold fines and my YouTube channels bold fines uh well okay and uh you said the best version you she said I do and I wasn't sure until you said it after the best version of you all together so I tend to think of them as kind of different like kind of Michelle is the ideal is like the always one I'm chasing and the best version of me is the best that I've done really so far um so like I feel like I've I've I've touched the best version of me a couple of times but keeping the consistency of staying up there to me seems the issue So like um you asked Brian and Michelle um the best versions of something I would like to know the best versions that they've actually achieved and like me and Brian was talking about the other day like he's getting back through that through certain habits and building that too so um you think it's the habits that you might have dropped off that's probably from the best version because that's what it always seems like for me like even if it's one or two habits and at least a chain two falling off or um do you think it's something else that might be Jonah offer some I want to offer some guidance here okay I think that everyone here first off they don't even know what the best version is so you guys need to come up with the best version for yourself what is that what are the rules that are the best version for you is it same day shipping is it listings done by noon is it all your reset the zero is done in an hour is it your sourcing route is you get the best items and the 10 stores you go to what is your best version people are just doing what they can I don't this you guys pay money to be here I don't want to do what you can you can do what you can without this call let's try to do like the best you can do the best you can do is the best you can do to set up some rules I'm not saying max out every minute I'm saying whatever you decide is your reseller life let's do that so if you want to do you want to make a thousand dollars in the week and you want to work 40 hours or less that's the best version of you we're not saying the best like wake up and immediately start working there's no hardcore version of this we're talking about just like peacefully finishing your work but what is your work um Autumn you have a question or feedback both um so I want you to help me with the calculator because I'm selling Nirvana close so I'm the best version of me is 12 a day and it ha she has her work done by like two everything process everything and so I have 550 items in my store I'm trying to get to a thousand because I have the space for it I do closing shoes and my price for item is about 33.57 so I wanna I I had an opportunity to quit my consulting job or let go of my clients like pass them over to somebody that I felt could take them on so I'm ready to go back full time which means I'm already giving like a full-time hours I just need a full-time living so I may I sell about 3 300 a month and that's gone on for like four months and the best version of me sells six thousand a month so doubles that so I'm listing I just started with 10 a day in the last two weeks so two weeks of 10 a day smashing it do I go to 12 and then like because I have a 20 draft bank at least so can you help me with that calculator that my husband was wondering like well how long is it going to take you to get to your goals let's do it okay yeah I'm ready so how much money do you want to make I want to sell 1500 a week okay and then of the six thousand how much is profit four okay so how much does that have to spend at least my cost per item is about three because I haven't been going to the store I go to the bins only for months so it's actually three dollars an item so okay what is your um you could put five though let's go back to five because that's actually the average of like mostly when I do shopping and then you try to make 20 bucks an item or more well if there's 33 if we're doing you know yeah is it 30 not including shipping no okay so we're right here 335 including shipping right now 33.55 including shipping yeah okay so all right now so you would have to increase the profit per item if you want to make four thousand on six thousand okay um anyway this is fine so what is the um sorry go ahead what would I have to increase the profit to 35 you'd have to sell it for 31 plus shipping if you if you get five if you pay five if you're paying three you only need to sell for 28 plus shipping let's go there because I've been taking a lot of offers okay so um I'm just gonna put five okay so you're gonna have to buy so because five is nice it gives you a budget to buy some nice items okay so um how long do your things take to sell three months or less a certainly I have long tail items but um most of them I'm trying to do the 90-day sell-through rate model where I comp every item I try to comp every item okay and then what this money which is around four thousand a month are you gonna quit your consulting job or what is are you gonna add the 4 000 your consulting job or what are you gonna do I'm my husband is going to supplement our you know he's gonna help me until I get there which is why he's asking me to find out how long it's going to take because he'll pay them my profit for the mortgage or he'll help me a little bit which is really sweet he's kind of never offered he's HVAC so he has a really good job okay so um what is so according to this you need um 600 items in your store how many items you have in your store 580 548 548 okay and it says here you have seven sales a day in the perfect scenario how many sales do you have a day right now okay so right now your time frame you're actually selling items in six months rate is 14 like if you don't if you're 14 you're you're like almost seven months but six months is fine let's go with six months six months you need to get the 1200 items in your store and I think for clothing this is more realistic so you buy items that sell in three months or less and if they for some reason don't you're still covered okay so um this is listing seven a day every day or seven a day seven a day I'm listing 10. okay so that means your items are selling slower than you think but I just started in the last three weeks trying to go like 10 every single day does that not matter you got to do it for at least six months okay so this is gonna be this is how long you have to be consistent got it this part um like if you want this to be a reality where you're making four thousand a month or before tax yeah like this will give you enough like maybe you got to be clear on what you want to do though do you do you want your husband to pay half of your mortgage or do you do you I want to be in the hundred thousand dollar call I want to go back to where I was before it's very very important to be clear on what you want I am if you want to like if you're like I want to contribute x amount to my family then we can work on that and figure it out but my goals are Financial to myself and then I can contribute again to you know like I have to I want to be able to make my I want to be able to buy another property that's what I want I want a cabin really bad I've always wanted one and so I'm I want to set I'm going to pay off my dad and save to buy a property okay so this is great because if you want a cabin if you want a house if you want a BMW whatever you want right all that just turns into is just number of listings per day times the number of months it takes for your cell to sell through so everybody listening right now most people underestimate how long it takes their items to sell Autumn was saying three months or less but she's really seven months for all of her items to sell through so that means she needs about 250 percent bigger of a store than she thinks so as an example right if you really had a three-month Celsius rate right and you really have a cost of goods of three dollars right then you only need a 600 item store to make four thousand dollars a month profit with seven sales a day but you're not at seven sales a day and you're not making four thousand profit yet which means this is the number that's wrong okay this is the number that people get wrong they don't know how long things take to sell so with clothing with tech he uses six months yes he does but he doesn't purposely do that he wants his items to sell every today it just takes six months yeah he said he was willing to do three but six is okay so I have to hone in on um cell three rate better I have to get my items I have to buy only fast sell through rate items like where would you say I need to put my focus is that what I would need to put my focus on considering I can do 10 a day I have the space for a thousand I'm pretty set up I go to the you know I have everything around me I can do 80 a week 70 to 80 a week pretty easily with a draft Bank what are you okay can we can we walk through one of your days yeah so I get up pack ship um drafts are launching between eight and nine I launched 10 drafts that are already ready to go so I don't have to sit there and list at that time and then I do um prep photographs take a break for lunch okay I go out take my packages I stop at the Goodwill so I Source a little bit I pick up about five items come back and then I list whatever I've already draft then I draft 10 more items 10 to 12 depending on where I feel like I need drafts at so then I'm done by three and I dance I have dance class at night a couple nights a week you're living the dream okay so what when where's your job I thought you said you got a job it's from 1 to 1 30 to 4 30 but I'm kind of been moving my clients over because my partner is wanting to take them on this is very unusual usually she doesn't she's not open for clients but she'll take my 15 clients and then I can start to transition because that's when I don't have to do my consulting job when I do my consulting job I have to do everything before noon take a break do all my errands on my break and then go right back to work from 1 30 to 4 30 and then I barely have time to go to my dance class because I've been dancing for a few years you know I um in my adult life I never danced as a young girl but I you know it's like my hobbies and I don't have any kids so yeah sort of living the dream I want to be able to not do this consulting job I have to sit down and stop doing what I'm doing and go to something else how many hours is it 20 a week so it's like I can about 30 an hour but I pay my own taxes out of that so it's basically just like eBay everything you have to pay taxes exactly so I pay taxes on that 30 I'm saying that's gross you know what I mean that's not what I make like I'm My Own um sole proprietor so according to this you make 25 2 500 a month pre-tax roughly on your Consulting gig does that sound right yes so to replace that is only four listings a day but for for you to sell for listings you need um let's see 800 listings so here's just this so if you just keep doing what you're doing because you you know what you're doing pretty much it was eight if your store was 800 listings you could replace your consulting job but not but that would be less money than you're currently making now because right now you have your Consulting gig plus a side hustle okay so to replace your side hustle I'm sorry to make the same as you're making now you'd have to have around 1 000 to 1200 listings yes right and if you want to get rich or have money to invest you got to have like three four thousand lists because like a couple Grand doesn't do anything you gotta make like five grand a month extra yeah like if you really want to start like kicking ass and getting a cabin and like living your best life you need more money it's not like uh you can that's all so and that's not crazy that's like like as an example Sarah put that her best version of 20 a day 20 a day there's like extremely rare that's like the best of the best sell 20 a day times 20 profit 28 times 20 profit is 100k a year that's very very few people make 100K a year reselling like I I think I know all of them Nina even said in a shoe call she went down from 20 to 13 because it was a little too much it was like a little she's an expert yeah and she's an expert she went from 20 to 13. see if you're a beginner your goal should be zero to five okay thank you Chris I appreciate that yeah you're not a beginner though but for you if your husband if your husband wants to jump in and help you get to that goal I would say the goal is because I don't can everybody here do something for me can you set your goal not exactly what you need and way higher because like seven a day for a full-time reseller of your caliber Autumn is a joke I know I need to be doing something but I'm doing 10 right you've been doing this for 10 plus years yeah you can do 20 no problem I'm like afraid of 20 though because we'll work out we'll work our way up but 20 is like are you in Colorado yeah okay that's like when I think Colorado I think like oh there's a lot of women that donate Lululemon because they oh there's so much because they don't because they're rich you should do that just go to 20 a day and just falls out I'm saying like eventually that's the life that you're looking for where you can donate lemon without batting an eye but I wanna I need to hire a shipper or someone to process I'm so I want someone to clean and steam I want I don't like that job I want to delegate that as soon as possible or cash yes okay well I I'm just gonna help you guys live your best life I don't care about getting by no I'm sick to be able to make money like you or anyone else because I know you know like you said you know what you're doing so I should be able to make as much as I want I should be able to call this the bank account yeah you can there's no limit thank you for saying that because I need to hear that like I could just go and do it okay there there is a limit though and the limit is your the limit is your skill times how many hours you work I could do 104. I could find 140 weeks easily 105 a week that's the seller That's The Sweet Spot 15 a day yeah so okay I'll just and that calculator that you have that you use that's just in your that's that's like [Music] um let me do this for for you and then we'll move on to the next person um those of you that are trying to get into the Facebook group if you don't answer the questions correctly you'll get Auto rejected so you have to answer the questions um okay the this is [Music] um this is the basics of what you were talking about of making four thousand dollars a month which is around seven listings a day so like Sarah as an example this I would consider a professional reseller and it's only seven a day okay so this is this is fine this is like more than fine you're paying your percentage of the mortgage you're doing you're doing a bunch of stuff now this is only seven a day but look look at this if you let's say you made ten thousand a month right it's only 17 a day it's not some crazy number that you can't do it's just honing in on selfie right it's no no not even honing it on South Airways six months but it's a 3 000 item store um you're not even going but the thing is this is this is cabin money yep if you want like Starbucks money then we can lower hold down but depends on what you want cabin money Brad on the lake yeah okay yeah so if you want that we can just reverse engineer what you need and since you are great at sourcing that's the hard part yeah I'm a die hard Drifter I'm like I was a natural born thrifter used to make t-shirts it's a natural born thrift store now we need them we need to do the artificially created natural I mean artificial listeners what we need to make now no I have news for everybody nobody's a natural listener okay it sucks [Music] there's no such thing as a natural history data entry how natural is data entry it's not um thanks Chris yeah I if you guys just want extra money to buy a Starbucks or to eat out you can just leave the group there's no point in that you can just do that by just list one item we're here to like to build wealth Priscilla and then Debbie and then Sarah Priscilla what's up good morning Chris how are you today um thank you for the calculator I'm gonna try to play with it I appreciate it I love it so much I can't wait to put in my numbers and then follow up on my progress I just wanna you know I updated my photo station I no longer have that clunky light and I updated to a lighter background so that's gonna go faster so now on eBay there are tons of apps and I did not see this in the white papers where would I see the apps that people use or suggest or people don't use any apps for eBay thank you have a great day we don't we don't use any apps for eBay it's a waste of time just use the listing form so the things we talk about in the group which are just title photos item specifics pricing that's it you don't don't do any other thing don't use Ai and like all of that doesn't matter just do the stuff that matters which is the good titles good description what you need to do Priscilla is focus a hundred percent on what you think customers want instead of like your photo your photo setup it could be super ugly and no lighting kit and whatever but it's the photos your customers are looking for and you could kill it there's a person in the group that they take their pictures on their bed their bed's not even made and they kill it because it's the right items and the customer that buys that item doesn't care okay if you say that one does that mean that I have to abandon all the bad stuff because I could do that but what what if I just abandoned all the bad stuff that I have now like completely just donate everything that's that's there's nothing wrong with that I give you permission to do that okay all right you got it I'm sourcing tomorrow I'm just dropping off everything I want you to go Source again buy one good item I don't like you don't have to buy stuff that sucks you can leave it there I'm resourcing though sourcing is my least favorite of all tasks seriously I know you gotta be like my what my favorite thing to do is to find things that people want to buy you need to change your attitude okay you got it you hate sourcing your customers are going to hate buying from you this is gonna sound weird but I genuinely like helping people right it's not fake no that's my favorite that's my favorite part and if you've watched me sell something I genuinely like selling things it's like I want I want the customer to be happy I'm not looking to like it's more important to me to look for something that people want I got confused though in the beginning of my journey I thought I could serve more people by by getting more listings up that's the wrong mentality you don't serve more people by putting more listings up you serve more people by doing a better job when you do a better job people spend more they buy more like the example yesterday I was giving Tech was I am trying to get artificial turf put in my yard I want like a little place where my kids can play and I had like 10 people come give a quote one guy came and he had like every single Rock every single grass he gave me he gave me three samples of grass for free he he showed me pictures of all of the different work that he's done he gave me all the references he was here for the same amount of time as the other nine people but he was so prepared I feel bad I feel like I have to hire this guy because he did such a good job and he's he's one of the more expensive ones but I feel like he would do a good job all of that in Tech said last night the effort is free why can't you show up with all the information for somebody so they can make a decision why do you have to show up and be like eyeball it and then give me a number how am I supposed to trust you I don't know a person came and looked at the yard and gave a number without even measuring anything I'm like are you are you God how do you do that how can you know what this is going to cost without walking out there and looking at it yeah that I would I would definitely not hide it but that's the version of going to Goodwill and buying something and going home and writing a title couple pictures a couple items specifics slap a price on the customer doesn't really know anything right so you're going to become a ninja after being in this group and really really serve people like that like trying trying to do the best you can is a huge people can tell through the screen you're trying to do the best you can oh thank you I tried to do it I really want to make this work this is this is my I really want to do the reselling thing I like shipping hyper focused on the customer okay thank you Debbie what's up okay um a couple things uh in the beginning when you were talking about time management someplace on one of the papers by papers I think it was uh it talked about how scheduling and from you do your shipping until I don't remember the exact time until it's done basically and then you uh go sourcing until like two at two pm so when you get all this other stuff then all the all the other stuff in the day yeah I like taking pictures the listing and if you're I'm confused on the timing I guess okay let's do it okay so in the first one is the um calculator right um and like ten thousand dollars a month this is like cabin money real estate money retire early money you gotta make you gotta make six figures it's really important working for yourself is really freaking hard let's try to make some money don't work for yourself and make two grand that's it's not worth it okay here's your sample schedule you wake up do some customer service pick items from your inventory pack ship so you're done by 8 30 in the morning with your shipping photograph takes an hour then you research and list your items so you're done by 11 30. then you reset the zero so you put stuff back this is the same for anybody under 30 listings a day then go to lunch go to the Post Office it doesn't take an hour but I put an hour in there and then you Source online or in person for four hours this is um a schedule if you Source in the afternoon if you want to Source in the morning you just flip this and you do B first so I put you can swap section A and B if you want to Source in the morning it's the same though nobody that's listening to this call has a different schedule just do this schedule if you don't do this schedule you're making your life a lot harder because we already we already figured it out there's no easier way to do reselling than this schedule so this is scheduled on the on the graph um you mean on the calculator on the calculator that's what I meant so yeah it is so oh okay these times that I have for in here are the same times as on the right side here okay all right the other questions if it if you wait to Source it like all the thrift shops around me close at two or three except for Goodwill which is outrageous they want nine dollars for a plain T-shirt yeah so I stick to everything but Goodwill uh and they all close at two or three o'clock and I would just Source first and then do the other parts Source first thing in the morning yeah see like I would do the same thing I would do customer service and shipping I'd be done by 8 30. your Goodwill does not open before 8 30. right yeah most of the stores I go to don't open till 10. I know so I know that that's why we would be done before they open oh okay and you would go there first and then come home and photograph a list oh okay I have here like if you want to Source in the morning you just switch A and B this is the schedule though this is the same for anybody this is cabin money ten thousand dollars a month is this schedule okay and so if you're Michelle it takes maybe a little bit longer because you're doing more stuff but she doesn't just skip sourcing she does it online so you can if you Source online um I don't even have to leave the house it's different right when I was doing Collectibles I sourced online totally uh but I found myself becoming a Hermit and not wanting to go anywhere I'd rather be rich in a Hermit than or and go out and drive around true that's true um I think that was all my questions thank you I guess I'll have to go on the the chart there and put I put in your time um yeah that's right that's the calculator put it back in the chat um and Seth said that he changed that schedule and it saved him four hours the first day so I changed what up there's time he did it in the order that we recommend okay all right I was doing it out of ordered yeah the first time I tried it I was working 16 hours a day and now I'm working 12 hours a day getting more work done for sure sounds good because right now I'm working until I go to bed let's go Sarah Chris sorry what's 10 000 and what what are you talking about I'm saying that if you start making ten thousand dollars a month pre-tax you can start saving money you could buy rent a profit like 10K profit 10K profit you can start in my opinion you can start living I don't care about this 70 grand you're happy I don't believe that you can't really save money or get ahead you can be happy sure but you can't if you're not getting ahead very fast you got to work 30 years like if all of the the financially independent retire early it's a lot easier when you make 400 000 a year to retire early than it is if you make forty thousand a year it takes ten times longer so everyone here with the skills that we're learning on how to do reselling you can transfer that to everything and then you can start making cabin money you can start making buy a hotel money or you can you can start buying don't have to work anymore yeah that's what I'm talking about all right Sarah but I'm already retired that I'm having to work okay we'll get there gotta start somewhere okay thank you hello what's up oh yes so um I just might make another comment I'm I'm like open wound actually um La I mean I ran fashion business I was like owner and I was designer for 25 years and then I um I I had a children's I moved to you know the suburb and then for eight nine years I didn't really do anything you know I didn't really work I just took care of kids so I'm going back to Fashion so I was going to open a manufacturing business so I two and a half months I met somebody and I said why don't you resell because I like to set to sales I mean do shopping I like shopping so I started to Sunny and then it's very hard it's so harder than I thought and I really humble myself and um I yeah my goal is to get to like 20 A Day sales and you know like around 200 000 a year profit but I guess you say you have to be really professional to do that but I want to get there I don't I don't know how I'm going to get there because I'm determined business person because I was business person before I'm gonna do it and my kids are like now teens and I can focus more you know so I'm the single mother I have to make this happen you know and um yes so let me move it down to my goal to antenna day so how do I get there okay well one step at a time but um so we're all now Robert asked a really good question and I'm going to relate to this Robert asked how many hours a day reselling is the goal in my opinion everyone here needs to be making at least forty dollars an hour okay so forty dollars an hour is the goal you can work however many hours you want to work you can work one hour you can work five hours you can work ten hours 40 hours an hour is is the starting point at that point I consider you proficiently recently how long does that take for most people I think for Sarah you and Priscilla probably two years because you guys lack you lack business basics the business Basics are like understanding why why all of these things are important why is the title important why is the photos important why do item specifics matter how do you rank why is pricing important you guys don't have I can tell you do not have a sales background you have to learn the sales part of it which is what is the customer willing to pay today right there's a lot of that built into building the listing properly but you got to start slowly go through the eBay white papers that you guys have access to learn about why the title and the photos why all of that is important that's the basics and then just have a goal of zero to five listings and then at five listings a day you're making a hundred dollars a day that's a lot five listings a day times twenty dollars profit is thirty six thousand five hundred dollars a year that's a huge amount of money give yourself two years to get the five sales a day and after that you can make any amount of money you want because you know the basics people here are skipping the basics and going straight to I want 20 a day but 20 a day is like running a five minute mile it's really fast you're gonna injure yourself you gotta start slow and learn how to walk first so we got to do the we got to learn the basics of how to sell something which is the title but are you making twenty dollars profit at night in Priscilla yeah I mean Sarah oh I'm not making sure because Priscilla was putting in the chat that she has four cells a day but I still consider her a beginner which is fine it's just that yeah there's no point in setting a goal that's unrealistic let's just start small why can't people have a goal of zero to five why does everybody have to have a huge goal right so I'm doing um am I a profit is like 33 dollars I calculated One A Day right now I don't have big store I have like 270 items I saw 90 so far um so I know I I'm putting High goal and because I'm perfectionist and I like to I used to make a lot of money and I used to manufacturing business I know a lot of our businesses I don't know about this thing I started but not at this level this is the bottom level yeah you can like it's I think a lot of people are they're making like 70 to 100K at a normal job yeah and they come and do this and they expect the skills to transfer over but the skills don't really transfer if you sold lemonade on the corner that would transfer better than your previous your previous job is not related to this well I was in fashion you know I was so I'm not it's not related because fashion is not related to selling stuff online a little bit like you have a little bit of product knowledge yes but product knowledge is only a small part of this but I had a I had a um I had to figure out how to um get sales from the you know the buyers you know like what kind of product they need what kind of price range I was um I mean I was like I figured out everything and then I used to run the company over 100 million dollars but anyway that was passed it's long story and my ex-husband ruins everything so yeah so I I was gonna start up manufacturing again so I started on this one I really like shopping and I want to do like I want to start off with this and then I want to go back to doing manufacturing but my goal is to do 200 000 I think that's enough and then I want to do the other business I have I planned you know like not only manufacturing but related to this I want to do the wholesale then I want to do manufacturing and I yeah I just started like two and a half months I want to go back to this business again and doing this way and then yeah recommendation last week right affects the my titles and my drop the prices a little bit I'm on my 270 listings and one day I got like 10 sales and my push Mark and then eBay about five I'm eBay in a couple you know so I got like 13 sales in one day just by fixing stuff you have to be a little bit more patient once you start understanding the metrics and how it works then you can scale it any size last question is how many items do I have to have in my store in order to get like 10 10 sales a day if you sell the exact same items that you have right now you would need around 700 items in your store to get 10 sales a day so I have to keep listing I have like eight months no you have to you have to keep listing the same quality items you're listing right now to achieve that but um if you start listing items that are worse you'll go backwards and if you start listing items that are better it'll go faster so you have to the quality of your item and the quality of your listing is really important it's not just the number of listings because you could list 10 good items and get 10 sales today me right you don't have to I'm saying the items that you're listing right now take around nine months to sell if you have 270 items in your store and you says you sold 90. that means that your cell three rates about nine months so it takes nine months for your store to sell out completely and that I would consider slow for a beginner because that means you're just listing everything and not specific in the beginning it should look they should look like a hundred listed hundreds sold in the beginning yeah that's that's why I slowed down listing and I'm gonna study more so I'm using your white page I can't even get in right now because I it's some in a technical problem but um yes I I did this last week only like there's about 10 listings and I fixed all the stuff you know all the listings and I'm trying to figure out what items are good I have like about 400 I think three to 400 items here but um I I'm just wondering it's wasting my time and uh I want to know what's the right items you know you know just need to get maybe that should be the goal 100 listed 100 sold like once you do that you can graduate to having a bigger store but if you don't have 100 items listed in 100 sold you don't deserve a bigger store like take your time and learn how eBay works and then grow and people are growing before they learn how it works and it's a disaster you have all these listings that will never sell well I know what's wrong with having a small store where everything sells why do people want a big story only a few things so I don't want that you don't want that either I can tell you yeah that's what I want to do so my point is I want to figure out what's the right item so where do I find that information um from the customer from where from the customer the customer buys it it's the right item oh okay so your customers yeah if it's taking too long that means that you didn't do enough research on the sold part um let's go with let's go with Natalie I think it's somebody else but what's your question [Music] [Music] why wait for him I like um how you said that 100 thing how when you attack was talking before how people kind of change the way they do things because they feel like it's unlimited and if you're doing a hundred only listings in your head then you're really focusing on the top stuff that you can take and so yeah it's it's the 100 100 and spending your time in the sold listings figuring out what people bought and how much they paid for it and how long it takes that's the best way is your camera ready or let's see hopefully they can chat uh yeah sorry to have it under my uh my wife's name for some reason no worries what's going on what's your question how's it going uh so I've been with you guys or following you guys for quite a while we have like uh thirty three hundred items stored I just kind of want to see where I can optimize we also have two kids under two I know buddy I Source on Monday Wednesday and Friday I go to the bins it lists about 35 a day uh ship in the morning um but we're really like we go to sleep at midnight just because we can't really picture with the kids uh uh listing is also really hard we're kind of with them all the time but maybe I only have like three hours of work to do a day uh but it's like that three hours might take me nine to ten hours and then on top of that we go to Jujitsu like later on in the day but um yeah it's just like that little bit of work figuring out where to do it in the day like sometimes it's in the morning since it's at night uh but it's tough It's like you know listing 35 and shipping 25 to 30 a days uh it's just right and then we can't get ahead but we can't get a bang ever uh so yeah just I know you also have 202 and uh see if you have any advice um so my advice is that you don't have very much time to work on your business sadly because it's so hard to I'm just going to go ahead and say it's not possible to multitask you are when you're with your kids you can't get any work done the work you get done is really low quality the only thing that you can do is wait for them to go to sleep or do it before they wake up or do it during nap time when you can really focus try to find an area in your house that is away from all of it so that you can just work in 20 to two hour increments a couple times a day and do the best you can it's like a I know it's a distraction that's worth it because you your life is so much richer with family but it's like um it's hard for me not to say it's a huge handicap because it takes eight hours of my day or more I can't work on on anything so like not that it's bad because I'm working on my family but it's it's like a tremendous handicap versus people who do not have kids it's not even close how fast you can move with no kids so when you have kids you just gotta slow down you got to make bigger moves you got to be more precise with your time um I you think you have to be more scheduled the reason why you try to get up the call right at seven is so I actually have time with my kids it's just it's really hard I guess my advice is you got to have more structured time it's really really hard to do it with kids and I don't think I don't understand the it's easier to do business with kids because you have a better um understanding of time okay let me back up in the thing that I recommend that's called um fair play everybody needs to go get these or look at it online it's free they go over the six the 40 things you need to do in your house everybody does these pay bills laundry cooking 40 things when you have kids there are 60 more things you have to do so it goes from 60 things you have to do to 100 things you have to do okay so then you and your wife and your partner need to figure out how to do those 60 things or eliminate as many of those as possible so you have time to work otherwise you're screwed because there's so much more to do to take care of a person it's like ridiculously a lot more um what's funny is like we are kind of doing the best that we've ever done like we're selling the most but it's like because we have our backs against the wall and like somebody has a gun to our head yeah maybe that's the key I'm like that too I've never done better
Channel: Daily Refinement
Views: 13,727
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Id: yjBS0ewEwKw
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Length: 67min 53sec (4073 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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